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Dear Emmie Blue

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I thought this was a sweet story that had a “happily ever after” ending. The characters were likeable although it was fairly predictable. A light, enjoyable read overall. Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review!

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I was on the fence coming into this book, based off the synopsis. I had a feeling it would go one-of-two ways and, to be honest, I started off not liking this book. But once the heart of the story was revealed to me, and I met the side characters, I was done for...

Emmie was difficult to enjoy in the beginning of the book. You could tell right away she had a lot of growing to do. She completely relied on Lucas for her sole happiness. Everything she did was based off of him and it drove me nuts. Fox summed it up best by saying “I think you put too much onus on this man. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Who you are on your own.” Once I got more into the book, my love for Emmie grew. Watching her find her way, watching her grow and learn about herself, and challenge herself to not let her past define her, she became the lead heroine I was starving for.

Rosie and Louise were the perfect pillars of strength, love, and humor in the book. She showcased that family isn’t defined by blood, it’s defined by heart. I think everyone can benefit by having either one of these type of women in your life. Eliot was the guy I was not expecting, and I was pleasantly surprised by him. He made my heart hurt and butterflies flutter in my stomach. I was on team Eliot all they way, wearing the supportive shirt and holding my sign waiting for Emmie to open her eyes.

The writing flowed effortlessly throughout the whole story. It had an interesting concept of intertwining past with present conversation to help enhance the feelings for a particular moment. The past conversations were used more like an inner monologue of Emmie’s thoughts to help us understand what she was thinking at a particular moment. Another aspect I loved about the book is the mix tape track titles. Those tiny little confession broke my heart because of pure and innocence they carried. These slow reveals are the only thing that helped show Emmie she was loved during the times she felt alone and deserted.

I went in expecting to not like or connect with this story, but man was I so glad to be proven wrong. This story was so endearing and heartbreaking with humor and insightful self-awareness weaved in between. I was captivated and entertained to the point where I didn’t want to put down this story. Thank you to Netgally and Atria for this free copy for my honest review.

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This book was adorable, filled with darling words and carefully crafted writing, but also filled with hints of sadness. With her dysfunctional and almost non-existent relationship with her mother, Emmie learns how to be resilient and self-sufficient at a young age. With the support of her quirky work friends and Lucas, she finds the motivation to overcome her past and make strides towards her future. Overall, I enjoyed the short, quick chapters and beautiful writing. A solid 4 stars from me! Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I picked up DEAR EMMIE BLUE at a time in my life where I was feeling a bit disjointed, stressed, and in need of a book that would offer a pick-me-up. This lovely book delivered just that.

DEAR EMMIE BLUE is about a woman who released a balloon into the sky with a message attached to it, and the man and family who found that message and subsequently brought her into their lives. It is a love story, but not in the way you’d expect. I was desperately afraid that it would end up being the same plot as the movie My Best Friend’s Wedding, but, thankfully, it was nothing at all like that.

The characters were well-meaning souls with real faults, the setting felt warm and welcoming, and the plot pulled me out of my reading funk and left me feeling loved just like how at the end of the book Emmie finally feels loved. DEAR EMMIE BLUE was a darling of a book; I think this will be adored by many.

Thank you to Netgalley and Atria Books for a chance to read this complimentary advanced reader’s copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

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I wasn’t really expecting to love this book, but I find that I did, and that’s always the best kind of book. The unexpected one that sucks you in and you get through with rapid speed only to realize what you’re doing and try to slow down to capture the experience only to then say to hell with it because you just want to finish.

You’ll see other people say that the plot isn’t original, and it’s not, but it’s not really about the story alone, it’s about the people and characters, and every character is lovely in this book. Which sounds like it could be boring, to not have anyone you dislike, but everyone comes with baggage and it’s Emmie’s journey of figuring that out that really made the book.

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Dear Emmie Blue by Lia Louis is a charming read that contains far more emotional depth than I had initially expected based on the sweetly innocent cover and accompanying synopsis. What a pleasant surprise to find such a heartwarming story within, one that touches on the many relatable themes of loss, isolation, longing, unrequited love, and the search for that one person who will make your heart sing unlike any other.

Emmie Blue is a sad sixteen year old when she releases a red balloon into the sky from the grounds of her English school with only her name, email address and deepest secret contained within. The balloon is discovered by Lucas Moreau in France, and he responds to Emmie, thus beginning an intense friendship that will last for decades. When Lucas invites Emmie to meet, she is certain that her closest friend is ready to take the next step. Will her 'balloon boy' finally cement his place as the love of her life?

This is a story that draws the reader in with rich characterization, and it is certainly quite easy to empathize with the long suffering Emmie. This is a fresh take on a familiar premise and, as such, it will keep you guessing until the very end,

Many thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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Sweet and quirky had me feeling all the emotions. I truly enjoyed this little book! Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher!

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Once you begin this story you will not want it to end. Emmie Blue is one strong person who had faced and overcome many hardships, yet, she still has a positive outlook. As a teenager, she attached a note to a balloon and let it go. It was found a 1,000 miles away by Lucas who responded with an e-mail. They became close friends and even shared the same birthday. Now Lucas is getting married, and she is the Best Girl for his wedding.

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I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review. I loved this book. I can’t believe it is a debut novel. This book is the perfect cozy, read in one day book. The dialogue feels like you’re having coffee with an old friend. I didn’t love the main character at first, but ended up really liking her and the story. Such a good read!

