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How to Save a Life

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Always excited every time Liz and Lisa publish a new book. This time was not any different. I loved how even though this book is so much different from the previous one but their writing style just keep getting better and better.

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I love these two authors and will read anything put out by them. I love their thrillers so I didn’t hesitate when they deviated from that. This book was wonderful and heartbreaking at the same time. I definitely recommend it.

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I just didn't love this one. The dialogue felt weird and stilted, the main character wasn't very compelling and I wasn't invested in the main relationship. The sort of "mystery" didn't pique my interest.

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This Groundhog's Day style book wasn't my favorite from this author pair, but after awhile it did effectively invest me in finding out what was going to happen to the characters and how this would end. It took a long time for main character Dom to become someone I could care about, and throughout the different days we get to see a lot of sides to Mia, some better than others, and it was hard to watch how the day ended for her over and over. If you're new to Lisa and Liz's books, I might start elsewhere, but this was ultimately a decent story, if not a new favorite.

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Words cannot describe how much I loved this book!! I love them both and I love everything they write. But I truly loved the concept of this book and totally fell for it. I thought I had an idea of how they were going to end it -- but I was completely wrong. You are going to love the ending. Every word of this book is worth its ending!!

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How to Save a Life may only be the second book I've read from Liz Fenton & Lisa Steinke but it did not disappoint! It is definitely reminiscent of the movie Groundhog Day, and it has such a unique and fresh storyline for a book. It was a little heartbreaking to watch Dom lose Mia over and over again everyday but the progress he made as a character throughout the book was great and I'm giving this one an A for character development as far as Dom goes.

The book and audiobook are both currently on Kindle Unlimited, so I decided to do the audio and I was very impressed. The narrator is Timothy Andrés Pabon and I thought he did a great job voicing Dom and the book as a whole, so I would definitely recommend checking it out if you like audio. I thought the pacing was good, and I listened to it in basically one day which I think would have also applied if I had read the physical copy. The storyline was engaging, and I spent a lot of time wondering how things would end. There is a reveal at the end of the book that I was shocked by and even though I didn't shed any tears, I was dang close to it.

How to Save a Life goes deeper than just magical realism and romance and would be a great book to go into blind. It's full of both serious and funny moments, and even had some suspense although it's not exactly a mystery. Overall I was very impressed by this book and highly recommend it!

Thank you to the publisher for providing me with an advance review copy of this book, all opinions and thoughts are my own.

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In their latest, writing duo Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke truly deliver a suspenseful twist on Groundhog Day. We meet Dom, who runs into his ex-fiance and sets up a date which ends, time and time again, in her tragic death. Caught in a traumatic time loop, Dom must figure out the cause in order to save Mia -- the love of his life.

Suspenseful and poignant, it's the kind of book that moves quickly and sucks you in from the very beginning. Through the narrative, Fenton & Steinke explore the notions of fate, soul mates, and one's ability to change.

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It was actually okay, I found the characters okay I liked them. The story could be abit slow in some places which did me throw me off but I still mostly enjoyed the story. Thank you for allowing me to have the arc.

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HOW TO SAVE A LIFE by Lisa Steinke and Liz Fenton delivers a fantastic contemporary romance immersed on a creative take of a “Groundhog Day” plot, in which our main protagonist, Dominic “Dom” a 34 yo journalist living in San Diego, relives his tragic day over and over again.

I love that Lisa and Liz chose to write about Dom, a man instead of a woman in this story as their main character, and I loved how well his character was written – he is a mama’s boy, a creature of habit, doesn’t take any risks, works as a local television show producer who works with his best friend Lance, and who had been living with regret for the past ten years after breaking off an engagement with the love of his life, Mia.

A sudden chance meeting set up by the gods of Fate, while Dom is waiting for a source for his story in a coffee shop, Dom runs into Mia who is back from Illinois after ten years. The story is uplifting, heartwarming, lots of great subplot within the story, and the book read like a Hollywood movie – and what a great movie that would be. It was such a great story that when I started, literally read through in a sitting – it was that amazing!

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I felt like this book swallowed me and spit me out at the end! I was feeling all the range of emotions. How much would we each change if we were all stuck in a time loop and had no idea how to decide what decisions and choices to make to alter our future? In this story Dom stops at nothing to try and save his first love, Mia that he has recently reconnected with from her impending death and then it just keeps repeating over and over stuck in a time loop. I loved all the what if’s, second chance with first love and questioning if our fate is predetermined. Thank you to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for giving me a free copy in advance to provide an honest review.

