Member Reviews

Not going to lie, the main character's sister and even the main character got on my nerves a bit, but I did love the hotel cat with his own Instagram account and I am a sucker for books set on the Cornish Coast. I did think the perp of the murder was obvious and had to "yell" at the the MC several times in my head, but I liked it enough to try the second book.

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Fun cozy mystery with more mystery than cozy but it def fits in that subgenre of mystery books. Atmospheric which I like - if you like these type mysteries especially set across the pond, then you'd like this one. Perfect reading for a rainy weekend.

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This is a great start to a new series. Evie Mead's life is about to change when her husband dies of a heart attack. While meeting with their financial advisor, she finds out that they are almost bankrupt, but a note from her deceased husband leads her to believe that she might own a hotel on Tregarrick Rock, one of the Isles of Scilly. She and her sister Margo, head off to look at the hotel and find out if the loan was ever repaid. The man who owns the hotel is not very nice and he initially informs them that he had never met her husband, but when it is revealed that he did, he tells them that the loan was paid back and he has paperwork to prove it. There are a lot of odd things happening at the hotel and a lot of hostility between family members and some employees, that Evie is sure there is something going on. When bodies begin to pile up, there is definitely a mystery that needs to be sorted. What is happening at the Tregarrick Hotel? Are Evie or Margot suspects? Can they find the culprit before someone else ends up dead?

This was a bit of a closed door mystery. The island is pretty much cut off from everywhere else with the fog and tides. You need to take a sea tractor to get to the resort. There was a bit of creepy vibe with a stalker, angry characters, an old woman, a man who talks to animals, fog and an old rundown hotel. I really liked the mystery. I had figured out some of what was going on, but not all of it, so the reveal at the end was great. There were several red herrings throughout that threw me off the scent for a bit, and they were very well integrated into the story. There is some danger for Evie as well and she gets help from an unexpected source. I liked Evie's character. She was a bit naive, but didn't deserve what happened to her. I was not crazy about Margo, she was bossy, loud, demanding and a bit obnoxious. She did grow on me somewhat and when her story is revealed, I did feel sorry for her. Overall, I really enjoyed this story and loved the set up for the next book in the series.

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This is the first book in the Island Sisters mystery series. It’s a great cozy mystery starring a pair of sisters, Evie and Margo, who inherited an old hotel off the Cornwall coast. Unfortunately, the inheritance is murky and then the murders start. Evie and Margo are the prime suspects, so they need to find the real killer. I really liked the writing, the plot was solid, and the characters personable. I’m looking forward to the next book.

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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The remote setting off the coast of Cornwall, the Isles of Scilly, almost made this seem like a period piece with lots of mist and crumbling buildings. After the death of Evie's husband, she and her sister Margot head to the isles to check out a possible inheritance, a hotel on Scilly Island. There, a gothic-y set of characters populate the story and a murder sets off another chain of events. This was a well done story.

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I thoroughly enjoyed previous books by Dennison so I couldn't wait to dive into this book about Evie Mead, a recent widow who has inherited a much smaller estate then she expected, and her sister Margot who has flown in from LA to help. After finding a letter that indicates a hotel on a tiny island off the coast of Cornwall might belong to Evie, the two sisters book a trip to scout it out. Unfortunately, the hotel isn't quite the resort they were hoping for and murder soon follows them. I didn't love this one. Up until the last few chapters I basically wanted all the characters with the exception of Evie to take a very long walk of a very short pier. They were just horrible and mean to everyone involved. Really the fact they all hadn't been murdered years before was kind of surprising. There was a lot of setup at the beginning and the murder didn't happen until almost halfway through the book but since this is the first book in a series this wasn't really an issue for me. The bad guy wasn't too big of a shock though I didn't put all the pieces together until the end. The end did have me a little curious to see how the next book plays out but for the most part I was glad to see the end of the book. If my library gets the second book in audio I might give it a listen but I won't be searching it out.

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Death at High Tide by Hannah Dennison is my first book by her, and I cannot wait for more! I found that this story started off super quick and kept that pace the entire story. I finished it in one sitting, and I could not put it down.

