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Southern Spirits: 5th Anniversary Deluxe Box Set

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To celebrate the fifth anniversary of her Southern Ghost Hunter series, Angie Fox has released a special edition called Southern Spirits: 5th Anniversary Deluxe Box Set, which includes the first three books in the series: Southern Spirits, A Ghostly Gift, and The Skeleton in the Closet.
But the icing on the cake is all the additional content, like deleted scenes, original art, an inside look at the characters, and a behind-the-scenes peek at how the series came together.
The series itself is very enjoyable, fun and easy to read, although I must confess that sometimes it drives me crazy how easily Verity, the protagonist, allows herself to be manipulated. My favorite character? Lucy, without a doubt!
I thank the authors and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this book.
The opinion I have expressed above is based solely on what I think and feel about this book.

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A fun easy read. Really enjoyed the mobster ghost and the main character and sheriffs reluctant friendship. It's a light hearted, funny, cozy mystery and can't wait to read more.

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What a cute and fun series! Nothing overly heady, but an enjoyable mystery, ambiance, and read! I'll definitely be continuing on with the series.

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What a great collection. Love the Verity series. With a gangster ghost and a sweet skunk, not to mention her hunky boyfriend (the brother of her ex-fiance), what is not to love? This collection has the first three in the series together in a bundle. Highly recommend! Hard to put these down.

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These were cute and fun fun to read. My favorite was the one set in the library. I thought the books were well written and entertaining.

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This is the perfect gift for someone just beginning the series. All three books are funny and a good escape from everyday stress. Recommended!

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The first book was good. It was able to keep my attention and by the end I wanted to know more. However I started the second one and stumbled through reading it. There were multiple times I just want to put the book down and not continue. By the time I got third book I was barely to keep my attention. The synopsis really had pulled me into reading this series but I fell like it is lacking something.

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Super cute! This is a fast paced cozy, that I throughly enjoyed. Verity sure has a way with people, and ghosts! I have wanted to read this book forever and I’m glad I finally did. Definitely will read the next in the series.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book, which I voluntarily chose to review.

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Southern Spirits: 5th Anniversary Deluxe Box Set by Angie Fox (Southern Spirits 1, 1.5 and 2)

Southern Spirits is the first book in the series, and introduces us to Verity Long, who is in the process of selling everything she has so she can pay back her former future mother-in-law after stood him up at the alter.  She is desperate to try to keep a hold of the family home, and so is willing to do anything to get some money.  When she manages to trap a ghost on her property, who is also eager for her to keep it, he lets her see the ghostly side of things, which can help when people have problems!

A Ghostly Gift is book 1.5, so a novella between books 1 and 2.  Verity is asked by her sister to help a friend out who has a resale shop (like a pawn shop), and so Verity and Frankie, her dead gangster friend, are going to investigate, and maybe get some furniture for the house out of it!

The Skeleton in the Closet has Verity and Frankie investigating a dead body, found in the library, which is a very old building, so there are lots of ghosts as potential witnesses!  There are secrets that someone is willing to kill to keep, and so Verity is going to have to watch her back!

These are an enjoyable cosy fantasy crime series, and as you can tell, I'm always happy to pick up one in the series!  

Southern Spirits: 5th Anniversary Deluxe Box Set by Angie Fox (Southern Spirits 1-3) was published on 17th January 2020, and is available to buy from Amazon.

Angie Fox also has another series of books called Accidental Demon Slayer, which has 11 books in the series! She also has a Facebook page and a reader group.

I've previously read and reviewed:

Pecan Pies and Dead Guys - book 7 in the series.

The Mint Julep Murders - book 8.

The Ghost of Christmas Past - book 8.5

I was given this book for free in return for an unbiased review, so my thanks to NetGalley and to Moose Island Books and Author Collective 20  (the publishers) for this book.

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This is the second series I read of Angie fox. What a fab author. Her creation of characters and storylines are marvellous.
I’m so glad I had more to read than one! I read this over 3 days.

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Fun, light supernatural mystery and romance. Just my kind of book series. This is a good introduction to the series with the first two books and a novella.

