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The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones

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I don’t often love to read historical fiction, and I’m not even 100% sure that is the genre I would classify this story, but regardless this was a great book for middle level readers to read and learn more about a significant time period in history.

Ethan Harper, a biracial kid raised in the state of Washington, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle in small town Alabama. Set in 1955, Ethan deals with the effects of his blackness for the first time in a town that is less than welcoming. It is here that Ethan meets Juniper, the town's resident oddball, who befriends him and leads him on the journey to their very own invincible summer filled with growth, adventure, and lots of root beer floats.

This book worked well for so many reasons. For one, the historical accuracy was excellent. It discussed events relevant to the time period like the bus boycotts, Jim Crow laws, the KKK, and racism in a way that didn’t polish it but kept it appropriate for the grade levels who would read this. I also loved that the book included a biracial relationship, an originally less than welcoming family, and an unlikely friendship. I think all of these things can be taken as a life lesson for the reader. The growth of each character and how Juniper pushed Ethan to be his very best and how their friendship developed was easily the best part of the book.

Juniper Jones is such a great character. If I had to describe her, it would be Stargirl meets a young-fast talking Lorelai Gilmore. She was quirky and great. I wish we had gotten more about her background, but I also understand while the invincible summer was part hers, the book was more about Ethan and his story.

My only caveat with the book is that Ethan and Juniper seem much younger than they are. They are supposed to be around 14 and as someone who interacts with 14 year olds on a daily basis, they felt more like 11-12 year olds to me. It sometimes made the dialogue and events seem unrealistic. Maybe this is accurate for the time period, but it wasn’t always believable.

While I recommend this book to middle grade readers, there are issues that arise that understanding the historical context may leave the reader confused. I recommend reading with your child or using it as a tie between English and Social Studies in the classroom.

Thank you to Netgalley and Wattpad Books for providing me a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was so beautifully written and the themes are very timely with what’s going on in the world. Juniper and Ethan’s friendship is such an amazing, impactful, heart-wrenching story that will touch so many lives! 🧡 Thank you to NetGalley and Wattpad Books for the advanced copy. This book is available TODAY and I can’t recommend it enough! 📚

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in Ellison Alabama during the summer of 1955, Ethan Harper, a biracial teenager from Washington state is dropped off by his dad to stay with his aunt and uncle for the next three months. feeling extremely unwelcome and unwanted as the only black person in an all-white town, Ethan feels alone and frustrated that his dad would leave him in such a place. while working in his uncle's malt shop he meets Juniper Jones, the town outcast. Juniper decides right then and there that Ethan will be her new best friend and together they set out to have an invincible summer.

this is a powerful and beautiful yet tragic story of friendship, family and not being accepted for who you are. not only is it amazingly written without being overdone but the story and themes are still so important and sadly relevant today. this book truly wrecked me but I would gladly go through it over and over again.

I'm going to need you to RUN not walk to get this book from anywhere you can.

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I loved this book so incredibly much, it nearly hurt. I hope this finds its way into everyone’s hearts and shelves this summer. The coming of age story set in Alabama, 1955 could not be more pertinent in 2020.

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The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones

“The way I see it, you know, people are like the different paint circles on a palette. You’ve got your reds and blues and greens and yellows, and you need all of them to make a painting”

Set in the 1950’s in Ellison, Alabama - Ethan a biracial teenage boy is sent to live with his white fathers family. Ethan is quickly confronted with the realities of racism faced in this town toward all ‘colored’ people. Until one day, Ethan meets a free-spirited animated girl named Juniper ‘Starfish’ Jones - a local loner. Juniper is determined to spend Ethan’s entire time in Alabama full of fun and happiness during his invincible summer. The allies in this story were not perfect but were open to LISTENING and making necessary CHANGES (sort of like current times) for the sake of fighting racism.

I connected with sweet Juniper Jones and I wish the world was full of more children like her. This is a book that will remind you of being young, pure and innocent. Even though Ethan was biracial, he was still treated cruel in a town full of only white people. The ugliest of times when your skin color justified what line you stood in, what fountain you drank from, and what section you sat in during a movie.