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Groundhog Day meets final destination (minus the graphic scenes). A time loop/ time travel telling of a love story that will make you rethink the choices we make in life and live everyday as if it were your last. ⁣

Ten years after calling of his engagement to the love of his life, Dom runs into Mia. Feeling hopeful and believing fate has brought them back together for a second chance, they agree to catch up and go out on a date. Only, tragedy strikes and Mia dies during this outing. The devastation Dom is left with us unimaginable, and failing to cope with the tragedy, it all seems like a nightmare and not reality. Only the next morning, Dom realizes everything about the start to his day is Deja Vu from the same song playing to his roommate asking the same question as the day before, and Mia is alive. Feeling hopeful, Dom gets to relive the same day over and over again. Can Dom figure out a way to keep Mia safe and alive during this time? ⁣

This book talks about personal growth and the way many of us learn from our mistakes through growing pains. What I loved most about this book was that it made me think about my personal life choices. What if I had done things differently? 🤔 It has that kind of effect and I loved the underlying message. No matter how differently we choose to do things in life, sometimes the outcome will be the same. ⁣

It’s difficult to give a concrete review without any spoilers. You will have to read this book to find out how this situation plays out. But, I will tell you the end broke me. I did no see it coming. It was touching, beautiful and emotional. ⁣

𝙍𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 : 𝟰⭐️/ 𝟱 ⁣

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It is a sign of a good book if I am interested from page one on a genre that I am not normally interested in, magical realism. I have found I am liking it more and more and this book solidified that thought. I could not put this book down and only because I had to be an adult did I.

The story of Dom and Mia is tragic, to say the least, and you pretty much know what is going to happen each Thursday (Groundhog Day) but you still find yourself hoping and pleading for a better outcome.

I loved the message at the end of the book.

A quick read that will have you hooked immediately.

I received a complimentary copy from the publisher, Lake Union Publishing, through NetGalley. Any and all opinions expressed in the above review are entirely my own.

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Dom, a TV news producer, is scheduled to meet a source when he unexpectedly bumps into Mia, the fiancée he dumped 10 years earlier and has regretted leaving ever since. They go out on a date which ends with her tragic death and Dom wakes up the next morning only to relive the previous day all over again. The book then becomes about Dom trying to save Mia over and over again.

I am a huge fan of The movie Groundhogs day so I was really looking forward to this book. But I found it to be lack luster though. I didn’t find Dom to be the must relatable Or like able character and I didn’t really believe that Mia was the love of his life. I didn’t feel any chemistry between them and it was hard for me to root for them to get back together. Plus Mia really didn’t have a personality she was just a free spirit that died a lot and that came off as annoying.

The plot is such an interesting concept and it starts off so well and fast pasted that I really thought it’d be amazing but for me it took a nose dive and I found myself skimming since it was getting pretty repetitive.

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Another fantastic book from Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke. At first I wasn't too sure about how the story would play out-- I thought it would be too much of a Groundhog Day, funny type story. I was definitely wrong. It kept me reading throughout the night to see how the repeated Thursdays would play out and if Dom could finally save Mia from death. The reveal at the end was a definite suprise,( why Mia came back into his life after 10 years.). Looking forward to their next book!

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I was actually pleasantly surprised by this book! I didn't think I'd like it as much as I did. I thought the writing was great and liked following the story. It did get a bit repetitive at times (of course you're gonna get that with a groundhog day-esque book), but liked how Dominic at some points actually told people what he was going through and did his best to figure out what was going on. Although it was a bit cringey to read some of the brutal death's Mia endures.

I would probably recommend this one to friends who are looking for a unique romance.

Thanks Netgalley and Lake Union publishing for an arc of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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4 Stars
On the beautiful coast of Solana Beach, Dom proposed to the love of his life, Mia. Despite all the passion he developed for her in their 3 years relationship, Dom decided to end their engagement without giving much of an explanation. 
A decade later, while waiting for a source for his news channel, Dom's heart leaps, when he runs into Mia. The unexpected reunion, makes him realize that he never got over her, and still as much in love with her as before. This time he's determined to do everything in his power to get another chance and win her back. Just when he thought, their carnival fair's date is his new chance to rebuild their relationship, Mia fell from an amusement ride and died. Dom is Shattered! He cries his heart out, yells at his mother for not supporting enough their previous relationship, and gets cross with his best friend of encouraging him to go throw with the breakup. When he wakes up the next morning, Mia is still alive, and as he goes through his day he realizes that it's the same faithful Thursday of their date. and it keeps repeating every day with slightly different details, but with the same end result: Mia's rueful demise.

