Member Reviews

This is the second book I've read in this series and the second novel I've read by this author.
From the start I was interested in this book: how many times do you start a story with a grown woman being stuck up a tree? But I'm not sure what happened after that. While the story was lovely and the plot interesting, I felt unsure about Julia and Garrett. They never seemed to be strong characters in their traits: they would go so far one way down a path and then stop and do an about face. It left me feeling on edge.
However I'll be looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

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I enjoyed Gone With the Rogue. Amelia Gray never disappoints. She always delivers a hero you want to fall in love with and a heroine with enough gumption to make you want to be her friend.

I voluntarily read and reviewed a complimentary copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This is the second book in this series and I recommend reading the first book, you could probably get away with it but I still recommend to get the whole picture. So we met Julia who is one of the widows that lost their spouses in the salty dove, so between her and her two other friends they started a school for the kids of the workers who lost their life in the salty dove (ship that sank). Julia had lost her husband and now she was a single mother who was under her husband fathers thumb, he was a stickler and had threatened that if she was caught in any scandal he would take her son away, she was miserable. She gets stuck in a tree and is saved by Garret Stockton and they immediately get attracted to each other, I mean immediately but I guess that happened in the last book too. She is intrigued but knows she has to stay away do to the duke, but she is hoping on finding info on the duke that she could blackmail her freedom from and Garrett is insisting on helping since he wants Julia for his own, but Garet has never been known on sticking around since he is a captain. but will he, I enjoyed reading about Brina but I have to say I was sad that we didn't get anytime with Adeline and I didn't like that considering they were supposed to be such good friends and always there for each other, and at no time did we get anything..Hope we get a little of both couples in next book.

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The good storyline and the well rounded characters were interesting enough to keep my attention until the very last page was turned!

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DNF about 1/4 of the way through. The writing style just wasn't for me and I couldn't get into the story. The dialogue seemed very awkward to me.

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Gone With the Rogue is the second book in Amelia Grey's First Comes Love series. I absolutely loved the first book and was excited to get a chance to read Julia's story. Though I enjoyed it, it just didn't grab me like the first installment. I adored the hero, but for some reason I just couldn't warm up to Julia. But it was still worth reading and an enjoyable way to pass the time.

Widow Julia Fairbright was stuck in a tree in the park, caught by her collar when she attempted to retrieve her son's butterfly net from said tree. She attempted to remain hidden while her son's nanny ran to retrieve scissors to cut Julia loose; it just wouldn't do if her father-in-law the Duke found out that she wasn't behaving like the perfect widow out in public! However, Garrett Stockton, the owner of a successful shipping company, spied her in the tree and climbed up to help her. He was immediately smitten by the beautiful young woman, and Julia was drawn to him as well. She had to fight that attraction, nonetheless; Julia would lose her son to the Duke if she didn't behave with proper decorum or if she tried to take her son with her to live independently. She had a plan to set herself free, though, and when Garrett called on her at her home with the excuse of telling her he was having the butterfly net fixed, she thought perhaps the handsome rogue might be willing to assist in her plans...

Julia lost her husband at sea. Though she didn't love him, they had an agreeable marriage which resulted in the birth of a son. She, along with two friends, turned a home into a boarding house and school for female family members of men who died at sea. All Julia wanted was to escape the Duke's rule and live independently with her son. Garrett was usually away traveling for his work and had come home to buy his childhood home before he took off again. His attraction to Julia, however, had him rethinking his entire life's plans. I loved how this so-called rogue didn't fight his feelings for this woman and her young son; he was willing to do everything in his power to help set her free. There was something in the way Julia treated him that I just couldn't put my finger on but that I didn't care for. Their connection was real, however, and quite steamy when they gave in to passion. I also loved a scene where Julia and her friend Brina were attempting to bake bread and make soup, never mind barely having stepped into a kitchen before. It made me think of Lucy Ricardo and Ethel and made me smile. I am really looking forward to Brina's story, she being the only one of the three women who actually loved the husband she lost.

I received an ARC of this book courtesy of the publisher and NetGalley. I received no compensation for my review, and all thoughts and opinions expressed are entirely my own.

