Member Reviews

Rachel Gibson is a New York Times bestselling author and the author of 23 additional books & I was excited to start reading her most recent novel. Her backlist is impressive and her first Women's Fiction novel was something I was eager to read, How Lulu Lost Her Mind started off sharply with some good writing but by page 10 had described non-consensual behavior that is clearly sexual assault. I don't know why the author thought it was funny or a good idea to describe that situation when there are a variety of situations that the author could have used to put the character into a compromising situation. But instead Ms. Gibson chose to write a scene in which the mother, who has dementia, crawls into bed with a comatose patient & "wrapped herself around [him] like an octopus." " Tell me that you did not take that man's pants off.' Mom shrugs a shoulder & continues to stare at the clock. 'I have a passionate nature.'"

Ugh. Sexually assaulting someone isn't funny. The situation was used as comic relief and to set up the characters but it was written without a basic understanding of the definition of sexual assault (ie: touching someone in a sexual way without their consent). I immediately stopped reading the book & cannot recommend it to my audience & followers because I am a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate looking for books to share with my readers.
I received an advanced readers copy of this book from Simon and Schuster and Netgalley and was encouraged to submit an honest review.

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How Lulu Lost her Mind by Rachel Gibson is a well-told, entertaining and foundational story about the complicated relationship women have with their mothers - and not just women, but independent adult women and their elderly mothers. It is a story a lot of us are living. It's a story I have lived, and I think that might be why I enjoyed this book so very much.

I immediately recognized Lou Ann, the main character. She is me, and she is my friends, caught in that uncomfortable time of role reversals where children become caregivers to their aging parents. I get it when Lou Ann teeters between adoration and guilt, between resentment and sacrificial love because I've teetered there myself. Kudos to the author for neither sugar-coating nor blinking amid all those big emotions,

The story itself is just plain fun. It's authentic and engaging, and stays true to the character arcs without being too predictable. There are moments of levity and there are moments of introspection, of laughter and tears.

If you're looking for a wonderfully-written work of women's fiction, How Lulu Lost her Mind might be a terrific choice for a long flight, a rainy day or poolside afternoon. If you're looking for bodice-ripping romance or chick lit, this title might not meet your needs.

This review is based on a advanced copy reading provided by the publisher.

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When her mother is ousted from yet another care home, Lou Ann, aka Lulu the Love Guru, stops work and moves to a neglected mansion in Louisiana to care for her mother. I was expecting something a little deeper on someone caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's but this was pretty silly story and the Lou Ann was kind of annoying, as was her mother. I guess this is pretty much a typical chick-lit romance so if you like that sort of thing this book would probably be enjoyable, just not really for me.

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Lou Ann aka Lulu the Love Guru, has to take care of her mom as she is once again kicked out of her care facility for being too loving to the other patients. Patricia has Alzheimer's and she has always been a loving person as she was married 5 times. Lou Ann doesn't quite understand her mom but decides to do what Patricia wants. This story is both funny and heartbreaking at the same time. I did find the story a bit slow at times so I ended up skimming some parts. I did like the relationship between Lou Ann and Patricia as every mother daughter relationship is very hard to navigate most of the time. I received an advanced readers copy and all opinions are my own.

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Lulu is a major influencer whose brand is The Love Guru. Lulu's life gets upended when her mother, Patricia, who has Alzheimer's, gets thrown out of a nursing home for inappropriate conduct with the male residents, which is a habit of hers. "I have a passionate nature," the unapologetic Patricia explains. Patricia yearns for the family estate, a run-down Louisiana manor called Sutton Hall, and Lulu agrees to take a long leave of absence from her company and live with her unpredictable mother for. . . Lulu's not sure how long.

When mother and daughter get "settled" on the estate, there's a handsome handyman in the neighborhood, of course, but the Love Guru doesn't know much about how to manage her own love life very well. I was disappointed that Patricia's imaginary boyfriend didn't turn out to be real and show up in Louisiana.

Who says you can't go home again? Lulu finds out that when life spins totally out of control, surprises can unfold in both heartbreaking and delightful directions. Cute, funny, and with just enough depth, this novel will prove a nice diversion in the summer for readers who enjoy southern family yarns.

