Member Reviews

I’m not normally a huge fan of poetry, but I thoroughly enjoyed these! Totally spins the traditional fairytales stories we’ve heard all of our lives; timely and relevant. I loved it.

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A poetry book after sooo long feels so good! Gaaah!

After having read and love the WOMEN ARE SOME KIND OF MAGIC series by Lovelace, I was quite excited to pick this one up. And yes, I enjoyed it but, not as much as her previous works. It had its own highs and lows and it had parts I could deeply connect with and other poems that I am sure others would relate to. However, I felt it was quite simple, like some sort of bridge between two books, for example a work tying up her MAGIC series.

I personally think that this is the best first book to pick up, if you are looking to read to experience Lovelace's lyrical poetry.

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Amanda Lovelace did an incredible job with this book for a few reasons. First of all, it really flowed. Sometimes books of poetry can feel random as you flip the page, but with this one, I never felt like the next poem was unexpected or out of place. Second, I feel like any reader would connect with a number of the poems because while they all seemed to go together, they were varied enough that everyone could connect with some of them. Since I read this as an e-book, I actually bookmarked the poems that I related to and it looks like that came to about 22 of the pages. It also wasn't just that I related to those poems - it was more that although I could never personally find the words to write them, if someone told me that Lovelace has used my soul as an inspiration to write a few of them, I would have thought, "oh, that explains it". She just perfectly captured emotions that I have personally felt, which in my limited experience with poetry isn't something I often have felt.

Overall, I loved reading this and I'm hoping to get my hands on a hard copy some day to add to my collection because it's one that I want to read again and recommend to many people.

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This book left me a bit speechless and somewhat breathless. I felt like the author had looked into my life and there it was on paper. It was an eye-opener for me and just the kick in the butt I needed. I will be purchasing this book when it comes out in March and also reading more books by Amanda Lovelace.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC of this book for review.

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TW: child abuse, toxic friendships, toxic romantic relationship, sexual harassment, eating disorders, fat phobia, suicide, trauma

“When they tell me I’ve changed,like it’s some personal act of betrayal on my part, I tell them, “I know. I’ve never been more proud of myself. I went from a single wildflower to a whole fucking meadow” - break your glass slippers

I’ve read every Amanda Lovelace’s poetry collections she has ever brought out and wow she never ceases to amaze me. This poetry collection was just a masterpiece and for me needs to be read by everyone!!!

Every page the poems were just breathtaking and I’ve marked and saved so many of them. I just love the empowerment of Amanda’s collections of self love, being your own self and also never letting anyone try and knock you off your throne or steal your crown you deserve!!!

This poetry collection for me is my favourite from Amanda and I could just read her collections all day, like I need quote from her collections around the house :)

One final thing that I love when delving into Amanda’s poetry is that she always puts the trigger warnings of what’s to come when you delve into the collection.

Just amazing and a 5/5 star read (my first 5 star of the year)

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So I was kind of disappointed with reading this since I enjoyed Lovelace's other works and I do like when poetry collections take inspiration from fairy tales. Other than some specific lines I liked, this collection isn't much different than her others, which is not inherently a bad thing but I was just expected something....more.

I do plan on continuing with the series though.


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I usually love this author this was just didn’t work for me. I was really excited about this but I was disappointed.

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I'll get this out of the way first- the message that Amanda is trying to send through this book is a GREAT one and I can completely understand her words being words you need to hear when you're in a specific place in your life.

That being said, I think a strong, powerful and positive message can still open up a work of art for criticism. I don't know why I keep coming back to Amanda's work when it's always been a hot or miss for me. All I can say is that she's easy to read and sometimes she makes that magic happen with her words. And I think it's beautiful to witness it, even if it's not often. Sadly, this book lacked that magic. A lot.

There's a lot to poetry that isn't just jagged lines filled with words, and I'm slowly learning about it as I grow and read more. And honestly, break your glass slippers lacked what makes sentences poems, in my opinion. The words felt like tumblr/twitter posts. The lack of metaphor when the book itself is based off of one! OOF! I honestly believe the author is capable of something wonderful, but I think she kind of let it go with this book. I'm really disappointed, and I wish there had been more work put into this collection!

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review! All opinions are my own!

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I love Lovelace’s works. I always have and I think I always will. There’s something special about her poetry – she tells a story (her own) in a cohesive way through poetry. Each poem leads to the next, they aren’t isolated nodes.

In this novel, we follow a retelling of Cinderella, except it’s a darker, more empowering version. This resonated with me in so many ways, Lovelace always finds a way to write something that I will relate to in a deep level.

If you’re like me and often don’t find the words to explain how you feel, read this. If you want to read lovely poetry, read this. If you want to read a story about growing to love yourself, read this. Honestly, read it even if the options above don’t apply to you. I know you’ll love it.

