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The Last Charm

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I was not ready for this book at all. This book tells the story of Leila and Jake, and their friendship turned relationship. The story started when they were children, how they met and takes us through it from both points of view.

What a wonderful tale that had me laughing and crying, I was so emotionally invested. Highly recommend, absolutely beautiful.

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Sweet emotional read that was refreshing, but a bit of a tear jerker. Well written. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher.

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The Charm was a story of love, loss, hope and twists told over a number of years from multiple perspectives using charms on a bracelet to drive the story. While I enjoyed the novel, and especially the character of Jake, Leila drove me a bit nuts, making it hard for me to read on at times. She had several personal issues to get over, which we see her struggle through over the course of the book, and thankfully she matured enough to redeem herself by the end of the novel.

This emotional rollercoaster of a read could have been a five-star book for me, but at times there were too many missed connections between Leila and Jake to be realistic.

I would recommend this to anyone looking for a nice summer read. Just remember to pack the tissues!

Thanks to NetGalley; HarperCollins UK, One More Chapter; and Ella Allbright for an advance e-copy of the book. #TheCharmBracelet #NetGalley

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Thank you to Harper Collins UK, One More Chapter and NetGalley for the opportunity to read this heartwarming book.

At 11 years old Leila and her father are deserted by her mother, leaving them to sell their home and pick up the pieces of their broken world. Jake is 13 and has just moved into Leila’s home with his downtrodden mother and abusive father.

The two meet just as these events take place and begin a friendship that spans distance, emotional fracture, life changing events and loss.

Ella Albright anchors the story of this relationship through the charms on the bracelet Leila’s mother gave to the Leila when she left. The story itself is warm, rich and heartwarming and at times deeply emotional.

An enjoyable book that carries you along and leaves you eager to see which path Leila and Jake take in life.

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What a charm of a book!
As a young girl, Leila's mother left her and her father, with only a silver charm bracelet to remember her by. At the same time, Jake and his family move into the area Leila and her father are leaving, into their old home. A fleeting meeting between both young people leaves a lasting bond.
The bracelet gets lost, and the book is a retelling of how each charm that dangles from it was acquired, and a plea to whoever finds it, to return it.
I was taken on a total rollercoaster of emotions, reading the story of Leila, and her charm bracelet, and Jake, her silent support, who floated in and out of her life.
I loved both the main characters and the bittersweet twist at the end left me teary.
Yes, definitely read this book!aa
Many thanks to NetGalley and One More Chapter for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book from Netgalley and Harper Collins Uk, One More Chapter in exchange for an honest review which i am delighted to write.

This book definitely pulled at my heart strings! A heartwarming, magical and emotional read. This book was raw and utterly heartbreaking.
I was completely captivated by this story and the ending had me blubbering like a baby.

This is the story of Leila and Jake,who meet as children and share a friendship that spans over 15 years. Jake is instantly captivated by Leila and spends his life protecting her. Both Leila and Jake have rough childhoods. Jakes Father is abusive and Leila’s Mother just ups and leaves her life. Because of this, these two share an unbreakable bond.

Leila’s Mother gifts her a charm bracelet before leaving and from this the story starts to unfold.....

Ella Allbright is definitely an author to keep on your radar! My favourite book of 2020 so far. I can’t recommend this book enough.

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This was an easy read that I got through quite quickly. Saying that I found it a little slow in places and quite predictable. Its a lovely concept for a story and I did enjoy the characters.

Recommended as an easy read.

Thank you Netgalley.

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4.5 stars

This book was a page-turner for sure, and I couldn’t put it down until I knew how Leila and Jake’s story ended!

Full of love and loss, “The Last Charm” takes place over several years as Leila and Jake mature from childhood to adulthood. I absolutely loved Jake! He was the perfect friend, even when he wasn’t able to physically be there for Leila. There was no denying he had feelings for her, too, but he never pushed her for more before she was ready. Leila on the other hand...I honestly didn’t like her that much. Her emotions were all over the place, and I hated how she constantly took it out on Jake. He was so patient with her, but I couldn’t help but think he could have done better than her.

Overall, I loved the story and it was very well paced, which made for a quick read. I especially loved the idea of the charm bracelet and the meaning behind each charm; the story was perfectly built around it. I just wish I’d liked Leila better.

Highly recommend!

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If I’m honest I found this book hard to get into. Something about it didn’t quite click for me which unfortunately meant that I didn’t enjoy it all that much

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When Leila loses her charm bracelet and she must recall the memories that go along with each charm and tell a stranger the stories of a love that spans years to prove ownership.

