Member Reviews

Night Owls and Summer Skies by Rebecca Sullivan
Rating: ★★★★☆

Night Owls and Summer Skies by Rebecca Sullivan is a cute and sweet YA read that I thoroughly enjoyed. The story is light and heartwarming, making it a perfect book for a quick and enjoyable escape. The characters are endearing, and their interactions feel genuine and relatable, drawing me into their world. The plot flows smoothly, making it an easy read that you can devour in one sitting. Sullivan’s writing style is engaging and captures the essence of young love and friendship beautifully. The setting is vividly described, adding to the overall charm of the story. What I loved most is how it combines humor and heartfelt moments, balancing lighthearted and serious parts of the story well. If you’re looking for a feel-good story that’s both engaging and relaxing, Night Owls and Summer Skies is a great pick, leaving you with a warm, fuzzy feeling and a smile on your face.

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This was such a sweet read and definitely the first of many I will be reading by this author. I found all the characters relatable in their own way. The romance aspect was written so well.

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This was a very enjoyable read, although it was nothing new to me. It didn't make any lasting impression, which it definitely could have done. All in all this was still a very solid read, and I did enjoy it.

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So I would like to start off by saying how awesome it is that this started off as a NaNoWriMo project. As a participant this is what we strive for.
But then there is another end of this spectrum, it was also on Wattpad... and I am not a huge fan of Wattpad. Mainly because whenever I read anything from there it just does not do it for me.

This book was kind of weird for me.
Because while I think the writer has a great voice and writing style. I also did not like the camp counselor character. It was just a weird relationship that I could not get behind so it took away from the book for me.

I did like that there was a pansexual character. There are not many portrayed so it was refreshing to see some diversity

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I love a good camp story, especially with LGBT rep. This story was fun and very real in its emotions,

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Do I love stories set in summer camps? Why, yes, yes I do.
Do I love books featuring LGBTQ+ protagonists, Why, yes, yes I do.
Did I love this novel? Unfortunately know. There was a lot happening in terms of family dynamics and bullying and I thought certain things could be developed better.

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After Emma Lane's mother dumps her at Camp Mapplewood for the summer, her hopes of repairing their broken relationship are gone with the wind, and Emma is stuck at camp facing her worst fears. But Emma has a plan, and will do anything in her power to get kicked out of camp. Yet when she draws the attention of her attractive camp counsellor Vivian Black, Emma must come to terms with the fact that how her summer started isn't the same as how it might end.

This book was just not it for me. As this is a summer camp romance I was expecting a big cast of characters, but most of the time it felt like only Emma and the Black siblings were there. When the rest of the side characters were mentioned, they were very one dimensional and I felt like we didn't get to know them at all. I also really didn't like the whole "bully has a crush on the MC" storyline with Lauren. It was really creepy and I don't understand why it took so long for her to be sent home. I also had a lot of issues with Vivian, primarily because she chose to pursue a romantic relationship with one of her campers. This book just made me feel more annoyed the longer I read it, and the only part that I actually enjoyed was Gwen!

TW: depression, bullying, homophobic parent

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this ARC, which I received in exchange for an honest review.

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I'll start by saying that the writing was good. It felt polished. The dialogue was a little odd at times but it also felt like it had style. I can imagine people speaking like that, even if I myself do not. Also, I want to thank Netgalley and the publisher for the copy of this book.
I would like to say that I love the relationship between Emma and her dad. He doesn’t care or mind about her sexuality. All that’s important to him is her mental health. They have open discussions from the very first page about her wellbeing. It’s so great that we see a good relationship between LGBT youth and their parent. I must say the plot was a bit predictable in my opinion, however, that did not take way from the enjoyablity of the book. If you want something fun, quick and easy to read I suggest this book. Overall, gorgeous book cover, but basic story. I still recommend the book though because it is quick and easy to read.

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It was a bit difficult to get into the book. I wanted to root for the characters, but didn't really feel connected to them. The author does a good job immersing you into camp life. This book didn't quite capture my interest. 2/5

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I ended up @DNF it at 71%.
the cover is really beautiful and the story`s blurb seems interesting, but it all fell flat to me. The MC was boring and didn`t care about any of the characters.