I was really excited when I've received an arc of this book, from #BLCVIPbookclub, It took me less than 2 days to read it and I was not disappointed.
the story was definitely a page-turner, entertaining and suspenseful at times. But I'm afraid I didn't connect that much with the characters. I couldn't understand Dom's fixation with Mia, especially after so many years apart without ever trying to win her back. Mia was careless in an almost caricatural way. I felt really anxious and sad for Dom, every time the day reached that climax where Mia dies, but I found some of the fatal accidents a little bit exaggerated, like when she hit her head in the swimming pool, or when she slipped from railing...
Still, I reiterate that the plot was interesting and enjoyable, with a cinematic feel, the writing was simple and easy to follow. the ending was heartbreaking but satisfying. I think it can genuinely be the base for a great movie.

Many thanks to the authors, bookish ladies vip bookclub, and Netgalley for my review copy.

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I was sold for the moment I read this was a twist on Groundhog Day. I’ve always been fascinated by stories that explore choices and timelines, so I knew I had to read this one.

Dom was a compelling character because he is thrust into this situation where he must confront fate and choice and force him to look at his life from a wider perspective. I felt like I got a good grasp of his character and each day had enough variation to keep me hooked.

My only small complaint is I never personally fell in love with Mia. Since each day covers Dom's whole day, I had a hard time getting to know her and so I never felt his attachment or attraction to her. I was more interested in the other characters.

Honestly, I fear saying too much more because it’s all such a short timeline for the story, so just give a chance if you’re on the fence. It’s certainly worth the read.

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Dom cannot forget about Mia, the one who got away. Although he broke their engagement ten years ago, he has never seemed to get over her. So when a chance encounter puts her back into his life, he grabs the chance to try and win her back. However, this isn't a second-chance romance. They go out and she is killed in a freak accident. The next morning he wakes up and he realizes he is reliving the same day all over again. He is determined to try and prevent her death, only to fail yet again. He soon realizes that he keeps reliving the day over and over, each time trying to figure out what he can do to prevent her death.

This book had me hooked pretty much from the get-go. I kept wondering where the authors were going with this and how it would end. It never got boring or repetitive, even though he was reliving the same day! Each time loop introduced new clues about Mia and why she was back. I liked that there was so much character growth with Dom. In each time loop, he begins to notice the people around him and how he can make a difference. He also notices things about himself and how he can grow as a person. BUT that twist!! I don't want to ruin the ending but it was perfect!

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This was an absolutely amazing book for me. The story is told under Dom's point of view, he remembers that glorious day in which he proposed to the love of his life, Mia. Unfortunately, days after the proposal he felt not ready for marriage, so he ended up breaking it up. He lives in an apartment with Lance, his best friend. Ten years later, he encounters Mia, they converse without mentioning any delicate topics and asks her out, as a second chance. Lucky for him she accepts. Their meeting place is at the fairgrounds summer fair. Dom and Mia have a lot of fun, she tells him to go on a ride, he accepts. Then, a terrible accident happens, they fall from a high height. The accident was fatal for Mia, and Dom survives. He is taken to the hospital with few broken ribs, but his heart cries for his beloved Mia. In his agony, he wishes to have another chance so he can save her. The next morning he wakes up in his apartment, after checking on her phone he sees that Mia is alive. So now he will have to come up with a way of avoiding dangerous places so he can save her life. It is an incredible book that I couldn't put down. I felt the desperation of Dom, and his desire to keep his beloved one alive. I liked that Dom started realizing other aspects about his life, like noticing the homeless and being aware of their suffering. This is a book that gave me a lesson, enjoy the time you have with the people you love. I thank NetGalley, amazon publishing and Kathleen Carter for sponsoring the July Bookish Ladies Club VIPBookClub.

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This book was just not for me. I thought it was going to be a cute romance but it really wasn't romance at all. And the groundhog day aspect was a little too much. The amount of times the day happened again was a few too many and made the book so so repetitive. This one had a lot of potential but it just was not my cup of tea. I really wanted to love this one - it sounded SO good.

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