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Peace Talks

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This book is set not too long after Skin Game and if the reader has also read all the comics and short stories then there will be no mystery or wondering if they missed something when the entire cast of characters is introduced during the peace talks. Of course there is very little peace talks in the book and more of Harry trying to save Thomas from a looming execution.
If you watched the online trailer it does cover most of that plot but I’m not reviewing anything that hasn’t been released in that trailer. There is still a huge bombshell that goes off in the last quarter of the book that is the setup for the next one. I’m very happy that we will not have to wait long for Battle Ground.

Digital review copy provided by the publisher through NetGalley

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Finally, the long wait is over. Harry Dresden is back and even more determined than he
was before to save his family, his city and the humanity of mankind in general.
Peace Talks picks up the story of Chicago's only professional wizard in about 3 months
after the events of Skin Game.
The majority of supernatural nations of the world want to negotiate an end to ongoing
conflict in the wake of the Red Court destruction.
Obviously not all of them are on board with this plan.
Again it is up to Harry to untangle all political manipulations, to prevent the power grab
on the scale even bigger than was enacted in the past, and to remain human himself
despite being Winter Knight to the Queen of Air and Darkness.
Jim Butcher is on the top of his game. We can not stop turning pages of the book where
the mix of contemporary reality and magic universe brings about features of a thriller,
mystery and horror novel in this urban fantasy at its best.

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Although I enjoyed the book, it left me hanging - which after waiting for this one for so long, did not make me happy! I think the other Dresden books have been fairly independent storylines - maybe a running story under the main story. This book got right up to where the main story should have been and BOOM! stopped! The book is titled Peace Talks - they got to what I considered the pre-talk party, then end of book. Very disappointing for such a long wait!

Was this review helpful? pains me to be so disappointed by this book. This is one of my favorite series ever, but it's been five years since the last entry. I used to buy them every year like clockwork, and read them on the beach. This year the beach trip got cancelled, but turns out this wouldn't have been a good fit for the experience anymore anyway.

I'll be vague for spoilers, but I didn't like:

-The positioning of Harry as Special. He's at his best as an everyman.
-It's possible I missed this, but Thomas' motivation for the big event that puts the plot into gear is neither adequately explained nor set up as a compelling mystery.
-It takes far too long to get to the actual Peace Talks that the book is named for.
-None of the White Council are concerned about Harry's role as Winter Knight, and they put him in a situation where that role is a huge conflict of interest.
-Harry's relationship with his daughter is remembered and forgotten as the plot requires.
-The fan service with Waldo.
-I don't think there's any woman in the book whose attractiveness and sex appeal aren't dwelled on.

Peace Talks would also have benefitted from a "Previously on..." recap at the beginning, after such a long gap.

It took me more than 3 weeks to read the book, which I never would have guessed in advance. Nothing remotely hooked me until the final 20%. And just as the interesting things start, it's done.

I received a free advance copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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I forget how amazing this series is for some reason. Harry Dresden is back and his brother is in trouble, there is diplomacy to do and he’s got to take care of his daughter. There is a lot of history in the Dresden files this is the 16th book in the series, there are numerous short stories and side tales this universe is huge yet I still feel as engaged and as interested as I have ever been. Harry has learned a great deal, grown up a lot and is a responsible dad and is trying to be a good brother and friend his growth is quite evident in this book. I am at the edge of my seat waiting for the next book since we end on a cliffhanger but I never count Harry Dresden out.

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I was given an ARC of this book for an honest review. To be honest, I was a little bored while reading this book. The characters have stayed the same. Harry is typical Harry and the council is up to their shenanigans as usual. Old friends don't disappoint and new enemies arrive to late in the book to makeup for the lackluster beginning and middle.

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I love Jim Butcher books. He knows how to create unwinnable situations and help his characters win them. He can write witty dialogue and create fully-realized, memorable and likeable characters that live in a detailed magical world. I'm a big fan of the Harry Dresden books, and this one was no exception.