This may just be my favorite YA book of the year..hands down! This book is completely necessary for the YA audience as well as adults. I was so inspired by reading this that I will definitely make my children read it. I hope English classes bring this into the curriculum that explores the United States during the civil rights movement.

Trigger warnings: Racism, bullying, and death

Overall 5/5

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Gosh, this book made me angry! Especially as I read it during the height of the "black lives matter" protests following upon the police murder of George Floyd. As with many classic novels exploring the experience of prejudice, The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones is told from the perspective of a relative innocent - 16-year-old Ethan Harper from Arcadia, Washington, whose father is European-American and whose mostly-absent mother is African-American. As a woman of mixed Scottish, English and numerous sundry ancestries, I'm hesitant to apply labels like "mixed race" or "biracial", as race is a completely cultural construct. Suffice to say, while Ethan has experienced occasional racial name-calling by peers, life as a teenager in the Pacific Northwest offers him much the same opportunities as everyone else his age.
After a fight with a schoolmate who used a racial epithet against him, and a resultant suspension from school, his father decides that sending him to stay with reluctant family in rural Ellison, Alabama for the summer will "do him good".
The year is 1955 - "Jim Crow" segregation laws are still applied in Alabama, but civil unrest is rising in the African-American community, which will morph into the rise of the civil rights movement within months. 15-year-old Claudette Colvin has been arrested in nearby Montgomery for failing to relinquish her seat to a white woman, in a precursor to the more publicised incident involving Rosa Parks towards the end of the year. Within days of Ethan's departure from Ellison, 14-year-old Emmett Till will be brutally beaten to death by two white men across the border in Money, Mississippi, accused of having disrespected a white woman.
It doesn't take long for Ethan to detect that Ellison is not a safe place for him, and that the (exlusively white) townsfolk regard him with a mix of fear and antipathy. He is put to work by his uncle in the family malt shop (milkbar), which is where he encounters the effervescent Juniper Jones. Although white, Juniper doesn't display the prejudice and disdain of others, quickly earmarking Ethan as her new best friend and sidekick for the next three months. She has an "invincible summer" of adventures and challenges planned for them - including boating in the nearby lake, climbing the "tallest tree in Alabama", snail-racing and trying every flavour of milkshake in the malt shop. At first, Ethan is bemused by her attentions, but he quickly falls into her plans and begins to experience the beauty and wonder of his surroundings through Juniper's lens. However, the menace of racism is ever-present - in the derogatory comments of the town's citizens, in his aunt and uncle's repeated warnings to be mindful how he acts, and in the relentless provocations of white supremacist fellow teenager, Ryan.
As the hot summer days pass by in Juniper's enthusiastic company, Ethan begins to move beyond feelings of resentment (mostly directed at his father, who has never tried to understand Ethan's experience of race) to a more mature outlook on the world and its iniquties. A visit with Juniper to his mother in nearby Montgomery galvanises his feelings, as he is forced to use an inferior "blacks only" restroom and sit separately from Juniper in the movie theatre.
As the book reaches its climax, the infamous KKK raises its ugly head in Ellison, leaving Ethan genuinely in fear of his life. With his return to the relative safety of Arcadia only days away, events overtake Ethan and Juniper in a devastating manner, which will change Ethan's life forever.
What struck me most about this book was its use of contrast - the beauty of the surroundings with the ugliness of the inhabitant's prejudice, Juniper's innocence with the closed-minded hatred of the Klan and its supporters, Juniper's efforts (with Ethan's assistance) to change the world for the better with the white citizens' desperate need to maintain the order of things as they have always been.
Juniper is one of those luminous, almost Christ-like characters - an archetypal innocent - like Phineas in A Separate Peace - whose essential goodness shines bright, but who seem often to be doomed to a premature exit.
I found this a beautiful book, with engaging characters and a storyline that provoked consideration on the individual impacts of societal prejudice and the importance of maintaining courage in the face of injustice. Very highly recommended.
Thanks to the author, the publisher Wattpad Books and NetGalley for the opportunity to review a copy of The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones prior to publication. #TheInvincibleSummerofJuniperJones #NetGalley

