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The Last Charm

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There's so much I want to say about this most beautiful book, and there's so much I can't say because I wouldn't want to spoil anything for anyone who has yet to read it. One of the most captivating stories I have read this year, I was transported fully into the world of Jake and Leila and I didn't want to come back to reality.

Jake and Leila are two lost souls, immediately drawn to one another. Leila's Mum abandoned her on her eleventh birthday, leaving behind only a charm bracelet with a heart attached. Jake lives with an abusive and cruel father, and a mother who is so defeated that she does nothing to protect her fragile son.

As their paths continue to cross over the years they tentatively become friends. As each faces their own struggles, they push and pull away and towards one another.

The only constant in Leila's life is her charm bracelet, and she receives a new charm after every significant event. She believes it is her Mum who is sending these charms, and that it is her way of telling Leila that she hasn't forgotten her and that in her own way, she still loves her and wants to feel connected.

But when Jake and Leila finally admit their feelings for one another, the truth comes out and it seems that once again, Leila is going to pull away.

As Jake arranges a birthday treasure hunt for Leila, they are both finally happy - happier than they've ever been. Until one phone call changes everything.

This story is so poignant, so heart-wrenching and ultimately life-affirming but it will take you through every emotion and back again, as every good book should. Truly one of the most romantic and charming love stories I've ever read.

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A gem of a read and one to savour and really enjoy just when I needed a tonic of a read. Leila receives a charm bracelet on the eve of her eleventh birthday and then finds out that her mother has walked out leaving her and her father to fend for themselves. The house is sold and they move away but not before staying with her grandfather for a few days which is when she first meets Jake. Jake has moved into her old house with his violent father and timid mother and has discovered Leilas pictures and art on the walls of her bedroom and her secret one under the bed. Time passes and Leila occasionally receives charms for her bracelet often just in an envelope marked “L” and believes that they are from her mother showing she may not be around but still thinks of her. In truth they are from Jake but he hasn’t found the opportunity to tell her and as time goes on doesn’t want to spoil her fantasy that they are from her mother knowing it would really hurt her. It's one of those life affirming reads that makes you stop from the whizz of life we all take for granted and appreciate the little things. A kind word, a small gesture and maybe the things you have. When you haven't got them you may be hurt when you see others that have and I'm not talking about materialistic things- family, love, good friends, soul mates etc who can be more of a family than your real one. A charm of a read. "Always look for the Rainbow”.
(amazon done- misfits farm)
For more reviews please see my blog
or follow me on Twitter@nickisbookblog
(rest of links on publication)

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Perhaps because I have a charm bracelet of my own, I found myself wanting to read this book. However it's so much more than a story about the charms that fill up her bracelet. There are many relatable situations, life lessons and thought provoking moments that make this book worth reading. It offers hope and healing in the midst of heartache and grief, I think many people could use a dose of the inspiration this story delivers.

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I loved this so much and what an usual premise of the charm bracelet, I don’t think I’ve read anything like this before and adored it so much. It’s a beautiful story, you will need tissues, but for happy and sad tears, for laughter too, it’s a book full of emotion. It feels like an epic tale to me, what a wonderful love story with lots of twists, turns and you’ll be addicted needing to know how it ends. It’s full of wonderful, lovely characters, not just the main characters, I love it when an author develops the supporting cast and characters as well as the leads. Just a simply wonderful story that will warm your heart

Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for a free copy for an honest opinion

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The Last Charm by Ella Allbright is an excellent contemporary romance that had me hooked from beginning to end.

I loved the concept of the plot in Leila describing each charm on her bracelet to Caitlin in order for her to identify that the lost jewelry was hers. In describing each charm, we are taken back to the beginning of Leila’s childhood and her life with and without her other half, Jake. We get to see a wonderful life unfold before our very eyes from Leila’s perspective, along with Jake’s. This concept is so creative. The story moved along flawlessly, and I finished the book before I even knew it.

I went through the full gambit of emotions: laughter, heartwarming moments, heartbreak (no that was not a tear...its allergy season I swear), and fulfillment. I truly loved the ending.
Ms. Allbright truly has a gift.

5/5 stars

Thank you NetGalley and HC OneMoreChapter for this ARC and in return I am submitting my unbiased and voluntary review and opinion.

