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Belinda Bauer is back with a smashing read. What a great story teller she is. All the characters are believable,but I must admit my favourite has got to be Felix. He reminded me of a happy version of Victor Meldrew because he gets in some very precarious positions. He's seventy five years old and when he faces some difficult challengers, he just gets on with it. He really made me laugh. The plot was completely different to what I thought it would be. Assisted suicide is such a controversial subject, but Belinda writes about it in a beautiful way. It's a fresh, sometimes quite funny, murder mystery with some very surprising twists. I can't rate this wonderful book highly enough. Huge Congratulations to Belinda Bauer for this cleverly written novel.

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Death shouldn’t be funny but in this novel, there’s definitely more than a wry look thrown in its direction. Step forward the Exiteers, a group dedicated to keeping a dying person company as they take their final breath. Felix Pink, a pensioner and widow who misses his wife and son dearly, is one such Exiteer and he’s on a normal job. But this standard job is anything but and within a few moments, Felix is doing things he never thought imaginable. He has to figure out what is really going in, what happened at his last job as well as stay one step ahead of the long arm of the law. It’s a quirky read but wholeheartedly enjoyable. At first you think it’s in bad taste to be chuckling at some of the writing, given the plot, but it feels like life is being breathed into a genre. It’s a novel way of writing about it and all the better for it. I was delighted to have read it.

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Another great book by Belinda Bauer. This had humour, action, friendships, emotion and the ending was fantastic.


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Felix Pink is a seasoned Exiteer. He keeps dying people company while they commit suicide.
But one day, when he is sent on a job with Amanda; a new and inexperienced partner, things get out of hand.
The wrong man dies, and soon Felix finds himself wanted for murder.

I was really excited to be approved for this book as I've heard a lot of good things about Belinda Bauer.
It was a good read, but I was gripped more by the premise than the action itself.
The concept was very original, but despite that, I found the story wasn't executed properly.
There were a lot of POV, and while that usually is not a problem, in this case, it made for a very confusing read, especially given that the story kept flipping from one perspective to another without any discernible break.
It wasn't a read full of action and suspense. I think the age of the main character made it difficult to inject these traits into the story.
It was a good read, but I'm disappointed as I usually am when the book offers a great promise and subsequently fails to deliver on it.
However, overall, I enjoyed it. It had a surprising ending, and I think that it is definitely a book worth checking out, even if for the concept only.

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Although I've been aware of her books this is the first Belinda Bauer I've read. I've always had the impression her books are gritty crime thrillers but not having read them am unsure if that's true. Maybe that's where I went wrong with Exit at first. I was expecting a gritty and dark crime story but although it deals with a dark and controversial topic (being present with someone as they exit this world but not actively helping them) it took me awhile to realise it's actually more of a comedy, or perhaps a comedy of errors would be a better description. Once I realised it was more comedy (in my view) than dark and gritty, I enjoyed it more. There are some wonderful characters, almost all have various endearing quirks, and Bauer delights us with some real laugh out loud moments and wonderful turns of phrase. When this is released in hard copy I'll be getting one just to go through it and highlight some of the phrases! The only downsides for me were that at times I thought the pacing a bit slow for what is essentially still a crime (or is it?) story where something goes drastically wrong and both Felix, the main character, and the police turn detective (although this is in no way a standard police procedural - the police themselves seem a comedy team as well yet they are characters you'd want to meet with again in any further story). There were also multiple times when character actions just didn't ring true but the comedy factor just about makes this permissible. It's not too difficult to guess who the culprit/s is/are, when the final reveal, or reveals, come. It's not a huge surprise but this is in no way a disappointment. As for the explanation of the crime be honest I'm still not entirely sure in my mind exactly what happened as there are multiple threads involved (in some ways Exit actually reminded me of the way Kate Atkinson pulls multiple threads together in some of her books) but I have the jist of it. I'm not sure if this book is typical of Bauer's style but I'll be reading her back catalogue now. Definitely recommended just bear in mind it's more of a comedy than a crime thriller, in my view. I'd be more than happy to meet many of the characters again in a future book, especially the police characters.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House UK, Transworld for ARC.

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When pensioner Felix and 23 year old Amanda go to sit with a dying man and keep him company until he takes his last breath, neither one of them expect it could go so terribly wrong. Being part of a group called Exiteer, Felix tries to ensure that Amanda will not take any of the blame for what ensues.
Felix wants to make amends and returns to the home of Skipper and his Grandson, Reggie. He comes away convinced that he has been set up. Could Amanda possibly be part of it?

