Member Reviews

There is definitely well-researched content within these pages so I am sure many readers will get a great deal of value from it.

The notion of brands embracing the various social media platforms and so creating an opportunity for engagement and conversations with their prospective customers, the importance of authenticity and building long term relationships with both the influencer and customer resonated indeed.

Planning, strategising and measuring ROI are also covered with examples.

However, I ddn’t quite click with the style of the author and struggled with the repetitive nature of some of the content, eg the author repeats that brands are not people and people connect to people (not brands) and discovered that my business already has many of the suggested strategies in place.

Perhaps the approach differs by continent as well, I’m unsure how some these approaches would work with the entrepreneurial and small businesses I deal with on a day-to-day basis.

With thanks to #NetGalley, HarperCollins Leadership and the author for my free advanced reader copy to review in exchange for an honest opinion

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We are in the age of social media. The opportunity to showcase creativity is increased by social media that supports visual means and the likes of photo and video. There are many opportunities to become an influencer today even if you are not a celebrity. The book covers different types of influencers, way to engage with them and to leverage this marketing channel.

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Author Neal Schaffer shows how marketing began, how marketing has changed with technology. When people wondered why would anyone want to say hello to others over phone, they didnt think about the cold-callers.

The numbers in traditional Vs digital ad spending.
Visual voice.
Prevelance of user generated content.
Product Centric Advertising.

Like the thinking about long term marketing vs campaigns.
The author listed about 25 ways of influencer marketing.

Many examples of different levels of influencers, their reach, the measurement of their contributions through blog posts, video views etc.

Detailed funnel of influencer coversion.

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