I am posting this review to my GR, Bookbub, and Instagram accounts immediately and will post it to my Amazon and B&N accounts upon publication.

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The Last Charm by Ella Allbright is the most beautiful contemporary story about friendship, love and family. It is a novel that will swell your heart with love whilst having you reaching for the tissues.
Within the novel are two young people whose fortunes we follow over fifteen years. Both are from fractured homes – one feels abandoned; the other needs love and kindness. The reader’s heart breaks for them both in different ways. They both recognise the needs of the other.
There are grown-ups who see the hurt and do their best to plug the gaps and bring love and care.
The reader celebrates the highs and mourns the lows as we witness the birth of a friendship, showing kindness, compassion and care. There are some huge hearts within the novel.
The chapters alternate between two points of view. One is written in the first person and one in the third. The love radiates from the pages, wrapping the reader in a ‘hug’. It was a totally enchanting read. I loved the characters who lodged in my heart. The book is over and I ‘feel’ lost. I wanted much more – but the love, the hope and the beauty remain.
Thank you Ella Allbright for a beautiful tale of love.
Keep looking for rainbows and look up to the stars.
I received this book for free. A favourable review was not required and all views expressed are my own.

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This is a charming, gentle love story which spans over a decade, centred around a charm bracelet. At each "life/significant" events Leila gets a charm for each one, and we learn more of the blossoming romance between Leila and Jake at the different points of their lives.

Jake was a lovely character, who had real hardships in his life but still continued to be a good, loyal thoughtful person. Leila however, was less likeable actually and in comparison to Jake I found her impulsive, flighty and selfish and wanted to tell her off at times particularly for the way she treated Jake!

The premise of the story was excellent, and I found the story telling masterful, emotional and uplifting. The only drawback was it sometimes felt a little disjointed with the narrative switching between Leila and Jake (Jake's perspective was not always explored so I felt like there were gaps).

It is definitely suited for fans of one day in december, me before you, and the sight of you. I will be certain to read more of this Ella Allbright in future.

I ugly cried (uncontrollably sobbed) at the ending!

If you like watching a romance develop slowly, and at high risk of needing many tissues at the ending - this is the novel for you!

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What a wonderful book! I really did enjoy this. It is about a girl who get a charm bracelet and then finds out some upsetting news and her life begins to change big time..
The story started off and I was immediately pulled in! I loved the characters in this and I felt for them along the way! I had so many feelings while reading this, but am so glad I had the chance to!

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This book broke my heart. All I can say is that I'm glad that I was alone by the time I finished reading it. I cried so much. Such a wonderful story about two people's lives and their ups and downs throughout. I absolutely loved Jake. He was an amazingly strong character who didn't have such a great upbringing but it didn't let it stop him having an amazing life. Leila annoyed me at times, I thought her treatment of Jake at certain parts in the book was a bit uncalled for, but she had her own issues so I forgave her...eventually.
If anybody who enjoys a good, slow burning love story I would recommend this book to them.

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This was an absolutely gorgeous story! It made me laugh, smile, cry.. You name it this story made me feel it!This is the first book I've read from this author and I'm excited to read more of her work.
I have a feeling this story will stay with me for a long long time.

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I had mixed feelings about this one...probably between a pick and just a so-so for me.

The writing was fine, however I found the story just OK, and I think that had a lot to do with the female lead, Leila. She and the male lead Jake had too many repetitive confrontations/make-ups...and it was mostly due to her immaturity and trigger-hair temper. It became annoying and distracting to the overall story. There’s abandonment issues, trust issues, and forgiveness issues.

So ultimately I found it OK but not great.

Thanks to #NetGalley and #OneMoreChapter for providing me the ARC. The opinions are strictly my own.

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Leila and Jake tell the story of their relationship in a sweet story that uses a charm bracelet as its centerpiece. Leila loses the bracelet and must prove its hers to the woman who finds it and this takes her (and Jake) though their lives from when Leila was 10 until now, when she's thirty. Her mother gave her the bracelet before she left and every year there's a new charm= but bought by Jake, who loves her very much. Each charm represents an experience or place. Those who own charm bracelets know how they can make you smile when you wear them (as well as jangle). Some memories are not as nice as others but this has a big heart. You might find Leila annoying in spots but aren't we all? Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A good read.