I received an advanced readers copy of this book from Simon and Schuster and Netgalley and was encouraged to submit an honest review.

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I have been a fan of Rachel Gibson's contemporary romance novels for a long time. She's one of the first authors I really got into and binged on back in the day. When I saw she was releasing a book in the women's fiction category, I was both intrigued and slight disappointed. So many of my longtime favorite romance authors have been moving over to this genre. It makes me a little sad. That being said, once I got started on How Lulu Lost Her Mind, I knew I was in for something special.

How Lulu Lost Her Mind was a gem. It was all about character growth for Lulu. She got to reexamine her relationship with her mother, her job, and her feelings. All of that was done in a beautifully described setting. I have to admit that I didn't love Lulu at first due to her nature, but she quickly grew on me.

The rest of the characters were just as fabulous. I loved Patricia, Lindsey, Simon, and Raphael. Patricia added both funny and heartbreaking parts. Lindsey added a special friendship aspect. Simon added just the right tough of romance to the story. And Raphael... Well, that parrot was something else.

How Lulu Lost Her Mind was a heartwarming tale that I won't be forgetting anytime soon. Rachel Gibson's foray into women's fiction was a smashing success!

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How Lulu Lost Her Mind is funny and sweet! You totally will fall in love with the dysfunctional dynamic between Lou Ann and her mom, Patty. Lulu is the "Love Guru" and Patty is suffering from Alzheimer's, living in an assisted facility. Soon Lou Ann is called and told her mom is being asked to leave for....inappropriate behavior. Now Lou Ann finds herself, Patty and Lindsay Patty's new nurse on their way to Sutton Hall. In Louisiana where Patty grew up, and now wants to visit before she dies. Lou Ann soon finds this adventure is going to be a lot more adventurous than she ever thought. Read How Lou Ann Lost Her Mind to see just what the adventure holds.

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I received a free e-ARC of this book from Netgalley.

Would you put your current life on hold to move to the other side of the country with your mother who has dementia? Lulu gives in so quickly that we might think there was something she wanted to escape in her current locale, but really, she's just a daughter who always lost out to the many men in her mother's life and wants to recapture some of that lost time with her before it's too late. Then her mother asks her for a big favor that Lulu must consider. A quiet story about relationships and how complex they are below the surface.

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A well written relationship novel by Rachel Gibson. I have enjoyed the previous books I have read by Gibson and this one was a bit of a departure from the typical romance. Overall, this was a good read. Thank you netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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A story of forgiveness, acceptance, and love between a daughter and her mother living with Alzheimer's disease. At times funny, but also realistic of what families experience.

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Very good women's fiction title! I really enjoyed the mother/daughter storyline of Lulu and Patricia. Highly recommended author for fans of other writers such as Susan Mallery and Jodi Thomas!

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How Lulu Lost her Mind was a good quick read that explored the cracked relationship between a mother and a daughter. Often times there were things that happened in the story the left me wanting more storyline. Over all it was a good read. I rec’d an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley and this is my honest review.

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I have never read anything by this author prior to this book but I found it interesting since the topic hit home for me. It was a bitter sweet story since Lou Ann’s mother has Alzheimer’s And she has exhausted all her options on elder care. Forced to uproot her life and career as Lulu the love guru, she has to take her mother in and care for her. She hires a nurse and the three of the journey back to the family homestead in Louisiana. Her mom, Patricia, is a real character and there are many amusing stories to offset the devastating illness. Lou Ann tries to make the most of the time she has left. Some romantic elements are thrown but this is so much more than chick lit. Nicely done! #HowLuluLostHerMind #RachelCarson #NetGalley

