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Chantal Fernando got it perfect with this book !!!

Once again this fabulously talented author has delivered a heart stopping romantic absolutely perfect story that caught this reader's attention from the very first page and held me breathlessly anticipating a happy ending until the last one. As usual the story was spot on and seamlessly flowing, with charming characters, scorching chemistry, and plenty of surprises along the way. I loved Temper and Abbie together. They were so perfect for each other. Temper had a sweet side that was revealed for Abbie. While Abbie realized her true bad arse side because of Temper. I loved that they finally took the chance and found happiness together. A lot of big things happened in this book !

Chantal Fernando is an amazing author ! I always enjoy her books, and this one is now a favorite. I loved it !!!

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3.7 estrelas

Fazia uns anos que eu não lia nada dessa autora e nem no gênero MC, então esse livro foi uma grata surpresa .

Aqui temos a história de Abbie e Temper . Uma história fofa com uma dose de suspense e personagens secundárias interessantes que me fizerem sentir vontade de ler os dois primeiros livros dessa série. Temper é um personagem ótimo e adorei ver o lado doce dele com relação a Abbie. Abbie é uma personagem que achei um pouco imatura por conta da idade , mas acho que ao longo do livro ela amadureceu.

Um livro clichê, sem nenhuma surpresa durante a leitura mas que me entreteu do começo ao fim e me fez sentir vontade de ler mais livros desse tema.

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This latest installment in the Knight of Fury series to me is by far Fernando’s best, the storyline is downright addicting, I devoured this book within few hours of opening it, I just could not put it down. The item that stood out the most and I absolutely loved was the complexity of her characters, each having their own diverse pasts as well as with the help of each other turning out to be more than what they first appeared. Through their relationship Abbie finds her strength and Temper finds his gentleness. This installment also adds new layers to an already complex storyline, keeping the reader on the edge of their seat with wonder of what could possibly happen next to the Knights and their families.

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PLOT TWIST! I really enjoyed this story. Normally every story has something that annoys me but not this one. Abbie is great at going with the flow and balancing that with taking charge. No better match for the prez... Temper becomes someone new around her and in return he breaks Abbie out of her shell. He really has a softer (with a bit of rough around the edges) side to him. This story has a lot of action and surprises. But don't worry, it's not lacking hotness. And it's entertaining all the way with a side of romantic.

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A sweet MC story. A warning from her mother, a good looking and nice biker, and a girl with glowing amber eyes is a recipe for disaster or a surprise. Read to see which one. You'll enjoy it.

I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I received this for an honest review! Having read all the others in this series I was extremely excited to get my hands on this one. Sometimes Temper is made to seem old but in this book he seems younger even though we know he’s not. Sweet Abbie really gets knocked off her socks. The characters and drama in this book keep you coming back for more and really the whole series is that way. The author really knows how to keep you on your toes and begging for more. This story has no cheating, has tons of flirting and drama, but most especially it has a HEA!

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Temper is not like some other MC books. He and Abbie meet whole she’s working her mothers bar and he asks her out. She knows better and declines but after five years when he stops asking she can’t help but feel it’s time to live a little.

Temper may be older, maybe the new president of the MC, and may not make the best choices but he has cared about Abbie for years. A set of circumstances leaves it so he has to kidnap her and things only go sideways from there.

Abbie not only gets to decide what she likes and doesn’t like but finds a whole new family among the MC. She also is thrown into a lot of different situations and learns the type of woman she really is. I enjoyed this a lot!!!

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Temper is a refreshing take on the MC trope. Abbie is a badass and Temper is a sweet and sexy biker boyfriend we can all love. This MC romance is not riddled with mysogyny and macho culture. The women were loved and respected in meaningful ways and even made critical parts of the overall club decisions. Very wonderful to read. However, the smut was very tame for this type of book and the plot itself was extremely unrealistic and basic. This is my first book by this author so I'm not sure if this is her typical writing style or just one.bad egg. Will read her again though. This book gets three chili peppers of hotness!

I received a free ARC from the publisher in exchange for my honest opinion. All thoughts are my own.

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I love the Knights of Fury MC series and I’m so excited that Temper is here. I’ve been so ready for his story. Temper is the MC president and unlike most Presidents of MCs he’s not ever surrounded by women or dating all the time. He is really a loner and prefers to stick to himself and only focus on the MC. Except when he goes to Vegas and stops at Franks where there is just one woman named Abbie who he has asked every time he does there which is once or twice a year for the last five years and she always says No.
Abbie is the daughter of the bar owner of Franks which is in a small town outside of Vegas. She recently had to stop going to college and give up her dreams of law school to help run the bar and take care of her anxious mother after she had a stroke. Abbie is sick of it and she knows she has to stay in this small town now to help her mom and her younger sister who is also in college. So when the older sexy biker walks in this time she can’t help but wonder what it would be like if she actually said yes to that date for once. Would she get that wild bad boy experience that she craves and live a wild night of fun for once? Mmm maybe she should or will she just keep playing it safe? This is a great story and I love these characters and how their story plays out.