I so loved Jake, but didn’t particularly like Leila. However overall it was a nice read and would make a great film.

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This ARC from NetGalley and the publisher was a heartwarming story about young love over a span of about 15 years. A charm bracelet is involved and it made me dig out my charm bracelet to remember all of the stories behind each of my charms. I actually have 2 silver charm bracelets. My earliest charm dated back to when I was 15 which was back in 1978. Then what followed over the years was a Sweet 16 charm, a car, a dog, girl and boy charms, springer spaniel charm, shopping charm, baseball, gymnastics and on and on. The last one I got was a St Martin charm which would’ve been 5 years ago when we went there. Wow! The memories .... This was a fun book! I really enjoyed it. Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this early release in exchange for my honest review.

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This is a story that will stay will me for a long while and it is up there with my favourite of 2020 !!

This is a beautiful story about Leila and Jake and is told from when they met as children. The story is based around Leila's charm bracelet and the stories behind each charm. This was such as emotional read, there are lot of ups and downs, love, sadness and hope. It's story of friendship, love and happiness. It's a slow burning story but in a way and once I started I wanted to keep reading. There is also lot's of emotion in the story, there were times where I would smile and times that made me cry. I loved that the story is told from different point of view and I think that added to emotions even more.

It was such a moving story and one that will stay with me for long while. I can't wait to add the paperback version to my bookcase.

Thank you to NetGalley and Harper Collins UK - One More Chapter for my e- copy in exchange for an honest review

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Thank you #netgalley for e copy of this book.
I almost didn’t finish this. Should be marketed fir YA .... needs editing for voice and repeated plot details
Nice concept but could be written better

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I feel incredibly privileged to have been able to read this book as I completely fell in love with it and it is a story that has stayed with me constantly since I finished it. I felt every emotion whilst reading it, some quite overwhelmingly at times and I am not afraid to say that at certain moments I sobbed. But that just shows what a powerful story Ella Allbright has written, and it definitely surprised me with the depth of emotion I felt towards characters and situations. It’s as if they have to work even harder to get into my affections, and the two main characters certainly managed that by the end…..Leila more so as I felt she went on an even bigger journey of self-discovery than Jake. I always got the feeling that even though we meet the two characters when they are just children, Jake was always going to turn out alright, whereas Leila needed to find more awareness of herself and those around her.
I loved the way that the story followed the two main characters as they are growing up, meaning it had to span over such a pivotal time in anyone’s life, moving from childhood to adolescence, and into the rigours of adulthood. Ella Allbright very effectively encapsulated all the emotions that everybody goes through growing up.
I would easily give this story 5 stars – particularly so for the last quarter of the book. It was such a stunning read, with plenty of twists that I didn’t see coming, times when I just wanted to shake the characters to see what we as readers could see, and for the depth of emotion it evoked in me.

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When I downloaded this ARC it was called the Charm Bracelet but I guess they changed the title. It is a good story but I had a hard time liking Leila. She did grow up and mature during the story. It's unusual for me to like the guy a whole lot more than the girl but Jake had me from the beginning. The story premise is Leila must prove her ownership of a lost charm bracelet to the young woman who found it and does so with a series of emails for each of the charms. This story has so many highs and lows. This could have easily been a 5 star but there were times I just wanted to shake both Leila and Jake to wake up and be realistic. It's an emotional read. I received a copy of this ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review.

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A beautiful story which is very well written. I wanted to keep reading. I loved finding out the story behind each charm and was nearly in tears at the end.

Thank you to Netgalley for my copy.

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Leila tells the story of her friendship and relationship with Jake through the story of the many charms on her bracelet.

A slow moving live story demonstrating the frustrations and misunderstandings that can occur as friendships and relationships develop.

A bit predictable in places but an easy summer read.

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A beautiful story that I found engrossing and entertaining.
It's a bit slow at the beginning but if you persevere it's a well written story well told.
The characters are interesting and I liked the style of writing.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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Really compelling look at a long relationship. I liked Jake especially.

Many thanks to the author, the publishers, and NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I struggled to begin with and actually considered calling it a day at about 18% but I’m so glad I carried on. It really did get into a good flow and tell an interesting story. I knew where it was going but was still sobbing by the end. I’ll be honest and say it does follow the typical writing of this genre and the ending isn’t overly unique or unexpected, but it is a good read all the same. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4. Thank you Netgalley & HarperCollins UK.

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