Member Reviews

You know when books touch your soul? This one did. The fight Connor had. And all the highs and lows he had to deal with. It was just so real and the topics hit were so relevant and talked about with such Grace.
Def would recommend.

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I don’t even know where to begin with this review - all I saw on the blurb - a YA Queer Suspense/Thriller and I was hitting the request button immediately.

But did I know that this would evoke such wide range of emotions within me while reading it - that I would be a mess after finishing the book!

Surrender Your Sons is about a young queer boy; Adam who just came out to his mom under the pressure of his boyfriend; pressure that was more about being able to enjoy their relationship out in the open than about Adam’s own personal comfort.

What doesn’t help is the fact that the only girl Adam dated, his best friend just gave birth to a baby - a baby that Adam’s mom wholeheartedly believes is her grandchild and Adam’s “rebellion” is the reason why he isn’t acknowledging the child. [Just FYI: He definitely is NOT the father of the child].

Everything comes to head, when Adam is kidnapped and taken to a “conversion” camp known as Nightlight - with his mother’s permission - because the eerie head of the Camp is none other than the Reverend, a friend of his mother’s.

Now here’s where it gets scary; confusing and at times horrifying - and I am definitely recommending that ya’ll go into the book without too much information - the experience of going into this book without a floating device is indescribable. I know because that’s what I did.

There were some issues I had with the book; and some of the issues hit my hard limits - and while it wasn’t the HEA that these wonderful characters deserved, it was a realistically content ending that I can actually come to terms with.

Surrender Your Sons will have you gasping for breath, horrified and absolutely terrified as to how it will end - and while it was a thrilling fiction, it is also quite easy to realise that it has some foundation in truth.

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Sass took on a topic most would shy from, offered the LGBTQ+ rep many young adults yearn for, and showcased them both with the respect they deserve. This was a wonderful debut and I look forward to seeing what Sass will put out next.

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SURRENDER YOUR SONS is an emotional, harrowing, no-punches-pulled read that drills down to the core of queer trauma and the complexities many queer kids (and adults!) face. As a queer reader, the plot drew me in and the representation kept me with it - there were elements that were personally difficult to read (such as the religious homophobia) and elements that were satisfying/comforting (the found family arc), and that is a testament to the relevance of Adam Sass’s portrayal of the queer experience. There were some plot elements towards the end that felt a little unrealistic and bordered on sensationalization to me, but overall I enjoyed both the story and the characters. I think this book will resonate with many readers, and I hope it paves the way for more and more stories like it that boldly embody queer power and queer joy as wholeheartedly as queer pain and trauma.

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SURRENDER YOUR SONS was the hardest book I’ve read all year. Adam Sass wrote it beautifully, but wow, there’s some heavy material in this one, so read the content notes before you read it.

Sass did a great job capturing the fear and other emotions that come with coming out and showing that, when you don’t have a supportive family, that can mean awful and terrifying consequences. Connor faces the worst nightmare of coming out, after his mom sends him to a conversion camp on a remote Costa Rican island, he finds out secrets about his town’s reverend that lead him to work together with the other campers trapped on the island to expose him.

Connor works with the rest of the campers to bring the camp down in a series of surprising and terrible events. This book was full of twists - some more predictable than others - and the mystery of Ricky kept me going through the entire thing. I ended up devouring the book so fast because I kept needing to know more. I didn’t have many complaints - mainly just the timeline and how the story takes place over like 24 hours and some of the things that take place seem like they would take way longer to get through than that. I can follow him feeling and doing pretty much everything he did, but it just felt very quick for a short span of time.

Overall, this was a great read - captivating, high-stakes, and leaving you wanting more of it all the way to the end.

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Wow, this was such a good book! It was so intense and emotional at times. I liked how it showcased so many different things. Not only how different people dealt with this uncertainty in their life of coming out in a world like we live in today, but then how some people still are easily pushed into doing what society expects. But there were some really bad people in this as well. Some evil people at the camp, and then some that were just messed up, regretted what they’d done, and maybe wanted to make up for those things, even if it was too late. And there was romance, as much as there can be in the situations they were in. I liked how the author didn’t shy away from not only the emotional and romantic parts of the main characters relationships, but we also got physical parts, like you would with a heterosexual romance without the batting of an eye. I think it is so great to be getting books like this more easily available and becoming more normal, even if like some of the characters and situations in the book itself, not everyone wants it to be that way.

