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White Out

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This one was a page turner from the beginning! I enjoyed all the little clues the author gave throughout the beginning of the book and how they were explained throughout the story. There was plenty of drama which I’m a sucker for! I do feel like there was so much drama that it was hard to not laugh at some of the “reveals”. It felt like well gosh what ludicrous thing is going to happen next?! Overall this was a quick and entertaining read. 3.5 stars

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Lily survives an accident on an icy winter road in North Dakota. She has no memory of the accident or even who she is. As Lily tries to put the pieces of her lost memories together she doesn’t know who to trust. This is a fast paced thriller with lots of twists and turns. The ending came as a complete surprise to me. I would give this book 4 1/2 stars. Thank you to net galley for a copy.

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4 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ This is a great mystery suspense read! I loved the story line and it was action packed. Easy fast read. This was the 1st book of a new series so I’m excited to pick up where it left off and see what happens next. Definitely recommend this one! I love her style of writing, definitely one on my favorites. The twists and turns and the ending! 🙌🏻

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Full of suspense you will spend a good chunk of time trying to figure out what is going on. Had a few pretty good twists that I didn't see coming. Pick up this winner of a book because it's just that good. Happy reading!

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That was a good one!

Thank you to the author, Danielle Girard, for the complimentary eARC.

After surviving a car accident on an icy road in Hagen, North Dakota, Lily Baker regains consciousness with no idea where or who she is. Scattered Bible verses and the image of a man lying in a pool of blood haunt her.

The same night of the accident, a young woman is murdered. Kylie Milliard, the detective in charge, doesn’t immediately recognize the victim, but she soon discovers that Lily and the dead woman share a dark past…

Lily has one iffy past and she has also made some iffy decisions. Girard definitely builds suspense by slowly revealing Lily's past little by little. Without sounding callous, her memory loss is almost a blessing because she basically starts her life over.

I reallyyyyy don't like Kylie. Respect is due through because she is one bad ass woman. Kylie is smart and tough, but she's also just plain rude. The series will revolve around her for sure.

Iver-my main annoyance with him was his name... Anyone else picture a Russian gangster? Just me? K. Cool.


The setting was definitely unique and Girard captured the blizzards, ice and wind perfectly.

Plot wise, a protagonist with a lost memory isn't a new idea, but it's fascinating to figure everything out as they do!

Overall, this was a solid starter novel for a new thriller series! So many questions were answered and even more were unanswered so I'll definitely be looking out for the next one.

Mash-ups: The Bourne Series, Fargo and The Butterfly Garden.

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Wow! This is one of the best thrillers I have read in a while. It kept me on my toes the whole time and I was constantly trying to figure out whodunnit. The characters were great, each with their own distinct personality -- some to love, and some to hate. I did figure out some of the twist early on but it was still such a great reading experience. I absolutely loved the setting and descriptive writing as well as the suspenseful plot. I am definitely looking forward to reading more by this author and continuing this series in the future. Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for providing me with an advanced electronic copy.

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Absolutely fantastic!! I love this Author's books and this one did not disappoint at all!! Full of twists and turns that will take you on a ride!! I could not put it down!!

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This is the first book in the new Badlands series and started it off with a twisty and suspenseful read. I cannot wait to read the next book when it comes out!

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Lily Baker comes too after a car accident on an icy road with no memory of who she is or how she got there. All she remembers is the vision of a man in a pool of blood and random biblical verses. At the same time detective Kylie Millard is called to a murder, a woman’s body has been found in a dumpster and as Kylie investigates she uncovers a link between Lily and the victim. With Lily’s memory showing no sign of returning, she and Kylie team up to try to uncover the truth

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I appreciate NetGalley giving me the opportunity to read an early edition of this book. For me, I found the book plot and characters uninteresting. Psychological thrillers are all the rage these days, however, this one failed to hold my interest. Unfortunately, the market is saturated with the damaged female themed psychological thrillers that this did not stand out from the pack. For those who read psychological often and are not worn out by the pattern in these books, you will likely find this very engaging. The book itself is by no mean boring or bad, just too obvious in outcome.

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I haven’t read anything by this author in a while. I don’t know why because this story was so good. Lots of twists and a shocking ending make this intricate suspense a great read. Wonderful start to a new series.

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White Out is the first book in the new Badlands Thriller Series by Danielle Girard. It is also the first book by this author that I have read. I found it an interesting combination of plausible and implausible. Believe it or not, that did not deter from my enjoyment of the book.

Much was well done in the story especially descriptive scenes and character development. Kylie Milliard, Hagen’s only detective is quite the fascinating character. Haven’t we all at one time or another wanted more out of life. However, this is not only her story. There are several POV and many twist in this unique book that takes a certain amount of liberty with police procedure. It is fiction so it didn’t bother me in the least.