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This book is about a charm bracelet but so much more it’s an epic love story following Jake and Leila come together from such different backgrounds.
There’s unexpected twists and turns that keep you gripped from the start.
A lovely heartwarming book to read full of relatable characters and emotions that we all experience at some point in our lives.
The Last Charm is an important lesson especially for those that have dealt with grief.

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I read this book in a weekend, could not put it down!
Brilliantly written characters, I felt for Jake, and Leila was wonderful, though I did want to shake her a few times!
The Last Charm is a beautiful tale of a lifetime of love. It's akin to Jojo Moyes and David Nicholls .
Thank you so much to Ella Albright and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review.

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I received this book in exchange for an honest exchange. You can receive your copy here:

Interesting enough, my copy was called The Charm Bracelet, but it shows up everywhere as The Last Charm.

This book begins with an ad for a Lost precious charm bracelet. It then starts with Leila in December 2017 replying to an email about someone finding said charm bracelet. She talks about each charm and how she needs to finish the birthday treasure that Jake created. We are then rewinded to August 30, 2001. MY BIRTHDAY! This is the night before Leila’s birthday. She sees the silver charm bracelet on her bed, the night before her eleventh birthday! She has no idea who it is from, it is not wrapped, not labeled. WHAT?????!!!! There is a note from her Mum saying sorry and then her father busts into her room telling her that her mom is gone. The next chapter is February 2002 with Jake. We toggle between Jake’s point of view and Leila’s throughout the years. Each charm is explained and why it is given. People helping others without them knowing or even benefiting themselves. There are so many events that happen over the years before the loss of the bracelet. This book is filled with misunderstandings, misconnections, meaningfulness, art, knowing people without really knowing them, someone showing up unexpectedly throughout the years, and scars inside and out. Any more and I will give everything away.

OMG this story has all the feels! I was practically in tears as Leila learned about the letters between Ray and Jake! This story comes with a warning to bring your tissues or dirty towels, as tissues are also in demand right now. There were soooo many tear-jerking moments! At least we have a good ol’ reason to shed some tears, not that 2020 hasn’t given us enough reasons. I read this in one day and procrastinated so much! I should have been doing so many other things today, but instead I was hiding away reading this book. Do NOT pick up this book before bed, you will be hating yourself come the morning because you will be a puffy crying mess when you have to pop on to your morning zoom call. You also won’t be getting much sleep because this book will have you turning page after page! I was like, ok one more chapter and I will get to that thing that I need to do-return phone calls, check emails that the boss keeps texting me about. OMG- did I mention that you need tissues???

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This book is special.
The story is told chapter by chapter, each an experience leading to a charm on the bracelet.
A split narrative is used which I love - switching between the two main characters.
I loved so many parts of this book (although I wished for a different ending).
Read it, you won't regret it!

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The Last Charm begins with a letter from one of the main characters, Leila, written to the person who has found her lost charm bracelet. This bracelet is priceless in terms of sentimental value, each charm marking a significant moment in her life, intrinsically part of her and Jake’s story. It is a love story begging to be recounted and whilst the reader has an inkling for how their story will end I kind of forgot this fact, swept up in the lives of Leila and Jake and how they remained connected over the years. This is a sweet, charming, tender and poignant love story that at times is a highly emotionally read.

Leila Jones and Jake Harding meet at a tender age with Jake moving into Leila’s old house. I think for Jake it is love at first sight and within the space of a week they find they share common interests,namely troubled childhoods. Leila’s mother has walked away from her husband and daughter, leaving behind just a charm bracelet complete with one charm for Leila that immediately becomes her talisman. Jake has an alcoholic violent father with a home life that is fraught with tension. They forge a tentative friendship before Leila moves away, a friendship that is reignited over the intervening years, somehow surviving long periods spent apart.

Their story is simply told from their individual perspectives, each new charm signifying the passage of time, the current state of their friendship and where they’re both at in terms of jobs and relationships. It’s a strange friendship given that their encounters always finish with them at loggerheads. Miscommunication is largely to blame and Leila has a tendency to run away at the slightest problem making me feel exasperated with her and wondering if they will forever be stuck in the friend zone. The timing of their encounters always seems awry, yet bizarrely Jake has a habit of being present for Leila even though she doesn’t realise or appreciate it.