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I have no idea how to start this other than. this book broke me. It was so good and (obviously) so heart wrenchingly sad. I honestly couldn't read this book in public because I couldn't handle my emotions enough to keep calm. This book shows the complexities of everything and how most things aren't just black and white. You start to feel for some of the more...not good characters in certain ways. At least I did. They weren't good people. But there's a story behind a story behind someone's backstory, if that makes sense. We're a product of our upbringing. And I'm not excusing anything. Oh no, I also hate those characters with my entire being. But at a certain point, things become a cycle. And someone has to break the cycle.
Once I got to a certain point in this book (I don't even have to say which one, you'll probably just be able to tell once you read it) I couldn't stop crying. This book ended on more of a bittersweet note. There was happiness, but with the knowledge that there was lasting trauma.
Also trigger warnings because there are A LOT

TW: conversion therapy, homophobia, homophobic language and slurs, violent hate crimes, graphic violence, suicide, murder, transphobia, sexism, racism, parental abuse, self harm, panic attacks, and kidnapping

there might be more, but that's what I can remember!

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Wow I hated this book. It was one of my most anticipated releases of the year, and I tried really hard to like it. Parts of it I even did like. But I also had some pretty major issues with it, both in the sense of 'I think this is sorta problematic??' and in the sense of 'was this actually edited??'

This read like a book that couldn't make up its mind on what exactly it wanted to be. I'm sad, because I think it had the potential to be great, but instead it's . . . not.

Before I get into my . . . many, many criticisms,,, I do want to touch on the good in this book. Conversion therapy is an incredibly important topic, and this book really packs a punch with some very powerful and important messages. I don't want to minimize that, and I believe this book will mean a lot to many people. I truly hope that others love this book much more than I did.

My first problem with this book was just ,,,, the writing. I could not stand the writing style. I liked it for the first maybe 10% of the book, but after that . . . I don't know if it got old or if it just got worse, but it very quickly became unbearable to me. It also . . . sort of felt really rough, almost like first draft level writing? So maybe it got better between the ARC and the final version, I'm not sure--but either way an arc shouldn't really feel like a first draft.

The book also just felt . . . a bit all over the place? I truly feel like this book tried to do too much at once. Somewhat relatedly, the pacing was abysmal. This took place over the space of a few (?) days, but it was really hard to follow the timeline and it just ended up feeling really choppy and messy.

also can I just say this had one of the worst sex scenes I've ever read and I Did Not Like It

My next big problem was that I really hated Connor. He just annoyed me so much, and like I was rooting for him, but only on the very basic level of 'literally no one deserves this place so I hope he can get out', because I sure as hell didn't care about his wellbeing specifically. He just . . . hhh he annoyed me. He was also sort of . . . inconsistent? Also, he cheated. He even acknowledged he was cheating, and he still did it and didn't seem to think there was anything wrong with it. And I am so not here for that.

Also I just absolutely hated the ending. It was,,,, so open and it felt like it was being set up for a sequel but I don't think it was????

Next we get to the slew of issues I had with this book that were a bit more . . . yikes. Some of these may have changed between the ARC and the finished copy, so do take some of this with a grain of salt, but . . . I had a lot of issues here.

- I felt there were some pretty strong implications that Costa Rica was "backwards" and that was why they were able to do have a conversion camp there but not in the US, which . . . isn't a great implication? and like,,,, conversion therapy is still legal in much of the US soooo,,,,,

- (I don't actually remember this very clearly, but I made a note of it so anyways) the only bi rep felt like it fit into a lot of harmful stereotypes wit her sort of being into everybody and? according to my notes she cheated too? I have veeeery little memory of this but I made a very angry note so yeah I guess it wasn't good and wasn't really addressed ever

- there were multiple comments implying that having sex made you better or more grown up and,,, can we Not

- also there was the wholeass time that the love interest said he was glad the main character came and I'm like,,,, I think it was supposed to be romantic???? but personally I sure as hell wouldn't be glad that someone I cared about had come to conversion therapy even if it *was* the only reason I got to meet them?? because it's going to leave him super traumatized and like,,,,,,, just don't. don't tell the guy you like that you're glad he came to conversion camp because it means you got to meet him