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This is the first time I’ve read anything by this author. Huge thanks to Danielle Girard for reaching out in exchange for an honest review.

White Out is the first book in the series and is set in North Dakota, in the winter. This chilling mystery is told from multiple POVs. It starts off with Lily waking up after an accident, next to an unconscious man and realizing she doesn’t remember a thing. The amnesia proves to be a problem for her throughout the story and puts her in some real danger. We also find Iver struggling with alcohol and memory lapses, which has him doubting what he is capable of after there is a murder at his bar. Then there is Kylie, a detective, that is determined to solve the case and get to the truth. This book includes various twists and multiple murders, which had me hooked until the very end.

I loved getting to see the story from each character’s POV. I felt that it added to the story without making it too confusing. There were a lot of characters though, which was the only thing I found hard to follow. I had no idea how it was going to end and definitely jumped to the wrong conclusion at one point. My heart also went out to Lily the most. She went through so much. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to wake up and have amnesia on top of that.

Overall, I really enjoyed the story. I loved the writing, the twists, the setting and the suspense. I look forward to reading more from this author in the future.

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This thriller started out with a bang, crash, wham literally. Lily Baker comes to and realizes she is in the passenger seat of a car that has been in an accident - with a man she doesn’t know. She also doesn’t know who she is or why she is there. All she instinctively knows is that she needs to get out of there now!

Ivar Larson, local bar owner, wakes up with a killer hangover and doesn’t have the first clue what happened last night. Upon arrival at his bar he finds the police waiting for him to question him about the night before. Too bad he doesn’t remember anything, and his best friend and bar manager is acting strangely.

Kylie Milliard, Detective at the local police department very desperately wants to prove herself so she can be promoted to another town. She quickly begins to suspect something is rotten in Denmark.

This story is told with multiple point of views and has a large cast of characters, and suspects, and it is easy to get confused. All in all, it was an okay read and I gave it three stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read.

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This is basically a very well written story with great characters, but it's too slow for my taste. The ever changing POV is OK in itself, as it's all in third person, but it leads to repetitions as well as a lot of unnecessary descriptions. But, if you like a lot of words for your money, this is a book for you.

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This was twisted, layered and well-plotted, but some of the events require an extraordinary amount of suspension of disbelief on my behalf, which I was just not always capable. Girard is a good writer who leans to the minimalist side of the spectrum. There were just some key elements of the plot that didn’t work for me, but it's not a waste of your reading time.

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This book was great, loved all the thrilling twists and turns. However there were some things that happened that were really unbelievable and quite reaching. Overall though, I would read her next book.

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This book was seriously jam packed FULL of action from start to finish - it didn’t stop once. I found myself turning pages so quickly trying to figure out who Lily was, what all these connections were and whodunnit!! I loved the small town thriller vibe where everyone has a history with everyone else. Even though Iver is the main suspect here, I immediately fell for his character (yes, that’s the romantic in me). Lily was a smart and talented nurse - and you know I loved that!!
This one lost me a bit with the details.... like some missing pieces I wanted to know in the end and a couple of unnecessary side plots. There were some super accurate medical details, then some that just didn’t add up (this could be a fault of my own for being picky). Overall a super addictive thriller! I’m looking forward to the next in the series!!

Huge thanks to the author for gifting me a copy of this one!! ❄️

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Lily Baker wakes up from a horrible accident with no memory of who she is. That same night, another girl has been murdered in the small town of Hagen, North Dakota. Detective Kylie Milliard is determined to find the truth. Are the two girls connected? If only Lily could remember...

This book was a roller coaster!! There were so many times that I thought I had figured it out. I was so confident at one point that I almost put it down but, sure enough, I was fooled. This book would be perfect for a winter night with hot chocolate and a fire. It has mystery and intrigue. It has well rounded characters and an ever advancing plot. This is a solid thriller that keeps you gripped until the very end. I loved watching the characters of Lily and Kylie unfold and how the story shifted with them. This was a solid 4 star read from me!!

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White Out is a fast-paced, action thriller following small town detective Kylie Milliard as she seeks to uncover the mystery behind an unknown woman’s death.

The story starts off with a bang on the edge of cliff as a car hangs precariously. A young woman, identified as Lily, cannot recall who she is or where she came from. She wakes up as a victim of car accident, beside an unknown dead man and finds she has narrowly escaped catastrophe. She has odd images and recollections that she cannot piece together, but that are disturbing indeed.

The two ominous situations seem to be linked as Lily, the amnesia victim, and Kylie the small town detective desperately seek answers.

Set in rural North Dakota, the atmosphere matches the tone of the mystery and crimes that take place. Although the story is rather unbelievable in parts, and the writing not quite as polished and sophisticated as I’d prefer, the story is intense and intriguing and an interesting start to a new series.

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