DCI Kirsty King and DC Calvin Bridge have the task of solving the case. Bridge is trying to keep his family’s life of crime a secret from his colleagues. This is a complex case for the team and not everything is as it seems, making it hard to solve.

I enjoyed this story, there is some much needed light humour throughout.
Good characterisations and an unusual plot. If you fancy reading something different, then I would say give this a go.

My thanks to NetGalley for a review copy.

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I really enjoyed this book. I found the concept interesting and wanted to keep on reading to see what would happen.
I was kept guessing the whole way through the book - every time I thought I had it worked out it took a new twist and I liked that.
I would recommend this book

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This book has a bit of everything - black humour, day to day humour, poignancy and an excellent story line.
After reading the first few pages I wondered what sort of book I was reading and whether it was like this throughout. Fortunately it isn't and you know that what happened is not a simple mistake.
As the story develops the layers of explanation and detail are covered but until the end you never quite know what is behind it all
I loved reading this book and there are a number of good twists but nothing I would class as a 'wow never saw that coming' turn.
Definitely worth reading

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I found this book to be quite light hearted about a serious subject. I enjoyed it, as it was definitely a different story of a “crime” that may or may not have been committed. An interesting story set in the West Country - a lovely setting

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When I pick up a book by Belinda Bauer, I generally know I'm in safe hands and Exit her latest book is no exception. I read this over a couple of days and loved it.

The plot features around a group called the Exiteers who provide a compassionate service to those looking to exit the world without the need for a trip to Switzerland! However, what happens when the person you watch exit is, in fact, the wrong person. The book unfolds around this very concept and the characters affected by this turn of events.

I think what I particularly enjoyed are the characters involved. Felix also known as John for reasons that become clear when you read the book is the sort of man each of us knows. A dog-owning, 70 something who has become virtually invisible, just keeping going with his life, despite having lost his wife and son. He's just an ordinary man who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances, just like Skipper, Reggie, Amanda, Calvin and Miss Knott who all get thrown together as a result of the murder.

Despite being a crime novel, it is a charming book that encompasses themes of compassion, friendship, love and standing up for what you believe is right. It also includes some of Bauer's usual humour too. The ending is particularly touching and I'm not ashamed to say that I did cry, again unusual in this type of book.

I'd give this 5/5 other than the fact that I easily guessed who'd done it and so I've dropped it down to 4.5/5. Perhaps that's harsh.

If you've not read a book by Belinda Bauer, I'd highly recommend you do. This one comes out early next year, but if you can't wait until then, Snap is a good starting place as is Rubbernecker - both of which were excellent in my opinion.

Many thanks to Netgalley, Belinda Bauer and the publisher for enabling me to read an early copy of this.

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Exit is the story of Felix, an "Exiteer" who assists the passing of terminally ill people but on his latest case, he and his business acquaintance aid the wrong person. Quirky, bittersweet, detailed and humorous characterisation, this is a crime novel that does not disappoint.

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Felix is a 75 year old man who lives alone with his dog, Mabel after his wife and son die. But Felix is no ordinary 75 year old man, he is an Exiteer. A group of volunteers who sit with terminally ill people who wish to end their suffering through suicide. The exiteers aren't allowed to assist the person, as that would be illegal.
During one of his jobs, Felix is assisted by a young girl called Amanda, who is on her first exiteer job.
Something goes very wrong and so starts an investigation by DC Colin Bridge and his team into what happened in Number 3 Black Lane.
Felix is such a lovely character. He is a sweet, law abiding citizen who only wants to help people and live a simple life. I loved that the story was told from his naive perspective and also the young detective Calvin, who has his own backstory.
I thought I had this figured out quite early on but I was so wrong! Theres so many twists throughout the story and lots of different characters along the way. Its certainly very different to anything I've read before and I was hooked from the very 1st page.
Thank you to Netgalley for the chance to read this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Oh I'm not sure this one was for me :/ I wanted to love it after reading The Beautiful Dead, but I just couldn't get into it properly.

Felix has a slightly unusual hobby/job/calling... He is part of the Exiteers - a group of people who help the terminally ill end their lives with dignity, by being there for them in their hour of need.

When a 'job' goes wrong, Felix wants to hand himself into the police and explain the situation.... Surely they'll understand, it was an accident?.. But he is talked out of it and instead gets to thinking about what has happened.

Was it actually a mistake? Or was it some kind of clever murder and Felix was just a tool in the process?

I enjoyed the concept, it was definitely original, I've never read anything like it before. And I enjoyed reading about the characters, they were written well and I sympathised with Felix for most of the book. He gets a bit annoying in his naivety, but overall he's a sweet guy.