- last but certainly not least, one of my big issues with this book was the way Connor was given a chance to leave, and decided not to take it because it was "the right thing to do". Now I'm not saying I mind that he stayed (even if I think it was dumb), but I do take issue with the way the book portrayed it as The Right Choice. I understand not wanting to abandon the others there, but . . . is it really a healthy message to give queer teens that accepting the safe way out is immoral? It's not like he would have been actively harming the others by leaving, and . . . he didn't owe them anything. Sometimes when you're in a dangerous and traumatizing situation, you need to get yourself out first, and try and help later. He could have left, and then pointed the authorities towards the conversion camp harbouring a literal fugitive. I just . . . something doesn't sit right with me about the way it was portrayed. I'm not saying throw others under the bus for your own sake, I'm just saying . . . if other people are already under the bus, you don't need to throw yourself under too. I don't know, it didn't sit right with me.

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The concept of this book sounds so good: A group of kidnapped queer kids/young adults are sailed off to a secluded island where they're forced to join a conversion therapy camp led by homophobic people. Doesn't that sound like a unique read? It certainly does! This book did not disappoint me but I also have to add that it contained some flaws too.

What I liked
The concept (ofcourse), the representation of LGBTQIA, and the characters! The main character, Connor, is really funny even though his life is not the easiest. He has an extremely homophobic mother, an absent father, and a boyfriend who does not understand him. The other characters were amazing too though, like Molly with her badass personality. Lastly, the book has a very heavy subject but I do think that Connor's personality made the book lighter to read. I really like that Sass wrote a book with such a heavy subject but accomplished to present it in a way that does not make it heavy to read.

What I disliked
Sadly, I did not like everything about the book. First of all, I did not really like the time frame in which the book took place. It was so short that it did not seem very realistic to me. There happened a lot of things in only one day which did not make sense in my head. A longer time frame would have prevented insta-love and insta-friendship for example. Secondly, the plot twist did not impress me that much. It is not that I already saw it coming, I just was more interested in the campers their plan (sorry for being vague but I don't want to spoil anything).

All in all, I really did enjoy this read and it is honestly one of my most unique reads of the year!
Thank you to NetGalley North Star Editions for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for an honest review.

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Ever since I finished this book, I haven't been able to stop thinking about it. Its so emotional and I managed to get attached to every character which is rare for me to be able to do with a standalone novel. This book had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and the plot twists were amazing and left me in shock. Also, I need to give major props to Adam Sass for how he handled his trans character. He managed to write a book about conversion therapy without ever misgendering the trans character or needing to give him a deadname. Cis writers: this is how its done.

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This was quite a heavy book to get through, dealing with the topic of conversion therapy. I thought the story was great (even though the book was a bit too long) and well written.

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Full review available on my blog on October 15th.

tw: conversion therapy, suicide and self harm, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, psychological torture, parental abuse, kidnapping, non-explicit sex between teenagers, coercive control - relationship presented as consensual, violence, gore, discussion of hate crimes, hate crime leading to disability, death.

This book is definitely going to stick with me. It's an intense, heavy story, but one that I read in a few hours because I couldn't put it down for a single second. Despite the fact that, by its very nature, this book is heavily focused on queer trauma and pain, it didn't feel like trauma porn at all. Instead it felt like a relevant and honest telling of the realities for some queer kids - despite how lots of people like to think that that's all in the past. I was sucked into this book immediately and I swear I *blinked* and it was four hours later and I was finished with it. I've ended up writing my review right away, because I'm just full of raw emotion after that beautiful ending. And despite the fact that it is very heavy, it definitely has a hopeful ending. It's not that everything is perfect, and that's no surprise considering the kind of trauma all of the kids go through, but instead that there's a life past what they suffered. They'll survive and they'll move on, and I know I'm going to hold hope in my heart for all of them for a long time.

I love Connor. I love, love, love him. He's a mess, yeah, but he's a teenage boy going through actual hell. I'd be suspicious if he wasn't a mess. He's funny and loyal, and dedicated to those he cares about. It makes him extremely likeable, along with a cast of characters that I absolutely adored (though not you, Ario, dickhead). I also really liked the antagonists of this book. Well. 'Liked'. They're horrible people, doing horrible things, but the way their motivations unfold is fascinating to read and makes some *really* interesting points about lifelong trauma. The pacing is absolutely perfect, and I found myself paging through this faster than even I thought I could read. I think I'll definitely reread this one in a few months, because I'm sure there's much more to see when I'm not utterly gripped by the fear of what was going to happen next.

