Member Reviews

So many different types of household on a random cul de sac in England. I didn't guess many of the plot twists and, although I did find the book slow at times, I really did enjoy watching it all come together.

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I have read other books by this author and enjoyed so I was keen to read this. The story focuses on the residents of Hope Close and is told from the perspectives of 4 main characters, each with their own mini plot going on. Each character is different and has you guessing about how their part in the story will develop. The new resident Andy is the one which has you gripped the most , what did he do and how does he fit in to it all? Although I thoroughly enjoyed this I was expecting a bigger twist at the end, I'm not sure what but I just sort of felt a bit deflated by the end. After saying that , it is a good read though and I would recommend it to others who like this genre.
Thank you Netgalley and Tina Seksis for this ARC.

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The premise of this book was so intriguing. I have read multiple books about neighbors and secrets and have always found them very entertaining. This one barely seemed to keep my interest throughout. I had a hard time staying engaged and really skimmed chapters to get to the end and to find out the secret.

Told in alternating perspectives per chapter, this follows the group of neighbors and their lives on their quiet little street. While usually a novel like this works well, this one seemed to be disjointed. Not all the stories seemed to mesh well together. Because of this choppiness, I felt completely set back from the overall story and actually had to remind myself why I was still reading- I wanted to find out the BIG SECRET!

This is a cast of unique characters- an odd bunch of sorts. Since each chapter follows a different character, I did like how I got to know each one individually. However, there were times I felt like I was getting too much story which lead to complete boredom and skimming on to the next chapter.

The ending was quite the letdown. I, of course, will not give anything away and you can decide for yourself how you feel about Hope Close when it is released here in the U.S. on March 24, 2020.

Thanks to Netgalley and Amazon Publishing UK for allowing me an eARC to read and give my honest review. It was a 3 star read for me.

Happy Reading!

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I stayed up way too late last night finishing this book off 😆 but I really enjoyed it!

𝗦𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀 ⠀
"Hope Close is a small cul de sac with residents who are terrible curtain twitchers who stick their noses in one another’s business. They think they know everything about each other until the newest resident arrives. He puts physical walls in place to keep his busy body, prying neighbours out and they’re all convinced he has something to hide.⠀

Unbeknownst to each other, it appears that they all have secrets behind closed doors, and once they start unraveling the impact is explosive."⠀

𝗠𝘆 𝗧𝗵𝗼𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀⠀

I found this book really intriguing and I couldn’t put it down.⠀

It was very cleverly written as each chapter was told from a different characters perspective, with their name heading the chapters. This differed when written from the mysterious new residents point of view , who has so much anonymity that it keeps you turning the pages. Nothing was ever given away about who he was, where he came from, or what impact he would have on this street.....very clever in my opinion. It kept me gripped.⠀

This is my first book by this author and I look forward to reading more of her books.⠀

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 from me ⠀

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You never really do know what's going on behind closed doors... Or gates.

A great twisty read about the residents of Hope Close, Old Battleaxe Joan who doesn't like change. Trophy wife Layla and bored housewife Nicole. Things are fairly quiet on the close until the arrival of a new neighbour who is very much keeping himself to himself.

The mysterious neighbour unlocks secrets that have ramifications right across the close.

This book made me miss the good old days of Brookside Close!

This was definitely a page turner. Thanks to net galley for the opportunity to review this book this is my honest opinion.

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This is the first book I have read by Tina Seskis but it won’t be the last. I really enjoyed this book, it immediately pulled me in and then was very cleverly written to keep me intrigued with different strands of story interwoven between all the residents of Hope Close.
I rated this 4⭐️ and would recommend it.

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I only read about 10% and couldn't get into this book. I wanted to give it more of a chance, but Layla sending her 8-year-old to boarding school prejudiced me against it from the start and I didn't really want to find out what the new arrival's likely terrible secret was.

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I really enjoyed the way this book has been written as in each chapter is dedicated to each character. The story builds up really well and you get to know the characters on Hope Close. As the story was building I expected things to get quite sinister with Andy, which is the mysterious neighbour that moves in, as a few things happen to lead you to believe that is where the story may be heading. I think because of this, I felt slightly underwhelmed by the overall outcome at the ending of this story. This is purely just my opinion from what the book lead me to believe was going to happen, plus the fact I do read a lot of thrillers, I think also made me think that way too. Having said that, the book does tie up all the loose ends well.

