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After All I've Done

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wow a great book The characters were marvelous.....I was hooked right from the start.....The plot twist at the end was wow.....The book had lots of twists and turns to it......
What if you lost your memory of the last year due to a car accident? Step by step we find out what happened .....
great book would read this author again .....

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I have mixed feelings about this book. It was so well written and done that I had to read it in one sitting on one hand.
But on the other side, I feel like some parts of the story were so predictable that I wanted to stop at all.
I can’t really say that I loved or got close to any of the characters but the author managed to mix different personalities so well that everything mixes up perfectly in a way.
What I didn’t expect was the ending and that final twist. I think only for that alone, it’s well worth your time reading this book.

Many thanks to the publisher for my review copy.

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Oh boy! A lot of open mouth shockers in this book!
Diana has suffered a terrible accident leaving her missing months of her life which has caused a lot of confusion! It seems that events that happened during that time could help her understand what is going on in her life and why. Her best friend Val is sleeping with her husband but is there more to the story? She finds a list in her drawer and tries to piece together what she was doing before and what her abbreviations
on her list might mean. She was in a terrible
car accident but can’t remember what happened. She is taking pain pills and taking different meds for the amnesia. She is confused and still feels that things aren’t quite right. As the missing pieces start fitting together, she will unravel so many secrets some that were supposed to stay hidden forever!
Thank you Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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Ooooh, this was a fun one.

Coming out in November, After All I’ve Done is the story of Diana, who suffered amnesia after being in a terrible car accident. She can’t remember a thing about the 6 months prior to the accident, and must rely on her husband and mother-in-law to fill in the gaps and take care of her. This wouldn’t be such a problem if her husband wasn’t a liar, and if she didn’t feel like her mother-in-law was hiding something...

Told from multiple points of view, this was a great domestic psychological thriller that will have you speeding through the pages and reading until the wee morning hours to finish it. A great read for the spooky time of year. 👻

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with an advanced copy for an honest review!

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This book is a wild ride. The majority of the book is about a love triangle between Diana (the heroine), her husband Jonathan, and her best friend Val. Though at first it seems clear who the villain is in the situation, it turns out there’s more to it than meets the eye. Further complicating matters, Diana was recently in a car accident and has amnesia regarding the last 8 months or so of her life. We then follow Diana and Val as Diana slowly unravels the drama that took place during that time while her husband’s mother helps take care of her.

This book is a tough one to review! On the one hand, it’s compulsively readable, a page turner, and kept me interested and invested throughout. On the other hand, I felt like the majority of the book (maybe the first 3/4) focused more on relationship and love-triangle drama than mystery and murder, which is what I like in my suspense books. There’s a lot of action and solving of mystery at the end, which was good, but then there was also one twist too far that for me was super unbelievable. Overall I thought this author had a lot of talent and the book was fun to read. I’d be interested in reading a book from her that was a little less family/affair drama and a little more murder mystery from the start. (And I have to say, this book has a great title that fits perfectly.)

3.5 stars, rounded up for the fun in reading this. Thanks to Crooked Lane, Mina Hardy and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for the honest review.

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Diana and Val were best friends growing up. Diana ended up marrying Jonathan and having a "rich" life. Val had moved away, only to move back home when her dad got sick and she needed to take care of him. At some point, Diana and Val made an agreement because Diana wanted to leave Jonathan, but according to the prenup she had to have proof of his infidelity ... enter Val's part in the scheme. Diana then had a bad car accident ... one so bad that she suffered anesthesia-related amnesia and could not recall at least two months of her life, what happened, who was involved, what she did or did not do, nothing. Her memories were just gone. During her accident, she had broken both of her collarbones so in swoops her mother-in-law, Harriett, who incidentally lived above Diana and Jonathan's garage in an apartment. Harriett cooked for Diana, drove her to her appointments, basically was the "mom" Diana never had, Diana having been adopted by a drug-addicted woman.

This story takes an interesting turn near the end of the book. I kept flipping pages to find out what was going to happen, if Diana was going to recover her memory. I was starting to piece things together while reading, but really was quite surprised at who the bad guy turned out to be.

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Well that was different and not the ending I saw coming. I'm kind of not sure what to say on that.

Diana has had a car accident that broke both her collar bones, her best friend is sleeping with her husband and she has no idea what happened because she has anesthesia induced amnesia. Now she has to figure out what has happened to her money, what her nightmares are trying to tell her and what happened to her prenup.

I had to trudge through the first 65% of the book because I couldn't get into the characters, the plot and the constant infidelity. After that, the book started to get interesting and I actually wanted to keep reading. The whodunnit was not a surprise to me, but there was a weird twist that made me go huh? This book was not for me, but it looks like other people really enjoyed it, so maybe it is just me.