I really liked that Surrender Your Sons addressed the idea that coming out can be a fix-all solution. I think that that's a super important thing for queer teenagers to see. Coming out *is* a really brave thing to do, but when that's the only thing that queer teens see, I worry that they get the message that they're cowardly for staying in the closet. That's not true and sometimes staying in the closet for your own safety is the bravest thing you can do. It doesn't mean things won't be better later, or that you don't deserve to be part of the queer community. At the end of the day it's your decision to come out or not, and 'queer pride' will be waiting when you're ready. I think a lot of the messages in Surrender Your Sons will be so important for teens to see. I'm 23 and I still feel like it taught me things, I kind of wish I'd read a book like this when I was young.

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Today author Adam Sass tweeted : "After 7 years, 12 revisions from scratch, and 110 rejections, Surrender Your Sons has arrived."

After reading this book, in a strange way I could understand the rejections. This is a difficult book to embrace at the start. It is daunting to dive into what looks to be a heartbreaking tale of children forced into gay conversion therapy. But .... here's the thing. There's just something about Adam Sass' book that is equal parts unspeakably sad, affirming and resilient, uplifting and bizarrely humorous at times.

Connor Major comes out to his uber-religious mother, at the insistance of his boyfriend, who assures him that he's feel so much better out of the closet. Except, when Connor is kidnapped in the middle of the night and taken to an island 2 hours from Costa Rica, it is because his own mother has paid for him to go through a gay conversion program there with Nightlight Ministries. Their tagline is "Surrounder your sins" and life on the island involves pretend date nights with members of the opposite sex, writing daily in an expulsion diary, never touching another boy with your hands, and any number of petty rules and regulations, as well as the constant threat of much worse "discipline."

Head mistress "Miss Manners" Ramona is the perfect symbol of the camp. She wears a bright lemon yellow dress (think 50's housewife) ... with the filthy blackened hem. What occurs at Nightlight is the dirty underbelly of the Christian edict to "love the sinner, hate the sin." I don't want to spoil the intricate plot, but Sass blends a rich tapestry of the campers - sweet Marcos, Molly, tiny little Owen, the dainty-wristed Beginner boys - Ben Briggs, former camper and now employee, the Reverend Stanley Packard, Karaoke Bill, with the lingering mystery of Ricky Hannigan. Add in a strong vibe of "Lord of the Flies" and the book grabs your interest and does not let go.

Probably my only niggle was that all the action of the book takes place in an incredibly fast-paced 48 hours, but the rich character development, the heartbreaking reveal, the courage and resilience of the campers is so well-done. 5 stars and a Recommended Read.

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I'm just a big ball of emotions right now. It's been a long time since I stayed up this late to finish a book. And I don’t regret it for a minute.

Surrender Your Sons is a punch to your gut. It hooked me from the beginning, and actually hasn’t let me go yet. There were times it was extremely difficult going, as it deals with some very heavy issues (please read the Author’s Note if you’re worried). Parts of it were truly heartbreaking, and I tear up just thinking about it. But then there were these moments of sweetness and light that had my heart swelling with giddiness. This book won’t be for everyone, but I think everyone should read it. It’s hard to image there are places like Nightlife Ministries out there, but sadly I’m sure there are, and worse. And it’s even more devastating to know that there are parents like Connor’s, willing to send their children to these hellish places, hoping it will change them- when they are perfect just as they are.

Thrilling, haunting, heart-wrenching yet hopeful, Surrender Your Sons has left a lasting imprint on me. I don’t know why I have such a hard time when it comes to writing reviews for books that really impact me, but such is the case with SYS. I have all these thoughts running through my head, but they’d never transfer to words the way I’d hope. So I’ll just end with this- read this book, please!

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This is an extremely important topic. It really is. And the author is clearly a good writer, handling descriptions very well; I felt like I was on the island with Connor and the other kids. I was afraid of the Reverend, I felt sorry for Bill during that one know the one if you've read it, that was just cruel.

