Member Reviews

Unfortunately I went on a requesting spree during lockdown and my tastes have since changed.

As the book has been on my shelf since 2020 or 2021 I believe I need a cull as I am highly unlikely to ever read it.

To be fair to the author I have star reviewed based on the average.

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Kendra Smith's "Take a Look at Me Now" takes readers on a captivating journey of self-discovery and personal growth. From the moment I picked up this book, I was immediately drawn into the protagonist's world, experiencing her highs and lows, and rooting for her every step of the way.

One of the aspects that truly impressed me was Smith's ability to craft relatable and complex characters. The protagonist felt like a close friend, navigating life's unexpected twists and turns with authenticity and vulnerability. I found myself emotionally invested in her journey, as she faced various challenges, made tough decisions, and ultimately found the strength to chase her dreams.

The author's writing style is engaging and flows effortlessly, making it easy to lose oneself in the pages. Smith's descriptive prose vividly brings the settings to life, whether it's the bustling streets of London or the idyllic countryside of Ireland. I felt like I was right there alongside the characters, experiencing the sights, sounds, and even the tastes described with such detail.

What sets "Take a Look at Me Now" apart is its uplifting and empowering message. It encourages readers to step outside their comfort zones, embrace change, and follow their passions, no matter how daunting they may seem. The book beautifully captures the essence of self-discovery, reminding us that it's never too late to reinvent ourselves and find true happiness.

While the storyline did have a few predictable moments, the overall journey was so enjoyable that it didn't detract from my reading experience. The pacing was well-balanced, keeping me engrossed from beginning to end. The supporting characters also added depth and brought a touch of humor to the narrative, making the story even more enjoyable.

In conclusion, "Take a Look at Me Now" is a heartwarming and inspiring read that will resonate with anyone seeking a story of personal growth, love, and second chances. Kendra Smith's storytelling prowess and memorable characters make this book a delightful choice for those looking to lose themselves in a tale of transformation. I highly recommend it!

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This was a slow burn type of read that I normally fall in love with. While I enjoyed the book and Maddie, I didn't fall in immediate love. I felt it was a little too predictable for my tastes. I still enjoyed reading it and ended the book smiling.

4 stars

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What a great and fun book! I truly loved the characters and Kendra was great at creating such a captivating story

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A light and easy book that I finished in one go. I loved the characters of Maddie and Olive and there were plenty of plot lines to keep your interest. Perfect beach read

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A nice and emotional story about trying something new and spreading your wings. I really enjoyed this and following Maddie's life as she takes a leap and restarts her life now that her son is away from home.

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Maddie who is 41 years old, add her 19-year-old son he is getting ready to take a gap year from school and travel, mom is getting ready for the empty nest syndrome.. Maddie is married to Tim who was less than a desirable husband. She runs into her younger love Greg at her college reunion. Maddie is a relatable character who is fairly easy to sympathize with. Her journey is
One of self discovery! This is a great story but a really long book nearly 500 pages. I felt there was a lot of wasted pages. Long periods of time would pass in a chapter and it just didn’t feel like there was anything truly interesting going on.

I received a copy from Netgalley and Atria for exchange for my honest review.

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This really wasn't what I was expecting it to be. I liked the diverse characters, but I think I was expecting something far different than what it ended up being. While I enjoyed the Olive portions, I didn't really enjoy the Maddie ones. I found myself skipping over Maddie's tale, to the point of it ruining the rest of the book.

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I didn’t really enjoy Take A Look At Me Now, it fell really play for me. I was expecting something like Bridget Jones but maybe because of the different life stages that we were in, I couldn’t really connect with the character and I didn’t really care for her life experiences and how her life is sort of falling apart around her because she’s too busy helping others out with theirs.

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Unfortunately, I have not been able to read and review this book.

After losing and replacing my broken Kindle and getting a new phone I was unable to download the title again for review as it was no longer available on Netgalley.