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the eARC in exchange for my honest review!

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A quite fast paced thriller that unfortunately felt like a hot mess at times.
The basic premise of the story is that Diana is trapped in a loveless marriage with a very well-to-do man, Jonathan and in order to seek a way out enlists the help of her best friend, Valerie, who agrees to attract Jonathan into an affair.
Also, omnipresent is Jonathan’s mother, Harriet who lives to play the role of a caring and nurturing mother.

Despite being interesting at times the story couldn’t really hold my attention throughout and the writing felt tedious and unreasonably stretched out at times.

The twist at the end was the most gross and surprising twist I’ve ever come across.

I did not in particular enjoy it a lot but I’m sure many readers will!

Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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We read psychological thrillers for the twists and turns. This particular one seemed fairly obvious to me from the beginning. While I'd recommend it for beach or vacation reading, it's one that I struggled to remember when considering writing a review.

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After All I've Done is a thriller with A LOT going on. Diana was involved in a car accident, and she is missing some of her memory. Her best friend is sleeping with her husband, and her mother-in-law is overly attentive. Each chapter of this book is told from a different character's perspective and from different time frames. This was very confusing at times. Also, no one in this book is likable, and the reader isn't given enough information about each character to really get to know them. However... the ending of this book was crazy! So, that made up for some of my issues with the characters and the book layout. Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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After All I've Done is a thrilling story of a woman named Diana. Diana gets into a car accident while driving herself to the hospital. After she wakes up from emergency surgery they realize she has anestheaia- induced amnesia. She cannot remember anything from the last four months of her life. As Diana begins to navigate her relationships with her husband, friends, and mother- in-law, Diana begins to realize that everything is not as it seems.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is told from Diana's perspective with a handful of chapters also from her best friend's, Valerie, perspective. The time jumps around a lot from their childhood, before the accident, and the present. So this took a little bit to square away in my mind. I was able to guess the twists pretty early on, but that final turn had my mind blown.

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I give this book 3.5 stars, but really close to 4. This book had an amazing ending! Like wow, I am totally mind blown. It also really made me rethink the title (which I had felt like I figured out). For me, most of the middle dragged for the book. For the last 20% percent of the book, I couldn't put it down, but I didn't feel that way for the rest of the book.
The story switches between three different point of views; two former best friends, and someone else that our main character knows. Diana is piecing together everything she forgets due to a car accident, and trying to figure out why she keeps having the same nightmare (this nightmare gave me chills). You will never see this ending coming. I recommend trying this book out!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and to the publisher for my ARC which I received in exchange for my honest review. After All I've Done is a domestic thriller about two women who have been best friends since childhood. Their relationship has withstood the test of time and seen them through some of life's darkest moments. Using a common plot device of the thriller genre, the book is told through the perspective of both women.

As the book opens, Diana is recovering from a serious car accident as well as gallbladder surgery. She is in constant pain and almost completely reliant on her mother-in-law Harriet. Harriet is one of those women who is overly involved in the lives of her children and lives in a guest house on the property where Diana and her husband Johnathan reside. Why isn't Johnathan acting as Diana's primary caregiver you may ask? He's too busy sleeping with her best friend Val. In addition to her physical pain and weakness, Diana is also suffering from anesthesia induced amnesia. She has lost several months of memories and is having recurring nightmares which allude to some sinister secrets which she had uncovered prior to the accident.

Val does not initially believe that Diana actually has amnesia and thinks that her best friend might be using her medical condition to hold on to Johnathan, Before the reader can judge Val as completely self-serving, you learn that it was actually Diana's idea for Val to sleep with her husband in the first place thus freeing Diana to seek a divorce.

This tangled web is revealed early on in the book, and somehow it is not even close to being the most unbelievable thing that occurs. As the truth about Diana's life is revealed the shocking depths to how far some people will go in order to be close to the ones they love is laid bare. The ending of this book is a doozy, so hang on to your seats!

Both Diana and Val are very flawed characters and yet I enjoyed reading about their friendship. There is a very poignant scene between the two women that takes place when Diana is briefly hospitalized that I found to be particularly moving. It is the depth of emotion between these lifelong friends which makes the final scenes in the book somehow genuine despite the outlandish scenario.

Overall, I found After All I've Done to be an engrossing domestic thriller. I recommend this book.