But the pacing was all off, and Connor was completely unfaithful to his boyfriend. He tries to justify it later by saying that he was only in love with what the boyfriend represented, but still. In less than a day, under extremely fraught circumstances, Connor is declaring unending love for another camper.

If things had taken place over a slightly longer time period...a week, even, instead of the day shown here; if Connor had failed his initial review and then decided to take everything apart...I might have found it easier to swallow. But instead, campers who have been there for months or years are suddenly handing over secrets they've been keeping all that time, to a camper who just arrived and who, for all they know, is a plant put there by the Reverend. That and some very squicky abuses of power mean that this will not be one of my top books, sadly.

I genuinely do think the topic is important, and the author has a good handle on descriptions and characters. The story just lets it all down.

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So I requested this off NetGalley ages ago and have only now been able to read it. I have two points: one I can’t believe it took me so long to get to this amazing book and two, I don’t think I actually read the summary properly before getting hella excited about it because I had forgotten, or just plain didn’t realise, that this was a ya thriller.
I don’t read many thrillers so I think those who are seasoned thriller readers, and read a lot of adult thrillers, might say that the twists and reveals are predictable but honestly I didn’t see most of them coming, some however were rather predictable just as a warning if you hate guessing the reveals!
I would say to mind the trigger warnings and read the authors note at the start! I thought it was really important for it to be there and was a very nice thought from the author to include it.
I will say that while I loved the main characters, relationships and the plot I do wish it had been longer, and more fleshed out. I think if we had more time, and the events were stretched out over a period of time, we would have gotten more character development and the relationships and bonds would have made more sense and been more impactful. I think it would have added a creepier element and given more time to see the antagonists as unhinged etc.
in saying that though I did really enjoy myself while reading this and was so enthralled I read it all in one sitting. I would highly recommend!

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This is a must read, a very powerful and moving book. Connor is a very relatable and three dimensional character that you will love, root for, cry for, basically go through your whole emotional range reading this book, the conversion therapy camp is just as you’d imagine an awful place full of homophobic right wing bigots, but I love this is about empowerment, there are twists you won’t see coming and I loved the feeling of power you get from this book, the hope that fills its pages. It is a must read and one of my favourite reads this year.

Trigger warning for homophobia, abuse, violence , racism, suicide, alcoholism, transphobia

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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The heart of this book is lovely: Connor is a young man figuring out who he is; he feels afraid of the consequences of coming out; he's looking for love; and he's discovering inner bravery and emotional vulnerability, which will allow him to live honestly and fully.

Connor's SAT scores stink, his best friend is pregnant and everyone seems to think he's the father of the baby, he's trying to find his way in his first relationship, and he came out to his homophobic mom, so now he's grounded. But things are going to get much worse: he's about to be kidnapped and taken out of the country to Nightlight, a secret conversion camp for homosexual minors, because of his mother's rigid religious beliefs and her blind faith in the Reverend and his thinking.

Adam Sass's beautifully heartfelt Acknowledgments mention that the essence of his story remained intact through years and "a million" versions (including a fantasy version--which I'm intrigued by--as well as one set in England and other versions geared toward adult audiences) before he landed on a young adult approach. It seems as though Sass feels deeply about the character of Connor. And I wanted to dive into this story. But I was challenged by frequent issues with story elements, tone shifts and uneven pacing, and character choices that didn't seem to fit. These ranged from details that didn't mesh to what felt like large, irrational leaps in logic, sometimes within the same paragraph.

Why would Ricky send a cryptic, desperate, last-minute warning but not have tried to communicate anything to Connor in months of exchanges? (We see Ricky recognize the Reverend's likely intent of spiriting off Connor to Nightlight at the diner when Ricky and Connor first meet.) Why would the Reverend actively put Connor and Ricky together at all, if Ricky has made the life choices he has (which are presented as abhorrent to the Reverend)--but even more importantly, why would he link them if Ricky clearly has dangerous knowledge of Nightlight and the troublesome goings-on that occurred in his life after his own stint there? The Reverend is ready to literally kill in order to preserve the details of that information from becoming known.

