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The Last Charm

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Oh my gosh what a wonderful wonderful book. It is 3am and I simply had to get to the end. I couldn’t put the book down and was desperate to see if Leila and Jake finally make it

I understand people who can’t warm to Leila but I saw a lot of me in her. She doesn’t mean to push people away but is defensive and trying to stop herself helpful hurt. Jake is wonderful, the way he gives her chance after chance. I also loved his relationship with Leola’s grandad and was desperate for him to escape his awful home life.

I loved the birthday treasure hunt and totally did not see where the book was going. I have to admit I went back and re read that section because it was so totally not what I was expecting

I loved all the times Leila and Jake so nearly got it together and could feel the frustration from them both !

I felt that all of the characters were wonderfully written and made it easy to identify with them.

Like I said I couldn’t put this book down and found myself saying ‘just one more chapter’ more times than I care to mention!!

I smiled, I laughed and I cried with this book. But most of all I took it as a lesson to not take the people who love you for granted and never expect you will have them forever.

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Absolutely loved this book. Such a lovely story of Leila and Jake.
Leila is surprised and shocked that her mother has left her and her dad on her birthday. Leaving behind a charm bracelet wit a heart charm.
They move house, and another family move into hers, enter Jake who also has his own family issues.
What follows are different situations that Leila and Jake have to go through, ups and downs for both, including more heartache.
Not to ruin the story for others, how and where Leila gets the charms on her bracelet each time will make you want to know what happens next. Totally recommend it.

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I wanted to love this book. It was a lovely story about the charm bracelet, and poor Jake with his awful upbringing. Leila whined throughout the entire book, I honestly felt terrible how she treated Jake. Just couldn’t connect with story and the main characters selfishness page after page.

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This book is a testament that it is better to live and have lost than not to have loved at all. Despite her prickly exterior, Jake knew Leila and her heart and as a result, perseevered. Because of that, they had the Great love that everyone aspires too told through the story of charms.

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I did not enjoy this book. The premise - and the prologue - sounded so good, sounded like a book I could sink my teeth into. An emotional story that I couldn't wait to read.

What a disappointment.

I could not find any empathy for Leila at all. At the start of the story, she is a young girl, and is written as a young girl, struggling with many changes. However... that little girl never grew up. The Leila at the end of the story is just as immature and spoiled (as is mentioned in the book) as she was as a young girl. Her character did not develop past the first chapter, and given she is the main character, I could not find any empathy for her, especially compared to the changes Jake made from when we first met him.

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Disclaimer - I was sent a free digital copy of this book by NetGalley in return for an honest review.

Heartbroken - is the word I would best use to describe my feelings towards this book. Having reached the end, I just can’t believe it. We go through a rather long and magical story that entwines Leila and Jake’s lives together. To reach a point where everything is going well and all is right with the world. Then all of a sudden it’s not, although the ending is rather upbeat, I think it’s hard to accept what a tragic turn the book takes. It was a lovely read, with wonderful characters that make you become attached the story and how it ends.

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Full review will coincide with my blog tour stop in August, but with it being so far away I just wanted to write a couple of lines in advance...

I'm drawn to stories where mementos tell a story, revisit memories and evoke feelings. I'm also drawn to stories where we see characters and their relationships grow and develop over a period of time - therefore, The Charm Bracelet really did tick my boxes, and I found this a sweet and charming little tale.

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Overall, a nice read with touching moments and a sweet premise. I have to say Leila rubbed me the wrong way frequently. Like yes, I know you are going through things, but so are the people around you so grow up and stop bring an ass. I got it at first, being a teenager that she was a bit self absorbed, but that excuse quickly went away.

Still, overall, I found it compelling and it was a nice read for a quiet afternoon.

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Let me begin by saying I think I absolutely loved Jake, one of the two main characters, in this story. I instantly cared for him as we learned about his home life and the struggles he faced with a violent father. So that’s the lense I had when reading this book: I love Jake. This very much influenced how I felt about Leila, whom I was not a fan of. She was automatically defensive when she was around him and was centrally focused on how he impacted her life without considering how Jake’s life had other people and problems influencing his own. I felt like I wanted to protect a friend from a relationship that didn’t value who he was and what he had to offer. So, Allbright did an amazing job from getting me drawn in caring about who she wrote about. Maybe a little too well actually seeing as how I felt so protective of a character she created.

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This wonderful, emotional, moving and life-affirming book has left me in a sobbing mess, with a broken heart! This book is SO well-written, with utterly believable characters and a storyline that enthralled me from beginning to end! It’s vividly depicted, from Bournemouth to the Swiss Alps, and Jake is still in my heart and I think he will stay there! Leila and Jake’s story is infuriating at times, full of missed opportunities and misunderstandings, but these two damaged souls are drawn together, and it’s a tantalising wait for them to find their way to happiness. I didn’t want to reach the end, didn’t want to lose them, and wept when their story was told. I LOVE this book - Bravo Ella Albright on writing such a beautiful story, one that will stay with me, and that I wholeheartedly recommend. Wonderful!