In this book, Harry has serious family confrontations with his brother and his grandfather. He has to choose between self-preservation and preserving those family ties. As usual, he chooses the hard road. Harry is tapped to be a "security guard" at the climactic supernatural peace talks, which are anything but peaceful. We get to enjoy his wild creativity and resourcefulness in the face of apocalyptic circumstances involving the return of the powerful Formor and their goddess. To many more details and I'd be spouting spoilers all over the place, if you are at all familiar with Harry's world.

There is a lot going on in this book that you may not understand if you haven't read all the books in order. He makes reference to a lot of situations and characters that appeared in previous books, but not necessarily this one. You can also tell by the ending that the series is going to continue, because some major plot points are not wrapped up. That's why I only gave it four stars. I just don't think someone unfamiliar with the series could pick up and enjoy on its own.

If you love Harry Dresden, you won't be disappointed. If you are just meeting him, I'd put this book aside and start from the beginning so you can enjoy it more later.

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The Dresden books are always worth the wait. I was worried when I saw that Butcher's next book was due out the same year as this. I feared that this one would be only half a book, but I was pleased to fine that while it is an excellent setup for whatever comes next it is also a complete story in its own right. I highly recommend it.

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Peace Talks, the long awaited next volume in the Dresden Files, picks up in the aftermath of Skin Game. Murphy is recovering, Harry is still dealing with being the Winter Knight, and Molly still hasn't let her parent's know she's the new Winter Lady. On top of all that, the White Court, Seelie Court, Unseelie Court, and other supernatural entities are engaging in talks to end the ongoing war in Chicago.
Peace Talks has a lot of action packed into what felt like a short installment in the Dresden files. The relationship between Harry and Lara takes an odd turn which seems forced. The ending feels like nothing got resolved, which is rare for books in this series. Hopefully, the forthcoming novel Battle Ground will resolve some of the issues.

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Peace Talks

Wow! I received an ARC for an unbiased review. As expected, Jim Butcher did not disappoint. The novel starts with Harry taking a morning jog with his brother, and all (or most) seems well with the world. Of course that cannot be, and sure enough, all that can go wrong does. Peace talks between signers of the Unseelie Accords and the Fomorians are scheduled to take place in Chicago, under Harry’s watch, Harry’s home with Maggie with the Svartelven is blown up, and Thomas is held by them for murder.
We learn more of Harry’s history with his grandfather, Ebenezer, and all the characters we’ve grown to love are there. My only complaint is we are left hanging in the end, and how long until the next book?

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I Love Dresden and this book did not disappoint. It's a great continuation of the Dresden Files story. Can't wait for the conclusion of the story in Battle Ground. Jeep up the good work Jim!

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There really isn't another quite like Harry Dresden is there? Chicago's only professional wizard has taken us on a fifteen book journey that has turned him from an ordinary PI, with a bit of magical assistance, to a hero that stands between the darkest forces in the universe and the regular people living a day to day life. Butcher spins another magical adventure yarn that will enthrall in the best of ways and leave you waiting on the edge of your seat for the next one! Quick paced, funny, and full of adventure Butcher checks all of his usual boxes while pushing the envelope further and further as he always has. You can never go wrong picking up a Harry Dresden novel, and this one is definitely one of the best.

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The supernatural nations of the world are meeting in Chicago to work on their Accords. An enemy has arisen from the Deep and everyone in the world is threatened by the Fomor. Harry has been drafted by the White Council of Wizards to be on the security team. What could possibly go wrong...just about everything. Fortunately, Harry has stashed his daughter with a retired archangel, so she is safe, but Harry's half brother, Thomas, is caught on a security camera trying to assassinate the ruler of the a troll world. Harry has to rescue Thomas, against the objections of his grandfather, the famed Black Staff, Ebenezer McCoy, who is not aware that Thomas is his grandson. Another adrenaline ride through the wizarding world of Harry Dresden.