I think with any love story you need to be invested in the characters and in this case I don’t believe the author has created two equally lovable individuals. In terms of Leila, I found her irritating and frustrating, someone who doesn’t evolve over the course of the book in the same way that Jake does. I felt she had a huge chip on her shoulder with regards to her absentee mother. Clearly being abandoned by her mother at the age of 11 is going to have a massive impact on Leila’s own mental health and well being going forward in life so I did understand her reluctance to trust and allow love into her life. I’m not being entirely unsympathetic but I felt she used this to prevent facing her true feelings and it became repetitive. The author has portrayed Leila as a wistful character, a day dreamer, preferring to live with her head in the clouds, opposite to Jake in many ways but I can’t say I particularly liked her.

Jake by contrast is a sweetheart from the word go. Despite his troubled childhood with a violent father, he grows in confidence and matures into a fine specimen of a man, in part due to having Leila’s grandad Ray as a role model. Who couldn’t resist the good looks and charm of this young man who finds his place in the world as a Marine (except perhaps Leila). He’s thoughtful, considerate, kind, funny, sexy and infinitely patient when it comes to Leila. This man needs cloning and fits the mould of handsome romantic hero to a tee. I think he brings out the worst and eventually the best in Leila, giving her the self confidence to move on from the past and recognise her talent as an artist. The way he addresses Leila by her surname Jones melted my heart, instantly reminding me of Hugh Grant’s character, Daniel Cleaver in the Bridget Jones film and once that thought entered my head I couldn’t dislodge it. Not really fitting since Jake is a lovely bit of rough! I was never in any doubt about the depth of his love for the rather self centred Leila which explains his perseverance. 10/10 for effort Jake!!

I SO wanted to be able to give this love story a 5 star review but for a number of reasons it didn’t quite fulfill my criteria necessary to elevate it from a very respectable 4 star rating.Mainly, however hard I tried to, I could not gel with Leila as a character. My lukewarm feelings towards her only changed towards the end whereas Jake won my affection immediately . I also felt there were a couple of scenarios in the closing chapters that were either wrapped up rather hurriedly and conveniently or were unlikely to happen in the real world. Finally, I’d say the narrative verged on being overly sentimental as it drew to a conclusion; expect your own emotions to be running high at this point! Overall a good contemporary love story, written in a very readable way that is unfortunately let down by its female lead character.
My thanks as always to the publisher and Netgalley for giving me the opportunity to read.

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A heart-warming, yet moving story, which really was full of charm! Really beautifully written and can’t wait to see what this author writes in the future.

Thank you NetGalley for my complimentary copy in return for my honest review.

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Emotional whirlwind, poignant and tear-inducing page-turner😪

What a fantastic read. I loved it and hated it but a book that brings out this much emotion is a great story. Young Jake is so broken yet he perseveres in his efforts to bring some joy and light into the life of Leila, the fairy lookalike girl whose family life he envies.

Jake was, for me, the heart and soul of their story, the reason I had to keep reading. Time and again Leila acts out and rejects him, yet he never turns on her. Author Ella Allbright has created a couple who dance and parry and flutter in and out of each other's lives; seasons turn and years pass and significant events are marked by new charms for Leila's treasured charm bracelet. Personally, I found Leila self-centered and unable to admit and constructively deal with her feelings for way too long. Her attitude and actions make Jake's constancy all the more poignant. The tragic turn towards the story's end made their history of wasted opportunities all the sadder.

This was a compelling, page-turner with a message -- life is constantly on the move, the future is never certain so cherish each day and the people who stand by you while you can. So many if only moments and no chance for a re-do. Just a really sad, lovely romance that I won't easily forget.

Thanks to publisher Harper Collins/One More Chapter and NetGalley for providing an advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest review.

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Thank you to Netgalley, One More Chapter and Ella Allbright for the opportunity to read this ARC in return for my honest review. This book is so charming. It's an absolute gem. I found myself being drawn into the story and genuinely caring about the characters. Perfect for fans of Holly Miller's The Sight of You.

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