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The Highly Sensitive Parent

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I think that people who identify as HSP know most of what is discussed in this book. For that reason, the book was just okay for me. There was nothing groundbreaking or new for me to learn. Parenting as a HSP can be difficult and I do appreciate that the book offered tips. That said, overall, I was underwhelmed.

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Being a highly sensitive person or in childhood can tend to be as a parent. A highly sensitive parent when dealing with children, people and other parents can be a daunting time for them. This book equips the highly sensitive parent with knowledge, understanding and skills to be able to deal with people whose dealing with controlling their strong emotions and feelings in positive and negative situations or thoughts. Going through this book will help you to deal with your own emotions before dealing with people. Fantastic book filled with a self examination of your sensitivities, dealing with overstimulation, learning positive parenting skills and techniques for being shy and relationships.
If you liked reading The Highly Sensitive Person/workbook or child this book could be for you. It is a great book and similar genre to self-help, and you can self test to check if you could be a highly sensitive parent.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from via NetGalley for my honest review of the book . The opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own thoughts, feelings and viewpoints of the book.
#TheHighlySensitiveParent #NetGalley

Review run date was set for 28 April 2020 for Netgalley, unfortunately life stood at a standstill as I finished the final semester and three subjects of my studies. On 28 March 2021 I was set to write the review and my health became an emotional roller coaster so here I am today 14 October 2021 review will be post on my WordPress blog, Facebook blog, Instagram, LinkedIn,, goodreads, along with the non-linked retail online stores that sell the book is at:

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Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington books for my copy of The Highly Sensitive Parent Be Brilliant in Your Role, Even When the World Overwhelms You by Elaine N. Aron, Ph.D. In exchange for an honest review. It published March 31, 2020.
I have to say, this was one of the best parenting books I’ve read in a long time. I appreciated the honestly and the lack of guilt trip that I find often in other parenting books.
I also appreciated that it didn’t take up so much time with personal stories, but rather just had a paragraph here and there.
This book is pretty real about parenting as an HSP, and doesn’t make the reader feel as if they’ll never be good enough or measure up. I look that there are practical applications and scripts for situations.
If you’re an HSP and parent, you could definitely benefit from this.

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I am not really sure what rubbed me wrong with this book but I definitely did not enjoy it as much as I had hoped I would. There was not much information in it that was not general knowledge.

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Lots of good information about how to handle being a Highly Sensitive Parent. Lots of tips on how to cope with different common situations that come to an HSP.

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This felt like too little for a book. I wish it was a chapter or part of another work. Much of the advice is quite valuable

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The concept and research is very interesting and helpful, but the book felt repetitive and just an article would have sufficed.

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This book offers a quite in-depth look at the topic of Highly Sensitive Parent.

It took me longer than usual to read it, and I would prefer it if this would be a more light read. But I guess it wouldn't cover the topic thoroughly then. Nevertheless, this book still contains valuable and good content that can help many HSP to cope with their everyday struggle. 3.5 stars

Thanks to Netgalley and Kensington Books for the opportunity to read this! All opinions are my own.

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I've read so much about Elaine Aron's work (Thank you, Modern Mrs. Darcy!) that I already knew I was a highly sensitive person (HSP), so I was thrilled when I saw this book on Netgalley. I think it's fair to say that one of my biggest parenting challenges is my own personality, and I was excited at the prospect of learning more about this aspect of my personality so that I could be the type of parent I want to be, instead of always reacting from a space of being overwhelmed.
I did indeed learn more about HSPs, and Aron includes plenty of very sound advice--some I've already figured out in my 13 years as a mother, and others which I think will serve me well.
That said, I didn't love this book--a fair amount of information seemed obvious (to me, at least--maybe if the idea of being an HSP is new to you, you'll be enthralled!), and the overall tone was less encouraging than I would have hoped. I know HSP moms who have told me, "Many things about being a parent are difficult, but you'll find it's worth every minute." Others come across totally differently just by switching up that sentence: "While it might be worth every minute, being a parent is incredibly difficult." Aron seems to fall in the latter camp. I felt like if I asked her for advice on how to thrive as an HSP parent with seven children, she'd probably faint in horror before coming to and dispensing her wisdom. Wisdom it would be--but with more commiseration than actual encouragement.
If any of you readers are HSP parents with big families (or you want to have a big family), allow me to dispense some advice and wisdom of my own, since the very idea of more than three children is entirely lacking from this book. You will find having so much noise and stimulation--and so many emotions that you're picking up on every minute of the day--challenging. But you have the tools to be an amazing parent. You'll also have built in some of the help you need--let big brothers and sisters read books aloud to their younger siblings so you can take a nap. Let your extravert children chat with each other all day so their need to be heard is less acute when they come into your room at night. Talk with your children about personality so they will understand yours and feel affirmed in their own. Oh, and remember to sleep and drink lots of water and herbal teas (lemon balm is literally saving my sanity these days).
The most important takeaway from Aron's book is the bit of advice I give most often as well: FIND HELP. You're not supposed to do this parenting gig alone. You need to take care of yourself and make time and space to be alone--half a day with a well rested, happy parent is much better than an entire day with an irritable parent. You won't need half a day every day, but sometimes you will--and taking that time is part of how you take care of your children.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with a copy of this book to review!

