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What You Wish For

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If I begin and end my review with a 5 star rating, it wouldn’t be enough.
If I preface my review by saying, it’s a must read, it wouldn’t begin to touch my feelings for this story. Rarely, you read a book and you connect with the story and it’s characters at a deeper level. This one is it. I read this book in one sitting.
Katherine Centers latest novel is a beautifully written drama based in Galveston, TX. This small coastal town is family-like. Prepare yourself to face love, death and rebirth. The changes that the town and its inhabitants will face will make you laugh, cry and believe in love again.

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Thank you to the publisher for the copy in exchange for a review.

I love all of Katherine Center’s books and this one is no exception. As a teacher, I may have been a bit skeptical of the extreme measures that were taken in the name of school security in the first half of the book. The second half is where the author really shines. It left me with something to think about while still leaving me feeling happy with the ending.

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I loved the main theme of: “Pay attention to the things that connect you with joy”. Center’s latest novel is about a quirky librarian, Sam, who finds herself in Galveston, Texas at an equally quirky private school. While the story is a slow-build, you find yourself rooting for all of the characters.

This story details Sam’s love-hate relationship with the newest principal and beautifully describes the protagonist’s struggle to stay joyful. What I love about this story is how it encapsulates the need to find joy in our lives. Katherine Center does an excellent job of showing how happiness is a choice. I enjoyed her characterizations of Sam - who was positive, yet honest. Her raw emotions lent to the power of the plot.

Overall, a good read once you push through the initial slow 30% and get to the good stuff.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Oh, how my heart needed this book. Like the rest of Katherine Center's books (and yes, I've read them all!), this story was a journey through self-discovery and finding the joy in life.
The main characters in this book were each their own brand of quirkiness, but in an opposite way. Sam, having dealt with plenty of blows in life (the death of one parent, the abandonment of another, on top of a life-long illness) moves in with an older couple and works as a librarian in a school that they founded. She's fun-loving, quirky, and tries to find the joy in every day. When tragedy strikes the school community and a new principal is brought in, she's delighted to find out that it's someone from her past with whom she shared her fun-loving spirit and "joie de vivre." Unfortunately, when we arrives at the school, Duncan is no longer the fun, free-sprited man she remembers, and she struggles to understand what could have caused such change.
Both characters in this book were dealing with struggles and learning to live despite them. And like before, the author really shines in making the characters relatable.
Definitely a must-read!

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WOW!!! WOW, WOW!!!
I absolutely devoured this book. My sister is a teacher, I work in a library and it is set in one of my favorite places in Texas. Not only is this just a great little read, but it addresses subtly some of my biggest gripes with education today. Absolutely beautiful gem of a book!!!

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“Pay attention to the things that connect you with joy”. It must be said that ALL of Katherine Center’s novels connect me with joy, so I was beyond thrilled to read her latest novel, What You Wish For. If you have read and loved any of Center’s previous novels then you know the magic that she can create with words. This book is no different.

Center’s latest novel is about a librarian, Sam, who finds her home in Texas at a quirky private school named the Kempner School. Like many of her other novels, it’s a heartwarming novel mixed with a small amount of heartbreak. This story details Sam’s love-hate relationship with the newest principal and beautifully describes the protagonist’s struggle to stay joyful. What I love about this story is how it encapsulates the need to find joy in our lives. Katherine Center does an excellent job of showing how happiness is a choice.

I loved her characterizations of Sam. Sam was positive, yet honest. Her raw emotions lent to the power of the plot. In truth, I wanted to teach at the Kempner School, because I loved all the characters depicted. Their warmth and genuine love for one another was soup for my soul. I love Ms. Center’s novels, but I find that I am sad at every conclusion. Never because of an unhappy or unsatisfying ending, but always because I know it’s time yet again to say goodbye to her lovely characters. Thank you to Netgalley and Saint Martin’s Press for the advanced readers copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Katherine Center does it again! This book is full of unique characters and she does a beautiful job of telling each one’s story and how it has shaped them into the people they are today. She touches on several hot topics without letting them take over the story itself. Samantha and Duncan are wonderful characters that deal with life altering situations in different ways. Their ability to see inside the other but not themselves is what makes this story and the characters so real to the reader. Thank you to NetGalley for providing a copy of the ARC and this is my true and honest review.

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I have loved all of Katherine Center's books but I think this was my favorite. I read it in one night; I couldn't put it down! So many things resonated with me - the characters, the struggles, the romance and the storyline.

