Member Reviews

"Break Your Glass Slippers" by Amanda Lovelace is like a poetic pep talk wrapped in fairy tale wisdom.

This book is filled with empowering verses that hit you right in the feels.

It's a refreshing read that feels you're just talking, which I loved.

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As always, Amanda Lovelace manages to capture the lived experiences of so many and give them the words they may not have themselves to explain how those experiences have affected them. Lovelace is, without a doubt, one of the most impactful and eloquent poets of our time.

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Reading Amanda Lovelace's "Break Your Own Glass Slippers" felt like walking through a lush garden of self-reflection and empowerment. Lovelace's words are beautifully woven together, inviting readers to embrace the vulnerability of shattered expectations and the strength that comes from picking up the pieces.

This collection explores themes of heartbreak, healing, and forging one's own path with poise and grace. Lovelace's poetry is like a comforting conversation with a wise friend, gently reminding us that it's okay not to conform to societal norms.

The use of metaphors and symbolism adds depth to each verse, allowing readers to navigate their own emotional journeys. "Break Your Own Glass Slippers" encourages us to embrace our imperfections, break free from molds society has created for us, and find beauty in our unique selves.

Lovelace's talent for crafting evocative imagery and playing with language makes this collection both delightful and thought-provoking. As someone who got an early look at this book, I was captivated by the subtle exploration of identity and the celebration of inner strength that comes from embracing our true selves.

"Break Your Own Glass Slippers" takes us on a poetic journey through the garden of self-discovery, offering a beautiful bouquet of verses filled with resilience, wisdom, and the enduring beauty found within our own stories.

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This was a great poetry book. I always absolutely enjoy her work and I can't wait to read more in the near future. I highly recommend it.

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I have always loved Amanda Lovelace poetry and this book was not the exception. I loved it. I highly recommend buying it.

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in break your glass slippers, like its sequel down below (and probably the third book as well) someone gives advice to the main character (if you can even have a main character in a poetry collection). Because this collection has notes of Cinderella, it’s the fairy godmother who’s giving advice.

With Cinderella we mostly know what this collection will focus on feeling trapped, not feeling good enough even though you’re doing all that you can. Again, it focuses on self-worth and telling the reader through the fairy godmother – you’re good enough, you’re more than good enough.

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I read this over a year ago, so I don’t remember everything. I do remember feeling captivated and enchanted.

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Really enjoyed (and own!) the Women are Some Kind of Magic collection so I snagged the chance to grab an early copy of Break Your Glass Slippers. Unfortunately, life gets in the way and I was unable to review it early. I actually grabbed a copy of both Break Your Glass Slippers and Shine Your Icy Crown and was able to enjoy the physical copies. I find that I prefer reading them that way.

I appreciate the trigger warnings at the beginning of each collection - especially given the way the content is so honest and emotional. And frankly- relatable.

I tabbed so many pages but two of my favorite are:

“fairy godmother says
you don’t need to look a certain way
to deserve someone’s heart.
no matter your shape—
no matter your size—
be proud of all the space
your body dares to take up.”

“everyone in your life
should be a source of joy:
family, friends, partners—
every single person”

Really loved this whole collection. I like the back and forth between what fairy godmother says but also the innermost thoughts of “Cinderella”. An ode to self love and acceptance. So unbelievably relatable.

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every book of hers is a must read and let it take you on a journey. honest and sassy, the author incorporates magick in her writings.

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This is my first by the author and I loved reading her work. It was an emotional read and I felt connected to it at many places. Highly recommend it to ones who enjoy modern day poetry that talks about love, loss, healing and self love.

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The beginning of an amazing series to follow up to the women are some kind of magic series. Maybe I'm a little biased because I have and plan to continue reading everything that Amanda Lovelace writes; she is the reason that I read poetry at all.

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Beautiful. I will be buying this one for everyone I know. I am new to poetry but now I know that I need it more than I ever thought.

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as always, Amanda Lovelace captures the experiences of her life perfectly into poems. One wonders how she tells her story, yet relates to so many other individual stories, all at once. trigger warnings are included, and necessary, as some traumas are addressed throughout. the way these poems are told help readers to apply them to their own situations, while gaining a better understanding of the author's history. brilliant.

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A fantastic collection of poetry!! I love Amanda Lovelace's poems, they are beautiful and evocative.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

The cover is simple and gets the job done.

I love Amanda Lovelace's work. Her poetry is raw and emotional. I found myself in multiple poems in this book.

I'll definitely be looking out for other work by this author.

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I truly love every single piece of Lovelace's poetry series! This was amazing once again, deep in my heart, touching hurt and holding it vulnerability & strength at once.

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I LOVE EVERYTHING AMANDA LOVELACE HAS WRITTEN! I ended up buying this book because i loved it and needed it for my collection. Her words are so raw and they are felt through the pages. There aren't enough words to describe her talent.

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I honestly love this author. I found so much of the writing to be empowering, honestly, heartbreaking and true. It's hard not to love every page!

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I love this book and the rest of the poetry series all related to feminism and woman-based power. This, along with it's sister books about be a great gift for young girls and women, as well as older women. The message in this book is very feminist in nature and asks females to look for their own power in their lives and not depend upon a male or a fairy tale to make them happy. I love reading this collection of poetry and the uplifting messages within.

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Amanda Lovelace speaks to my soul. Every broken, mending, and mended part of it. From the beginning, with The Princess Saves Herself in this One, I have shed more tears and felt not so alone than I have ever felt before.

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