There's not a lot of action, so don't go into this looking for a page turner/thrill ride. I was expecting more but the writing is excellent and as I say the plot is unique.

3 stars and a bit disappointed. But I'll definitely read more of Bauer's books.

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Extraordinary! Loved it!

Though felt a bit uncomfortable about enjoying it. Assisted suicide?

But thought it quirky and funny, and intrigued to find out what on earth was going on. Loved Felix Pink.

Surprised to be able to read it so far ahead of its publication date? My review is here

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I have read a few of this authors books and thoroughly enjoyed them. This one did not disappoint. Kept me hooked from start to finish and I loved the characters. Great comedy that kept it light and had me laughing out loud. Definitely recommended

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Exiteers sit with people who wish to self euthanise.

Exiteers are not allowed to assist the person and primarily stay within the law.

So when 75 year old Felix Pink and his new exiteer colleague Amanda go to the Cann household and something goes wrong they find themselves on the wrong side of a murder investigation.

I really enjoyed this book, the characters are well drawn and likeable and the plot is clever and interlaced with a humour that is almost slap stick.

If you are looking for a lighthearted murder mystery then I highly recommend you give this book a go, I don't think you will be disappointed.

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I absolutely loved this book. It was the perfect antidote for the lockdown; making me laugh out loud and shed a tear in equal measure.
It is a testament to Belinda Bauer’s superior writing that this book never tips into farce or mawkish sentimentality. Her characterisation is, as ever, excellent. Good writing means that one is never confused when there are lots of names and characters – they become real and these certainly did. Skipper and Felix were magnificent – but also Hayley and the police team. Is it too much to ask that they might appear again? They just seem too good for a one-off appearance.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bantam Press for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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When I started this book, I wondered if this was going to be my thing, it was a little slow and it was about euthanasia, which felt a little dark. Well it got darker from there but oh my it was a great read. The story just gives you more and more as it keeps going.

Felix is a 75 year old widower who has very little in his life. He is also an Exiteer, which is someone who sits with terminally ill. patients whilst they take their own lives. Felix turns up to his next job with his new partner, Amanda. All goes as to be expected, apart from Amanda getting too involved in helping their client/patient, but she is new. However after he has passed and they are leaving, they realise they are not alone in the house. They open another bedroom door and they see a very ill man in bed, this is when Felix realises they have made a most terrible mistake.

The police are called by a “concerned neighbour” and DS King and PC Calvin Bridge end up with the case. They quickly stumble upon the Exiteer network. Was this one of their jobs gone wrong or is there something more sinister afoot here?

There are some really great characters and relationships in this book. Felix’s loneliness and sadness I thought paralleled well to how lost Calvin is with his work and relationship. This is a really clever constructed plot, with plenty of twists that make the story so much more. The story was a very different one from what I thought it was when I started.

I throughly enjoyed this. I received this copy from NetGalley in exchange for this review. I give this book 5/5.

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When Felix lets himself in to Number 3 Black Lane, he’s there to perform an act of charity: to keep a dying man company as he takes his final breath . . .
But just fifteen minutes later Felix is on the run from the police – after making the biggest mistake of his life.
Now his world is turned upside down as he must find out if he's really to blame, or if something much more sinister is at play. All while staying one shaky step ahead of the law.
I have always been a fan of Belinda Bauer's work and this one was a cracker like all of her other novels.
This book is full of wit and humour, but at the same time is a dark, suspenseful novel.
I would highly recommend this book to fans of Belinda's previous work.

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This is the first book I have read by Belinda Bauer, although I am familiar with her name and aware that she has won awards as an author including the CWA Dagger award for crime fiction.

I found the book to be a book of two halves. The first half is a little slow, but with lots of characters introduced, some of whom are using two names, so also confusing! Felix, who also goes by the name of John, is an exiteer. The exiteers sit with people as they take their own lives and when the person is dead, they leave, taking the evidence away along with their waiver form. One day, Felix goes to a job and something goes wrong. That is the concept and I quite liked it. It seems credible. You can imagine that something like that might happen in today's society.

The second half is a bit more police procedural. I'm not sure if this is the first novel featuring DC Calvin Bridges or if there has been a previous one - it's not obvious, I've done a quick search and can't find a previous novel. But it reads like a book which could be part of a series featuring this character.

Overall, it's good. It was engaging enough to keep me turning the pages and reading to the end. I felt that it lacked tension and that it wasn't as twisty and fast paced as other crime fiction which Ive read recently. I liked it but I didn't love it. It's lighthearted and humorous, despite being based on a murder and would make a good easy read for a summer holiday.

Thank you to NetGalley for an early copy in exchange for an honest review.

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