Member Reviews

I finished this story a couple of days ago and the thought of coming up with words to describe to you how this journey affected me gives me anxiety. I don't have any words. They all seem inadequate.

My heart broke everytime someone spoke with anger or malice with Cam. I'm not sure how he stood his ground and took it all stoically. And that's why I loved Willow. She was his rock and I loved her for choosing him before everyone else. Their love made me a believer that good things come to those who wait and that good people always get their HEA's.

***Review copy requested and reviewed on behalf of OMGReads blog***

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Great and Precious Things has some of my favorite tropes; childhood friends to lovers, grumpy/sunshine, small town romance. I loved everything about this book; story, characters, writing. You can also never go wrong with a book that makes you cry.

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This story was fantastic. It was intensely emotional and absolutely riveting from beginning to end.
The author is so talented. She managed to write a flawless angst filled novel that had quite a lot of trigger points in like Alzheimer's, death and war perfectly and a gentle touch.
I adored Willow and Cam. There story wasn't waistband at points your wondering if they will ever get there happy ever after. Following them throughout all there troubles was intense but rewarding to. Yes some times I became frustrated with them and wanted to scream at my kindle to make them just speak up but that was part of the journey and what made it so great.
Willow and Cam had great chemistry and so easy to fall in love with. There connection was palpable and I loved flipping each page and seeing them each get stronger and stronger after each page.
The story did have twists and turns and some very unexpected moments to keep you hooked.
The author blended so many touch subjects together perfectly. This book was unexpectedly perfect.
Can't wait to see what the author does next.

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Going home after being gone for a long time is never easy and Camden has been gone for six years. And his return is complicated. Complicated because his father wants nothing to do with him and because he loves the one person he shouldn’t.

Willow has been part of the Daniels' family for a long time and Camden's return forces both of them to face some truths that they have been ignoring for a long time.

This is another great book from Rebecca. While it's not as heart wrenching as her previous book, The Last Letter,
you will still go on an emotional rollercoaster that will have you feeling all the feelings.

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This story is absolutely beautiful. Rebecca’s storytelling is unmatched and Cam and Willow’s journey is a rollercoaster of betrayal, hope, forgiveness and love. I could not put it down, but I can say that I will definitely be picking it up again. It’s timeless.

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I absolutely LOVED this book. It is a current version of Legends of the Falls where we all swooned over Brad Pitt.

Camden never wanted to return to the town he grew up in, but when he is forced to because of his father's health, he is walking into a lion's den. People in this small town blame him for his brother's death during the war, but no one knows the truth of exactly what took place. But we all know how close-minded people can be.

Willow, the girl next door grew up with Camden and his two brothers. They were always together. All three Daniels boys loved Willow. The problem is, Willow was engaged to Camden's brother who died in combat. Camden has loved Willow for as long as he could remember, but she was his brother's girl. Or she was, or would always be? This small town is very unforgiving and full of shitty opinions. Will Camden follow his heart and finally tell Willow how he feels? Will the two of them be able to face the whispers of the town?

Rebecca said it best ==> "Great and Precious Things is a heart-wrenching story about family, betrayal, and ultimately how far we're willing to go on behalf of those who need us most."

This story will stay within your heart for a very long time. It is one that I will read over and over again, falling in love with these characters as if it was the first time reading their heartbreaking love story.

The price is a little higher than most may want to pay, but it is well worth the money, so don't be discouraged by the price tag.

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This book was absolutely everything. The emotion and character development hooks you in immediately. Rebecca Yarros is an auto buy author for me and this book did not disappoint.

Yarros is able to write about difficult topic matter with tact and grace. She makes the characters relatable. I read this book in one sitting - it was just that good! 10/10 recommend.