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Absolutely delightful. Set in 1955, The Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones follows 14-year old Ethan Harper, a biracial Washingtonian, who is dropped off at his Aunt and Uncle’s house in the small and white populated town of Ellison, Alabama for the summer after he got into a fight at school. Granted, this is the first time Ethan is subjected to all of 1950s Alabama’s harsh realities. He struggles with the racial undertones both externally and within his own white family. During his first few days in town, he meets Juniper Jones, a quirky redheaded 14-year old outcast/adventurer and they quickly become friends. While aimed at YA, McQueen writes a story that has a powerful universal message for adults alike. While I thought the writing could’ve been better, the characters were not only well developed but lively and fun. Beyond being a story about friendship, race, history, belonging, and adventure across an unforgettable summer, it is also an emotional one - particularly on a level I was not expecting. Overall, the Invincible Summer of Juniper Jones is a hit and worth the read.

ARC provided by NetGally and Wattpad Books in exchange for an honest review.

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Let me start by saying that Juniper Jones is the type of ally we need to see in the world right now and it's upsetting and infuriating that despite being set in 1955, a lot of the themes of this book are still relevant today. I feel like you instantly fall in love with the characters of Juniper and Ethan and I just want to wrap them up in blankets and bubble wrap so nothing can harm them. They were well developed and a great contrast to one another, making them perfect friends. The ending was a bit of a twist I wasn't expecting and let me tell you I bawled reading the last 20% of this book, so if you plan to read, please bring tissues. I cannot properly convey my love for this story, I just urge you to pick it up, because not only is it a wonderful plot with wonderful characters but it tackles such important themes around racism that I am ashamed to say are still prevalent in today's society. I think this is a fantastic story that is both heart wrenching and beautiful and you won't regret picking it up.

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I want to thank Netgalley and Wattpad Books for an honest review in exchange for an ARC. I have vacillated about what star rating to give to this book. Considering its two unforgettable characters and a touching and cherished friendship- that part is 5 stars- hands down. The author has a beautiful writing style that jumps out of the page to help you paint a vivid picture in your head: "She had forest-fire hair and hurricane eyes, and when he met her it was as if his world had been set aflame. She hit him in the best way, like a rainstorm after five years of drought, healing the parched earth with a gentle touch; and in the worst way, like an unexpected earthquake, leaving dust and debris in her wake. She was, in equal parts, a gift and a natural disaster. Her name was Juniper Jones." What an amazing introduction to an unforgettable character. Ethan Harper is a biracial teen raised in Washington state. His parents have been divorced and he lives with his white father. His mother has moved to Montgomery, AL and he has little contact and communication with her and ironically his father too. After punching a student near the end of the school year, he is expelled and his father decides it is a good idea to send him his hometown of Ellison, Alabama- in 1955- an all white town that had a lynching the past summer of a teen black youth that was caught with a white girl- yes- you read that right. This is where I had an issue with this book. His father, aunt and uncle are depicted as caring people that love Ethan. Ethan arrives in the heart of the deep south in a town that is riddled with extreme racism- totally unaware of segregation. The Whites Only and Colored Only signs are a complete surprise to him. How can a loving father which the author does depict him as- make this decision?- Yes- the father is ignorant and is reluctant to talk about race- really- you are from an all white southern town and in the late 1930s you think it is a good idea to start your biracial family without this continued discussion? The decision to send his biracial son to his racist hometown as a punishment is unbelievable. His father's own parents disowned him when he brought Ethan's mother home. They never talked to him before they died. Ethan strikes up this amazing friendship with the town outcast- Juniper Jones. They go on all sorts of adventures. There is so much joy in these pages of the book- love the title connected to this part of the story. His aunt and uncle- even Juniper never let Ethan know what happened the previous summer- until very late in the story. They are all under the gullible assumption since he is in the care of his well liked white aunt and uncle that all will be well. The advice from his uncle after an altercation- "keep your head down." They never explain how their friendship could pose danger to them both. This scenario is very incredulous. Ethan does get to see his mother in Montgomery and it is the first time since his arrival in the South that he can talk to someone that truly understands his feelings. This is an excellent chapter. I would have rather had the mother more in the story giving him advice as his friendship develops with Juniper. There is just a small glimpse as to why she cannot be with her children and why she has been such an absent parent. These circumstances should have been explored more. The two main characters, the bookend chapters, themes and the friendship that is shared are so strong- that I still give this part a 5 star rating. The writing and description is beautiful and the heartache within so many parts of the story just grabs the reader's heart. I think the editor really dropped the ball in guiding McQueen by keeping Ethan's character so gullible and his white relatives so obtuse- this is the foundation of the story. Thus, lowering my overall rating. I don't think any biracial child in 1955 could be so ill-informed about race. I also don't think his white relatives would have put him in so much danger. That part was so unrealistic and why I think it puts it out of Newbery territory. It is sad since the writing style, themes, and characters are so strong. I still highly recommend this story because of the the two main characters, themes to explore and writing style. One of my favorite lines: "She showed me that people can be good and there can be hope, even when it hurts." Isn't that an idea we all need to ponder in our world today.?