I really liked Evie as a main character. I related to the fact that she is a horrible liar. I appreciated that morally she was at odds with her sister Margot the entire time. I found Margot annoying, self centered, and deceitful. I started to change my mind about her towards the end, but it was a little late for me to like her. The only thing I appreciated about her at the beginning is that she was willing to ask hard questions, but she is very brash.

I enjoyed that while I had my main theory on who the bad person was, I was constantly jumping back and forth until the end, and I was still only partially correct.

I liked that it was a little darker for a cozy mystery. I enjoy my cozy mysteries, but sometimes I need a break from the light and fluffy, so this was perfect.

I also found the setting different, cool, and interesting. I can see how it is loosely based on And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie. It could be why I enjoyed this so much.

If you are looking for a darker cozy mystery, with a very interesting plot, faced paced, that keeps you guessing until the end, give Death at High Tide a try,

I received an eARC from St. Martin's Press through NetGalley. All opinions are 100% my own.

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Although Evie Mead married an older man, she didn’t expect her last memory of him to be of him eating cornflakes and reading the newspaper at breakfast. Who has a heart attack while eating corn flakes?

Robert took care of their money and business investments so Evie was shocked when their accountant explained setbacks over the last couple of years had depleted the funds. Robert had left her without money, living in their London home that the bank could well repossess.

Evie’s sister Margot arrives from Hollywood to help Evie. A letter is found that indicates Evie might have inherited an old hotel in the remote Isles of Scilly off the coast of Cornwall. With no other plans until Robert’s money affairs are straightened out, they go to see it. That’s when things really fall apart, including the hotel. It’s gorgeous outside but a 70s décor nightmare inside, with shag carpeting and outdated colors.

Evie and Margot (Margot with Evie going along with it) have made up a story about being a producer and location scout for a new movie. It’s doubtful they’re believed but once committed to the story, Margot won’t back down.

There’s a smart aleck policewoman, a good-looking marine salvage/treasure hunter, a vengeful cook, an elderly receptionist who doesn’t work there, resentful owners, an oddball photographer, and a psychic cat who has his own Instagram account.

When a body is found at the base of a cliff, it’s first thought to be an accident, but upon examination, the rocks wouldn’t have made the wound on the back of the victim’s head. It’s murder. Who easier to blame than the two strangers? Margot counters with “who gains?”

A second murder only makes things more confusing. For such a small island, there are a lot of secrets. The tide controls who has access and when, limiting the suspects to those in the hotel.

Evie may seem quiet and meek at first, but when push comes to shove, and it does, she’s able to call on inner reserves of strength. Margot can be a pain in the behind but mellows. The sisters are good for each other. The quirky inhabitants add a lot of color to the story. Theirs is a fun tale which will leave readers anxious for their next adventure.

This is the first in the series. Look for Danger at the Cove to release in August 2021. Dennison also writes the Honeychurch Hall and Vicky Hill series.

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I tried twice to get through this book, once reading it and another time listening to the audio book version. I didn't make it either time. I am sure it is a perfectly lovely book and the book summary is delightful. However, I just could not do it. I found both the sisters stuck up, whiny and annoying when reading. The audio book was worse. Out loud the two characters rose my hackles. I am sure as the book progressed and the reader gets to know the sisters and how they got to this point in their lives, they both becomes endearing and the reader will root for them to succeed. I did not make it to that point though, I am disappointed to say.

This book was just not for me. But I know some people who would love it : fans of Nanny Diaries, The Devil Wears Prada and the like.

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Evie, recently and suddenly widowed, is already struggling when she finds out she may now be in dire financial straits. Her sister, Margot, attempts to help by booking them a weekend trip to Tregarrick Rock, a remote and isolated isle containing a hotel that Evie may have just inherited.

But when they arrive, nothing is what they hoped for or expected. Almost everyone on Tregarrick with them seems mean-spirited and secretive, and claim that there is no possible way Evie owns the hotel. Margot and Evie are already desperate to leave when murders start occurring, and between the tide and the police, no one is going anywhere.

This book was definitely darker than I was expecting. I went into it thinking I would be reading more of a cozy mystery, and instead got tragic and frightening backstories, and a lot of unpleasant characters. I love a good dark psychological mystery, and I've loved some in the past where I didn't like a single character (see recent review of Little Cruelties).