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I was looking forward to reading this book and learning from it. I didn’t connect with the writing style at all unfortunately. The information wasn’t bad though.

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As an HS parent of 3, and I fan of Dr Aron’s other work, I was excited about this one. It is chock full of insight into why you might not fine the day to day drudgery if parenting as rewarding as you are tips you are supposed it. And, she gives you permission to admit it to yourself and others without making it a failure. Where the book falters does me is her advise on how to manage common symptoms such as overwhelm, irritability, and anxiety. Her biggest solution is to hire help such as housekeeper, nanny, etc but that rings as elitist and tone deaf
to me. I get what she is saying: it’s hard to take time for self care when you are parenting 24-7, but I’m willing to bet that most modern families do not have the funds for this.

ARC from publisher via Netgalley, but the opinions are solely my own.

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I enjoyed the author’s previous books. This one was a bit repetitive and predictable but still valuable. Very glad for the work she does.

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As soon as I saw the title of this book, I knew I had to read it! I’d seen the highly-sensitive book series in the past, but I didn’t realize until very recently that it accurately describes me. I had always known I was an introvert who didn’t like too much stimulation, but this really hit home to me. Becoming a parent has been simultaneously wonderful and life-changing while being incredibly difficult and frustrating due to constant stimulation and chaos. I liked this book a lot, but I think it could have been better. It includes science and assumptions about highly sensitive parents (HSPs). I certainly identified myself in the descriptions and some of the examples, but other examples of dialogues and situations were a bit clunky and not relatable. The author hammers the point that HSPs need downtime to function well as parents. I appreciated this sentiment as it’s certainly true, but some of the suggestions made simply weren’t reasonable for all parents due to financial or other limitations. (The biggest suggestion was to get outside childcare or help, e.g. babysitting, daycare, cleaner, etc.) I was somehow hoping there would be magic bullets for recharging, but really it’s time, quiet, and distraction that recharges HSPs. All in all, this would be a very helpful book for HSPs and it’s relatively short and addresses points directly, which is always wanted in a parenting book!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kensington Books for providing this ARC.

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I never thought about myself as a Highly Sensitive Parent until I read this book. I am interested in diving deeper into the authors other book called Highly Sensitive Child. There are a lot of valuable tips and tricks presented in this book. I thing this book is very useful as a resource for us parents who need to know that there are others out there like and and there are tools to become aware.

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A really important and informative book for those who are highly sensitive persons (like myself) or for someone living with an HSP. Because I consider myself currently a healthy HSP, this book offered really great tips and reinforced much of what I'm doing to contain chaos in my home :) But I can see this being really eye-opening for those who don't realize they are highly sensitive, or who has a HSP in their home. Thank you for allowing me to read this important book!

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I am personally thankful I found this book. I am a highly sensitive person and parent. I learned a lot of tips and tricks from reading threw the book. I also felt validated, understood and found out I’m not alone in how I feel. I could only give it 3 stars because for the last 20% of the book it’s was only for parents with partners. As a single mom this didn’t apply to me and I could of used more information, tips and stories in these pages. I recommend to any parents who think they may be or know that they are a highly sensitive person. It’s best for people who are in a relationship and parenting together if you want to make full use of the book.
Thank you to netgalley and kensington books for providing me with a copy to read in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.
Release Date: March 31 2020
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️

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As both a highly sensitive parent and the mother to a highly sensitive child, this book was a huge help in finding coping strategies that work for both of us. In these coming weeks of self isolation thanks to COVID-19, I feel like we will be putting those skills to the test and I am actually not dreading this time as much as most parents. Thank you!

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#TheHighlySensitiveParent #NetGalley
An excellent read for anyone who works with children or is raising children. It is informative and has a lot to offer those with challenging parental issues.

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As a highly sensitive person, this book is a game changer for my parenting. It is full of helpful tips, insights, and ideas. I highly recommend this book to any HSP.

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I only learned about HSP last year and read both the Highly Sensitive Child and The Highly Sensitive Person. I have to say that The Highly Sensitive Parent resonates with me much more than The Highly Sensitive Person did. I found myself nodding along on most every page. It was very validating to see that I am not the only one having this experience with parenting, that it’s OK to feel this way, and that there are ways you can help lessen the impact. It is a book I wish had existed before my child was born (and also that I had known about HSP before that), and I would definitely press into the hand of any HSP parent.

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