Rating: 5 stars – I can’t wait to tell my friends all about this book
(review is scheduled to be posted March 17th)

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After disliking her previous books, I’ve decided to give this author another try, and I wasn’t really surprised that I still didn’t like her poems.
They felt cliched and like tumblr poetry to me. It seemed like the author wanted her work to sound “deep”, but for me, it all felt so forced. I get the message Lovelace was trying to send, but the overall execution was lacking.

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The idea of rewriting famous and problematic fairy tales so they're more empowering and contemporary through feminist lenses is absolutely my cup of tea. Lovelace's poetry collection does just that; the model of Cinderella she builds is an unapologetically self-governed human.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this advanced copy to read and review.

Amanda Lovelace never lets me down and has become my favourite poet since her first book. For some reason, her books speak to me on a level I can completely relate to and gives such great messages. This book is no exception. The way she turned her poems into a story is amazing. Every word I read, felt like it was directed at me and it was what I needed to hear/read right now.

I can't wait for the next installment.

5 Stars!!

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This was a lovely poetry book, about falling in love with yourself and about both healing and growing after getting away from the man you though was your Prince Charming. I loved the way the popular story of Cinderella was integrated into this personal collection of poems! It was a breath of fresh air, compared to some other modern poetry books.

This book had some poems that I loved, but it also had some that I hated. For the most part though, I was just indifferent to them. There is something about this particular style of poetry that simply does not resonate with me. I’m the kind of reader that loves poems with deep, hidden meanings and lyrical language that has the tiniest spark of magic to it. This style feels more like a very calm “telling-you-exactly-what’s-happening” kinda thing. Maybe I just have to come to terms with the fact that this type of modern “pop” poetry just isn’t my cup of tea.

I highly recommend this book to fans of Rupi Kaur or previous books by Amanda Lovelace! It’s a nice collection of poems that speak of important themes and has important messages.

Below, I’ve included one of my favorites from the collection:

☾☼when they tell me that i’ve changed, like it’s some personal act of betrayal on my part, i tell them, “i know. i’ve never been more proud of myself. i went from a single wildflower to a whole fucking meadow.”☼☽

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This poetry collection has a lot of powerful poems inside. Amanda Lovelace told an amazing story about body positivism and self love through poems. I really loved the first part of this book and artworks were really gorgeous as always.

Fairy Godmother says:
you are limitless.
You can have the lipstick.
You can have the sword.

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I read it in one sitting and I liked it so much. This is the kind of book that I insanely need right now. Overall, this book talked about self-love which one thing that I'm currently working at this point. There were some parts of the book that encouraged me a lot to let me love myself. highly recommended!!

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I know a lot of people criticize this type of "Instagram poetry" as being shallow and artistically lazy, while others commend it for being accessible and emotional in a way that more complex poetry often is not. I find myself on the side of those for it. Just as with books, poetry is varied. There's absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying more approachable poetry over the effort that is required for a lot of what is considered traditional poetry, just as there's nothing wrong with preferring YA over Adult books for its ease.

In this way, I thought that break your glass slippers succeeded. It is a feminist manifesto in the same ways that many of these collections are, covering self-love, body positivity, toxic relationships, and insecurity (among many, many more). These topics are treated with short poems that read more like affirmations, but there's power in that. Even if it's something you've heard before, sometimes what you need is to read that one phrase. It was only a seven-line poem, but one of them was really what I needed to read tonight.

Honestly, if this book can provide that in just one of its poems for all of the people who pick it up, it has succeeded fully. I look forward to exploring more of Lovelace's books in the future.

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I love the idea of rewriting fairy tales so they’re more feminist, so the first part of the book with the poems about being a modern day Cinderella was great. The second half of the book felt splintered from the first, and I wish more time had gone into perfecting the first half and leaving the second half for another book. The poet writes simply and beautifully, and I think her words will resonate with a lot of women. However, this collection still felt a little rushed and scattered to me.

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Hmmm...let me start by saying the art included in the book is very beautiful! However, 98% of this doesn't really count as poetry in my book. More so...text posts on Tumblr or Twitter. I wasn't overly impressed. I was expecting more prose-like and actual poetry pages but didn't find that. The messages in the text were fine, encouraging and I agreed with many of them but overall, I wasn't too taken by it.

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Amanda Lovelace does it again with this poetry retelling of Cinderella! This collection of poems is empowering and puts forward ideas and mottos that women need to hear but don't hear often enough! While this poetry collection did still have some triggers to beware of it was so well done! I loved the illustrations as well and can't wait for the rest of the collection to be released!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for providing me an arc for an honest review!

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I’ve read several of Amanda’s poetry books in the past and always enjoyed them but this is by far my favorite. I really connected with these poems and I feel like Amanda’s books keep getting better and better. I’ll always be excited for her releases and I can’t wait to pick up a physical copy of this book to add to my poetry shelf.

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