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Cold Hearted Bastard

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4 stars
I liked this one. I am not sure why. Jackson and Gwen had great chemistry. But Natalie was the complete scene stealer of the entire book.!! I loved her. Oh my heart with her!!

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This was soooooo good until the story reaches day five and then bang! The heroine admitted she's falling for our brooding hero. Like nooooo! Why would you add this instant love bullshit into the mixed and ruin a perfectly fine story?!

The banter, sexy ass chemistry, oozing tension that could be cut with a knife and the overall direction the story was going was perfect until we hit that mark. It was so disappointing because I was hoping for built-up, more heart to heart conversations and as much I hate to say it, I was let down by how quickly their feelings developed.

Now I know I sound absurd but I have never been a fan of instant love romances and am immediately turned off when I come across it in any book, popular or not. This unfavorable trope can easily make or break a novel, hinder reading experience and general thoughts on the characters and their relationships for me

Nonetheless, after that instant love shit hit the fan, it just felt like I was just going through the motions. I was no longer invested in Jackson and Gwen's story and the secret out hero was hiding but would still recommend this novel because if you ignore that particular trope that makes me stir crazy, it has all the elements that make a good romance contemporary read.

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Some beautiful moments in this book, I highlighted a lot of passages that were just very lyrical, soft, moving. Both main characters were well developed, there was some serious chemistry, the story moved at a good pace, I will definitely buy more books written by this author.

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Super-charged full of sexy chemistry and continuous action, and drama, “Cold Hearted Bastard” by Jennifer Dawson is a must-read for those wanting a thrill ride of a romance. It’s has complex characters, an exciting storyline which just grabs you and doesn’t let go till the very end, and gripping sexual tension between the characters - what more could you want in a book? Happy reading everyone!

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Gwen Johnson owner of a top-notch restaurant in Chicago has traveled to Louisiana to try to hire Jackson McKay to come back to Chicago and work for her at her new restaurant as her top chief. Problem one Jackson knows who she is as soon as she shows up at the bar, second, he thinks by serving her his own mozzarella sticks which was his own mistake because he took something simple and made them special, the third problem was the immediate attraction between them and the man who was a bastard at keeping women and others away could not keep her away.
When they start to become a couple for the weeks that she is there she begins to find out more about him and a secret. Problems arise when she opens her heart to him and he responds by letting her walk. It was more than that but you need to read the book. Will he make the trip to Chicago to try to win her back if he does don’t expect Gwen to be an easy fall at Jackson’s feet and let him back In. Read this book and see what happens. The characters are good as well, from the brother and sister to the uncle the staff at her restaurant and the special character that you will like if you read this book. A very good book.

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Cold Hearted Bastard is a romance novel written by Jennifer Dawson. It is the first book in the Bastards Series. The story follows Gwen and Jackson. They are both celebrities in the culinary world. Gwen is a chef and the owner of one of the best restaurants in Chicago. And Jackson, he is a genius, a chef of world renown. However, six years ago, Jackson went off the grid. No one knows why he's disappeared. A few restauranteurs have sought him out throughout the years, but he had turned down all offers to come back and cook for them. Gwen has a plan. She's confident she can convince him to come work for her. Little does she know that meeting Jackson will change her life forever.

This is my first time reading about chefs, so that's new. However, many tropes are still here. One is even „hinted“ in the title. I didn't mind the tropes all that much since the plot wasn't as formulaic as in some of the previous books I've read.
I think the characters were fine. I actually really enjoyed Gwen, which is a bit surprising since I often find female protagonists annoying. But, Gwen was fine! I liked how ambitious, strong-minded and intelligent she was. And, I think most importantly, I liked that she fought back. She didn't let Jackson give her shit and manipulate her all the time. Which is rare in romance novels! However, I must be really self-destructive, but at the end of the book, I almost wished Jackson and Gwen wouldn't get back together. I was bitter the whole time he was trying to get her back and really rooted for her when she rejected him. The grand gesture was incredibly cringy... I know, I know, it was supposed to be, and he planed it that way... but why? I was so annoyed with the two final chapters!

A bit of a spoiler... but, I didn't like it when she decided to move in with him leaving her friends and family. She left everyone she loved, the city she loved, the restaurant... for what? A man who she in actuality couldn't know if he was going to snap again and push her away? Gross. I get that she loves him and all that, but is that risk worth taking? Are there no less drastic ways to start that relationship? They know each other for barely three weeks!!! Gross. I am so disappointed. I don't completely blame the author for this unrealistic behaviour since there are in reality stupid people who act like this but come on... I could actually vomit. If one of many family members or friends tried to pull something like that off I would literally try to punch some sense into them.
Gwen has worked for years to build her life and career just to meet some bloody hillbilly bastard and throw it all away? Even after he acted as an absolute dickhead to her? Just because he did a few nice things for her to prove his love? And, just to spice it up, he didn't even know her well enough to design his grand gesture alone. He had to ask her best friends what Gwen's favourite movies, songs, foods were... because he didn't know anything about her. And then he even joked about it. Like: „haha I didn't know anything about you, haha so I had to investigate... and this grand gesture was actually designed by your best friend Jillian... but I love you so much because of your beautiful personality (which is unfamiliar to me)...“.
Wow, such a romantic. I wish I had my own...

