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Until I Find You

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I received a free copy from NetGalley. Husband dead, mother who was helping also dead, a young baby, and oh, slowly going blind. If all that isn't enough to deal with the baby gets switched and no one in authority wants to believe her. I really enjoyed having a main character with a physical challenge you usually don't find in main characters.

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Until I Find You is a bone chilling psychological thriller not to miss. Rebecca is blind. She has a 3 month old son, Jackson. Her husband and mother have recently passed away. She believes her son has been switched with another baby, yet no one believes her.
She’s sleep deprived, stressed and recently has experienced the trauma of losing loved ones.
Every page of the story becomes more and more stressful, while you feel her pain and despair. You will want to stop reading, because the story becomes more and more intense. But, you will feel compelled to continue to read. The plot twist 3/4 in is unexpected and you begin to question everything that you’ve already read. A story that will leave you breathless and wanting more.

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This was a very fast book that I finished in hours. I felt overwhelming sadness for Bec and all she had gone through. It was definitely a page turner! Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the early copy

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The publisher provided me with the opportunity to read this in exchange for providing feedback. (via NetGalley)

This was an easy engaging read that was hard to put down. I didn't fully expect the ending either which was a nice twist.

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I was approved to read this book for an honest review. Thank you Net Galley & St. Martins Publishers.
I absolutely loved this book ! I was hooked early on with this group of mothers & children and the fact one of the mothers was blind. This book grabs your attention and you can’t put it down. I was drawn in and on the edge of my seat. The character of Bec being blind & having a 3 month old and the way she has figured out how to care for him made me fly through the pages. I am a reader that likes to slow down reading when I know the book will be coming to an end but I couldn’t help myself with this book. Of course I was sad & didn’t want it to end. This book has thrills, chills,, twists to the very end. I highly recommend this book.

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I think that Frey has a really good way of writing books that really tug emotionally and this one definitely did that! It does provide the slow build of a mystery, with some twists, shocks, thrills, and chills, but also gives some emotional turmoil to the reader! Very well written, slower paced hence my 3-4 star versus 4-5 or 5 star, and great character development! Looking for a domestic drama that’ll really kick you in the heart, here’s your book! Highly recommend!
Will make sure to buzz up on different platforms and use low amazon reviewer number on release date!

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There are many dangers in the world that we can avoid by using our sense of sight. Staying safe from traffic, avoiding falls, keeping our children safe. Some are very simple such as recognizing your own child. Rebecca, who is blind, has recently lost her husband Chris. She was pregnant when he had tragically died. She gave birth to her son Jackson and moved in with her mother. Her mother also passed soon after. She found herself alone navigating single motherhood with her disability. She has friends who are helping her along the way but it is not the same as having Chris by her side. Soon strange things are happening to her. Things that would frighten a sighted person, terrified her. Then the unthinkable happened. But no one believed her. Who could she trust? How could she get someone to believe her to get the help she desperately needs? This book made me realize how much we take our sense of sight for granted. It was a great read with a surprising twist at the end. I highly recommend this book.

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Until I Find You sounded like just my kind of book but unfortunately there were some missteps that made this not believable. Cell phones having a dial tone, nope! The baby in the book easily switched from being breast fed to taking a bottle, not realistic. Same baby getting fed a bottle right out of the refrigerator. The author needs to realize that Onesie is a trademarked name, I think she really wanted to use 'bodysuit' in its place. Being legally blind, how does Bec cut the tags out of clothing? It's mentioned Bec didn't 'press charges' against a drunk driver who killed her husband, it doesn't work that way. Once Bec suspected that the baby was not Jackson, why not pay for a DNA test yourself? That would have been quicker than going through the legal system. And if Bec and Jake were such soulmates, why did he leave for a new job? I have never heard of a city cop being 'transferred' to another state. I think this book has real potential but I just had too many problems with the details for me to recommend it.

Thank you to St. Martin's Press and NetGalley for providing me with an advance copy to read and review.

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This emotionally driven book will have readers on edge trying to guess the truth about Rebecca's son, Jackson. This is a very enjoyable story with twists that few will see coming. Rebecca's panic when no one believes her because she's blind is realistic. Mothers will be able to relate with Rebecca's knowledge of her child. Some twists were hard to imagine but overall this was quite the tale! Recommended!

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This was the first book I have read by author, Rea Frey. At first it was a little slow... I kept guessing what would happen... Imagine being blind... and having a fear that something has happened to your child... This was a great book that made me think through lots of different scenarios. The ending had a great twist and one that I did not see coming. Great Read!