But I didn't love this book. It wasn't a bad read, it kept my interest, but almost all of the characters were purposefully irritating, mean, cruel, or even actively obsessively stalking another character. They rubbed me the wrong way so much it took away from the story. I also was able to call a lot of the bigger twists (though not all) long before they were revealed.

I wouldn't discourage anyone from giving this book a try. Other readers might really like it. It just wasn't for me.

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As a Poldark fan, I am obsessed with Cornwall. This is such a great start to a new cozy mystery series - very atmospheric and I can't wait to hear more about the characters.

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This is the first in the Island Sisters Mystery series, and you can bet I’ll be reading the next book.

When Evie Mead’s husband dies suddenly, a note is found amongst his estate suggesting that she may actually own an old hotel on Tregarrick Rock, in the Isles of Scilly. (I had to look up where that was—an archipelago off the Cornish coast, in southwest England). Evie is still grieving and doesn’t want to deal with it all right now, but her sister is in town and has other plans.

So the two of them make their way to Tregarrick even though it’s the offseason, and the weather is pretty frightful. They have to wait until low tide and be hauled across the channel by tractor to even get there. The sisters pretend to be there scouting locations for a movie, so they can poke around without anyone suspecting who they actually are, but it doesn’t take long for things to start to unravel. The longer they stay on the island the more bizarre events become. There is murder, a famous photographer, a clairvoyant cat (sort of), an ex-con receptionist, and a Vicor. What more could you need?

I never fully worked out Evie’s sister Margot. She behaved erratically and I don’t feel like all of her actions were fully explained. There is a lot going on in the book, and several story-lines to keep track of, but it was loads of fun and all in all it was exactly the cozy mystery I needed.

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Death At High Tide (Island Sisters Mystery). By Hannah Dennison. 2020. St. Martin’s Press (ARC eBook).

Despite their May-December relationship Evie Meade truly loves her older husband Robert. But when a truth is revealed that alters the course in their marriage Evie was hoping for, she requests some time to think about their future. Soon after, Robert unexpectedly dies and a devastated Evie receives another revelation; she may be the owner of an unknown-to-her hotel off the coast of Cornwall. When her outgoing sister Margot arrives from the US and convinces Evie of a weekend getaway to the hotel, neither expect what they find upon arrival. The hotel is aged and the proprietor claims to not have known Robert. As another body drops and the locals begin to give the newcomers the side-eye, the sisters find themselves stranded on the island at high tide with someone determined to bury the deadly connections between the hotel and Meade estate.

This was an entertaining read and the mystery intriguing. The drawback for me was that neither sister won me completely over. With Evie struggling with the death of her husband and Margot also experiencing personal strife, it seems unlikely that we really saw a true representation of the working dynamic between the two for future mysteries. Nonetheless it is a recommended mystery for those who like eccentric characters and a remote locale.

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This was such a fun cozy mystery! I really enjoyed the writing style, the characters, and the setting. I think it's a great set up for a series that I most definitely will be continuing in!

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When Evie Meade’s husband Robert dies suddenly, it appears she is now the owner of a hotel off the coast of Britain on Tregarrick Rock, one of the Isles of Scilly. Wracked with grief, Evie and her sister Margot decide to get away for a weekend and check out this hotel. Since Margot lives and works in LA, she talks Evie into going undercover and posing as a location team scouting a place to film a pirate movie. While reluctant, Evie is overwhelmed with what she’s discovering about Robert, his past and his seemingly vanished finances, so goes along with Margot’s plan, leaving the sorting out of the financial mess to his accountant.

The sisters discover a hotel significantly past its prime in a remote destination, accessible only by boat or sea tractor, with a small group who knew Robert and his first wife in their youth. There are secrets, jealousy, infidelities and more distrust than they ever expected to encounter. And then residents start dying suspiciously. At the mercy of the tides, everyone is stuck on Tregarrick Rock as they try to determine who is the killer and who will be the next victim.

Ms. Dennison has created characters who are multi-faceted and interesting. The deaths are mysterious with enough clues to lead a reader down some blind alleys, so pay attention and see if you can figure out how the past and the present, the characters and their choices link up together in a tale that’ll keep you turning the pages. I will be looking forward to Evie and Margot’s next adventure!