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So excited this series is continuing! This book focuses around Temper, the current MC president, and how he finally gets his chance with the girl he’s asked out for 5 years without success until now. Abbie has resigned herself to working and running the family bar and never following her dreams or finishing school, but every year Temper comes in and asks her out and she shuts him down – until she decides to take a chance. That chance spirals when Abbie witnesses something involving the MC and Temper essentially kidnaps her back to the clubhouse and changes their lives forever. There were a few surprises along the way, such as the identity of Abbie’s father, but I was so interested in figuring out who was behind hurting the MC and once they’re identified, how they finally take them down once and for all. Same as the past two books, I love the MC universe that Chantal provides in these stories, and getting to know the others in the MC as well as seeing what happens to the couples after the previous stories and the storyline flows great. I’ll be interested in seeing who’s next and if this series continues – I hope it does!
I voluntarily read and reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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This is the third book in the series and I genuinely enjoyed it. I loved Temper and Abbie together, I thought they were super sweet. There was a lot of great surprises that I didn't see coming. I cannot wait for more books in the series.

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4 3/4 stars.
This is book 3 in the Knights of Fury MC - This book centers around Temper the MC President and Abbie who runs the local bar in town. Temper has been coming to town quite often over the past 5 years..and every time he does he ask Abbie out... and every time she turns him down.. till one day.. who knew that the one day she decides she is going to give in and take what she has wanted.. all hell breaks loose?

This book was amazing as always.. I have loved all of Chantal's work.. here's to temper and patiently waiting for the next book..

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There were many aspects of this book that I liked. I genuinely liked the character of Temper and also Abbie. They were both really good characters. Even though Temper was president of a biker club, you could see what he values. Its not any different than a man protecting things that he loves, its just that his life is a little more rough around the edges.

Abbie was a kind and caring person, who just wanted to live life. She also was someone who when she commits to you as a girlfriend or a friend she is all in. She will run into a room full of bullets to protect the ones she loves. She is also very smart.

I was a little put off in the beginning about the whole being taken thing but she seemed to get over it pretty quickly.

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I loved Abbie and Temper's story so much. This book was definitely a wild, unpredictable ride. I'm excited for what's next in this series.

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This is the third book in the series. Temper's book, hence the name. I had always liked him and not that I didn't but he was softer so not like I would expect an MC President to be. And Abby yeah no I could not see her as his love interest and even though the author tried to make her seem badass along the way it didn't work for me. I was glad to read about the previous couples and glad that they finally got to have some type of conclusion with Georgia, but again the whole Gray/Nevin situation was just to contrived for me..So sometimes like this authors work, and sometimes it does work like this one.

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What the actual loving... So many surprises that made my mouth drop open. Easy to say that I loved reading, Temper.

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Knights of Fury MC, book 3, and we have club President, Temper, finally meeting his match with wannabe lawyer Abbie, who is currently running her mother’s bar. After 5 years of rejecting Temper’s advances, Abbie finally agrees to a date, only to end up biting off more than she can che w when she sees witnesses something she shouldn’t. Some action, a whole lot of romance (who knew Temper had it in him), and lots of drama make for one hell of a rollercoaster ride. We also get up close and personal with Saint, Renny and the rest of the gang. I love this bunch of die-hards. I received an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. This is my honest review.

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After reading the first two books, I really wanted to see Temper find his happily ever after. Temper and Abbie are so cute together, but are hot as well. Abbie is a warrior and Temper is an alpha male. They are perfect together. She makes him softer, while he makes her harder. Temper is such a good read. I could not put it down and read it straight through. This book gave me all the feels. I really enjoyed it. I need more stories for Chain and Crow in this series. This series is giving The Wind Dragons series a run for its money.

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This third book in the Knights of Fury MC series features Temper, the MC president, and Abbie, a small town girl that he's been asking out once a year for the last 5 years when he's in town. He's respectful and sweet towards her so she finally gets up the courage to say yes to a date with him. Of course, in the usual MC way all hell breaks loose and it's a date Abbie will never forget. This book has less violence and over the top sex than most MC romances. Can be read alone or as part of the series. Recommended if you like MC romances!

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This is a good story.
I recommend reading in series order as some events that occur in this book include characters from previous books in the series.
No intimate scenes other than the Hero and heroine.
No other woman or man drama.


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