Member Reviews

Hope Close is a psychological thriller by Tina Seskis that explores the secrets and lies of a group of neighbours in a gated community.
The book also touches on themes such as domestic violence, mental health, addiction and betrayal.
I would recommend this book to fans of the genre who enjoy a fast-paced and gripping story.

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I really love Tina Seskis's books - her writing style, her voice, and her engaging plots - and this one was no exception. A twisty plotline with relatable and well written characters, a well paced story, and twists and turns I didn't predict. I always look forward to a new Tina Seskis novel, and will definitely be recommending this one!

Thank you to NetGalley and to the publisher, who granted me a free ARC copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

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Andy Meyer keeps people and his demons at arms’s length. He moves into a small tight street. It’s a tension mounting never ending treat for readers. Andy and his neighbors move toward an end that is a bit disturbing. In 5ge end Andy isn’t the only life that’s on display.

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The story is told from multiple POVs
I felt the premise was average at best
I didn’t warm to any of the characters and the ending felt very weak.

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Another good domestic thriller out there, focusing specifically on who exactly you neighbours are! It gave me Desperate Housewives vibes, which for some may be a good comparison but for others not.

Whilst there were some good twists and turns, there was almost too many and it made the ending feel a bit underwhelming.

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This just missed the mark for me sadly. I loved the premise of it, and the writing was wonderful so I had no trouble envisioning Hope Close and it's residents. But I just found the story a bit drab and the ending left me with lots of questions which disappointed me.

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You NEED to buy this book!! Out on the 24th March. Available for pre-order on Amazon.
This book is full of small easy read chapters, but each one ends on an unknown.
It is written from different people’s perspectives from the same neighbourhood.
There’s so much drama in Hope Close that it’s hard to put this book down!! Each twist and turn keeps you guessing, I was so invested in their lives I even messaged @tinaseskis about 60% through the book to ask her questions!! I loved it! Friendships are made and broken, there’s an air of suspicion constantly a an element of family drama with heartache.
Who is Andy Meyer?! I really hope some of you buy this book so we can talk about it!
Thank you Tina for letting me read this book before it’s release date! I’ve really enjoyed it!

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A well written story about a small community and how you never really know what goes on behind closed doors. Interesting and well crafted characters create an amazing story that will keep you up until the early hours unable to stop reading!

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This looked like it was going to be a good psychological thriller, but that wasn’t the case. I found it quite slow and difficult to get into and I didn’t really enjoy it, I’m afraid.

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New mysterious male neighbour shakes the still lives of three women and their families in the small community of Hope Close.

I have loved one of the previous novels of Ms Seskis, so I had big hopes for this one, too. But while the psychological setup and insights into the characters' lives are spot-on and interesting, the pace is slow and the big "revelation comes very, very late in the plot, which makes all the structure of the novel being uneven. And really, even the revelation is not so big and no true catharsis happens. I was also not invested into the lives of the characters, even if I come to understand them - but their lives are truly to still and stuck-up to the routine so it would need much greater (or continuing) shakes for them to come alive.

All in all, this is quiet book which would benefit much from more courage and boldness in approach.
But I will still follow Ms Seskis, as she is good writer. Me not liking one of her novels can not change my appreciation of her skills.

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I did not enjoy this one sadly. It did not hold my attention. I may just not have been in the right place at the time to properly read and enjoy this book.

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Four houses in a small cul_de_sac; where the households rarely mingle. Jealously, friction and speculation is the norm for these families.
Can these households come together?
This book keeps you guessing until the end chapter.

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This is a good domestic thriller with lots of different characters, mainly told through 4 points of view though.

I did enjoy it, a bit like desperate housewives though to be honest and that’s not my bag.

I’ve liked all Tina’s other novels and I did enjoy this one I just didn’t feel that invested in it for some reason?! Weird.

Not a bad read though.

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There are not many houses in Hope Close but all 4 of them contain people with secrets or problems. The only person I liked was Joan, the one you weren’t meant to feel for! The others were a bit odd. This book falls into the domestic drama or dramas category as there was one going on in every household. All the ladies had chapters and the new, mystery person too. Eventually most of the ends were tied but it did take a while to get there. All in all a decent read, with sad bits and parts to giggle at and I enjoyed it.

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This was a great thriller! A bit confusing with the multiple different story lines but once you are able to get a grasp on it, its really well done.

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Another thrilling and addictive book by Tina Seskis! I was hooked from the very beginning. I really enjoyed learning more about the residents of Hope Close and the secrets they were hiding. Throughly enjoyed it!

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I love Tina Seskis books and this was no exception... warm, well knitted and absolutely perfect. Have recommended this one to my book club friends!

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This book was reminiscent of Desperate Housewives and I really liked it. There are many secrets, a lot of drama and there is the mystery to be solved. I found it to be quite enjoyable.
Many thanks to Amazon Publishing UK and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I really enjoyed this very engaging story about the dysfunctional neighbors of Hope Close who are each dealing with various problems. Each of the four neighbors, Joan the gossip watching from behind her curtains, Layla the young, lonely housewife, Nicole the sad empty nester, and Andy Meyer (not his real name) who is new to the neighborhood tell their stories which eventually leads to a major blowout.

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I loved The Honeymoon by Tina Seskis, which I read a few years ago so I was hopeful for this book. I was not disappointed. It was gripping and thrilling and I devoured it. I also loved the front cover!

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