Member Reviews

"Perfectly Wounded" by Mike Day is a gripping and inspiring memoir that takes you on an incredible journey through the life of a true American hero. Day, a former Navy SEAL, shares his harrowing experiences and the unimaginable challenges he faced during a mission gone wrong.

What sets this book apart is Day's raw and honest storytelling. He doesn't sugarcoat the tough moments or downplay the impact they had on his physical and mental well-being. Instead, he takes you deep into the heart of his struggles, allowing readers to truly understand the toll that war can take on a person.

Despite the darkness, "Perfectly Wounded" is ultimately a story of resilience, strength, and the power of the human spirit. Day's determination to overcome adversity and rebuild his life is nothing short of awe-inspiring. The narrative is fast-paced, keeping you on the edge of your seat, and Day's sense of humor shines through, making it a surprisingly enjoyable read given the heavy subject matter.

In a world filled with superhero tales, "Perfectly Wounded" stands out as a real-life account of a man who faced the worst and emerged not as a flawless hero, but as a perfectly wounded human being who found his way back to the light. Highly recommended for anyone seeking an authentic and uplifting story of triumph over tragedy.

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Perfectly Wounded by Mike Day is a poignant tale of survival against the most formidable of odds. Though I am not a war veteran, his depiction of his turbulent childhood and heroic trauma on the battlefield resonated deeply. This book is not only a depiction of past events, but a script of healing against all odds. With great insight into the impact of PTSD upon our armed forces, Day records a story that is relevant for us all. This is a memoir I will not soon forget!

I received this book from Netgalley. All opinions are my own.

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Wow...this is the first book in a long time to have me sobbing. It was so heartbreaking but beautiful at the same time. Mike Day wrote his account so wonderfully.

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First, I want to thank NetGalley and the author for allowing me to read this story in exchange for a review.

I usually try to shy away from these types of books, as a veteran wife I fear this type of situation for my husband and our friends who served in both Afghanistan and Iraq. I will say this book is wonderfully written, and it is a story that oozes courage, and resilience while still bringing raw awareness to those who suffer from PTSD. I truly enjoyed this book, and I plan on buying it for my husband to have as a winter read.

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When I sat down and began to read this book, I knew I would be in for a ride emotionally. Growing up in a military family and hearing stories passed down from WWI past Vietnam. Here is a book that my father WWII and Korean Vet and his buddies I wished they could have read. Instead, I would sit in a barbershop and listen to these old guys talk of days while drinking beer and when I got older always wondered what really was my father thinking and had gone through.
Here Chief Day takes you through his journey from childhood trauma through the trials of making it through to having the Trident pounded into your chest. Knowing that the pain, fatigue, exhaustion was and is all worth every bit for it will all be replayed at some point. For him, it would many years later in Afghanistan. Going after a high target and then being in the room being shot multiple times. Having a grenade go off, coming too and seeing your friend and knowing in your mind he is dead, yet you are not but you know you have been hit repeatedly. He was shot 27 times with also a grenade going off. His buddy Clark Schwedler also a Seal took one round in his vest yet the round went straight through. He had a round hit his vest and nothing happened.
You then are taken through his recovery which was years, he gives props to his wife over and over, he also wishes he could have done more for his two daughters looking back not knowing what they were going through. He is honest about his PTSD and then goes into the work he is doing for and with other veterans. Overall, this is an excellent book and very much worth the read. I received this book from I gave it 5 stars. Follow us at

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This was a fascinating book that I quickly flew through although not without my share of tears.
Books like these always hit close to home that’s why I enjoy them so much. I love reading about these heroes.
Mike Day, a Navy SEAL, who was shot 27 time. We relive his miraculous recovery but more than that we see his upbringing and what led him to the Navy.
The horrific events of the day in Iraq when he was shot is mind blowing!
I love the alternative options Mike gives for PTSD- something to look into.
Thank you sir for your service to our country, I’m forever grateful.

Thanks to Netgalley for my gifted copy of this book.

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Highly Recommend! This is a true that goes beyond the Iraq war. A story of determination, resiliency, courage, and love. This is a page turner. I'm so thankful that people like Mr. Day not only serve, but also share such motivational and inspiring stories. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this awesome ARC.

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