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Thank you to Amazon Publishing UK and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

The premise of the book sounded intriguing, but the execution did not quite live up to that potential. The multiple story lines did not always mesh very well, and I found the transitions between the various POVs confusing and distracting. Partly due to the continuous changes in POV, the story advanced very slowly and I found it hard to sustain interest at times. There were constant references to past events, some of which were never actually revealed - and those that were eventually revealed fell a bit flat, and therefore I found the ending disappointing.

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Hope Close, at first glance, seems like a nice and cosy neighbourhood.
But each of its residents has baggage of their own.
Layla is unhappily married and missing her son, who has just been sent to a boarding school.
Nicole is a lonely woman, whose children have left home and whose husband pays no attention to her.
Joan is a busybody who finds problems with everything and everyone.
So when Andy Mayer, a mysterious new neighbor, settles in one of the recently vacated houses, it spells trouble.

The story, told in the third person, follows each of the neighbours and is interspersed with Andy Mayer's firsthand narration.
When I started reading, I was instantly intrigued. The opening chapters offered a really good premise, and I was excited to be sucked in.
Unfortunately, it quickly turned out that the story was really slow and not suspenseful enough. The new neighbour's secrets were the only thing that kept my interest, but sadly even that eventually fell flat. Andy's motive seemed random and far-fetched, and therefore the ending was disappointing.
I was really battling with myself whether to give this book 2 or 3 stars, but in the end, I just couldn't justify the higher rating.
I'm aware that my opinion is in the minority, so I think you should check it out for yourself.

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Tina Seskis is fast becoming one of my go-to authors as her attention to detail surpasses any plot lines. While this doesn't really qualify as a domestic or psychological drama it certainly is an magnificent domestic noir portraying the inner lives of the occupants of four homes in a claustrophobic cul-de-sac in the picturesque Sussex countryside. It’s difficult to conjure a sense of foreboding throughout a novel where, to be honest, nothing too externally drastic happens. However, my heart was pounding at so many times and I felt as if mass murder had just happened. It didn’t. . But that’s how it felt, and as surely as it’s difficult to read, its surely more difficult to write in this style. Instead we are treated to the murder of dreams and marriages, the death of expectations and the acceptance of loneliness as a norm. More devastating than any pile-up-the -bodies stories. The street is disrupted by the mysterious arrival of a young single man into their midst and finally the street name becomes symbolic as well as a mail delivery technique.

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Here is a review of the book Hope Close by the featured author this week Tina Seskis!

After what seems as a life -time of reading cozy books I have started entering the thriller world as it seems it's the most popular genre nowadays.
And I knew it would happen – I am hooked and there's no coming back. 😊

I have received an ARC copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

How can I describe this novel?

Some earlier reviews mentioned that so many characters and their stories are confusing. Not at all! And believe me – I should be the first one confused since I haven’t read an engaging serious book for a long time.
Every arc story and the character behind it is extremely detailing described and I was very satisfied with the delivery of suspense for each and every one of them.
I loved reading about their worlds entangling, about their secrets, big and small, coming out and how it affected the neighborhood as a whole.
The authors way of drawing you to the story is the highlight of this book – Tina managed to make you think that you know exactly what is happening, that this book isn’t entertaining after all, but then with each next chapter you get hooked up and change your opinion and after reading half of the book you are not sure if you know who the evil characters are, or if they are all going to kill one another, or what their secrets are.
She uniquely makes you think about one character and what might happen to them that formed them as their present self and while you are still thinking about that same character she throws at you so much more suspense in the next paragraphs that you just want to reach to the end and finally know all their secrets and what the hell is going on!
And the end – I honestly, swear to God and my little one’s life I never saw coming! Those casually mentioned names throughout the book and the main characters make such a compelling novel that I am still thinking about it next morning.
In the book some of the past isn’t really explained which makes me hope for a series about these characters because the delivery of their pasts combined with the present story is just brilliant.

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Another terrific book from the pen of Tina Seskis, who is fast becoming adept at writing nuanced and complex characters that are compulsive reading. As ever, her plot is fiendishly wicked and great fun to read.