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This is a very light and entertaining mystery that is loosely inspired by Agatha Christie’s And The There Were None. The protagonist and her sister head off to a remote island to inspect a hotel she may or may not have inherited from her recently deceased husband. There are quirky characters on the island and hijinx ensue.

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In this new series, "An Island Sisters Mystery," Death At High Tide gives us an introduction to Evie and Margot, sisters with more in common then readers will initially expect. Set in a hotel in an out of the way island that can only be accessed during low tide, we learn about family secrets, old wounds, and a possible future.

The characters in this first book are invigorating. The sisters appear to be very different from each other, but they learn and grow throughout the story, and towards the end, we begin to understand what makes them special. The hotel is a large part of this story as the series is based on it, and though it is described as old and in need of updating, it holds charm and promise of what it can become. Detective Patty would be a great character in her own series. I liked her attitude and the way she handles everything, especially the sisters.

I love the setting. A hotel that can only be reached by boat or a weird type of tractor is unique, although Agatha Christie used something similar. This story does have the feel of Ten Little Indians as well, making Christie fans want to check it out. Many of Christie's books began at a hotel or by the sea, so this new book is not out of the ordinary. There are plenty of suspects, twists, and turns, and possible scenarios that can and do evolve into real evidence and a solution most will see coming.

In general, the characters are a bit rough around the edges, but with the first book in a series, this is not uncommon. The victim was not likable, but readers will want to know who the killer is even if they don't care about the motive. The pace is good, and the writing smooth and precise. I will be checking out the next book in the series, which hopefully will continue to feature the hotel as the backdrop, and recommend readers read Death At High Tide with an eye towards future installments.

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Hannah Dennison finds Death at High Tide in an Island Sisters mystery. Evie Mead is widowed and discovers her husband supposedly lost all their money. She may own rights to Tregarrick Rock hotel in the Isles of Scilly. In pursuit of those rights she visits the Rock and bodies start dropping. Good cozy.

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An unexpected death, a bankrupt will, a mysterious debt, an island getaway, and a sister from Hollywood by way of England. Everything you need for a new cozy mystery series. Take a spa get-away weekend she said, check out the new property she said. Just a little sisterly advice, what could go wrong? I am pretty sure very little went right including finding the "Lord" of the hotel manor dead. Nice start to a new series with loads of possibloitlites for future installments. Right away, this story has you feeling protective of our newest heroine, young widow Evie Mead. Her world goes topsy-turvy when her husband suddenly has a heart attack, racked with guilt because they had been having an argument and Evie took off to cool down. A mysterious letter with an even more mysterious IOU seems to put her in possession of a hotel on an island off the coast of Cornwall. Against the solicitor's wishes, the sisters take a small trip to the remote island and even more remote hotel where they encounter what could very well be characters right out of an Agatha Christie novel. Past, present, and future interests clash as do many of these characters and Evie finds herself in a fog of deceit as she tries to make sense of the situation. The story had me enthralled the entire time and I only wish that the next book was ready so that I might be able to continue the story!

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I loved this mystery for its atmospheric setting on a island off the coast of Cornwall, the wonderfully described culture and the outstanding charcters. I felt early on with this book as if I was reading Agatha Christie which is a great compliment to the author ! I highly recommend this book for all that love a good mystery. Thank you to the publisher and to Net Galley for the opportunity. My review opinion is my own.

We meet our main charcter Evelyn (Evie) Mead, who was recently widowed and mistakenly believes that her husband left her well off. She soon finds out he was broke. Her sister Margot joins her on the island who has secrets of her own and is hoping to help her sister through her grief. and settling of her estate or what is left of it. Evie believes she is the owner of her home but that is in dispute with a nefarious person who wants to fight her legally for the property. As the weather grows moody and foggy Evelyn has to fight for her property as she sorts through her husbands disastrous financial dealings. As the sisters settle into her home together they soon find themselves embroiled in one death after another and soon they realize they have to work together to solve the murders and save themselves.

This was a wonderful escape to a location I will never see but feel I have through the author's eyes. All of the perfect elements of a great cozy are here including a well crafted sleuth , wonderful charcters and the perfect setting. A very enjoyable read. To the publisher: Review delayed due to two week fire evacuation and aftermath.

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