Minor things stopped me so often that I stopped making note of them, but a few issues that didn't feel like they worked, even within the disturbingly irrational setting: Why would the kids be made to shower with carefully hoarded rainwater and immediately afterward go on a long forced run? Why would they hold their hands over their hearts (as though saying the Pledge of Allegiance) during a sung blessing? Connor is able to keep a thick, bulky Playbill folded and hidden in the pocket of his short shorts at breakfast? In a life-and-death moment, the kids laugh and try to insult the woman who is threatening them and possibly about kill them? And the repeated use of I instead of me is a copyediting-level issue, but it stopped me every time I saw it.

Connor's grasp of his mother’s involvement in shipping him off seems confused to an unlikely extent. Could he realistically have the emotional ability that we're told he possesses immediately after his kidnapping to anticipate that he and his mom (who sanctioned and paid for this kidnapping to another country and the ensuing brutal attempts at scrubbing his homosexuality) would eventually be close again, so that he would want to hurry and get home to her to bandage their relationship? He’s a teen with the potential for having a temper, and I would expect some measure of rage from anyone at the injustice of his situation, the time she's robbing him of (he is expected to stay for months), and her horrifying neglect—she has no idea what these people might do to him and has placed him in grave danger. It would be easy to imagine that as a kidnapped teen who has demonstrated a rebellious streak and an increasingly strong sense of self, he might imagine in these moments that he is through with her--even if he might feel compassion for her ignorance later, and even if it's more difficult to cut the cord on their relationship when (if) he returns.

Some aspects of Surrender Your Sons feel deeply real and intimate: the fumbling scenes with Ario, the growing affection for Marcos, the other friendships powerfully forged during trauma and danger, and the ultimate emergence of the Nightlight BBs as wonderfully flamboyant characters living true lives. But I couldn't get past the confusing elements.

I received a prepublication copy of Surrender Your Sons through NetGalley and Flux.

I mentioned this book and its captivating premise in Three Wackily Different Books I'm Reading Right Now, 9/12/20 Edition.

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ARC provided by North Star Editions via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Trigger Warnings: death, queerphobia, suicide, violence, cultism.

Surrender Your Sons by Adam Sass is a gut punch of a book. It evoked quite a few strong sentiments in me: anxiety, sorrow, anger to name a few. It left a sour taste in my mouth. It’s an emotional, challenging book that needs the reader to be ready to take it head on.

Connor is a dynamic narrator, one you get easily attached to. And the rest of the crew is just as impressive and strong. Even if this novel is fictional, real cases of similar stories exist. Conversion therapy is not a long-lost practice. It is still a reality in many places. There are people who hate and hurt queer folks just for the taste of it.

As much as I hated the obvious villains in the story, there’s one character that irked me so markedly, namely Ario. I don’t know if I can even define it a trope, but I really hate when characters are forced into coming out because they fear losing their current partner. “And the prize for WORST BOYFRIEND EVER goes to… Ario!” No one has the right to decide when another person comes out other than that person! I already hate the fact that queer people have to come out in the first place. “Why is straight the default? Everyone should have to declare one way or another, and it shouldn't be this big awkward thing whether you're straight, gay, bi, or whatever. I'm just saying.” Becky Albertalli said it perfectly.

I’m not the best reviewer and there are far better analyses of this novel out there. Still, I gave my two cents and I ask for people to read this book. It’s a must-read.

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Brutal, but entertaining. Horrific, yet hopeful. Literature in the form of a throat-punch. Surrender Your Sons left me breathless!
Synopsis: Connor Major has recently come out as gay to his mother. Rather than being supportive or accepting, she has him kidnapped in the middle of the night and sent to a conversion camp. Nightlight Ministries is a place of nightmares. Connor and the other campers must attempt to escape, but not everyone will make it out alive.
SYS is a poster child for trigger warnings, please do your research before picking up this book. Some triggers are: religious extremists, assault, death, etc. This story is graphic, but fulfilling. There is no violence for shock value.
This has the ‘Lord of the Flies’ atmosphere that I live for! Survive, return home, or die trying!
As a straight women, I can’t imagine the nightmarish scenario of being shipped off to a conversion camp to “pray the gay away”. But for many, this was an actual living nightmare. These places existed (and still do), and caused severe trauma to the “campers”.
I think Adam Sass handled this story/topic with grace. I would recommend to readers who have thicker skin and are looking for a dark, twisted and heart pounding story to read this fall.
Thank you NetGally and Flux for providing me with an E-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Release date is September 15th, 2020! Get your copy!!

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