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A sweet & charming read . The lead character was a bit selfish & hard to warm to & the storyline was a bit slow to get into. Overall it was a good book

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Sometimes books reach out and touch your heart, well this one grabbed mine from the first few pages and still holds it tightly, several hours after I have finished reading this amazing story, it was that powerful and hard hitting. What a beautiful heartwarming story, I completely lost myself in this emotional story, I didn’t want to put it down, and when I did, I couldn’t stop thinking about the characters and their situations.
Lelia is a complex character, I found myself loving her one moment, then annoyed by her the next, her past causes her to shut herself off to some situations, however it’s fabulous watching her progress and seeing her gradually bring down those walls that she has built up, even though I caught myself wishing she could see things differently much sooner!
Jake, well he is so adorable, I instantly loved him and continued to feel this throughout the story, his bravery and ability to see the best in everything was so inspiring. His commitment to his mother and to his beloved Jones was gorgeous to witness.
The suspense of their friendship kept me glued to the book, I was so desperate for them to get together! I thought it was skilfully written, all the obstacles that threw things astray, certainly added to the intensity of the story.
Some very emotional chapters with situations that I have faced and I will readily admit that I sobbed, (fortunately the house was empty!) on several occasions, but despite the sadness i still found it so uplifting too, and know that I will think of this book and the characters for a very long time to come. My heart 💖 had been lost to this wonderful book and I will definitely be recommending this book wide and far! 😊

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With thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for the arc, which I have enjoyed reading.
The Charm Bracelet by Ella Allbright is a delightful book to read. It is the love story of Leila and Jake who met when they are still children and eventually become a couple. The charm bracelet epitomises every part of their story and makes a wonderful vehicle to tell their tale of love, laughter and tears.
Highly recommended.

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Leila loses her charm bracelet and to prove to the finder it’s hers she recounts the story behind all the charms. Each charm as given to her by Jake who she first met aged eleven.
I really struggled with this as I didn’t like Leila particularly as she came across as selfish and oblivious to the emotions of those around her. I did like Jake as a character but thought he could do so much better than Leila. I couldn’t connect emotionally with the story.
Thanks to Harper Collins and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I really don’t know what to say about this book. It was amazing. One thing I would say is don’t read it in public as you will be crying at some point! It really was a fantastic book which I will remember for a long time. It really does stir up your emotions. I’m glad I’ve read it now as I need to do some housework! I just couldn’t put it down. Well done Ella for writing something so perfect.

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If you like books told over longer periods of time, books where you get to watch the characters grow, mature, blossom, this book is for you. If you like an achingly good slow burn, this book is for you. If you like stories where each chapter is the story of, or represents, a little memento (like in Fragments of the Lost ), this book is for you. If you, like me, love you some BritFic (is that a genre? I'm coining it), this book is for you.

I was more than a little pleasantly surprised by The Charm Bracelet. When it comes to ChickLit/Women's Fiction, I tend to stick to Sophie Kinsella novels. However, I was immediately enrapt in this novel, and the more I read, the more I fell in love. I'm not usually crazy for slow-burn stories, but holy cow was the pacing fantastic! By the end I was ugly crying, but also smiling because it was such a darn happy-sad, bittersweet, touching, incredible finale!

The downside is that I felt that the actual writing was a little lacking. Without taglines you wouldn't know who was speaking, and a lot of times I had to reread bits because I got confused as to who said what. The individual voices weren't very strong. I also, in hindsight, didn't like Jake's point of view. While I was reading, it was okay, but after I finished the book his perspective seemed moot and didn't make sense why it should even have been there.

My biggest problem with the story: I hated Leila, the main character. In my opinion, Jake was too good for her, she was selfish (which was pointed out, so the author is at least aware of Leila's flaws), flighty, moody, and incredibly frustrating to read about. It was hard to want to root for her happiness when I felt that she was already getting what she deserved. That being said, this annoyance lends itself to my favorite part about the book: that I was brought to tears, ugly crying, and wishing for only the best for the couple. I wanted the characters to be together and to be happy despite my not liking the main character. This attests to Allbright's masterful storytelling, that she could suck me in and make me want Leila (the ungrateful brat) to be happy with someone she doesn't deserve.

The Charm Bracelet is a standout book in its genre! I'm so happy to have read it, and I know that it is a story that will stick with me for a long time. I hope Ella Allbright has more novels in store, because I will definitely be in line to read more from her!

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This is the story of Leila and her charm bracelet that her mother left for her when she left Leila and her husband to run away. Leila struggles, but is helped by a young, troubled boy who lives in her road, Jake. The story is told in flashbacks, with each episode relating to one of the new charms that Leila receives at important times in her life. Initially I struggled with the way these flashbacks were written, however persevered as the story started coming together with the angry young girl growing up. The relationship between her and Jake was never straightforward and I times I couldn't understand her actions, but he keeps coming back into her life and helping where he can. With both highs and lows tugging at my emotions ultimately this is a story set over decades with love, hope and despair running through to the present day when the final outcome becomes clear.
Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity of reading an advance copy of this book, however this did not influence my review of the book.

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I absolutely loved the way this story was told and how it unfolded!
It is the journey of Leila. She is angry and fearful of relationships.
It is not easy to trust when someone you love suddenly leaves you and you are only eleven or even when you are older!
However, Leila has her "Charm Bracelet". This is the connection that will always make her feel as though "someone" cares and is watching over her.
When her bracelet is lost, the need to identify and hopefully find this "dear" piece, is told as this novel!
It is a beautiful, heartbreaking, love story of friendship, family, heart and trust.
There is no doubt that tissue's are needed many times throughout the pages!
I truly adored this book! Well done!

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A wonderful read a book characters that drew me in and had me emotionally involved from first pages.A book I devoured in two days and will be recommending .An author to follow. Looking foward to reading more books by her.#netgalley#harpercollinsuk

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I absolutely adored this book. The characters were so real that it sucked you in and made you feel a part of the story. You didn't want it to end!

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