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The sinking of the Salty Dove took her husband’s life—but it didn’t drown Julia Fairbright’s courage to endure. She creates a proper life for herself and her young son, Chatwyn. However she is still ruled by her father in law The Duke of Sprogsfield who is a stickler for society's rules.
Garrett Stockton owns a successful shipping company and is rumoured to have a woman on every continent and half-a-dozen in England. The truth, however, is that Garrett has but one mistress: the wide open sea. That is, until he meets Julia, whose spirit of independence matches his own. What begins as a flirtatious battle of wits turns far more passionate than either of them could have imagined.
This is the second book in the series & could easily be read on its own. I found it to be a fun entertaining read & I absolutely loved it when Julia & Brina tried their hand at making bread & soup, which had me laughing out loud. I also loved the chemistry between Garrett & Julia, they were both ripe for love & fell hard & fast. There is the intrigue of Julia finding ammunition against the Duke, which added to the story. Chatwyn & York steal the book! A well written book which captivated me from the start, I look forward to the next in the series
My honest review is for a special copy I voluntarily read

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Julia’s father-in-law controls her life by holding the threat of separating her from her young son if she should do anything he deems improper. Julia is desperate to live her life on her terms, so desperate that she is prepared to steal from and blackmail the Duke in order to break free. Due to the Duke being unwell, she and her son are temporarily living apart from him and an unexpected meeting with an adventurer, leads to Julia risking everything just to be with this man who elicits a passion she didn’t know she was capable of. An absorbing story.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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The beginning of this book set me off with a giggle. Stuck in a tree by the lace collar of her dress, Lady Kitson Fairbright (Julia) was impatiently awaiting the return of her son's governess so she could cut herself down. While she's stuck she thinks about the conversation she heard between her father-in-law and his solicitor regarding papers and titles of properties that need to be disposed of. Since she's alone in London with the Duke in the country fighting illness, she hopes she can find these documents and use them to free herself and her son from under the Earl's constant watch.

Of course that's when a gentleman stops under the tree and sees her predicament. Garrett Stockton is the first son of a third son and as such he decided to take on the seas and trade rather than depend on an allowance from his titled third cousin. According to society he has overstepped the boundaries of Gentleman and Tradesman. His company is profitable and he travels with his ships, collecting things all over the world to sell in London.

After rescuing Julia, he can't seem to get her out of his mind and he knows she has some sort of problem with the Duke of Sprogsfield and would love to help her. Julia has to trust him enough for that as well.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The characters were fun and intriguing. Julia and Garrett are the perfect couple and relationship grew steadily throughout the book. Julia's son Chatwyn is a delight and his interactions with Garrett were perfect for his age.

Lots of intrigue, some hold your breath moments, some interesting ways of handling people and a simmer to sizzle relationship that had me turning the pages until I was done.

I can't wait to see what's in store for us in the next book of this series.

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This is the second book in a series, and I fee like I would have enjoyed it more if I had read the first one. The hero is interesting. He is seen as a traveling heartbreaker, but he falls for the heroine rather quickly. I wanted them to get together, but I quickly found the heroine a bit annoying.

She has a son, but he does not have a major role in the novel. There is a constant threat of her losing him if she is with the hero, but then she meets with him anyway, which feels unlikely. I just wasn’t able to enjoy myself as I read. And the ending felt really abrupt.

I received an advanced readers copy of this book from the publisher and Net Galley in return for a fair review.

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The beginning of this book really draws you in – it is funny and light-hearted (reminded me of Julia Quinn’s books with the funny situations). I loved that part of the book. The rest of the book is okay. It had no real umph. Garrett is not really a rogue, at least we do not see it, but his genuine love for Julia is a delight to read. Julia is also a lovely person just kind of going through the motions. The sensual scenes are pretty much done behind doors. It is a nice read, just not a fantastic read.

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I really liked Julia and Garrett. Julia is unconventional. When she married her husband, it wasn't for love, but she came to care for him. When he died, she mourned for him but she had her son to think about. Her father-in-law seems to be punishing her because he doesn't think that she is mourning his son enough. He is very strict and refuses to let her leave and take her son. She will not live without her son, so she endures his cruelty. When Garrett arrives at the park to find a beautiful woman in a tree, he is instantly smitten. He would do anything for Julia and he is determined to help her get out from under her father-in-law's thumb. What will happen when he succeeds? Will she want him?

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This is the second in Amelia Grey’s First Comes Love series. I did like the first installment, and while I did generally enjoy the story of Julia and Garrett, this story lacked some of the spark of the first. I felt like it leaned way too heavily on the threat of the evil old Duke to create excitement. The Duke wasn’t even present for most of the story. So while the threat of him was constantly talked about, it wasn’t an active thing.

