Member Reviews

I LOVED this comic!!! I can't wait until the next one in the series. It tells the story of a lone wolf spy who it would seem that his identity is a complete secret as he is the master of disguise. He receives an assignment that requires he have a wife and child because he needs to have his child be enrolled into an elite school. The school is the focus of where he will be investigating and of course the best cover would be to have a child there.

So you're thinking, okay this is a mystery of thriller.

Well, yes kinda. But actually, it's HILARIOUS. It is quite comical how the spy, Twilight, goes about getting a fake daughter and fake wife and their rough and tumble experiences they go through in an attempt to get the child, Anya, into the elite school. It was so unexpectedly funny for a spy story and I am here for it. A must read!

#NetGalley #SpyxFamilyVol1

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Please note: I received a digital ARC of this book (via NetGalley) from its publisher in exchange for an honest and fair review.

Spy X Family Vol 1 by Tatsuya Endo is the first magna in the Spy X Family Series. This was my first Magna and I enjoyed it immensely. It was such a fresh and fun read that I devoured it in one sitting! What originally pulled me in was the cover art. The cover is sleek and modern, it makes me want to know more about what the character is planning. The entire storyline is unique and the characters interaction with each other was great; even darn right funny at times. We follow the story of world class spy Twilight who, in order to complete his latest assignment must acquire a wife and child, but of course his chosen "targets" are not normal. The child Anya ends up being a telepath, and the mom Yuri is an assassin.

The artwork is superb. I felt the style is well suited to the story and very clean and crisp. This was a nice departure from everything else I am currently reading and wholly unique. I will definitely continue on with the series.

Published by VIZ Media, Spy X Family is will release June 2, 2020 and is available for preorder from all major booksellers. I give Spy X Family 5 out of 5 gems. I'm looking forward to reading the next installment in this great series.

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Spy x Family is a graphic novel about a spy named Twilight who’s newest mission involves him setting up a family, what he ends up getting is an assasin for a wife, and a telepathic child. Volume 1 has us being introduced to the character and them trying to get the child into an exclusive school. I don't typically read graphic novels but this was had such an interesting synopsis that I had to jump in and read it. I enjoyed it and look forward to reading more in the series.

I was provided with an electronic ARC through NetGalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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The famous spy called Twilight decides he needs a cover, so he decides to recruit an orphan ( secret power telepathy) and a woman (notorious assassin) to be his wife. No one knows the other secret except the orphan daughter. I'm interested in reading the next volumes.

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This is a great manga! I was entertained the whole way through and it also has plenty of humor! If you want to read a manga but don't know what you want to read this is for you. If you want to read a manga and want to read something exciting this is for you. This novel is about a spy (a single man) who is given a mission to acquire a family in order to get close to his latest target; but this is not just any family! It is enjoyable seeing how it all comes together and the secrets that each member of the family is hiding from each other. You won't be disappointed!

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First of all, I would like to thank Netgalley, the author and the publisher for granting my request to read and give an honest review of this eARC.

I REALLY enjoyed this! When I first started reading this, I thought it would be a solid 4 star read. Now, that I've finished, I am intruigued, wanting to know where I can purchase a physical copy and giving this read a 5 star rating!

I definitely reccommend!

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A top spy of a fictional country has a new assignment that necessitates him acquiring a wife and a child. What has made him a successful spy in the past has been his skill at disappearing when necessary; involving two other people would be disastrous for him, and dangerous for them, wouldn't it?

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*This will be published closer to the publish date
Hello Fellow Readers,

So this story really intrigued me, just so you know I am a sucker for fake relationship turned real when it comes to romance, and while this seems more action-packed and may not turn into romance at all (I wouldn't mind it even if it's just a friendship). The way Twilight gets introduced is pretty clever and I knew from that moment I would love this.

As the summary suggests it is filled with action which I love, and it is done really well. Twilight is great, a loner who is dedicated to his career and is damn good at it. He seems ruthless and cold-hearted but as the story develops you do see more sides to Twilight that opens him up as a character.

Next, you meet Anya who is so cute and childish (and a telepath), that I couldn't help just love her as soon as she was introduced. Since Anya is a telepath she knows Twilight's secret (and Yor's who is the assassin) and since she just wants to be loved and have a family she is determined to help Twilight achieve his goal. Since she is a child though and doesn't have the full understanding of what's going on she does let things slip which causes situations that are pretty funny.

Last, but not least you have Yor who, despite her caring and shy nature, is an assassin. Yor just wants to fit in and not make her younger brother worry about her so she 'marries' Twilight because not being married at the age of 29 is worrisome apparently. Her social awkwardness also leads to some comical situations.

All of these situations require Twilight's adaptation and quick thinking to come into play showing just how capable he is at being a spy, even if he doesn't really know how to be a father and husband. I really like this and will read the next one as soon as it is out in English!

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This is a wonderfully cute and funny manga, I love the whole premise of a spy an assassin and a telepath all living together, with the only one knowing anything about the others is the telepathic child who loves that her new parents have secret identities with all the comedy of errors that ensues with this set up. I am looking forward to where the author takes this series, they definitely have found a new reader in this one.

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Not for me. I was a bit bored by the story in the first third. James Bond was better. I originally thought it was going to be one of those creepy stories that Japan seems to be quite fond of with an older man who adopts a young girl who eventually has romantic feelings for him. It got a little more interesting when "the wife" came in the second third.

