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The dragons receive an anonymous e-mail relating to others and Cain is the one who goes reviewing the truth. What he didn't count on was Noreen a dark who pick his interest on a deeper level. The story stars light and easy but soon there are so many twists and surprises that I didn't see it coming. All of that with great characters make this book another great read.
I volunteered to review an ARC of this book for NetGalley

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1. Donna is still the queen of hot, charming and too cute for their own good Scotsmen. 2. Donnaaaa why do you keep doing this to us? I'm waiting for Con and Rhi to get together for so long and also I'm still slightly pissed at the disapearing act you had Moreann and Usaeil pull. But also kinda not bc this means one of my favorite series continues.
The emotions, the steam the plot twists. You can get some serious whiplash from those. I'm usually pretty good at predicting the plot but Donna you played us well to the last page. 1. Noreen was bespelled to forget that she wanted to betray the Kings but at the same time wanted out of the Others while thinking Moreann didn't know about it but Moreann did know about it. 2. Rhi becomes Queen of the Light.
I repeat SHE BECOMES QUEEN OF THE FRIGGING LIGHT! I honestly never thought she would accept the throne until the last sentence. Donna Grant you are amazing and did you have me fooled? Yes but I loved it and it made it all the more fun to read. I never knew what's around the next corner. Even if that plot twist with Moreann knowing seemingly everything and then disappearing with Usaeil made me want to trow my phone against a wall. I can't wait for the next book.

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This is the latest book in the 'Dragon Kings , the Reapers , the Light and Dark Fae and Others series ………….. the series are now becoming more interwoven with greater results in the storyline .

Dark fae Noreen has seen something she should not ….. it is can be a death sentence if the Others find out .
She is determined to warn the Dragon Kings , even if her own life is forfeit , and sends an email with her information . Dragon King Cain is sent to find out exactly what Noreen knows and soon realises that she is his mate and possibly one of the enemy .
But things are never that straight forward in the World of the Dragon Kings and, Noreen and Cain face betrayal and challenges before they can work on their "happy ever after "

The storyline does progress a little in this book but we seem to be getting more and more characters introduced without furthering the final outcome against the "Others" .
Concentrating on the original Dragon Kings , the Reapers , the Light and Dark Fae and their battle against the Others would provide for a much more enjoyable progression in the plot line .
I am so , so glad to hear that Con's story is soon to be available as I want so much for him to finally have his own mate
(We know who that is after the leak online - but I won't reveal who here )

I was given an ARC of this book by Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review

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-- This review is also available on my blog --

Noreen is a Dark Fae and part of the Others. She seems to be having second thoughts about the group and their mission to annihilate the Dragon Kings. She sends an email telling them that she would like to share information with them. Cain offers to go and find out what she knows. Cain and Noreen were great together, I loved them. Cain was steady and supporting, while Noreen’s live underwent great upheaval.

But is Noreen really everything she seems to be? The Kings are understandably wary of another woman betraying them, and Noreen ticks all the boxes.

This is a story of betrayal, regret, vengeance, heartbreak, love, and forgiveness. Add in plenty of action, and this makes for a very exciting and emotional installment in this series.

Noreen, Rhi, and Con all have wonderful character arcs throughout this story. I can’t wait to see what their roles will be going forward.

This is part of a bigger series and doesn’t work as a stand-alone. But you can’t go wrong starting the Dark Kings from the start.

Thank you to St. Martin’s Press and Netgalley for giving me an ARC. Any thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the latest in this series and I'd definitely recommend that you read these in order because there's a lot of catching up to do otherwise. Plus there's a spin-off series about Reapers that greatly adds to the world building.
The Dragon Kings are currently at war with The Others who have powerful magic and have been secretly plotting and planning for decades. So when a member of The Others emails to offer information Cain is nominated to go investigate . He discovers Noreen who is a Dark Fae and has had a change of heart about being a member of The Others . Trouble is by helping the Dragon Kings she's put herself in serious danger but Cain has a cunning plan !
I really enjoyed this and its clearly building up because there are numerous clues here about a certain Dragon King and a Light Fae heavens who am I kidding it's blindingly obvious but my lips are sealed. This was a good story with an interesting twist but I just didn't particularly enjoy the romance. Perhaps it was just too quick but the overall storyline was very entertaining and I look forward to reading the next book.
This voluntary take is of a copy I requested from Netgalley and my thoughts and comments are honest and I believe fair

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“...Noreen knew that the game had truly begun.” Flame by Donna Grant

We continue with the war of the Dragon Kings and the Others for Earth with both sides prepping and planning still.

