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Side Trip

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This book was a wonderfully paced, emotional journey that took me on quite the ride (pardon the pun). Deftly combining humor and heart, SIDE TRIP is a story about love but it is so much more than a love story.

I love Kerry Lonsdale’s writing and this book might just be my favorite yet. It deals with complex emotions in a deeply relatable way that had me both rooting for Joy and Dylan while also resigned to what I expected the ending to be. But as Lonsdale is a master at incorporating unexpected twists and turns into her stories, the ending was a complete surprise.

I sped through the book, unable to get the characters out of my head and desperate to know what would happen to them. For me, the true sign of a great book is when I am both sad to reach the end but satisfied with the journey that got me there. That was precisely the case with SIDE TRIP. I highly recommend you pick up a copy when it is released on July 7th.

Thank you to Lake Union Publishing for the advance reading copy.

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I received an electronic Advanced Reader ops through NetGalley.

I loved Dylan and Joy, I loved experiencing their road trip with them.

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Sadly, I have to go against the grain with this review. After reading all the glowing reviews by others, I was really looking forward to reading Side Trip, my first one by this author.

I found the book too chick lit-ish and romance-y. Are those even words? I found my mind wandering as I was reading it. I could not connect with the characters.

Then, I hit the last 20% of the book. Redemption! The ending did make the whole read a better experience for me.

I'm sure the majority will enjoy Side Trip, it just was not the right book at the right time, for me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advance readers copy in exchange for a review.

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Side Trip was an emotionally impactful story. Delving into loss, love, and longing in a very fresh way, it had all the feels. This is Kerry Lonsdale at her finest.

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Do you dare? How do you not? But what if? Side Trip is exhilarating so get in and buckle your seatbelt! Kerry Lonsdale’s mind takes you on a side trip like no other!

Joy’s life is plagued with guilt and she’s living her life in the shadows of her dead sister Judy. Dylan has an agenda to get to New York playing gigs along the way that he is dreading. Dylan’s car breaks down on Route 66. Joy has Judy’s bucket list for the trip she is doing for her sister and is sitting in a cafe on Route 66 when she sees Dylan outside.

Dylan needs a ride. Joy has items to check off her list. No last names, all side trips are a must, and what happens on the road, stays on the road. What happens next neither expects. They make a deal and there are so many what if’s and you never know if the road you choose is truly the right road or what if you should go with your gut. Life can throw you a whirlwind of unexpected side trips right when you need them the most. Go ahead and take them! Make your own bucket lists. I hope this book will inspire you like it did me! Another amazing job by Kerry Lonsdale!

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Side Trip is an entertaining and well written romance. Well crafted plot and characters. I highly recommend this book. I received an arc from the publisher and Netgalley and this is my unbiased review.

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Thank you to Netgalley, Lake Union Publishing, and the Author Kerry Lonsdale for the ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review
WOW this book has totally moved to my favorite of 2020.
Buckle up for a bumpy, emotional, throw all caution to the wind ride.
I loved the trip regardless of the main protagonists back story for it.
Who wouldn't want to take a "side trip" like that with a side piece like that!!!
Reading this had me feeling like I was riding along and such is life sometimes you don't end up where you thought you would.
I will definitely be following and reading more from this Author.

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Loved this new title from Kerry Lonsdale...kept me engaged the entire time. Was reading at record speed towards the end, eager to see how it all played out...will be recommending this one for sure.

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Wow, this book. See, I had been in a reading slump while sheltering in place. Suffering from reader’s block, if you will. I had only gotten through a couple books and so I picked up Kerry’s book, Side Trip, since the last of my April review copies had been pushed out.

Y’all. Side Trip was amazing. I couldn’t put it down. I have always loved Kerry Lonsdale’s books, but this one, THIS ONE, is hands down my favorite. The characters were raw and real and the pacing was absolutely perfect. You are not given any more than you need to keep you on the hook. And man, are you hooked.

Joy is living a life of guilt and atonement. Dylan needs to get to New York and his car has broken down. Lucky for him, Joy is headed in the same direction via Rt 66. She’s got her deceased sister’s bucket list in hand, and as long as they agree to a few rules, she’ll let him tag along.

No last names, all side trips are a must, and what happens on the road, stays on the road. What follows is an amazing, life changing road trip and 10 years worth of what ifs. What if they broke those rules? Where would they be now? Joy and Dylan are looking for different things and leading very different lives, but who knows what can happen when you take the road less traveled.

I am still thinking about Joy and Dylan. This book is definitely going to stay with me for a while.

I received an advanced copy of this book, all opinions are my own.

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A fun roadtrip full of realistic characters and strong storyline. Kerry never disappoints and I am looking forward to her next book

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Wow. Just finished this book (one day read) and my emotions are all over the place.

This is easily my favorite of all Lonsdale's books. I'm a sucker for a romance, and Dylan and Joy deliver. Sure, there are plenty of what ifs and what could have beens thread through this ten-day journey across the country where promises are made and broken and relationships are tried and tested.

But the ending. Honestly, it is one of the most jaw-dropping conclusions I've ever read. I was completely unprepared for all the feels and you will be too.

Strap in for a fun, musical, and magical ride with characters you won't soon forget. CONGRATULATIONS, Kerry, on an absolute winner.

