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Little Threats

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Not a bad book overall but it read kind of slow and it felt very much like other thrillers I’ve read before that kept me more engaged. Still I enjoyed the book and I think if you like thrillers this is a safe choice.

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The book itself is fine, but the editing in this book makes it, at times, difficult to even comprehend. At times, I found myself distracted from the plot itself due to the syntactical errors. This may seem like a small nitpick, and I'm not sure if it's been corrected in the final version. However, editing aside, I found the plot standard and the characters fairly boiler-plate. If you enjoy thrillers, you'll likely enjoy this one; however, it's nothing to write home about.

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Identical twins. One sent to prison for the murder of her best friend, Haley. When Kennedy gets out of prison after serving 16 years, she tries to move on with her life but this is harder than she imagined with her mother now dead, her father still living in her childhood home, having left her bedroom untouched and her twin sister basically ignoring her. At the same time a TV channel is revisiting all the facts of the case as they are convinced that Kennedy who can remember nothing of the murder due to being high, is in fact innocent and was framed by someone. Many suspects, a few twists, keeps you reading until the end.

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A good whodunnit mystery, but not a favorite. I give it 3.5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Fine, but not compelling. The fallout is a bit bleak and one character never really makes sense, but neither of those issues feel...particularly important.

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As a teen raised in the 90s, I thoroughly enjoyed the 90s grunge vibe and felt like it allowed me to be transported into the story as a bystander. Strong writing and didn’t mind the slow-burn of the plot, however it seemed a bit unbelievable at points and characters didn’t feel fully teased out.

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I wanted to enjoy this, the plot is everything for me but the writing gave me nothing. If this was for Lifetime it would be perfect but I probably have time getting through the movie of it as well

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This book was very interesting and fast-paced, the author held my attention and the plot was very appealing. I would recommend this book to friends.

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Thank you to Netgalley, the publisher and the author, for an ARC of this book, in exchange for an honest review.
The synopsis of this book sounded intriguing to me so I requested a copy to read.
Unfortunately, I have tried reading this book on 2 separate occasions and during this 2nd attempt, I have
decided to stop reading this book
and state that this book just wasn't for me.

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Not for me. Another reviewer described it best - it was like reading a Lifetime movie and I don't care for those. But a lot of people do.

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This was a unique story. It was a slow burn mystery/psychological thriller and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the author's writing style. I also liked the multiple povs. It keep me guessing right up to the end. I look forward to read more books from this author.

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This was a weird one. I don’t usually read the synopsis before going into a book so I had no idea what to expect with this. I didn’t care for the characters.

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In 1993, twin sisters Kennedy and Carter are living the good life. That all changes one night when Kennedy's best friend Hayley is murdered at a party in the woods. Kennedy becomes a suspect when accused by a boy and since she has no memory of the night in question, she accepts a plea deal and serves fifteen years in prison. Meantime, Carter begins dating Haley's brother and questioning the sister she thought she knew. Fast forward fifteen years and it's 2008 and Kennedy is finally free. But is she? While her life stopped in prison, the world kept turning, moving forward. What kind of life can she expect when her own twin sister now questions her innocence. When a Crime Podcaster comes to town asking questions, tension builds and secrets threaten to escape. With the secrets come new suspects just as Kennedy's memories begin returning. Are any of them safe?

Little Threats pushes all the right buttons for a fantastic thriller. The twisted plot line is driven by a dark, threatening undertone with creepy vibes. The story unfolds through three points of view - that of Kennedy, Carter, and Haley's brother. I found myself burning through pages searching for answers right up until the shocker ending. Little Threats is an intense, dark, gritty family saga suspense thriller. Highly recommended.

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When I originally found out about this book, I was excited to read it. However, this just didn't grab me. I manage to finish it, but it was difficult for me to connect with the story.

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A slow burn, but worth the twists if you hang on to the end! Told in multiple view points, this book is pretty easy to follow and will keep you guessing until the end.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for my advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Felt a little bit like a Lifetime thriller but I enjoyed it! I second guessed every character and was genuinely taken by surprise which doesn’t often happen.

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Actual Rating: 3.5

A whodunnit that takes place fifteen years later promises to be two things: tragic and nerve-wracking.

Little Threats is a mystery that kicks off in 2008, after Kennedy Wynn is released from prison for murdering her best friend Haley over a love triangle — a night she remembers nothing of. After fifteen long years, her twin has grown distant as she secretly dates Haley's brother, her father is obsessed with putting the past behind them, the boy she crushed on fifteen years ago is sneaking into her house and making threats, and Haley's mother is bent on revenge and still convinced of Kennedy's guilt. When a crime show host comes into town and starts digging up the past, Kennedy's memory starts to return, new evidence surfaces, and everyone starts becoming a suspect.

The plot for this started off really interesting and I was really invested in reading about the dynamics between characters, especially as Kennedy was just returning home. For me, I think my interest in the plot waned a bit because there didn't seem to be a very active plot for Kennedy or any of the characters in terms of finding out what had happened years ago. Only the crime show people were actively asking questions and we didn't hear much from them — I think I was really hoping we'd get to know more about the mystery from Kennedy's perspective, maybe her figuring out what had happened and looking for clues or talking to people.

The characters were okay; I do have to say that I think Kennedy was pretty much the only perspective I cared about; her twin sister and her boyfriend never really got the character development I wanted them to, and it gradually felt like the book was adding so many new characters in an attempt to increase the number of suspects, whereas it would've been much more effective to flesh out the backstories of the few characters they had.

The writing style was pretty good overall; I liked the descriptiveness of different scenes and settings, and I definitely got the "grunge nostalgia" feeling. Ultimately, I still think this is a good read in the adult fiction genre; I'd consider it mystery, but not necessary thriller or suspense.

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A slow-burn mystery thriller about twins Kennedy and Carter. They are living a normal teenage life until their friend Haley is murdered. Kennedy is arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison. When she is released, she tries to adjust being out and still does not know if she committed the murder or not..

It is told between the past and present with multiple POV"s - Kennedy, Carter and Haley's brother.
I liked it, it was very readable with some twists.

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Overall an interesting book that was thrilling but not necessarily the most memorable thriller in the world.

I enjoyed the characters and setting and found to be shocked at some of the twists.

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Little Threats by Emily Schultz is about twin sisters Kennedy and Carter who are living the teenage life when Kennedy goes too far and winds up in prison for murder. Years later when she is released, the reader finds out what actually happened that night, and what secrets were worth keeping. The story is unique with an original premise that I wanted to love it, but it just ended up being an OK read. Thank you to Putnam and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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