Noreen, a dark elf, decides to warn the Dragon Kings of the plan of the Others. Despite being part of and betraying the Others. Despite the crime committed against her parents by the Dragon kings. Cain, a navy blue dragon, is sent to check up on her story. And turns out, she’s his mate. And there’s more to Noreen’s story than meets the eye.

Always nice to see Con and Ulrik and Rhi and Eirith and Cael.

At some point, you gotta wonder how long will this continue, this series. I mean we’re waaay beyond primary colors now and going into shades. The world is setting up for a big battle ahead and seriously there are so many characters now that we don’t hear about till their story comes that pushes the overall arc of the main story.
Also, what do I capitalize again? Dragon Kings? Dragon kings? dragon Kings? dragon kings?

I honestly didn’t see the chest there. 😂 I was so focused on the dragon, which is just gorgeous, that I only realized it’s on a (nice looking) chest when I was just about to post this.

Thank you St Martin’s Paperbacks for the arc of this book. And NetGalley too.

This book will be out June 30, 2020. As usual, I hope to remember the publication date. 😂 I always forget

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I swear, with each book justice is just within our grasp when the author yanks it just out of reach again. It’s frustrating and addictive and I feel like when this series finally ends I be able to breathe again.

I’ve enjoyed each pairing in the series. I like how each mate the dragon kings find, have a part to play in the overall story. Noreen is a powerful player that has barely tapped into what she can do. I can’t wait to see what more will come from her. I did feel she got judged too much and I struggled a bit with that.

I loved how all-in Cain was. He didn’t hesitate to give Noreen his trust despite her being a dark fae. He was protective and fought for her. He did have a moment I wanted to shake him but overall, he was good for Noreen.

I can’t seem to get over how much gets revealed in each book, and yet more questions pop up. I want to know who Rhi’s Dragon King is. I want to know who Con’s mate is. I want to know how the final battle will go down. I have a few predictions. Hopefully I’ll learn if I’m right or wrong soon.

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Betrayals, Deceptions, Revelations…

This is the seventeenth book in the Dark Kings series.

There comes a point in a person’s life when they can take no more; when boundaries are crossed that the conscience cannot live with. It is with this motivation that the Dark Fae Noreen sets out upon a dangerous path, to warn her sworn enemies, the Dragon Kings, of what the Others have planned. Though having personal reasons for hating the dragons she’ll assist them but only on her terms.

An email message is left for the Dragon Kings that implies the sender has knowledge of the Others to share. Is it real or a trap? Regardless, someone needs to investigate and Cain, Dragon King of the Navy dragons decides to take the task on. What he finds unexpectedly is one of the enemy, a Dark Fae, who by her own admission has been a member of the Others. What game is she playing? The distracting attraction between them is magnetic and as strong as the distrust they have of each other. Yet her words and admissions do lend credence to her story and her betrayal of the Others will cost her.

As enemies became lovers the insidiousness of the Other’s plan and who actually devised it was an unexpected twist that had this reader gasping. There was much information disseminated about the Others and we learn what happened to the missing bodies at the end of the last book. The battle at the Light Palace was but one obstacle the Dragon Kings had to surmount, the plan to destroy them has been centuries in the making and rapidly approaching fruition if the Others are to be believed. The Reapers, continue to stand with the Dragon Kings but how far will Death go in supporting them is still debatable.

In the character of Noreen, the author gave us a heroine like no other we have seen, she’s tough, highly intelligent and not a trained warrior or so she said. A Dark Fae with some code of ethics. The complexity of her persona was staggering. She was thrown by it being Cain that met her, his existence wasn’t part of the underlying plan that she unwittingly (perhaps) was playing out. This character kept this reader guessing, to trust or not to trust was the question. Beware of who or what might or might not be the deception. Cain was the perfect complement and foil for her, their romance was felt though not the main focus here. This pair’s journey was necessarily emotionally painful for both of them.

This intriguing book had moments that were explosive and implosive. Even at this late stage in the series, the author added more possibilities to the plot and depth to the characters. This series is a masterful multifaceted tapestry of paranormal fantasy but it’s installments like this one where the underlying storyline leaps forward that sharpens this reader’s appetite for more. We are so close to what will undoubtedly be an epic conclusion. But how it will all be resolved is yet to be determined.

