Member Reviews

I am so grateful to have received this ARC from NetGalley. I will be watching for this journal to come out in print so that I can buy a personal copy and repeatedly linger over the beautiful nature shots with inspirational quotes. The title comes from the famous Robert Frost poem which ends by saying " and I have miles to go before I sleep" . The book starts by reminding the reader that for those of us over 60 many of our happiest years are still ahead if we open ourselves to the idea. Every other page is a beautiful photo with an inspirational quote. The next page is a lined blank page for collecting one's own thoughts. The quotes are by such famous people as Winston Churchill, Maya Angelo, Rumi, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Joel Osteen, Jimmy Carter, Eleanor Roosevelt, and some quotes by unknown speakers.
Some of my favorite quotes are: Hurt people. hurt people., Remain teachable, Don't try to fix things with the same brain that broke them and I didn't come this far just to come this far.

I would recommend this journal to others at the stage of their life in which they are ready to take a minute and reflect on the beauty in it and go forth for adventure.

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This is an illustrated journal and not a typical book. There are alternating pages of illustrations with quotes about life and aging and lined journal paper. This might be a good gift book for someone retiring from full time employment or hitting a milestone birthday such as 40, 50 or 60.
I received a complementary review copy from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was unable to download this early reads e-book, as it is not Kindle friendly at this point.
I would love to read, and review when it becomes available for the Kindle format.
Thank you.

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