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The House Guest

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Fantastic thrilled fast paced I enjoyed it so much this book kept me guessing from start too finish this is worth a read

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First time reading this author and he hooked me from the beginning. Fast paced, non stop action and who can you trust is the name of the game with this book. I did take a star off because I thought the ending was a little anticlimactic. I feel like there should have been more and I was disappointed with that part of the book

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Very good start and middle, but I started to lose interest towards the end. Strayed into the realms of the totally unbelievable, Not the twisty ending i was expecting but quite enjoyable all the same.
I found myself wanting to get to the end but really only to see what was going to happen. I really wanted to love this book as I’ve loved some of his others (Here to Stay, Follow you Home) but it just drifted off the mark for me, however a good sunlounger read. 3.5 stars

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How can you say "no" to someone who shows up at the house you are watching, presents themselves as knowing the owners well, and needs a place to stay? It is our inherent pull to be nice that gets Adam and Ruth drawn into a twisty entanglement. I really enjoyed the set up with Eden getting close to both of them. Reading along, it was easy to see how she was collecting their secrets and inserting herself into their lives. Parts of the story felt incredibly implausible, (Yes, I know it is fiction, but one can only stretch so far.) but overall it was a page turner.

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I did not finish this one, it was not for me, I couldn't relate to the characters, and just did not care for the story.

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Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to house sit for the summer in New York. It’s a chance to live in the city that is on the move. It’s fast paced and without a doubt the read you are looking for if you like to read at breakneck speed till the end. Ruth and Adam , two lucky twenty something’s who have a chance to live a dream in real time. Summer in New York opens them up to new possibilities and adventure true to the page. Enter a stranger , Eden, who assures them she has permission to be here , whenever she is in town. What begins as a charming gesture quickly evolves to a make or break moment. Luscious.

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Would you invite a stranger into your house?

When Adam and Ruth invited Eden into the housesit, they trusted her.

Great concept for a read, lots of twists and lies, but sadly I found the story to lack depth. I never felt that I truly understood the personalities or the motives of the characters and the writing style failed to grip me.

2.5 stars (rounded up) ⭐⭐⭐

Special thanks to Netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The House Guest is a fast paced, action packed, suspenseful novel full of twists and turns. Very original.

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Another thrilling read from Mark Edwards! I adore Mark's writing style and imagination. Everything he writes completely draws you in.

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The House Guest is wonderful psychological suspense that gives you pause about incarceration ting someone into your home. Definitely recommend!

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I liked that this book was interesting & I never really felt like there was a dull moment, something new was always happening. The chapters are fairly short & it didn’t take long for the story to get exciting. I don’t wanna spoil anything by saying too much, but the reason that I gave it 3 starts is just because the overall topic of the book is something that kinda hits home for me.

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Unfortunately, I got a new kindle device and no longer have the download to this novel. I will not be reviewing this title.

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Big fan of Mark Edwards already and The House Guest was as brilliant as his other books. Well written and a shocking twist.

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This arrived in the full thick of pandemic so I missed reading during pub month. Shame on me for missing out then but I am catching up now and what a story! As someone who has house sitters for my own home I strangely could see the couple I know doing this exact thing!! Allowing a stranger to move in and terrorize their lives! There are times when you want to say- “Hellooo McFly” to Adam but haven’t we all wanted to say this at some point to someone even ourselves. Questions do arise while reading but the author deftly answers them in a way which makes the suspense believable. This is the first book I’ve read by Mark Edwards and won’t be the last.

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This was a fast paced thriller which I read in one sitting. I loved it I did not read the blurb so went in blind,which I think added to the enjoyment? I didn't guess the outcome at all

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I love marks books and I have read them all!

The book kept me guessing which is one of the things I love about marks books. However I found some of the characters hard to connect with.

I will continue to read Marks books !

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The book opened with a promise of a great mystery but it did not deliver (for me). I am not sure if I would recommend this book but clearly it's got many positive reviews on Goodreads. Perhaps it's just me.

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DNF - Did not finish. I did not connect with the writing style or plot and will not be finishing this title. Thank you, NetGalley and Publisher for the early copy!

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My first time reading Mark Edwards and this enticing premise drew me in. Ruth and Adam are house sitting in New York which could equal the perfect summer except for the stranger at the door that shows up in the middle of a summer storm. Is she truly a stranger or is she who she claims to be.... a friend of the home owners? Should they let her in? What did your parents tell you about strangers?? Perfect summer house sitting turned perfect nightmare with this one! Entertaining and creepy! Exactly why you don't let strangers in vibes and the writing is superb!! Thank you NetGalley for a copy to read and review with my own formed opinions, I look forward to reading more from Mark Edwards!

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BOOK REVIEW: The House Guest by Mark Edwards


Pages: 303
Genre: Thriller
Sub-Genre: Psychological Thriller
Location: New York City

Book: The Overnight Guest by Heather Gudenkauf
Movie: The Gift


All my reviews can be seen at This Is My Everybody | Simple Living | Denise Wilbanks at

♡ Thank you to NetGalley for this ARC. I voluntarily chose to review it and the opinions contained within are my own.

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