How will the author tie up the threads that remain open? Many questions still need answering. What kind of being is Rhi becoming? This reader wonders about her parentage. Will Xaneth be rescued? Will the Dragon Kings be reunited with their dragonkin? Will Constantine regain his mate whose identity has been much suspected? His emotions were visible here. The King of the Dragon Kings might just have a breaking point underneath his oftentimes cold manner. I’m so looking forward to the next book, the fight to control the realm of Earth, the true home of the dragons.

An advanced reading copy was obtained from the publisher via NetGalley.

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Yes! That’s all I can say!! Only not really, but this book is everything I have wanted for a while now!

We are coming to the end of this series and this book finally picked up in action!
Of course each book has a purpose and a story to tell but this one? It has everything I feel like I’ve been missing!

Twists and turns and surprises at all ends!

This story really took a turn, in the right direction, to lead us right into the end. All I want to do is talk about it but it would ALL be spoilers!

I will say these things though.
1. I REALLY liked the take on how the Kings’ story is told to this mate. It was a really fresh breath and way more informational!
2. I need Rhi to keep being strong!
3. I just need Con.
4. All the characters throughout this series, spin offs and all, better be in the last book!

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This is book 17 in this series but I still think you might be able to read it as a stand alone. I have read a few others from this author that all connect together and although I have missed out on a few things I still had a great time reading the story. I loved the sexiness of the story along with the characters and the romance. This was an out of this world story that I of course couldn't put down!!

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Flame is another steamy, action packed installment in the Dark Kings series. This is part of a series and will not make a whole lot of sense unless you read the whole series. Seeking to help the Kings, Dark Fae Noreen sends an email with a lot of useful information and then Cain shows up. Sent to find the truth, Dragon King, Cain finds his mate in the arms of the enemy. But things are never that straight forward in the World of the Kings, Noreen and Cain face a world of betrayal and challenges before they can work on their HEA. Con and Rhi feature pretty prominently in this story line and have my hopes high to finally get their story in the next book (pretty please, Ms Grant). Sexy, exciting, and a whole lot of addicting goodness, this is another great read in the Dragon Kings. My voluntary, unbiased review is based upon a review copy from Netgalley.

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I have loved this series and this book was no exception. I loved the protagonists and how they plot from book one is being pushed forward. Donna Grant makes me feel for the characters and I cannot wait for the last book!

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Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for the e-ARC to read and review.

Another intense, fiery paranormal romance by Donna Grant!

Noreen and Cain's attraction to each other is probably the most passionate and heartbreaking I've seen in this series. The story become more enticing as their relationship grows. Both are risking a lot for the greater good. Of course there was a catch that came at an almost irreparable cost.

It took me a while to get fully invested in what was happening because there was too much telling and not enough showing. What is learned is all potential critical information but I wish it had been given differently.

The plot twist got me! I expected but was wonderfully unprepared for its impact on the characters and the threat of The Others as a whole. Then things spiraled into action-packed chaos.

My heart goes out to Noreen, Rhi and Constantine! I love them all so much!

The ending was satisfying enough. I think it's fitting that the last book, Inferno, be Con's. The long awaited battle that has been millenniums in the making is about to end. I'm so anxious for what will happen. Things will never be the same but I know it's going to be epic!

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We return to the world of Dragons struggling to stay a secret. Noreen has information they need to know about the others. Cain is the one to venture out and find out if she is being honest. Distrust, upheaval in the Fae courts, Rhi disappearing, Death and the Reapers and we know more about Con and his mate and you can’t help but feel for him. This is another great addition to the series. I love this series and never want to put them down.

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Having read all of Donna Grant's book and various Series - Flame has got to be the best one yet. Donna takes you on adventures with her characters and locations that bring you into the story. Once I started this book, I couldn't put it down until I was done.

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Cain is not a Dragon King I knew much about but in this book I found out how critical his part was in the death of the human who betrayed Ulrik. The story continues to unfold by bringing into Cain's life everything he hates causing him to grow and learn more about the Dark Fae and mortals. During this time he is faced with the fact that possibly not everything is black and white. I admire his strength to decide to leave his mate to do the right thing knowing he would never be happy again.

Noreen is quite the shock for the reader and Cain. In my opinion she is the first really really deliberate bad girl to appear as a mate against her will. She comes across one way and then through a series of events she ends up a different way. Or does she? That is the part that adds the interest to this story. Will her hidden evilness win or will the good girl she was as a child remember everything in time? This was the very needed drama to this story.