What You Wish For is a story of a school, who's principal dies weeks before the start of a new school year. The new principal is a guy that the school librarian knew from a former life and had a huge crush on. When he starts, he is not what she remembers and she and the school have to deal with the new person. This especially touched me because the school librarian, Samantha, has epilepsy and talked about her seizures. My 5 year old son had a seizure a few months ago so I could relate to some of what she was talking about. This perfect was a perfect mix of romance and struggles and I highly recommend.

*Thank you to the publisher for giving me an advanced copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.

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What You Wish For is yet another heartwarming tale of tragedy, comedy, and happiness, what the reader should expect from Katherine Center -- yet so much more! I honestly read it in one sitting -- the story grabbed me from the start and didn't let go til the very end. The message of finding joy -- no, MAKING joy -- every single day is one that will stay with me. And I'll do my best to "celebrate" every chance I get. Thank you, Max and Sam (and Katherine) for that valuable reminder!

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You know that song by Lee Ann Womack called “I Hope You Dance” ? 💃🏻

This book reminds me of that song...

It may not be the “love story” you are expecting when you pick up the book.

Sure, it has Samantha Casey...a quirky librarian you will want to root for.

And, it has Duncan Carpenter, the new Principal and her potential love interest.

Of course, they will have their share of misunderstandings and miscommunications, along the way, as all “romance stories” do...

And, you will expect a happy ending...because, that is why we read these books...

But, this book is almost more about the love of a community, than it is about the G rated potential romance of Sam and Duncan.

It’s a community that comes together when the beloved Principal and Founder of their school, Max, passes away- And, those who replace him, including Duncan Carpenter, try to “fix what isn’t broken”.

One where friends are family, and are there for Max’s widow, Babette.
And, others along the way...
In ways that are heartwarming and touching. 💕

I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as “Things You Save In A Fire”, but I did like it’s message....(though it may have been a bit overdone!)


Another great buddy read with DeAnn! 🤗

I would like to thank the Publisher for inviting me to read a digital ARC, provided through NetGalley, in exchange for a candid review!

Available July 14, 2020!
Just in time for those beach vacations! 🌴
Pre-order now!

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This is the third book I’ve read by Katherine Center and I thoroughly enjoined it. The story and characters were interesting and the way she developed them made me really invested in the story. It is heart warming as well as sad. It’s timeliness about our school culture added a whole other level to the book that I wasn’t expecting. This book will appeal to so many different readers!

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This book is extraordinary. I expected it to be, I adore everything Katherine Center publishes, but this exceeded my expectations.

When you open one of this author's books it's like you've stepped into the warm and cozy kitchen of your best friend. No matter who they are, honestly. You're drawn right in, given a nice cup or glass of something to drink, and there's a golden retriever at your feet.

The characters are all so lovely. They're perfectly and beautifully flawed. And they love. They love in a way that makes me wish I lived in one of these books.

This book had some underlying tension that made me anxious, but I knew that it would work out. In a weird twist, my new puppy recently had a seizure, so, unexpectedly, that portion of the book brought me some solace and some fear.

I can not recommend this book enough. I am going to buy a copy so I can highlight some passages. One in particular that says "... from the harmony section...". That made me laugh out loud, while crying.

I ADORE Katherine Center.

Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for the ARC.

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What a fantastic book. This is definitely a romance story, but I felt like something was missing. I like to read about how they realize they are in love and I didn't get that with this book. They were already in love years before so the fall wasn't included. Katherine Center is a fabulous author and I really enjoy her writing. This book was no different, fantastically written, beautifully worded. Brilliant.

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to say i had sky high expectations of this book would be an understatement. happiness for beginners is one of my all time favourites and how to walk away just blew me away. i did love things you save in a fire, but not as much as those two. this is when star ratings are hard. because i would give happiness for beginners like, 100/100 but things you save in a fire 99/100. same with this one, 99/100. small difference, but a difference nonetheless. it's impossible to do with stars because they don't allow half or 3/4s. so 5 stars it is. because i did love it.

it was very readable - as katherine center's books always are - and realistic. it was funny and adorable. i laughed and i got super teary. i adored the characters. duncan on pain meds is the funniest thing in the entire world. her side characters are always fabulous and fleshed out as well, alice and clay were definitely stole the show out of all the side characters. that whale scene! i cried.

i'm going through a tough time and recently reread happiness for beginners. so many 'i feel seen' moments in that book. this book was the same with all those feelings. Center just hits all the nails on the heads when it comes to grief and loss and pain and life. she balances the real life heavy stuff with the lighthearted silly stuff perfectly. she writes such realistic characters and stories.