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Thanks to netgalley and Viz Media for the ARC!

A super-spy known as Twilight, his citizen alias during most of the story is Loid Forger, requires a child and a wife to complete an important mission. Of course, fate would have him end up with an adorable, telepathic daughter and a sweet, yet slightly sadistic assassin for a wife. The first volume mainly follows Twilight as he gains his island -of-misfit- family-members, and it does an excellent job of fleshing each character enough to make them sympathetic and endearing, but keeps the tension going that you are compelled to follow this unique family onto the next volume.

The art is perfect, the action scenes are punchy and just violent enough, and the humor is cheeky. I personally appreciated the lack of fan service-y scenes. You will never think of the word "elegant" the same way again, or at least I won't.

I highly recommend!

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A *seriously* ridiculously comedic manga about ... literally, see the title. While there are some serious bits and pieces that include things like violence and espionage, there are other more wholesome bits of the story that makes this a fun subversion of the typical spy story. The nice thing is that the story doesn't drag on and on about getting the family together -- nope! thank you very much -- and goes into the fun, wholesome, juicy bits. There are some parts that are uncomfortable to read, but it makes for a good manga. Would definitely recommend.

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Spy x Family Vol. 1 was a fun read from start to finish. I loved the concept behind the story and it all came together well. While highly comedic in many ways, this story was also gripping, and as I turned each page I was keen to see how Twilight would escape difficulty after difficulty as he tried to fulfill his mission. I liked the artwork style, which suited the story, and I would definitely be interested to read on to see how things work out for the characters.

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Immense gratitude to #NetGalley and #Vizmedia for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Spy X Family by Tatsuya Endo has an incredible way of drawing the reader into the adventure. The premise is intriguing as spies generally don't have families as they become a liability. In this graphic novel part of the mission requires a family to be built in order for potential success. It is built with each member having their own talents. A spy, telepathic, and assassin. What could possible gone wrong? Great read with hilarious events, emotional moments, and current events. Illustration are brilliant and add to the story.

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This is the most wholesome, funny and interesting graphic novel I've ever read. The family dynamic in this book is amazing and so well done.

At first, I thought this would be quite dark and serious but instead, it is an adorable comic filled with slightly dark humour and sweet family moments. I found myself laughing out loud so many times. The daughter's over-reactions to reading her "parent's" minds were so hilarious. The bonding between the family is done well too. Even though they are all keeping huge secrets from each other, they still start to become a real family and start to care for each other more than they expected.
The art style is so gorgeous.

This was definitely five stars for me and I strongly recommend it to anyone who loves dark themes mixed with humour and adorable family bonding. I'm excited to read more in this series.

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I have experience with graphic novels though not manga so at first the story made no sense to me until I realised that it was completely my fault as I wasn't reading it correctly!
Once I had passed that hurdle I really got into the story. I found that both the characters and the story line to be really gripping and entertaining. I cannot wait to see what other adventures the Forger family get to go on.
A big thank you to NetGalley and VIZ Media for an advanced copy of Spy x Family - Vol. 1.

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*Thank you to the author and Netgalley for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

<b>2.5 stars</b>

I would have liked this more if the story had progressed a little slower - when things move too fast I lose interest quickly and it was more melodramatic than I'd personally like so it wasn't as enjoyable as I was hoping it to be. For what it was, it was an interesting plot and if it is adapted in to an anime I'd definitely watch it and see if I enjoyed It better played out on screen!

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It took me about half of the first volume to get into Spy x Family, but by the end of volume one I was very much looking forward to the next. It is extremely silly, and the book's description sums it up pretty completely: a super spy gets a mission that requires him to get close to a target via an elite boarding school, so he needs to adopt a child and find a wife to maintain his cover. The child he adopts happens to be telepathic, and the woman he finds willing to pretend to be his wife is an assassin, looking for her own dupe to maintain her own cover. The first book is a lot of set-up to put the pieces into place; I think volume two will be stronger, now that the story has really started in earnest. The art lends itself to the physical comedy angle very well, and the characters show promise - I am looking forward to getting to know them better.

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The premise for Spy X Family hooks you immediately-- it's like a high stakes sitcom. The father is a spy who fake married the mom (an assassin) and adopted a daughter (a telepath) to get access to an enemy political leader. The premise is completely out there, but it works really well. It's funny, but there are also genuine moments of human connection. Anya, the adopted daughter, has been adopted and returned four different times, and with her telepathy she'll do anything she can to stay with her new family. The manga even has time to discuss the 'witch hunt' mentality surrounding political leanings.
It is a genuinely lovely comic to read, and includes sweet emotional moments, hilarious series of unfortunate events, and discussion of current day politics. I loved it so much! It's such a versatile piece I could recommend it to anyone.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review.

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<i>arc provided by the publisher and netgalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

I really enjoyed myself while reading this manga. I was a little worried that it might be boring and the plot might be slow but it was neither of those at all! The plot moved steadily, had plenty of action, each character was unique and had their own flaws and strengths and this manga was super funny too. I loved seeing how each relationship went from ‘this is just business and for the mission’ to slowly developing that familial connection.

I definitely want to continue the series to see what else this little family gets up to!

4/5 ⭐️

TW: death, blood, child abandonment

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