I’m really sorry about this and hope that it won’t affect you allowing me to read and review your titles in the future.

Thank you so much for giving me this opportunity.

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advance reader copy in exchange for an honest review.

I really enjoyed this read, it was a lot of fun and I can't wait to see more from Kendra Smith. I'm so glad I got the opportunity to read this, it was such a sweet romance and left me wanting more.

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This is basically a story about a woman having a mid-life crisis and what she does about it. Considering I’m around the same age as this woman, I can’t really say I 100% found it believable. However, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the book. It was a quick read and an enjoyable way to spend an afternoon. I recommend
**I voluntarily read and reviewed this book

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I greatly enjoyed this book, thank you for giving me a preview copy. The plot was interesting and fast paced and I sympathised with the characters. This is the first novel I have read by this author but I hope it will not be the last!

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This just wasn't for me. While well-written, I didn't fall in love with this book. I found it predictable and unoriginal. This might be because I didn't relate to Maddie (I'm a single 20-something with no children). This is probably a great read for someone else, just not for me. I thought it was okay.

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A lovely story based on Maddie, after reuniting with her university love Greg, Maddie has plenty of secrets to face. It was quite an emotional book, the main character was a very strong lady. The only downside being we don't find out her. big secret for a while despite the teasing. Very well written!

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🌟 🌟

This book follows Maggie: a 40 something year old mother (of a teenage son who is out on his own) and the discovering of who she is. A book filled with secrets (that her husband kept from her), a divorce, losing all of her money and a relative of hers passing away and leaving her the cottage she owns on the water. The book follows her journey as she puts her life back together and rekindles feelings for an ex.

This book is classified as a romance and I have a hard time with that. 90% of the book is Maggie going through day-to-day and learning to cope on her own and figuring out who she is. The romance is a SLOW BURN. Really slow.

I had a hard time connecting with people in this book. It was just kinda boring. It took me a long time to get through it because I would lose interest and pick up another book. 400+ pages and I feel it should have been done in 300. It was also 100% predictable. I knew the "big secret" very quickly on and then it was just dragged out for half the book. I didn't like that this secret was kept and how any of the situation was handled.

I didn't hate this book, I didn't love it. Just eh.

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Take a look at me now starts with 40 something Maddie whose only son has flown the nest, her husband is inattentive and she starts to question everything in her life, especially after seeing her first love again at a school reunion.

The story follows the caring friendship between Maddie and her elderly aunt (by marriage) Olive who lives in a home and is struggling to come to terms with the onset of Alzheimers. It is written with humour and compassion and is actually heartbreaking at times.

Throughout the first half of the book, there is an underlying tension that something happened years ago that makes Maddie feels she that she 'has' to stay with her husband even though it's clear neither of them is happy.

Then the plot takes us off to Bali, and in contrast, the Isle of Wight, but I will leave it there so as not to reveal any more. The plot has lots of twists and turns and brings about many emotions.I wouldn't describe it as a romance novel as such, although there is a love matter in it. More women's fiction that chick lit and probably suited to a more mature reader. I thoroughly enjoyed this.

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What a great contemporary romance! i quite enjoyed the stories and the author was able to develop some real emotion. I look forward to reading more by Kendra Smith.
Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC for an honest review.

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Thanks Netgallley and the publisher for an advance copy of this book!

The book was just too long for the store. The pacing was just too slow, and I found myself skipping pages or skimming large paragraphs so it would be over quicker. I also took LOOOONG breaks, because I almost did not want to read this book, so I was putting it off a bit too long.

Unfortunately, I DNF-ed the book at about 25%, because it was bit too predictable for me. It wasn’t horrible, but it just wasn’t my thing. The cover of the book is very cute though!

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DNF at 27% because that's roughly the point at which I could predict with 95% certainty how the story would unfold. And that's usually when the fun stops for me. The writing, the characters, the plot, none of those elements could entice me to keep reading until the end when I already knew what I would find there.

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