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Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying. I certainly know a bit about how Lou Ann Hunter feels because my own father had dementia, although thankfully, unlike Lou Ann's mother, Patricia, he didn't have a "passionate nature" to contend with. And, unlike the daughter in this book, I was not the primary caregiver.
Lou Ann is well-known across the country as Lulu the Love Guru because she has built an extremely good living giving relationship advice to women. She is about to set out on a tour, giving workshops, when she is notified by her mother's memory care facility that Patricia is no longer welcome there. Lou Ann tries to get a new place set up, but on short notice, that's not happening. Much to her dismay, for the first time ever, she has to cancel her schedule.
Over the next few weeks, Lou Ann realizes that whether she wants it or not, she is becoming a full-time caregiver. Patricia keeps saying she wants to "go home," which in this case is Sutton Hall, down South. So, Lou Ann makes it happen, not realizing just how much work the old house needs. Lou Ann turns most of her work over to her staff and tries to make every day special for her mother, along with some help from a live-in nurse and the local handyman.
Gibson's well-written book makes you want to chuckle at some of the things Patricia says and does, but deep down there is a sadness that anyone who has had a family member will feel.

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Perfect for book clubs, women's literature lovers and those wanting a heart warming story! Great addition to general fiction collection.

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Such a great read! How Lulu Lost Her Mind lived up all of my expectations (and then some)! This novel centers around Lou Ann who is now the guardian of her mother, Patricia, who has Alzheimer’s and has recently gotten kicked out of her third nursing home facility! Lou Ann is trying to manage her successful career all while uprooting her life to appease her mother’s wishes to move back to her childhood home —a falling apart plantation in Louisiana! Through laughter, tears, and shear determination Lou Ann and Patricia find their little village of people to help them get by!

I usually shy away from novels involving Alzheimer’s because I lost my grandmother to it almost 2 years ago, but my gut told me this was a must read for me! After reading the first chapter, I knew I was going to not only relate this book, but I knew I was going to love every page! How Lulu Lost Her Mind is a complete 5 star novel that I can’t recommend enough! I’ve been a huge fan of Rachel Gibson for years and I am already looking forward to her next novel!

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Rachel Gibson is a gifted author, that being said I don't know what was going on here. Lou Ann is a self made woman, a love Guru. Her mother suffering from dementia married five times gets kicked out of a facility when she hops in bed with a comatose patient and brings him out of his coma....with an erection! So Lulu cancels her tour and takes her mother back to her childhood home a plantation where we meet Simon....I don't know what to say about this book other then, its been a while since Ms. Gibson came out with a new book like three years and this left me wanting more, more for Lulu and Simon. I am sorry, I thought this book would hit it out of the park! I looked up this book on the authors website and there is no mention of this book coming out.

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I have read everything by Rachel Gibson so I was very excited to see that I could preview her new book (thank you Net galley and publishers).

This book definitely hit close to home as I just lost my grandmother two years ago to dementia and I noticed many things similar to this story line. I enjoyed the inner weaving of the three female protagonist stories and the plot really moved at a good speed. I do wish the relationship with Simon was a bit more developed although I did enjoy the ending. Overall I finished this book in a day and a half because I felt like I could connect with the characters. I will definitely recommend this book to friends especially those dealing with parents or grandparents with Alzheimer's. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.

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A sweet and funny story about a woman dealing with her mother's mental decline due to Alzheimer's. I found it touching and funny, though in parts a bit disjointed. Things I thought would be big reveals fell flat. But the interactions for the three lead women and the themes of helping an aging parent while preparing yourself as best you can to lose them was touchingly handled. Overall, a good read.

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The setting: "Lou Ann Hunter’s mother, Patricia, has always had a passionate nature, which explains why she’s been married and divorced five times and spooned enough male patients to be ousted from three elderly care facilities. She also has Alzheimer’s, which is why she wants to spend her remaining months or years surrounded by memories at her family’s decrepit old plantation in Louisiana with her only daughter." [Much on family history and secrets in the crumbling mansion.]

And I'm wondering--is there a new niche for Instagram related books since the last book I read had a similar theme to this type of social networking. [Lou Ann is Lulu the Love Guru; a single 38-year old.]

The mother/daughter thing. Been there, done that.

Yes there were some laughs. And many poignant moments that resonated because I felt same with my mom.


A big disconnect for me is always when I know the trajectory [here, male interest] from the start .

Sometimes entertaining. Often repetitive [an Alzheimer's angle? though I think not--necessarily]. And basically just tiresome and predictable.

I am in the very distinct minority on this one. Just do not feel the love.

Maybe 2,5 but cannot round up.

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