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I have no idea where to start with Great and Precious Things. I ran through every emotion possible while reading this story. It took me a little while after reading it to process everything. From Sullivan to Alexander to Camden … three different personalities, three different people but brothers. One was the golden boy, one was the war hero and one was despised.
Camden didn’t really care what the people of Alba thought about him. He was going home to help his father. He had two goals … to make sure his father got what he wanted in his life and to never set eyes on Willow again. He’ll have a hard road to travel with his dad and knows it will be nothing but a fight. He’s up to the task and will do whatever it takes to protect his father. Now, about not seeing Willow.
In a town where everyone knows your business, has outdated opinions and your Daddy is the Judge in the town, not showing your emotions or what you are really feeling is an art form. But, when those same people act as judge, jury and executioner without knowing the whole story, you have to make the choice to stand up to them and do whatever it takes to not give a damn anymore. And, that’s what Willow has to do now. She’s paid the price and now it’s time for Alba to suck-it-up. She’s where she wants to be, she’s with who her heart always wanted and, if they and her Dad can’t accept it then it’s their loss.
But, Cam has always protected Pika. Now, she’s telling him she doesn’t care what anyone thinks. She tells him the truth about her feelings and she tells him that she’ll always stand by him … no matter what. He can’t and won’t walk away again. He’s here, with the woman he loves, fighting for his father and will fight anyone who has anything to say about it.
There is so much more to this story than Cam and Willow. There’s Arthur. A man who you could possibly despise but have nothing but compassion for. There’s Alexander. The Golden Boy who could do nothing wrong but you can tell there’s an agenda with him and, when the truth comes out, you know you could possibly hate him but, deep down, you pity him. Sullivan … a man we don’t know much about but is revered within Alba. Noah Bradely. Yea, he may have redeemed himself but there is no way for me to respect him in any possible way. The people of Alba. They all needed to learn the truth, to see people for who they were and not what they did in the past. They needed to know the whole story, the truth … now they could judge.
I am not sure what to expect when I pick up a Rebecca Yarros novel. I know that I’m excited to read it. I know that I will enjoy it. But, I never know where she is going to take me. Will she take me on a ride in an Apache Helicopter from the Flight in Glory series? Will she take me down a mountain on a snowboard with the Renegades? Will she write a story that will make me cry ugly tears like The Last Letter? I guess what I am trying to say here is this is one of the most versatile authors I have ever read. I am never, ever disappointed. Cam and Willow’s story was beautiful, it was heart-wrenching, it was heart-warming … it was about the ties that bind … it was about forgiveness … it was about true and undeniable love.

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Great and Precious Things is the first book by Rebecca Yarros that I have had the pleasure of reading. The heartbreak a family can go through with the loss of a loved one and one who's memory is going. Cam has both of these happen, though years apart. I loved reading Cam and WIllow's story and how they help each other through loss and the hatred of others, and show people that not everything is as it is. I look forward to reading more from this author.

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Great and Precious Things was an emotional slow burn battle romance that dragged your heart through every phase of an emotional turmoil. It was heartbreaking at so many times, deeply driven, and held a passion that you felt even when you’ve read the very last chapter.

It’s been nearly ten years since Camden has stepped foot in his home town. After doing some bad things in his teenage years, going in the Army and having to bury his younger brother, he’s not exactly the small town hero. Looking to start fresh and help his father, Camden is trying his best to be a model citizen but if there’s one thing we all know about small towns: they never let you forget anything.

Willow has always loved her quiet simple life. A few years ago her world came to a halt when her boyfriend was killed in the military. Trying to move on in a small town is not easy but it’s about to get a lot more complicated when she sees her childhood friend return home for good. What happens when a long time love you've always wanted is suddenly right in front of you with hidden scars and all?

“ There is no me without You”.

I love a good romance with a military background feel to it and this one was perfect for me. I felt the connection immediately between Camden and Willow and I loved that they took their time in their relationship. It was a beautiful slow burn that needed to be savored even a little bit more and it was natural and romantic. I haven’t really read anything by this author but if this is the way she writes, then I need to go back and read her other books.

If you’re looking for an emotional romantic heartbreaking friends to lovers romance, then you should give this one a try.

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Absolutely AMAZING story !!!!! This author never disssapoint !!!! I couldn't put this book down since the first paiges ! As always Mrs Yarros has taken me for a very intense emotional ride. She hasn't published many books lately, but if they are THIS kind.... I CAN WAIT for a long time !

This book is a MUST read !!!!

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J'avais adoré ma dernière lecture de cette auteure Chère Ella et lorsque l'occasion de lire sa nouvelle parution s'est présenté à moi , je me suis jetée sur cette dernière. Je ressors totalement sous le charme de cette découverte.
C'est un énorme coup de coeur pour cette jolie romance . L'auteure parvient à nous faire ressentir un tas d'émotions dans des situations délicates sans jamais tomber dans l'outrance de drames . C'est écrit avec plein de justesse , tellement que cela prend au coeur car tout un chacun pourrait être confronté à ce que vit Camden.
On fait donc la connaissance de Camden, *soupir * Camden !
J'ai adoré ce personnage qui est entier, droit et malgré une impulsivité flagrante dans sa jeunesse , il a une capacité hors norme à jauger les gens, capacité affinée lors de ses années dans l'armée. Il est emplie de culpabilité après la mort de son jeune frère , il faut dire que la ville entière et son père en premier lieu l'accuse à toute voix.
Je ne suis tout de suite attachée à ce personne que tout le monde rejette de prime abords, sans lui accorder le bénéfice du doute ou même écouter sa version des faits.... On a envie de le protéger . Même s'il revendique de ne pas écouter les rumeurs ou se soucier des avis des gens ... il est affecté par tout cela.
Willow est une jeune femme pétillante qui a longtemps souffert de la perte de Sully son fiancé mais qui a tourné la page et qui va ouvrir les yeux peu à peu sur un tas de choses. Elle remet en question toute sa vie, ses choix et les influences qu'elle a pu subir ou qu'elle a suivi. Elle s'affirme et prend peu à peu à bras le corps de revendiquer ses choix.
Leur duo est complexe mais assez inévitable même si j'avoue que mon coeur à parfois frémi par crainte de ce que l'auteure leur réservé.
Parallèlement à cette romance complexe , l'auteure aborde des thèmes délicats avec la maladie d'alzheimer et les incidences sur la personne et sa famille mais aussi le DNR ( ne pas réanimer) ...Tout cela abordé avec justesse, fierté et sensibilité.
Quelques passages sont vraiment puissants en émotions et l'auteure est parvenu à me surprendre avec quelques révélations inattendues...
En bref : Une romance coup de coeur ! J'ai tout adoré : un héros plein de culpabilité qui tente de prendre les bonnes décisions pour les personnes qu'il aime le plus au monde, une héroïne qui prend sa vie en main , une lutte pour une fin de vie en toute dignité, des trahisons et des secrets.... Tout est réuni pour une lecture qui touche directement au coeur !