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This was such a beautifully written book. It was both uplifting and heartbreaking at the same time. It is as timely today as it was during the 1950's which is the time period in which the book is set. It takes themes of racism and discrimination, but also love and friendship.

This book tells the story of Ethan Harper a biracial boy who is sent to live with his Aunt and Uncle in Alabama during the Jim Crow era. Here he faces the struggle of not fitting in and facing discrimination from the people who live in the town. He meet Juniper Jones, a quirky teenager who is also struggling with her place in the community.

These two become fast friends and Juniper promises Ethan that they will have an "invincible" summer. The story takes place over the summer and the follows the adventures that they partake in. This book tackles some really tough issues, but definitely makes it relatable to the YA crowd. You'll be rooting for this friendship, but will also know early on that there are dark days to come.

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*Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an early copy of this book for review, all opinions are my own*

I would have read this book in 2 or 3 days at most if I hadn't had so much to do in the past few days.
This is a book that when you start reading you don't want to stop.
The book talks a lot about racism, he throws punches after punches in our face about the subject, it is bad and uncomfortable since we know that the reality that is being portrayed is real to these days even if the book is set years ago.
The book is shocking and makes us face the reality that has already happened and is still happening in a way that made me reflect a lot.
But speaking of the story itself, it’s a book about friendship about a beautiful friendship that will both warm-up and break your heart.
I loved Juniper and Ethan so much, they are two characters that made it onto my favorites list.
The author's writing is easy and very fast to read and even though the book doesn't have the best plot of all, I loved to follow the friendship and the history of these two characters.
I highly recommend it if you want to read something that talks about racism without being too obvious and that at the same time has a young air of romance it is a book that for having younger characters I highly recommend for children and teenagers to read.

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I loved this powerful book! The cover drew me in, and then the synopsis. This is a coming of age story of two young, teenagers who come together under unusual circumstances during a long summer in Alabama. The young man is a mix of black and white heritage, the other is a white, red headed girl, who is not well accepted in her town. The young man is the only mixed race person in the town and is essentially tormented, talked about, and ignored. The two form such a gentle friendship, which is a pleasure to read about. It is the perfect book to read during the trying times currently going on in our country! The descriptions are beautiful! This book was heartwarming and a gut wrencher at the same time. I smiled laughed, and cried! Thanks to Netgalley for this free ebook in exchange for an honest review!

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Simply beautiful, a moving read , hard to read at times as it deals so honestly with race & racism. It also shows the beauty of friendship, the writing is absolutely stunning and Dave has the ability to touch your heart and soul with this book. Bring tissues with you, you are going to need them here. I think this should definitely be in schools and libraries, it is should be recognised as a future classic and I hope is rewarded with lots of awards, the author deserves them for this work of art.

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Tender and timely, this is a good one for the young readers in your life.

I had to adjust my expectations as I read THE INVINCIBLE SUMMER OF JUNIPER JONES. I expected YA but it feels more geared towards middle grade readers.

The novel begins in the summer of 1955 and Ethan Harper, a biracial teen from Washington, is sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Alabama for the summer. Ethan faces overt and covert racism, but is able to get through it all with the friendship of free spirit Juniper Jones.

Any complaints I have about this novel are more about the intended audience; some characters changed their mindsets quickly and conflicts felt too easily wrapped up. However, when I think about this for younger readers, I think the novel provides a helpful way to talk about racism with kids.