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Frey has done it again and delivered an ending, I did not see coming. Imagine realizing someone has taken your baby, but no one believes you, not even your closest friends. How is that possible?! Right? For Rebecca, it is a reality she awakens to after an extremely stressful day, when she discovers her son Jackson is not in his nursery and another baby has been left in his place. This is a thrilling read that follows Rebecca as she tries to convince everyone she's not losing her mind and get them to join in the search for her son.

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This was a very emotional story about a mother’s love and her connection with her child. It was beautifully written with an intriguing plot. I was captivated.
Many thanks to St. Martin’s Press and to NetGalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Oh my goodness, this book! I've loved Frey's others but this one was so powerful! Imagine being a new mother with a degenerative eye disease whose husband died prematurely. And now imagine finding a different 3-month-old infant in your son's stroller and no one will believe you! Strap yourself in for a mother's worst nightmare as Bec attempts to find her own son even as she's dealing with the grief of her husband's death. Enter friends, one of whom is dealing with her own grief as well, and even as all are attempting to help, Bec feels no one really believes her. My heart was in my throat the entire book. I vacillated between wanting to read faster and wanting to put it down to prolong the suspense. But wow, what an ending! Just read it (but kiss and cuddle your babies first)!

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I received a complimentary copy of Until I Find You from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.

What's that you say? A thriller from the point of view of a woman with visual impairments? Yes, and fantastically done. I loved this book! Any mother would know her own child and the loss would be devastating, but for Bec, it is doubly hard to attain assistance in locating her son because no one else can "see" the difference and therefore, it is difficult for her to acquire allies in her mission to find her child. Everyone was a suspect from the point of view of the reader...there was just no one to trust. Well written--sucked me right in!! (I will happily read from Rea Frey again!)

Thank you, NetGalley, for the ARC!

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Bec is a widow and a new mom to baby Jackson. She is also blind. She knows her baby better than anyone. One day Bec goes to get Jackson from his crib, and she realizes it isn't Jackson. No one believes her. She will do anything to find her son.

I was immediately drawn in to this book. The descriptions from Bec's point of view really made me stop and think how I take my vision for granted. If you are looking for a fast paced family drama, then you need to read this book. Thank you NetGalley for the eARC!

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Oh, you will want to read this thriller..Rebecca who is nearly blind discover s her 3 month old son is missing but cannot convince anyone to believe her because of her disabilities
With the help of her ex-boyfriend cop she refuses to give up the search
Many twists and turns later this amazing book comes to a surprising conclusion.. I read late into the night because I could not put it down

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Rea Frey is an author I will read time and time again. Family dramas are one of my more niche genres that I thoroughly enjoy reading. Frey is one of those that brings her characters and their lives so close to reality, it's like they're your friends and neighbors. She truly has a gift, and this book definitely goes in my top 10 of favorite family dramas of 2020 thus far.

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This is the best book I read so far this year. Another book I read in one day. Frey has a way of getting you and she did right away with this one. Imagine being blind and your child was swapped and no one believed you. Hooked.

Thank you Netgalley for the advanced copy.

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A powerful story about the unimaginable love between a mother and son. Rebecca can't see the way most people can. She lost her sight to a degenerative eye disease. But she knows her son, Jackson right down to the eczema behind his right ear. She also knows this baby in the crib, it's not him.

Rea Frey takes readers on an emotional journey of a mother who won't stop looking for her son, no matter what obstacles are in her way. So what if no one believes her? She will find Jackson herself if she has to, she will not rest until he is home with her.

The heartbreak in this story is palpable the anguish is real. A story everyone should read and all mothers can agree-we know our babies.

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**I received 'Until I Find You' through NetGalley and St. Martins Press, in exchange for an honest review**

'Until I Find You' follows the story of Rebecca Gray as she fights to recover her son after vanishing without warning.

As a single mother living with a degenerative eye condition, Rebecca already has the odds stacked against her. Grieving over her husband's loss makes things doubly challenging! We are given a detailed account of everything Rebecca endures as she rebuilds a life for herself and her son Jackson.

Although Rebecca's diminishing sight threatens to steal Rebecca’s independence, this never stops her from doing everything possible in searching for Jackson. Her story is an uphill climb from start to finish, and it constantly left me wondering what obstacle might roll into her path next!

This is Rea Frey’s third book, in which she writes about the lengths people would take in order to establish safety for their children. 'Until I Find You' not only focuses on a mother’s love, but the strong will a mother holds in her heart that deflects challenge. A mother will fight for her children, no matter how many times doubt tries to creep into her soul. This story certainly left a lasting impression in my heart!

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