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The Last Letter was one of my favorite reads of 2019. It totally devastated me and then lifted me up again in that way that only great writing does. I COULD NOT WAIT to get my hands on Great and Precious Things – I mean, could lightning strike twice?! Dear readers yes! Yes it can and it did!

Camden has always been labeled the troublemaker so he proves he’s earned that reputation.

Willow is the town sweetheart and no one lets her forget it. A woman who is still the town’s tragic story even though time has continued to move on.

Camden, his brothers and Willow were thick as thieves as kids until life events tear them all apart. Camden, right or not, blames himself and leaves swearing never to come back. Life is funny though and destiny has a mind of her own. He does comes back home to Alba, Colorado, to find that nothing has changed even if his perspective is very different. Drawn back by his father's illness. Small town life means everyone knows your business and they’re all up in it. It also means that they love you like family, even with no blood relation and pull together when the occasion calls for it.

This story begins with a literal bang and I was hooked. I read it straight through without stopping – other than to refill my cup of tea. Well actually it was my glass of wine but I digress. 😊 The question IMHO is can you live down your past and start anew? I believe many of us carry burdens than we shouldn't allowing them to hold us frozen in time.

All these "people" felt real to me and so I felt like an uninvited guests that refuses to leave. The undercurrent of all the things unsaid is so palpable that my heart tightened with each page I read.

Forgiveness is a great concept but hard as hell to practice. Therein lies Camden's struggle with his demons. His father continues to fade with the progressive loss of his mental faculties. Willow fights the feelings that she’s tried to ignore her entire life for this man that always seems just out of reach.

I rode with Cam and Willow and the town of Alba through each up, down, the guilt, heartbreak and all the misunderstandings through to acceptance, love and joy until it was done. The way Rebecca fleshes everything out even the town is a character. Great and Precious Things is rich and deep and not your ordinary love story.

I know that I’m being ambiguous and that is intentional. I want you to experience IT ALL as I did. So settle in, buckle up and let the magic of Rebecca Yarros storytelling skill have its way with you.

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Rebecca Yarros does it again! Elizabeth@ Carolina Chic's Read

Camden and Willow have always been meant for each other, but Camden has never felt good enough for her. When a series of events pushes them together it's only a matter of time before they give in.

Every now and then you run across an author that knows how to write a feel good book. One filled with a second chance love, chemistry, turmoil, and so much love.

5 Glorious Stars ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ !!

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Great and Precious Things is a new standalone book by Rebecca Yarros.

This book is about Camden who has always been the black sheep of his family but also of Elba, the town where he grew up. 6 years ago he came back from war with his little brother in a coffin. Nobody could forgive him, especially not his dad. He left and swore he would never come back. But now his father needs him. And he needs to go home. Home where the one person lives he still loves, Willow. The one woman he can never have.

I loved Willow and Camden. Camden had my heart from the first page. As always the writing was amazing. I loved the story, the characters, everything.