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Well, my face is splotchy and my husband just asked "what happened? Are you okay?"
So yeah, you could say I felt this book.
It's bananas the torrent of emotions this book put me through...
Excitement, fear, whimsical giggles, anger, and some ugly cries.
I loved every second of it!!!
Do yourself a favour and read this book.
Much love to NetGalley and Smith Publicity for my DRC.

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I recieved this ebook from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Thank you! All opinions are my own.

Don't mind me, I just realized it's June and one of Juniper's nicknames is June. I hope the author got to choose the month of the release for this book. If not, what a beautiful coincidence.

So I don't know how to write this review without crying but I'm going to try.

Ethan is a mixed-race boy who has to live with his aunt and uncle for the summer in a small town in Alabama in 1955. Ethan soon discovers that most people in town doesn't want him there. One day he meets Juniper Jones, a free spirit girl who decides she wants to have an invincible summer but only if he helps her. They become best friends and this is their story.

The world needs more people like Juniper Jones. All that kindness, joy, free spirit, innocence and generosity. Juniper Jones was the light in Ethan's life for this summer and that was beautiful.

I almost cried so many times while reading this book that I lost count. I didn't see anything coming: not the start, not the middle and not the ending. It surprised me, it made me almost cry as I said, it made me think, it made feel sad, angry and so many more feelings.

I highly recommend this book and it will stay with me for a really long time. It is truly unforgettable.

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This story could not have come out at a more opportune moment in time. With the focus right now on Black Lives Matter and educating oneself on racism towards Black people, this book really highlights the prevalence of racism towards Black youths, both in the past and in the present.

The Pros: What worked for me 

I adored Juniper and Ethan. Both of them are so different, and yet, they work so well together. Juniper brings such happiness to the novel with her crazy antics and posotivity. Ethan is the more grounded one but it is nice seeing him loosen up around her. I'm glad that this novel did not have a very strong romance angle. While it's not a bad thing, I think it would have taken away from the importance of the story's message.

The author does not hold back the punches when it comes to moments of racism that Ethan faces. Even I found myself visibly shaken by some of these instances.

There are so many nuanced interactions where people become aware of their racist tendencies. To me, this is just as important - people realizing the consequences of their actions (or lack of action) needs to shown. 
THE ENDING HAD ME IN TEARS. I did expect it but I had gotten so fond of all of the characters that it still hurt me. 

The Cons: What I didn't like

This author brings the reader back to present day at the very end of the story to show where the characters are now. However, the characters still sounded like they were teenagers, when they were much older. That's really my only (small) criticism.

This novel is geared towards the YA audience and I can assure you, I will be recommending it to every teen I know. Stories that allow readers to make a connection with the characters and understand the deep impact of racism deserve to be spread. I love this novel and everything it signifies and for that reason, I'm giving it a 4.5/5 stars.

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This book was interesting. In parts it had me laughing, others had me seething in anger, and ultimately it had tears coming from my eyes. Some criticisms I have for it, is that there are important aspects of the book’s story that don’t seem realistic at all — like a biracial teen boy in 1955 not knowing about southern racial tensions *at all*. Even if he hadn’t been taught about it by his white father or hadn’t yet experienced it, he would have at least seen the news about the civil rights movement and protests happening around the country. I didn’t understand how he was that naive at first. Other than that, I loved the book. Thank you netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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Absolutely beautiful book. It could no come along at a better time. Juniper is the type of person we need in both our society and in our world.
The story show some of the horrible history we choose not to look at and want to forget but need to be reminded if in order to change.
It is written well and belongs in every school library.

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I don't have the words for how much this story of Ethan, a biracial teen sent to spend the summer of 1955 with his aunt and uncle in Alabama, and Juniper, the quirky girl with a huge heart who becomes his best friend, touched me. Juniper is the best friend that everyone deserves and I adored her. This book made me angry and sad, but it also made me laugh and gave me hope. In a time when non-fiction books on anti-racism are (rightfully) on a lot of people's list, I'm reminded that works of fiction by and about Black people are just as important to understanding things that I'll never experience. Thank you to NetGalley and wattpad for this early copy!

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