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This is a grouping of the first three books in this series. I am officially hooked. Verity finds herself in a bind when she becomes aware of how horrible her fiancée is when he hits on her sister at the rehearsal dinner. She breaks off the engagement. Her ex and his Mother set out to ruin her life. Starting by staging the wedding to look as if she has left him at the alter. Then her once to be mother in law sues for the cost of the wedding. Resulting in Verity selling off all of her families heirlooms. On the eve of listing her family home for sale she accidently binds the spirit of a local mobster to herself and property when she dumps his ashes out of his urn into his rose bushes.
In this first installment, Frankie, the ghost and she become partners in an attempt to save her home and his resting place. They for a spirit removal business. They also work on releasing his spirit so that he is not trapped in one location,( the only way he may now leave the property is if Verity has his urn with her).
Their first client is her ex's brother. He is having issues with a ghost in a property he purchased in the hopes of converting it into a bar/restaurant. He is willing to settle the last of the judgement his Mother was awarded if they can rid her of his problems. The learning curve is steep as they struggle to learn the ins and outs of ghost busting.
In the second story Verity struggles to keep others from finding out she can commune with the dead. This is proving to be difficult when her sister offers her help to the woman who owns the local thrift shop. If Verity can help rid the shop of the spirit haunting the space she will trade her much needed furniture.
Verity and Frank are on the job even though it rankles him that they are not getting paid. They also find time to help and elderly woman along the way. The characters are developing and I am loving the changes and the interactions among them.
In the third story verity is needed to help solve a murder in her sisters library branch. It is related to the display of civil war artifacts. The family of her ex comes on the radar as she and Frankie work the local spirit population in a hope of finding the criminal.
I love the dialog and the set up. It is like I am visiting old friends when I am reading these books. The inclusion of a pet skunk only makes these stories not to miss. I highly recommend these books. I am looking forward to reading the others in the series.

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Southern S[irits 5th Anniversary by Angie Fox

I didn’t realize realize these were short stories. I did not read them all. What I did read was cute and interesting.

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A fun and quirky series perfect for some relaxing reading. I love to read books like this in Autumn for some fun Halloween feels!

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I really enjoyed this introduction to Verity (and her pet skunk!). I read through it rather quickly and am now going to play catch up with the rest of the series! I highly recommend.
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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This is such a fun series with fast paced stories that are fun sleuths and with a great paranormal theme. I enjoyed the novella as well as the three stories included in this 5th anniversary release. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley.
My review opinions are my own.

Verity Long has a terrible ex who is determined with the help of his nefarious Mother to ruin her financially, They are also turning people against her in the town. Amid all this strife in her life Verity accidentally traps a ghost she’s now finding herself with a new ghostly friend . He proves to be helpful she has a mystery to solve and is her new best friend only she can see.

I love this series and enjoyed these charming mysteries with the ghostly theme. I highly recommend this series for your reading enjoyment and this set is a perfect introduction to Verity and her ghostly friend.

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Verity Long is a reluctant professional ghost hunter (with a pet skunk) who is trying to hang on to her ancestral home while finding herself attracted to her ex-fiancé’s brother. Oh, and her sidekick is a long dead gangster named Frankie! Yes, it’s crazy and it’s so much fun! I have read another book from Angie’s Southern Ghost Hunter series - the Christmas one - and I loved it. I’m glad I read this set so I could know the story from the beginning! Hope this series keeps going for a long time!

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Fun series with ghost hunting! Gives you a great start with getting multiple books instead of just the first. Fun and quirky, great for a light paranormal read.

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Verity Long has acquired a new talent. When cleaning out a “vase”, she inadvertently traps a spirit on her property. Her new spirit friend, Frankie, helps Verity see the other side and together they help ghosts and friends alike.

Author Angie Fox weaves together a lighthearted series with loveable characters, including an adorable pet skunk! I can’t wait to read more!

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A lovely box set of delightful cosy tales. Witty, and full of delightful character, this was a fabulous introduction to this authors work. Thoroughly enjoyable.

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