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Rebecca promised I wouldn’t ugly cry while reading Great and Precious Things like I did with The Last Letter and she didn’t lie.  Yet Great and Precious Things still touched my heart in so many ways.  Camden has returned to Alba, the hometown he swore he would never return to.  A return prompted by one phone call from a father who had years ago told him never to return home.  And now he’s face to face with the only woman he has ever loved but can’t have and a father suffering from dementia who he’s trying to do right by. ⁣

This book had so many layers and dealt with relatable issues like loss of a sibling, military life, guilt, loving someone you shouldn’t and the illness of parent.  This story is an emotional story about Cam returning home to a place that isn’t his home anymore but has the one thing he always wanted. Cam now has to deal with a father who doesn’t remember him most days yet we also get this beautiful second change romance between Cam and Willow that was like breathing a sigh of relief.  They were perfect in a situation that wasn’t perfect.  Everything was woven together so beautifully that the different storylines just flowed together perfectly. ⁣

This is a story about a broken family riddled with guilt, remorse, love, anger and jealously written in a way that only Rebecca can write and still give you the ending that your heart really needs.  There were as many twists & turns as there was laughs & love.  Rebecca writes books that stay with you for a long time after you read the last page.  You think about them, they slay your heart and quite honestly, they change you in some small way.  This is another fantastic story that had me riveted and feeling everything that Camden & Willow felt.  As always with Rebecca’s books, this is a 5+ star read for me. ⁣

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.⁣

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Like so many stories that I experience lately, Great and Precious Things is one that I'm not giving any details away about, you can read the description. I will say this, it destroyed my soul in a way that hurt so good. Not saying that I'm about any pain, but I am saying that the brilliant Rebecca Yarros touched upon topics that I've dealt with my whole life in one form or another. I've been the black sheep in my family because my views are different, or because I was seen as the enemy after I had a sibling die on his way to visit me which brought full on ugly crying. My family has been ravaged by disease, to the point that my Mom is in her 60's and she's the head of the family because everyone are gone from some sort of disease. Very recently, my family has been hit again with pain of disease, so this story came at the right time. It not only hit me in the feels, but provided light in the darkness of my reality at the moment, and for that, I cannot thank Ms. Yarros enough, so please don't think it's all sadness because it's not, just realistic in the telling of life's hits. Finally, her descriptive genius of the place I grew up in (Colorado) was a thing of beauty, transporting me to my happy place. So yeah, this was a fantastic story which kleenex really is needed for, and I'll revisit it over & over again since it really had me thinking about hope, forgiveness, and second chances in life. Now it's time for everyone to hit that one click button as I HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!

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4.5 Stars
This book is so much more than a beautiful romance. It's about family, community, war, lies, hidden truths, and Alzheimers. Camden has been gone for 10 years with the exception of a brief stay when he returned with Sullivan, his younger brother's body, to bury six years ago. He vowed never to return after the words his father said to him. The guilt and shame Cam carries is relentless and as unforgiving as that of his dad and the people of Alba where he grew up. But he gets a voice mail asking for help from his father and realizes he needs to go back to the one place he thought he could avoid forever. He's confronted with his dad who doesn't recognize him and his other brother, the good son, Xander, who is now the Mayor of their little town. And the one person he just can't face, his childhood friend and the girl who was supposed to marry Sully and also the woman Cam has always been in love with all his life, Willow.

This is a slow burn as we learn about the past and see the struggles of the present. Cam and Willow have an undeniable connection that is so much more than physical chemistry. “There is no me without you.” Rebecca Yarros writing is incredible as always, very detailed making the characters come to life. It's emotional and thought provoking and Cam & Willow's love is passionate and fierce. “I’ll never not want you. Wanting you is all I’ve ever known. You’re in my blood, my bones, my soul.” This will easily be your next 1 click!!!

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Great and Precious Things is a thought provoking, beautifully written novel that pulled me in from the start. Camden's come home after 6 years away. Freshly (I think) out of the military to help his older brother Xander take care of their father who has early onset Alzheimer's.

Their father wants to choose his own path (on how he dies, he'd like a Dnr) but how can he when he's only in his right mind 50% of the time.

While he's in town Cam starts something with his dead brother's girlfriend and in their small town it's kinda a problem. The story between Cam and Willow is lovely and helped me balance my own emotions regarding Cam's dad's wishes.

I felt like I could see both sides of the argument. Because of what I do for a living I know people can live their lives on ventilators. I know they aren't the sentence everyone thinks they are but I also understand a person's right to not want to live that way. Honestly, I don't think about it for myself when I'm facing it day to day. But I guess write a story about it and I'm going to have some deep thoughts.

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This slow-burning romance was isn’t just good; it’s great and precious!

Great and Precious Things is a slow-burning love story packed full of hard-won and endearing great and precious moments. Cam and Willow are old friends who need to deal with some unaddressed emotions. Willow is Cam’s dead brother’s former girlfriend and untouchable in Cam’s eyes. Cam, who recently retired from the Army Special Forces, blames himself for his brother’s death. He returns home many years to a small town of people that despise him, including his own father. Cam and Willow have to so many family-related hurdles and emotional baggage to sort through. They tip-toe through a mine-field of love, lies, guilt, and deception to find each other. Great and Precious Things was beautifully written and not overdramatic. The end was just a perfect beginning! I loved this one.

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