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There is so much to talk about. This was my first time reading a book by this author. I will be buying more. I admit that I thought the story started off a bit slow but a few chapters in it grabbed my attention and did not let go, not even after I finished it!! I kept thinking about this book for days after and had discussions with family and friends about some of the themes in this book, namely family ties, memory, obligations, secrets and most importantly the road not taken. I don't want to spoil the story for others by giving too much detail. Joy meets Dylan on the road, Both are taking this road trip to help heal wounds and keep promises and what they find on this trip is life changing.

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Extremely emotional story about what happens when you decide to take a different route than you planned; a side trip. There's nothing worse with living with what-if's?

Joy Evers is driving route 66 from California to N.Y. and along the way she's Check my off a bucket list; that belongs to late sister, Judy. After a family trauma happened when Joy was 13, she completely changes her life and goals to fulfill her sister's instead.

Along the way, she picks up Dylan Westfield, son of the late performer. Dylan has to travel route 66 and perform at the same venues his father started out in order to receive his inheritance.

He sees straight through Joy from the start. She's wearing clothes that don't for her style, she has an enormous engagement that he can see she hates, and they quickly become friends and more on the 9 day trip to NY.

But what happens when Joy doesn't want to say goodbye. They agreed no last names and no contact after the drive, but when both of them see their lives apart flash between their eyes, can they live with regret?

A must read!!

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This is a classic Lonsdale. If you've read the Everything Series and Last Summer, then you know what is store for you. Compulsively readable and relatable, this was a fast-paced story and I couldn't wait to find out what happened next!

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Oh my goodness! I guarantee, reading this book, you will not be disappointed. I was blown away how engaged with the characters I was, and I could not put the book down. The ending left me sobbing and with an unexpected twist. I couldn't ask for a better book to escape to. I can't wait to read Kerry Lonsdale's next book. This one was definitely my favorite.

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I received and advanced readers copy of this book and have really enjoyed taking a little side trip while sheltered in place. I started reading it before the crazy started and was enjoying it but my life got a little busy so the unexpected time at home gave me the perfect opportunity. I love Kerry's style of writing. I can escape to another place with characters I would like to be friends with. I liked the travel across country and it was like a little mini vacation for my mind. It actually started creating a bucket list of my own to fulfill after things get back to our new normal. I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking to escape the regular day to day.

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I love Kerry Lonsdale's writing. She always manages to grab me right away and not let go until the last page has been turned. Her debut Everything We Keep was one of my favorites in 2016 and now Side Trip ranks right up there with it as the best of Kerry's novels.

Joy and Dylan had such amazing chemistry. I liked how the story went back and forth between the time they were traveling and what happened afterward. It kept building up to some harrowing truths. I was only able to guess one part of the story. Everything else was surprising and caught me off guard. This was a great escapist read while being cooped up in a house, just envisioning two people riding across the US and exploring new places along the way. I also enjoyed the music aspect, whether it was discovering what was on Joy's road trip playlist or imagining what Dylan was singing at his performances along the way.

My only concern was that I had difficulty getting a sense of timing. I didn't know what year it was until they said 2020 was ten years after the road trip. I thought it had taken place in current time and that the story was going into the future during the "after" chapters.

This was a wonderful love story and it also spoke to being true to yourself. I highly recommend adding it to your TBR pile this summer!

Movie casting ideas:
Joy: Stephanie Styles
Dylan: William Brent
Mark: Colin Ford
Taryn: Kara Hayward
Chase: Charlie Rowe

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Oh my gosh! This book had me laugh, then cried then laughing again! I loved this book! Kerry Lonsdale once again knocked my socks off! I loved going on this Sidetrip with Joy and Dylan! It was all things wonderful! It makes you think about not taking life too seriously and always if given a chance....take a chance you never know where things might take you! This book was beyond five stars 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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Oh dreamy sigh... that's what this book makes me do! I love the idea of a travel adventure and unexpected side trips being a part of that experience. Add in a fine, fun and talented guy and you have an unforgettable, life altering drive across country in this story. In this not to be missed story, Joy and Dylan, new acquaintances brought together by fate, are in for an unexpected time together on the road, finding out about life, what influences our life decisions, and ultimately how to be brave, daring, and true to ourselves and who we are meant to be in the end. I really enjoyed these characters and felt this was a truly original storyline. There's an air of mystery, a touch of romance, and tough decisions ahead for readers - and you don't want to miss it! I was truly touched by this story when reading the inspirational song (title track!) written by the author's daughter - it was beautiful and encompassed everything about this book!

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Side Trip by Kerry Lonsdale
Two individuals thrown together by chance, as they are both taking a trip from California to Chicago on Route 66, then on to NYC.
Joy Evers, just out of college is about to journey across country to fulfill her sister Judy's bucket list, and to join her fiance in NYC and start a new life.
Joys sister Judy, died when she was just 18 and Joy 14, but Joy has been carrying guilt about it ever since it happened. Finding the list her sister had written, feels like it could be a way of keeping her memory close.
Dylan Westfield a singer and song writer, also has an agenda as he takes this journey. He needs to play and sing at small bars across the route, something his father wanted him to do after he died, but which Dylan dreads.

They meet at a diner at the start of the trip, where Joy is having lunch, and Dylan's car breaks down, and so their journeys begins as strangers, but soon close friends.
I loved this journey of self discovery, building of trust and a closeness and having a lot of fun doing their side trips,the only stipulations for the trip are no last names, what happens on the road stays on the road and both must agree on the side trips.
Joy and Dylan are wonderful characters, who keep us rooting for them through out the story, and wondering what happens to them as they part ways in NYC.
This is a very emotional read as they open up to each other and doubt their choices.
I must say the end had me a tied up in knots.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for a copy of this book.

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