In this story Rhi makes an appearance finally after the death of her friend Balladyn, the murdered Dark Fae King. Rhi is by far my favorite female character in this series along with Con. Both of these will star in the next book to the Dark King Series and I have waited a long time for a resolution to their unrequited love.

This is not a common story so I give it a big 5 STARS for the constant tension and heartbreak in this storyline.

Received an advance reader copy in exchange for a fair review.

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For long timed fans of Donna Grant's Dark World, Flame marks the second last book for the Dark King series. The book opened with Noreen, a dark Fae who is also part of Others (that nefarious group that wanted to kill our Dragon Kings) who send an anonymous (or so she thought) email to our Dark Kings warning them about the Others. Con then send Cain to investigate further and so the adventure begins.

I've been waiting for Cain's book for quite a long time, at one point I even thought Cain was Rhi's mysterious King. Did I love this book? Heck yes I do! It might be a slow start but I devoured every moment of it, I appreciate that Donna Grant took the time to build us up to the finale in this book. Oh and what a finale it was indeed! For us loyal readers, you'll be pleased to know that we have tremendous payoffs in this book. Quite a bit of loose ends finally came together and we even see cameos of Reapers and Death. We see the vulnerability of a fearless and stoic leader, we also worry of a beloved character going to the dark side.

All of us readers are dying to know who Rhi's Dark King is, did we finally get the reveal? Maybe or maybe not, you just have to read the book! Flame can be considered as one of Donna Grant's finest works, it will make readers clamouring for the Con's book to come earlier than slated.

I was lucky to be gifted with a copy by Netgalley, however the views above are all of my own.

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Noreen, a member of the Others, is horrified when she realizes the truth about their plan. She decides that the only way to stop it is to tell the Dragon kings and hope they don’t kill her. What she doesn’t expect is to fall in love with a King. Caine just wants any information he can get about the Other plan for the Kings but the longer he is with Noreen the more he wants her. But can he trust her?

Wow, so much happened in this book and I cannot wait to read the next one. I was a little apprehensive at the beginning of this book and wasn’t sure I would like where the story was going but dang was it good. I just got sucked in with every passing page and couldn’t put it down.

Noreen betrays the Others to tell the kings the truth but never expects to fall for Caine. Noreen is a Dark Fae but doesn’t kill ruthlessly like most of her kind. She has her own code and knows not to do true evil. With the help of the Kings and Reapers she finally learns the truth about her past and the Others. She was so strong, even though she wasn’t a warrior. She stepped up when she knew she was the only one who could possibly help turn the tide against the Others. I really liked her and hope we see more of her in the future. I especially want to see her and Rhi become friends.

This was a great enemies-to-lovers romance. Caine and Noreen had an instant attraction that was filled with a lot of emotions. Caine gives Noreen the truth of her past and helps her work through the pain of it. I love how supportive Caine is of Noreen. He doesn’t hold the fact she is a Dark Fae against her. He sees the truth of her and stands up to the other Kings because of that.

Like I said earlier, a lot happens in this book. We have love, betrayal, the return of an enemy, new revelations about the past, and the breakdown of a leader. It is so much but all so good. I really can’t wait to get my hands on the next book, which might be the last, because I know it is going to be mind blowing and amazing.

*ARC provided by Netgalley for an honest review.*

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ARC From NetGalley

DNF at ~42%

Honestly I don't think I can rate this book. Starting at #17 meant that there was just way too much I didn't understand. The writing was fine. The steamy bits were ++steamy. The premise was interesting, but I couldn't get into it. I was so confused by all the info dumps. I couldn't get invested in anyone because there was honestly more time put into explaining what had come before than there was developing the characters. This book suffers from instalove, but I mean, I think the point of a book like this is more about the sex scenes so whatever. It's par for the course. I found myself just skimming it for sexy bits and decided I was done.

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I was given a copy of this book through @netgalley netgalley and I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

I initially picked this book thinking that it was the first in a new series, so as I read I kept getting confused about people and why they were meant to be important and what their back story was. That’s when I realized this is not the first book and there are more before it. But other then some parts being confusing (which is my fault for not knowing to read the previous books) I really enjoyed it. Noreen was a great character to follow, and although the time in the fae realms seemed to drag I did live all the twists and turns the book took. I’m excited for the series to continue and to read to other books in the series.

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