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Hope Close by Tina Seskis The premise of the book was intriguing. There were multiple story lines some of which did not mesh together well. The transitions between the POVs were confusing and distracting. An interesting read but slow paced.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and NetGalley for the opportunity to preview the book.

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A fantastic read, full of intrigue that will keep you in suspense throughout!

Welcome to Hope Close a cul-de-sac in the countryside with just four houses, who’s occupants prove that so much more goes on behind closed doors!

The story is told from four POV’s – Layla, the unhappy housewife who has just had to agree to send her beloved son to boarding school.

Nicole, the bored, lonely housewife whose children have all flown the nest and whose husband pays her little attention.

Joan, an elderly lady who seems to despise her husband and pretty much anyone or anything!

Then there’s Andy the new resident on Hope Close, who is fresh out of rehab and has a very mysterious past.

All very different types of people but one thing the ladies all have in common is that they are all very nosey neighbours! As Andy wants to keep himself to himself and let his secrets remain in the past, I think he has picked the wrong neighbourhood to move too.

I really enjoyed reading this book, it felt like starting with a jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces are initially scattered around but they all come together by the end. It was very easy to read, and the chapters flit perfectly between each character. I love the way Tina makes things so intriguing in her books that you just want to keep turning the pages. It is the third book I have read of hers and each one I have been wowed and haven’t guessed the outcome.

The setup reminded me a lot of Desperate Housewives which I used to love watching! I think this book would make a fantastic TV drama.

An awesome curtain twitcher read which bought out the nosey neighbour in me!

Thank you so much to Tina Seskis, Amazon/Lake Union Publishing & NetGalley for my ARC of this book.

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I don't know how to rate or review this book. There were too many people, and the storylines did not blend well. I picked it up a number of times and finally felt a relief when finished,
Thank you, NetGalley for the advance copy toreview.

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I absolutely love all the books Tina Seskis has written and her familiar writing style was evident in her latest offering, I raced through the book really looking forward to the twists unfolding but I hate to say it but it’s not one of my favourite books by her. I found I could guess some of what was going to happen and I’ve not been able to do that with her other books.
This would be a good one to start with if you’ve not read anything by this author then read some of her other books. You won’t be disappointed!

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This book didn't impress me as much as I had hoped; however, I always like to offer some positive feedback, and this book did reach some high notes. Firstly, I thought the writing was top-notch. The storyline was easy to follow and I was never confused about what was going on. Some books can get very wordy, and I didn't find that to be an issue with this book at all. Second, I really could relate to the characters. I always like when the characters in a novel are relatable. It helps me connect more with the book. Finally, I did find the plot very interesting. The parts of the book that I took issue with was the pacing. For me, an excellent book requires the reader, achem <me.> to have a very hard time putting down the book. In this case, I found myself taking breaks more often than not. While I did finish this novel, I could not call it a 'pageturner'. When I find a book impossible to put down, that is for me, a memorable read. I would rate this book 3/5 stars.

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What Secrets Hide On The Close...?
The seemingly quiet Hope Close hides a multitude of secrets and suspicions. Solid characterisation and engaging storytelling make this a rather compulsive read. There is much backstory but nothing irrelevant and all necessary to tell the tale. Well drawn, enjoyable suspense.

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Three women, Layla, Joan and Nicole live in Hope Close with their husbands. A mysterious new neighbour moves in, keeps himself to himself and erects a large set of gates. What does the new neighbour have to hide.

I have read a books before with the premis about neighbours and one or the other have a secret and for me I find the stories quite entertaining. This book I thought was ok but had enough to keep my interest until the end.

Each chapter follows each of the women and how they entwine and how they each live their lives. The reader also follows the new neighbour who clearly has something to hide. The story progresses until all is revealed and why.

I felt this book had enough to keep my interest and I did want to find out what the big secret was. I felt however that the story just plodded along at times and I just wanted it to move up a notch and move on a little.

I would say if you like Liane Moriarty then this book is for you. A modern setting with a very mismatched bunch of characters. There was some funny moments in the book especially with what some of the characters did get up to. A good, ok

I would like to thank Tina Seskis via Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review the book.

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