The writing. It was enjoyable. Not the best I've read, but it wasn't boring or tiresome to read. I was entertained and hooked throughout the whole book. Well, at least until the main conflict escalated. The writing itself didn't get worse then, my annoyance was caused by the reasoned mentioned in the last few paragraphs.

So... what else is there to critique? What else can I point out and then rip apart? Well, I'm sure the list is endless, but I'll stop here. Thank you for reading my rant! Your opinions are more than welcome!

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Enjoyable! Slow start to the story but I really enjoyed the plot and the characters once I was able to settle in and really start to enjoy the book. Gwen and Jackson were hot together and for Jackson to have the secrest he did really made me love him even more.

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Cold Hearted Bastard is the first book in the Bastard Series by Jennifer Dawson. Meet Jackson McKay. There's only one thing you need to know about me. I'm a cold hearted bastard that will never love you the way you deserve. And I'm sorry to say, bastard beats nice guy, every time. I never lie. Never deceive. I lay out exactly what will happen. My only promise is that I'm a one-night stand. That this is will be our first and last time together. Then I stand back and let them walk. But they never do. Because they all want to believe they will be the one to change me. And, Gwen Johnson, the woman that will be his demise. There's only one thing you need to know about me. What I want, I get. End of story. I didn't come to own one of the best restaurants in the city of Chicago before the age of thirty by taking no for an answer. And what I want is for this cold hearted bastard, and culinary genius, to work for me. I don't care how difficult he is. I'm going to figure out what makes him tick, what he needs most, and then I'm going to go in for the kill. The way I see it, you either own it, or it owns you.

Cold Hearted Bastard is a contemporary romance that focuses on two successful adults that know what they want, and will not be sidetracked- at least not until they see each other. Everything has always come easy come easy for Jackson, and when he retreated to his hometown he still received offers to come work his magic for them. Gwen has worked hard and gotten to the point where most things come easy for her as well. When the two mean there are fireworks, verbally and physically. I like that they are honest with each other about the attraction and what they can offer each other, well for the most part. There was plenty of heat, but I like that they talked and did other things as they got to know each other. Jackson's big secret, as well as the fears and insecurities the two have, are well done and I was curious to see how they would come together. I really liked how honest they were with each other about how they felt, except for when they weren't because of the conflicts. There were moments that I wanted to kick one or both of them but while I disagreed with then or thought they were missing the big picture, the reactions in question were always in line with the character. I also liked the variety of secondary characters, some of which fans of the author will recognize from previous books.

Cold Hearted Bastard is a romance that I think many contemporary romance fans with a love for stubborn characters will enjoy.

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Cold hearted bastard is awesome!!!! Gwen is a kick ass take no prisoner woman who knows what she wants and will have it. Hence why she is in a bar in Louisiana. Jackson had it all and walked away. He’s now a bartender and is a jerk. Women don’t get it but he never does more than one night and it will never change. He’s upfront but that doesn’t stop them from thinking they could be the one.

Chemistry off the charts!!!! Their banter and the side characters pull you in. If that wasn’t enough Natalie will hook you and pull you in for the kill!!! My son has the same issues as Natalie and I just feel so much in this book!!! Loved it a lot !!!

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Ohhhh wow was this a steamy read! It’s one you get sucked into a few pages into the story! Be ready to binge read this one! You won’t be disappointed When you grab this gem. Looking forward to the next book in the series

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Cold hearted bastard is a great read. Gwen a restaurant owner travels to the southern states to head hunt a famous chef to head her Chicago restaurant. Jackson McKay gave up the fame and fortune 5 years ago and is determined never to go back, now helping out in his uncle’s Bar.
Jackson’s is taciturn and often bad tempered, but so good looking women flock to him, he is always honest with them telling them it’s purely sex there will be no repeats and he never stays the night, hence his title. When Gwen arrives at the bar there is insta lust both knocked sideways by their emotions. I then felt there was just going to be an erotic story and little else. How wrong I was, this book has depth and is very emotional, not to say the sex scenes aren’t hot but there’s a lot more going on and a cast of great characters.
A really good story with the happy ever ending,but, and it’s my only niggle it would have been more satisfying if there had been an epilogue just to see a little more into how their future went.
My thanks to net galley and publisher for the opportunity to review this book honestly.

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First book in the series and the first I have read from this author and I enjoyed it. Loved Jackson and Gwen. They had great chemistry between them. Great characters and good storyline that leads to an HEA.

I received an ARC of this book from NetGalley and I am voluntarily leaving an honest review.

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I honestly enjoyed this book. The heat levels were through the roof and basically made it in the 5 star story it is. I wish their relationship had more time to it but I get it. Wished there had been more interactions with town folk. Beyond lust, some love building wouldn't have hurt either... but I'm nit picking at this point. Thanks for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.
*posted on Goodreads*

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This was such a good book. From the start I didn't want to put it down. And when the end came I didn't want it to end. It's one of those books you want to savor as long as you can to make it last.