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Thank you netgalley and @crookedlanebooks for this digital e-arc.
Mina Hardy you are twisted and dark and I love it !
This one was wild and warning... do NOT read the last quarter of the book on a full stomach. There , you have been warned.
Diana has lost everything, her husband, best friend and even her mind. She now suffers from amnesia following a bad car accident. She keeps having these wild and vivid dreams that she might have killed someone or something on the night of her accident. her husband assures her that she did neither. her devoted and adoring mother-in-law who happens to live above their garage, takes excellent care of her as she recuperates from her injuries.
Her best friend Valerie is sleeping with her husband and Diana knows all about it but she doesn't even care enough to confront either her friend or her husband. Everyday she wakes up with the hope that today is the day when her memories all come back. To bring some sense of normalcy into her life she decided to take an art class. She meets Cole with whom she ...yup ! has an affair of her own and I was like -- you know what Diana. Do what you need to do to feel 'normal'. I say this because I am hating on her friend for sleeping with her husband in the first place.
As the story of the night of the accident unfolds.... we soon realize that everyone is a LIAR ! I didn't want to be right about the major twist - I never want to be right ! I want to be shocked and surprised by the ending of all my books...but dammit I was right for this one. And when it was revealed I felt sick to my stomach . You will NOT believe what it is....I am a self appointed genius for having figured out. Calling all thriller seekers...with a release date of Nov 10Th, 2020 be sure to add this one to your must read list.

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They say there is a very line line between live and hate. This book backs up that thought. A twisted tangled maze that doesn’t slow down until the final pages. Great read that causes the question “who can you trust?”

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Thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for the ARC of After All I’ve Done by Mina Hardy. I am a sucker for books that deal with memory loss and this one did not disappoint!

Diana wakes up from a car accident with amnesia and no memory of the last couple of months. When she learns that her best friend, Val, is having an affair with her husband, she is determined to divorce him. However, with an iron clad pre-nup, she is determined to figure out what went wrong. To make matters worse, she is having nightmares about the night of the accident. Fearing that things aren’t as they seem, Diana feels lost and alone. What really happened that night? Will she figure it out before it’s too late?

The beginning of this book started out very slow, but I flew through it starting at 40%. It is creepy with lots of clever twists and turns that will leave you appalled and aghast until the final reveal at 95%. Ultimately, I did guess the person behind the tumult, but still enjoyed it. It is filled with unlikeable and unreliable characters which lead the reader to question everything. I really enjoyed this book and recommend it to those who like domestic thrillers.

4/5 stars

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A story with the air of mystery around it, that kept me engaged to the end. While trying to discover figures in the dark, one twist was coming after another. Had a nice smooth flow and the first person narrative made me live inside the characters environment. The ending was predictable though, but didn't have a problem with this since I liked the plot a lot.

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This was an insane thriller. I figured out half of the big revelations early on, but oh my great and glorious God, I didn't see the other half coming from a mile away... Normally that would be a great thing, but here it felt overdone. This was the mother of all reveals - literally. And it actually made me laugh out loud. Also literally.

The story is an entertaining, if not altogether original, one. Admittedly, it felt a lot longer than it actually was. There was never a point where I thought about stopping, but there were several where it felt like the parade of horribles heaped on her characters was simply overwhelming the story. But I knew something was coming, and I was invested enough to see what that something would look like.

The writing was enjoyable throughout, the characters were generally detestable in the way of such domestic thrillers, and the secrets were pretty predictable - but it was an engaging read for all that. Then Things Started Being Revealed (yes, it deserves caps) and the book went from zero to sixty in about a half a second.

Personally, I found the ending a bit ridiculous. But I still read all the way through, and would read another from Mina Hardy. She did an admirable job getting me to fall into a story full of people that weren't very likeable, and I suspect it's because she'd made them so believable. For all their failures and faults and frailties, the characters seemed real and genuine in their broken selfishness. It made the story resonant even (especially?) when it was not pleasant. It made for a taut read and provided more than adequate cover for the moments that felt overdone.

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This book was twisted! I read the ending and said, "wait, what?" Read it again and thought "no way!" I kept changing my mind on which character was the good guy vs a bad guy. In the end, all of the characters were kind of unlikeable. The main character Diana drinks lots of white wine. I had to pour myself a glass because the ending left me speechless.

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Once I got hooked into After All I've Done, I couldn't put it down. It's the kind of domestic thriller that has a strong balance of unreliable narration, red herrings, and constant twists. Even though I figured out some of the reveals, there was at least one big one that I didn't see coming.

I found it a little disorienting to jump between multiple perspectives that had changing timelines. I often had to recalibrate to check where I was in the overall storyline. It unfortunately took a little bit away from the pacing, but not enough that I didn't understand what was going on.

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