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I was looking forward to this book so, so much. I love Harry Dresden and Co., and it's been so. long. since Skin Game. It hurts my heart a lot to only be able to give this book 3 stars. And I can't say what it was exactly that didn't work for me, other than it was (#whispervoice) boring. Oh, the wit was still there, the sass was still there, the characters were still there. I think that it's a problem that the world has gotten so big and there are so many characters it's hard to write in depth about any one of them - even Harry.

This book did set up a a larger conflict that's unresolved in this book, so maybe JB's back into the swing of things, and it won't be 87 years before we get another installment.

It's a must-read (obviously) for die-hard Dresden fans, but it's not the strongest in the lineup.

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Harry Dresden at his best. Revisit both sides of Chicago, the seen and unseen. Action packed adventure with the Wizard of Chicago wearing his mantle as the Winter Knight, father, family man and love interest.

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Peace talks begins where it left off with the battle of the red court vampires and the rescue of Harrys Daughter. Harry is learning the ropes as a parent. Like all parents harry is pulled away to his next conspiracy adventure through his ties to the white council question his loyalties. Since chicago is his city he is expected to ensure the members participants security. Harry has a brother half vampire who attempts to kill one of the leaders of the council. To save his brother Harry concocts a scheme as always to save his brother from his fate and to unmask the society members who attempt to kill him in the process. I found this book to be nonstop action with all the twists and turns Mr. Butcher usually has in high caliber adventure and excitement with a touch of romance in between. I very much wish to read the next book as the cliff hanger has me very thirsty for this next book and I just can not wait for it. This book always left me with profound need of the next one. In my opinion any book that gives you that addictive feeling after reading is by far the best book. I am so glad Mr. Butcher released this book as it was such a long time from the last one. But I understood the process and production of such quality work requires time to produce. I just wish their was this time machine to go forward in time just so I can read the series to its end.

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After waiting for what seemed like forever for the next adventure of the Dresden Files, I was not disappointed. Unfortunately, I finished and must wait again!

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Another solid entry into the world of Harry Dresden and friends Even though it’s been awhile since I read the last book, I was able to follow the story with only minimal visits to the wiki. It seemed like most of what I was missing was in two books of short stories I haven’t read yet. So, yay, more Dresden stories to read.

There were only two things I didn’t like about the book, Ebenezer McCoy and that the book ends on a cliffhanger. I really didn’t like the way McCoy was portrayed in this book but I’m more forgiving of the cliffhanger. I’d rather read another book than feel like the story was rushed through.

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I admit, I was worried that Jim Butcher would possibly let me down. I am a big fan of the Dresden Files series. However, be at peace. Harry Dresden rides again. In an exciting, well written, tightly plotted book, Jim Butcher gives readers more of what they were craving. Many of my favorite characters make an appearance, none of them gratuitously. The story moves briskly along and most importantly, the characters have grown and changed as their circumstances dictate. As a result they continue to surprise.

Sadly, I will have to read this book again right away. Some of the details may have been lost in my too eager first read-through. Life is tough that way.

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I first discovered the Dresden Files through the 1 season television series, I have also watched many other shows because the lead actor was in them. I watched Castle for awhile because of Firefly, I must have a thing for short run series, or at least the lead actors in them.
I read most of the Dresden Files series in audio-book, they got me through many long drives and I was thrilled when I saw the new book. The ending of the last one was rather dramatic and left me wanting more and wanting to learn what happens to all our favorite characters. Reading this book as a print (e-book) made me want to go back and read all the others again.
The book has lots of action, and most of the familiar characters return, though some are irrevocably changed by the events of the last book. Dresden has still not told his Grandfather Thomas the vampire is his brother (and thus grandson) and when Thomas gets into trouble this causes more of a rift between them. Dresden struggles to help his brother and then to battle a new force bent on destroying all of humanity.
I don't want to get into more detail because I am not a spoiler! I enjoyed the book, and highly recommend it for fans of the series. If you have not read the series, I recommend starting from the beginning; it is worth it. I was a little unfulfilled by the ending of this book. However, the fact it seemed to leave so much hanging, means there is going to be more. So that is good news! .

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