The love story between Julia and Garrett felt forced. They declared their love for each other before we were even given a chance to see it happen. I did like Garrett, but wasn’t terribly fond of Julia. The theme of this series is meant to be ‘strong widows, caged in their former lives and coming into their own’. Julia gave lip service to the idea of being so, but for the most part she came across as a wilting, whiny flower.

After the first book, I truly wanted to love this one. It just didn’t happen for me.

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Fascinating story!

Four years after her husband's death, Julia is ready to move on. Unfortunately, her father-in-law, a powerful duke, won't let her stop mourning his son and holds her own young son as a means of ensuring her compliance. Just as she's discovered the old duke's hypocrisy and figured a way to free herself from his control, she has a truly adorable meet-cute with the dashing rogue, Garrett.

This story charts their love story as well as the intricate story of her fight for freedom. Garrett is recruited to help her and her son, and the lengths he's willing to go to for her are truly heroic. I was enthralled with every bit of this complex story, and loved the emotional intensity between the two main characters. The HEA is necessarily unconventional yet extremely satisfying. I voluntarily reviewed an ARC of this book.

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I had never read a book by Amelia Grey before, so netgalley showed me a new author! This was an enjoyable regency romance. Julia's husband drowned at sea while she was still pregnant with their son. Four years later she is living under thumb of her father-in-law, who threatens to take her son if she makes a wrong move. Garrett has lived life by his own rules. I believed their attraction and the sparks between them, and I also liked how Julia remained herself and Garrett was willing to let her, and didn't want her to change.

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It was an entertaining and engrossing read. I liked the characters and rooted for them, they are well thought and likeable.
The historical background is vivid and the romance sweet.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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I recieved a free copy from netgalley in exchange for an honest review. I like this author having read several of her books before and was excited for this one. We are introduced to Julia has she hangs in a tree trying not to fall and to not be seen by anyone. Garrett has just returned from sea and has no choice but to rescue the lady in the tree. With a promising start I wanted to like this book but the characters felt bland and their was so urgency in the conflict. The attempt to make Julia more developed by her love of animals was weak. Garrett was sweet but it was insta love and ridiculous gestures. The secondary character of Julia's friend who will the focus for the next book was just as boring. Not every book can be a home run for every reader and from other reviews obviously she has done something that others are connecting with. I would of course give the next book in this series a chance.

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I really enjoyed reading this historical romance by Amelia Grey. I’m not really familiar with her work, but she did a wonderful job creating a great story.
She made her characters come to life right in the beginning and made you yearn for more.
Can’t wait to get my hands on some more stories by this author.
Thanks netgalley for the arc in exchange for my honest review.

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A widow trying her best to make a new life for herself and her four year old son… a charming gentleman come merchant hero at her beck and call, how could this go wrong?

There was nothing outright bad about this story, my main issues I found were the pacing of the story and the resolution go the main conflict. Firstly, the book seemed to drag on and build up the conflict, to the point where I thought something big was going to come of it in the end… this was not the case. While, the characters had a successful conclusion to their conflict, as a reader I felt deflated and kind of sad for this person they had built up to be the big bad bully.

The characters of Lady Julia and Garret Stockton came together in a fun meet-cute kind of way, and made me think that the story would have more fun antics - it did not. Lady Julia’s inner dialogue was repetitive and annoying. On a brighter side, Garret was a delightful hero and magically where he needed to be whenever his lady needed saving.

This story was a little redundant in the idea that the characters constantly go on about wanting to be together, but not willing to risk the consequence, I wish after all of the build up that the finale had some more pizazz.

Gone with the Rogue by Amelia Grey is scheduled to release April 28th, 2020.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from St. Martin’s through NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.
#AGoneWiththeRogue #Netgalley #pinkcowlandreads

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Julia Fairbright is so tired of living in her father-in-laws' house in London with her son, while he is in another town being treated for an unknown illness. Julia has been widowed for four years and, is so very happy to be out from under her father-in-laws' thumb for a while. She is so tired of his oppressive treatment of her and her son. She is trying to find anything that will force her father-in-law to release her money and, allow her and her son to find their own home.
Julia meets a man named Garrett Stockton and, they both have an immediate physical reaction to each other. Garrett sees no reason why they can't explore this instant and powerful attraction and, Julia agrees = to a point.
I LOVE this new addition to the series. I love these strong, independent women of this age, fighting for their freedom and, lucky enough to find a man who respects them and, will do anything to help them accomplish whatever they need!
Can't wait for the next one!

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