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I, unfortunately, could not get into this book. I got about 45% though and could not finish it. So let me rant.

night owls and summer skies open with our main character, Emma lane, going to stay with her toxic, bigoted mother for the summer, but things quickly go awry when it's revealed Emma will be going to camp mapplewood while her mother and brand-new husband go on their honeymoon. she's determined to get out but she gets caught up in a whirlwind of drama, as well as a budding romance with Vivian black, who is a counselor.

My biggest problem was Vivian. I just could not stand her. Vivian pursues this relationship just as much as Emma but no one around Vivian thinks this is a problem, like what?!? Vivian looks through Emma's phone and makes fun of her campers. Like why? Also, I and the writing just didn’t click. I didn't feel any connection to the characters. The dialogues were very choppy and felt too much like a script to make it seem interesting. I was so excited for this because a gay summer romance? Yes, please! Unfortunately, this just didn't work.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publishers for giving me an e-copy for review.

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Wow is all I can say about this book. Vivian the main character gets in a relationship with a camper, which is a big no no. And would never be a thing in real life. I couldn’t finish this book. Maybe it was written for a certain audience. But that isn’t me.

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This book had a slow start but I enjoyed the character development throughout. It covers important topics and was overall a good read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the author for allowing me to read and review this book.

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A YA book where teens are actually teens and not just adults put in teen settings? A camp where sexuality isn't a big concern? Funny and quirky characters? Sign me up.
I truly did enjoy this summer camp story.

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this is a beautiful book of self-discovery and romance. Covering the theme of two girl protagonists falling for each other, I enjoyed the book a lot.

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There was a lot about this book that I enjoyed, but also a bit that just didn't sit well with me. I was fascinated by the main character's story, especially her crippling mental health issues and how she worked to overcome them. I found Emma Lane to be complex and complicated but likeable. She had so much going on in her life, the fractured relationship with her mother, her sexuality and her mental health. She had so many layers and we got to see many of them peeled back throughout the story. I loved her bluntness and ability to stand up for herself despite the consequences. She was such a strong-willed heroine and I truly enjoyed that.

The level of bullying that took place in this story made my heart hurt. And the fact that it went unpunished made me so angry. None of the characters seemed to want to stand up to the "mean girl", except Emma. But even she did it all on her own and never really used the the adults at her disposal to help the situation. The amount of manipulation, taunting, boundary crossing that Lauren the protagonist was able to get away with just made me furious. No matter what excuses she made for her behavior, it was clear that she was truly an cold-hearted person who only cared about herself. Her behavior was downright vile.

For a YA romance story, it definitely didn't contain any heat or steam. A little kissing and necking and that was all. This book played it way too safe, given the ages of the characters. I also found it extremely far fetched with just how many characters in this small-town story identified as LBGTQ+. It felt like the author was trying a little too hard to create unique characters to set this book apart from other YA books. The dialogue and storyline teetered too much between a mature YA and a middle grade book. I had a hard time relating to the story because of this vacillation. At times I felt like I was reading about a bunch of 6th graders and other times I did acknowledge the older teenager struggles and situations.

Overall, I liked the author's writing style and found the story intriguing. For a debut novel by a very young author, I thought this was a solid book. I loved the friendships that were founded at the summer camp especially between Gwen and Emma. I appreciated the strength to face her fears that Emma discovered while being around Vivian. I would have loved to get an epilogue about E & V, just to see how things played out for them once Summer was over. I was fully invested in their unique relationship.

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I didn't like this book. It wasn't the power unbalance of the love interest being a counselor in the camp and the mc being a camper, it was more about the mean girl, the bully. I just don't like books with bullies. It's a personal thing. If the rest of the story was good, I could've overseen that, but sadly it wasn't very good, the characters weren't likable and the story felt flat and I really didn't want to keep reading. The "adults" weren't reliable and that's okay, it happens, I get it, but Emma didn't make the best decisions. I wish this was different, but sadly, writing style, plot and characters all didn't work for me.

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The cover and the premise of the book motivated me to request an arc, but it turns out I didn't like it, the characters were bland, and the writing was a little weird.

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I received a free digital copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

This book was adorable. We really need more queer representation in our YA books.

Thank you kindly to the author, the publisher, and NetGalley for this review copy.

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As a result of my various committee appointments and commitments I am unable to disclose my personal thoughts on this title at this time. Please see my star rating for a general overview of how I felt about this title. Additionally, you may check my GoodReads for additional information on what thoughts I’m able to share publicly. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to read this and any other titles you are in charge of.

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