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My Best Friends Wedding with a twist of Elinor Oliphant. What a beautiful emotional story leaving you sad, laughing and warming your heart all at the same time.

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I couldn't put down Dear Emmie Blue and read it in an afternoon. After sending a message tied to a balloon, Emmie's now best friend found it, thinking it was fate and she loves him she expects him to love her back. But does he?

Emmie Blue was a lovable character. Reading it, you couldn't help but root for her, flaws and all, to live out her perfect love story.

Highly recommend Dear Emmie Blue as a cozy afternoon read. You won't be able to put it down.

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I received an ARC of this story in exchange for a review.

Dear Emmie Blue was a heartwarming and fast read. Emmie hasn't always had the easiest life. One day, as a teenager, she releases a balloon with a message. It is found by a pair of brothers who live in France and a deep friendship forms between the three of them. One of the brothers decides to get married which results in a lot of unknown truths coming out. In between this, Emmie works in a hotel in a job that she does not like with some great friends.

The characters and story were great. I wish that I didn't finish it so fast! Thank you NetGalley and Simon & Schuster.

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I loved this book.

On her sixteenth birthday, Emmie stands on the field at her school in England and sends a red balloon, with her email address and her deepest secret attached, into the sky. Weeks later, Lucas emails Emmie. He lives in France and found her balloon on the beach, and a fast friendship formed between the two teens.
Now, fourteen years later, Lucas asks Emmie to come visit him. She is positive that he’s realized that Emmie is the one for him and that he’s going to propose after all of these years of being so close.
This friendship changed both of their lives for the better, but especially Emmie’s after a difficult childhood with a barely present, single mother and not knowing who her father is.

This book! The cover is darling, but I didn’t expect such depth based on the cover alone. I was a bit worried in the beginning that I wouldn’t like Emmie—she seemed rather dramatic and sad. But it didn’t take long before I was sucked in by the gorgeous writing and endearing characters, and I couldn’t put it down. It’s a lovely story of hope, possibility, love and friendship.

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Dear Emmie Blue written by Lia Louis is everything a good book should be; it is engaging and well-written. It contains lots of laughs, charming and well-rounded characters. I found myself nodding my head in understanding and/or agreement a lot. It will be a great film and/or mini-series.

By the time I was 34% of my way in, I had to text my sister to tell her to put it at the top of her TBR list. The writing style is casual and conversational. It reads like that little conversation we all have running through our heads or, if you prefer not admitting to THAT little nugget of TMI, it reads like you are sitting with your BFF chatting over a glass of wine. The fact that this is Ms. Louis' debut novel is mind boggling! I can't wait to see what other treasures she has in store for us.

It is hard to decide on a favorite character. All "secondary" characters, co-stars if you will, are superbly written. They jump off the page. Not in an over-the-top way, but in a quite realistic, we all know them or wish we did kind of way. The situations all seem plausible, there is nothing that hasn't and doesn't (unfortunately) happen every day. Thats the genius of Dear Emmie Blue, Lia Louis has taken the every day occurances that can and do happen and made them not only readable but made them compelling. This is a quick read but not so quick that it leaves no impression. I am writing this days after reading jt and I am still affected by it. The end of the story comes at the right time, it is not rushed, it just happens naturally as related to the situations. No words are wasted nor are any left out. Warning: make sure to have tissues handy.

I am so grateful to Atria Books for offering Dear Emmie Blue by Lia Louis to me by email in conjunction with Netgalley. What a great way to spend an evening!

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Am entertaining and humorous rom-com but Emmie was so whiny as a main character, it was off putting after awhile. Overall, a good plot nut just wish the main character had more confidence and balls. I would still recommend this as a lighter read to anyone.

Thanks to NetGalley, publisher and author for an ARC in exchange for an ARC.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Simon & Schuster I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Dear Emmie Blue was a sweet, well written story about friendships, family, and love. I loved the complexity of Emmie, and that her story wasn't just all lighthearted love & fluff. There were relateable struggles, and lessons learned. A quick, fun read that will keep you interested throghout. I mean how could you not fall in love with a story about people being brought together by a message in a balloon! A solid 3.5-4 ⭐️ read you should add to your tbr list.

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I enjoyed this one! It was a light and fun romance novel, and its summer release date makes it perfect for a beach read!

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Overall, I really enjoyed this book. While there are so many romances out there, I felt like Dear Emmie Blue provided a very unique and serendipitous way for two main characters to meet. I started this book thinking I knew exactly how the novel would end, but I was pleasantly surprised.

While I found this book to be very well-written, I think the author tried to delve into many heavy topics (parental abandonment, financial struggles, and lost love to name a few). There were a couple points where it was a bit overwhelming only because it didn't seem as if there was enough time to address these topics to the full extent in an approximately 350-page novel. Besides this, I truly loved Emmie's character growth and development. Once I reached the halfway point of the book, I could not put it down! I would definitely recommend this to anyone who appreciates a romance novel.

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This delightful novel follows Emmie Blue as an adult after a difficult childhood. After sending a balloon off into the world the balloon is found by Lucas who reaches back out to her and a lovely friendship is born. Emmie Blue grows attached to not only Lucas but also his family. Throughout the years romantic feelings blossom for Emmie all the way to present day as she navigates these feelings. I found all the characters to be very likable and couldn't put the novel down!

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I fell in love with this wonderful book and with Emma Blue. This was such a terrific book a book with all the emotions love laughter a few tears.Each character comes alive makes the story so so enjoyable.A five star read for me highly recommend.#netgalley#atriabooks.

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