it is definitely more of a 'romance' than her others and by that i don't mean the others don't have romantic plots, but that this one seems to be more of the focus of the book than the others? and perhaps that is where i had a teensy bit of trouble (spoilers!) - the characters both supposedly really liked/loved each other in the past, so when they meet again in the present, the feelings are there already.... so i didn't get to feel them. i felt them a little as they reconnect, sure, but i didn't fall in love with them like i did with helen and jake, for example. it's not a super complaint, i just wanted a wee bit more development or backstory especially since it is such a big portion of the story. i felt like i might have connected with the characters a wee bit more if i had more of that.

i think her books are fantastic in general and even if you live a perfectly happy life, you will enjoy them, but i think they are most important and amazing when you are struggling. they are uplifting without being preachy, realistic without being depressing. i cannot wait for this to be published so i can basically underline the entire thing. this book left me feeling inspired and ready to claw my own way through happiness. if only i had a duncan or a jake to help me through lol.

of course the main reason this gets 5 stars is that we see helen and jake. ha!! kidding. but not really.

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This author is quickly becoming one of my favorites! Her slowburns are EPIC! I usually prefer a bit more steam in my books, but hers are so well written that I really don't even miss it.

This book was so engaging and I read it in one sitting. The heroine is so vibrant and like a breath of fresh air., I absolutely adored her. I cannot wait to see what Katherine Center publishes next!

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My love runs deep for Katherine Center and this book may be my new very favorite of hers. It is so beautifully written with wonderful character development. Read in 24 hours because I could not put it down. HIGHLY recommend.
Thank you to netgalley for the arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I absolutely loved Things We Save In A Fire so I was excited when I got an advanced copy of What You Wish For. Unfortunately, not my favorite by Katherine Center! I found it so repetitive that I skimmed through most of the book.

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This is one of those books that you are so very delighted to read and so very sad to be over! And the moment I finished the last word, instantly wanted to start all over again!

Honestly, Katherine’s books bring me so much joy and laughter! They are a gift to read and I devour them while blocking out the real world, because her fictional worlds are just to good! Her books lift me up and make me want to live more fully.

There was so much to love about this book! Duncan captured my heart in Happiness for Beginners when he drove to see Helen with her dog in a cooler. From that moment on I was 100% invested in him, and I wanted to know more!

I loved peeling back the layers of who Duncan is now and all that had happened to him in the 10 years or so since we last saw him! It was truly painful at times to witness all that he had become, but that made the his reappearance just that much more stunning! Oh and high on pain meds Duncan is amazing!!! I just loved all the things that came out of his mouth!!!

Sam was the reverse of Duncan, someone who had been hiding in the shadows, but had now become the light that people looked too! Sadly that didn’t mean that her pain and hurts were healed, but as Katherine pointed out, sometimes helping others out, brings healing to us too. “At no point did it occur to us that we might be doing any of this for ourselves. But of course it helped us too.”

I loved Sam and Duncan as individuals and as a unit. Even though this is written from Sams POV, I never felt that it I got less of Duncan because of this, in fact through her eyes we see Duncan as he is meant to be seen, not as he is!

This book wouldn’t be possible with out my favorites and let’s just say that I got teary when Helen showed up on the beach, and then Jake and Duncan’s banter... I just started laughing and crying. I felt all of the emotions!!!

I'll definitely be adding to this review as I ponder it more and reread it! I miss them all already!

I was so honored to received an advanced copy from the publisher in exchange in for an honest review!

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Sometimes you get what you wish for. I sure did when I got an ARC of What You Wish For from St. Martin's Press. Katherine Center has become one of my favorite authors and one that I enjoy reading because her books are so real and personable. In her new book, What You Wish For, Sam and Duncan both have issues they need to overcome. Sam has a head start, and she must help Duncan. Sam is such an infectious character - she wears bright colors and kooky patterns and accessories. I just love her and her joyous spirit, and can her joy wake Duncan up? A wonderfully delicious novel, one not to be missed!

Thank you St. Martin's Press for an advanced copy of this book. This is my honest review.

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So, I loved Katherine Center's previous title "Things You Save in the Fire". However, I found myself annoyed by the main character in this book. I found her to be whiny and always throwing herself a pity party because of her seizure disorder. Maybe I need to be more empathetic, but I don't see how its that big of a deal to share that with other people. I am also a "deal with your shit" type of person, so when people are stunted by trauma, I wish they would seek mental counseling instead of doing a complete 180 and act like a moron in every aspect of their life. I found myself skimming the story. Also, as an elementary school teacher, I found the school at the heart of the book to be very unrealistic. Students have time to just lay in the library and read...what school is that possible because I'd like to go there. Not her best; not my favorite.

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