Jackson and Gwen have so much chemistry it oozes outta the pages. They are both pretty darn amazing characters. They are both strong and stubborn. He is a cold hearted bastard, a love em and leave em type guy. And Gwen shows up and breaks all the rules. Maybe even his walls he has created to keep everyone out. Their chemistry cannot keep them apart and well that may cause some furniture to get broken. SOOO hot!

But it can only last so long.. She's there on a mission to get what she wants.. And get back home to her life in Chicago.

The twist! I did not see that one coming. Talk about warm a persons heart. I was rooting for a happily ever after so dang bad. This book got 5 stars from me and earned every one. I really want to continue this series now and get book 2. I see it is Jillian's book and can't wait to see what is in store.

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If you are looking for a hot read with two determined main characters, then this book is for you.

Jackson McKay's culinary skills are beyond amazing. He was on his way to being one of the best chef's in the nation, until he fell in love with his new daughter. Moving back home was a no-brainer, knowing that his family would provide a ton of support and love. Jackson is a very private person and sharing his life with someone is something he has no desire to pursue. He has become a love 'em and leave 'em type guy, and always ensures his "dates" that he is unavailable for anything more than one hot night of sexual passion. Then Gwen Johnson pops into his workplace, and all bets are off.

Gwen is a successful chef and restaurateur in Chicago. She wants Jackson for her latest culinary endeavor, and will do whatever it takes to employ him. Gwen always gets what she wants and Jackson is it. Little did she know that he would become much more than a conquest.

Author Jennifer Dawson has another winner with Cold Hearted Bastard, the first book from her Bastard series. Jackson and Gwen are great together, as they discover their true selves while spending time together. Their sexy times are steamy, as they begin to fall in love. Overall, a solid romantic read.

Complimentary copy provided by the publisher via NetGalley.

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I'm not usually a fan of first person in romance but, for this story, it really worked. This was intense and hot and I loved it. I'm ready for the next book in the series.

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I thoroughly enjoyed this intense, sexually charged story about Jackson and Gwen. From the moment they meet, they are irresistibly attracted to each other, even though they try to fight the attraction. They are meant to be together and are a perfect match for each other.

Gwen seeks Jackson out because she wants him as the head chef for her newest restaurant. When Jackson refuses, Gwen makes it her mission to convince him to change his mind. Gwen has never met anyone like Jackson before and she can’t seem to help herself from falling for him. She knows she is making the wrong decisions but she is drawn to him and just can’t stay away. Jackson is a good guy on the inside. He is loyal and protective and willing to sacrifice himself for those he loves.

I enjoyed this entertaining story about Jackson and Gwen. I liked both characters and found it easy to connect to them. From the moment the first meet, they are drawn to each other. They feel like they are discovering their soulmate, their missing piece. Everyone can feel the sparks flying when they are together and they have an intensely sexual relationship. However, there are secrets and issues to work through before they can be together. I enjoyed taking the journey with them and you will too.

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Holy Hotness! Jennifer Dawson is a new to me author, but Cold-Hearted Bastard will definitely not be my last read by this talented lady. The hero of this story is mean, broody and Alpha to the max, with Whiskey-coloured eyes, high cheekbones, full lips, and dirty blond hair; what more could you want? Well, a kick-arse, take charge, sassy mouthed heroine of course! Yep, that’s what you get with Jackson and Gwen, and let’s not forget the combustible chemistry that they can barely contain. Cold-Hearted Bastard is fast-paced, intense and seriously HOT, and you’ll need to make time to read it in one sitting; yep, it’s just that addictive. I’m not sure how Ms Dawson will surpass this story, but I can’t wait to find out!

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Passionate and volatile:
Gwen and Jackson have an intensely strong attraction to one another but the question is whether she can melt his heart enough to make room for something real. A long term relationship seems impossible as Gwen has come down from Chicago to try to lure Jackson into returning to work for her, however he has commitments and secrets which prevent him from leaving. I'm not a fan of novels about insta-lust and one night stands so I was pleased when things finally progressed beyond that, although their journey is a rocky one. Jackson's grand gesture at the end was adorable!
Whilst an enjoyable read, there were a couple of things that I didn't like such as the overemphasis on how amazingly good looking they each were as if outward appearance is of utmost importance. Also a mother was blamed and held accountable for giving her child cerebral palsy but this is medically inaccurate. However overall this was an engaging, entertaining and steamy romance and a great start to a new series.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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3.5 stars

This is a start to a new series with the heroine who is from the Undone series (of which I have them and hadn't read any yet)

Wellllll, Jackson was an arse, a major arse, but him and Gwen sure did set off some serious fireworks, all over the place. I sure didn't figure out Jackson's reason for leaving Chicago. I loved seeing all her friends help him win the girl after his MAJOR a$$hole move.

Guess I'm going to go read the original series now.

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