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When You Wish Upon a Rogue

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Member Reviews

Read through chapter 4. Hero was a bit dark for me. Heroine was a little too naive to be believable. If you have read the other two books in the series, which I admittedly have not, then this may be a great ending to the series.

Sorry I did not like it better.

Thanks to Netgalley and St Martins Press for the Advanced reader copy.

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Lived this story. Reese is tormented but so honorable. Sophie is stick in a relationship to save her family. They meet, and its magic. No spoiler her. Lots happens in this gem and I'm so glad I got to go on the journey with them.

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3.5 stars. Consent is sexy, folks. So is feminism. Definitely enjoyed that part of this book, and didn’t feel like I had to read the first two books in the series to understand this one. There were a couple twists I saw coming, others I didn’t, What took me out of the story most was the name of a side character, Lady Rufflebum - it took me a minute before I realized that wasn’t a pseudonym.

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I thought this book was well written. I loved the characters, especially Reese, he is kind, sensitive, thoughtful. With all of those wonderful characteristics, he thinks he’s unworthy of being an Earl and the love of Sophie. It was a great story of acceptance and self worth as well as a love story.

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Yes, this is a nice romance with just enough steamy to make is a fun read.. The story was well told. I liked the book.

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I enjoyed this book. Had a bit of a gothic air to the scene setting, but such a good romance. If I think too hard about I would just wonder how the heroine had such freedom of movement as an unmarried woman, but I still liked the tale.

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While I loved Reese and Sophie, I felt myself skipping parts. I didn't understand the whole Singleton thing. If he likes the sister (which I'm not really sure) why not just marry her instead of Sophie. There were too many loose ends quickly wrapped up (pregnancy, a widow, lost journal, soon to be engagement, suicide).

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A perfectly serviceable book to end this series. Was the set up a bit farfetched, given the time period? Yes. Even with a fair amount of suspension of disbelief, it was a bit difficult to believe the plot of the book. I enjoyed seeing characters from previous novels, but I wish there had been a few more realistic scenes.

Thank you, NetGalley, for providing an ARC for me to read and review.

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Anna Bennett is fast becoming one of my "go to" authors for Romance. Reese and Sophie are quite the pair. I loved this book from the moment I picked it up. Reese and Sophie connect in a way that makes the reader root for them from their first meeting.

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Ahh this one made me tear up! I admit I could not put the book down. Hubby thought we should have supper but I just had to finish the book to see how it ended. Sophie doesn't really seem interested in romance because she is being forced to marry for money. Her family is in dire straights. But she is one that is drawn to the underdog. And the Earl is riddled with guilt and grief. Such a great story!! Thanks for letting me read this one. I loved it. Sure hope this is not the end of the series.

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Absolutely Loved this book!!!!! After reading it, I found out it is the 3rd in a series. Not necessary to read the first 2 but now I definitely will be reading them! Loved the unlikely romance and the fairy tale quality.

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The initial premise of this title really took my fancy however, as it played out, I was less than enthralled. I do love Sophie's ambition and her ideals, but overall I must sadly say... I was bored.

I found myself skipping the majority so I could reach the black moment and conclusion, and what I read did not encourage me to go back and fill in the gaps.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Anna Bennett brings a story of romance, strength, and independence in her third book in her Debutante Diaries. I like that the author let's women in the recency era be independent and intelligent with men who appreciate those qualities.

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Pleasant novella with all the angst and suspense of a longer novel, yet perfect for those occasions when you don’t have as much time for reading as you wish. When you wish upon a Star might have been a more apropos title for the hero is a hero and not a rogue and the scenes all take place after dark. I wish the author had been a tad braver and hinged the hero’s PTSD symptoms on actual battle trauma rather than on losing a friend who died after he left the front. Still, that’s far more than other authors proffer in novellas. A pleasant break from longer investments of time.

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The premise of the story is unusual which made me keep reading. Sophie and Reese were both intriguing characters with interesting back stories. A few of the plot lines were a little unbelievable and maybe even unnecessary but the genuine love these two showed each other held the book together. Everyone should be so lucky to find a Sophie or Reese in their lives.

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When You Wish Upon A Rogue is a spectacular historical romance by Anna Bennett. This is a fairly quick read, perfect for those with limited reading time. Ms. Bennett has provided readers with a well-written book populated with a lovable assemblage of characters. Sophie holds meeting for fans of The Debutante's Revenge, a column she and two friends are responsible for. Sophie met Reese when she let herself into his building while looking for a new place to hold her meetings. Sophie and Reese's story is packed with drama, humor, sexy bits and a tiny dose of suspense. I adored this book and look forward to my next book by Anna Bennett. When You Wish Upon A Rogue is book 3 of the Debutante Diaries Series but can easily be read as a standalone. This is a complete book, not a cliff-hanger.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book that I received from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Sophie must find a new location to host the meetings of the Debutante Underground, a growing group of women who meet weekly to discuss the latest advice column, The Debutante's Revenge. Reese owns an empty building perfect for the meetings. He has recently returned from war, having become the Earl of Warshire after his brother died. He also is suffering from the guilt of his best friend dying in battle after he left. The PTSD and grief have left him with insomnia. Sophie's calming influence enabled him to sleep for a few hours and he is desperate for her to return, thinking she is the reason he can rest. They grow closer but Sophie is promised to Lord Singleton. He is her family's only hope out of their financial problems. Singleton is not a developed character. What I didn't understand is why he would even want to marry Sophie. They have no affection for each other, her family is poor, in fact he pays the father's debts and the family's bills, the father is an alcoholic, they have no special social standing, etc. Anyway, Reese is someone you hope will overcome his demons to get stronger and the book was sweet and romantic.

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Sophie leads a group of women who secretly discuss taboo relationship subjects in a weekly meeting. When she is looking for a new location for these meetings she meets Reese, Earl of Warshire.
Reese has night mares upon returning from war, and she manages to sooth him enough to make him get a restful sleep. He seeks her out afterwards to offer her a deal: his abandoned shop for her use in exchange for her helping him find sleep.
Meanwhile a man she does not love is waiting for her to announce their betrothal, which will save her family from the poor house.
I admit it - the setting and background story is somewhat far fetched, but the way these two get to know each other, overcome their personal demons, and fall in love is highly satisfying and swoon-worthy to follow.
Highly recommended!

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This book was really sweet! I loved the previous book, probably a little more than this one, but I still really enjoyed this one. The main character Sophie leads a group of ladies that discuss The Debutante's Revenge, which is written by her friends. Sophie goes into a vacant building to look for a new meeting spot, only to meet the reclusive owner, Henry. He suffers from extreme nightmares, and as a result, doesn't sleep much. Yet Sophie is able to sooth his mind, and he sleeps well for the first time in a while. This is the impetus for the plot, with Henry asking Sophie to spend nights with him to help him sleep. In exchange, he offers her the use of the building as a meeting space. And of course, what begins as an innocent agreement quickly becomes romantic. I loved these two characters, and there were some great side plots as well! Sophie's sister Anna annoyed me, but otherwise I enjoyed everything.

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I enjoyed this!

Exactly what I want in a regency romance.

I was wondering as the story progressed if this was the third in a series? The other writers of advice column seemed to have had their own stories and I might have enjoyed this one even more had I read those.

I was unsure of Sophia as a horticulturist? She was presented that way on the final drawing for the advice column, and she seemed good with plants but did I miss something?

Was that her calling prior to seeing the untended garden?

Overall a quick enjoyable read.

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