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After All I've Done

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Completely and utterly speechless . I devoured this book in a few short hours. Gripping, compelling and so unbelievably twisted, “After All I’ve Done” pulled me in and never let me go. This had all the qualities I want in a psychological thriller from non-stop twists, unreliable characters (most whom you hate), and an ending that I never saw coming. I thought the plot, at first, seemed like it had been done before with the whole “car accident causing amnesia “ but wow was I wrong. This book was like a trip on the crazy train and I never wanted to get off!! So far my top pick of 2020! A must read!
I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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My thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for a free ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

What a twisted tale! What a twisted twist! When I read that crucial part, I sank back against my chair and laughed in disbelief. I may have even yelped out loud!

This was really well written. I didn't understand the distancing from Cole, though (no spoilers here - but that was a real disappointment. It just makes Diana come across as Mrs. Freeze. Was it really always all about the money and the house after all? I have to say, I didn't like Diana all that much. Val didn't strike me was the greatest friend that ever lived, either. I also couldn't understand Jonathan - his being so upset at the end. I'll let you discover this for yourself, though, and maybe you can post your thoughts on that angle. Despite these minor oddities, it was a great domestic thriller!

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Wow. What a great book, one of those can’t put down, stay up all night finishing it types. After a car accident that left Diana injured and needing help she leans on her overbearing mother-in-law while she tries to recover physically and from “anesthesia induced amnesia”. The book goes back and forth between Diana’s POV and her best friend Val’s. Initially I thought this was going to be another predictable ending but Mina Hardy threw me for a loop and I loved it!

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You’ve all heard the quote, “If Momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy,” right? Well friends, the proof is in the pudding, with this delicious tale. After All I’ve Done, puts a face complete with ruby red lips to what a psycho is. 5 stars

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Great story told by different characters points of view. After a car accident has left Diana with no memory, she struggles to piece it all back together. I felt for her character as she appeared to be losing so much, including her best friend and husband - but cheered when she would gather strength to find answers! Great psychological suspense book.

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A well written and suspenseful story. Very deep and so far unlike anything I’ve ever read. Highly recommended xx

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What happens when you don't know who you can trust or what reality is false or real? I love psychological suspense novels that allow you to delve into the lives of characters and the people who may or not be who they say they are. Thanks NetGalley for another great reading experience.

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This started off with me feeling sorry for Diana. Then I thought she was awful. Then I was back to feeling bad. Her life was a roller coaster. Cheating husband, a friend's betrayal, a doting mother in law, attractive mystery man. Once I seriously sat down with it, I could not stop until I finished. I thought I had it figured out, but the ending shocked me. I never saw it coming.
Thanks Netgalley.

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Diana has lost any memory of several months of her life before a terrible car accident. As she works to rebuild herself physically in the present, she struggles to also rebuild her movements of the past..This domestic noir kept my undivided attention from start to finish. I was not surprised to learn that the author has written numerous romance/erotica novels under a different name, as she doled out the reveals as expertly as a dance of the seven veils, with just enough tease to keep the reader hooked.throughout.
Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an advanced copy in exchange for an unbiased review.

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This is a quick read although I couldn’t finish it because of the language. Others might enjoy the story if they can get part that. It just seemed to me that the characters were not the type that I enjoy reading about,’so I read as long as I could. The story seemed to move along in an interesting way, somgive it a get-it might be one I wish I had finished.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this. I will be posting a full review to Goodreads, Amazon, and Instagram.

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Wow. Mina Hardy has written a top-notch mystery. We meet Diana following a car accident, and join her on her journey as she tries to regain her memory of the time leading up to it. I really enjoyed the telling of the story from the different perspectives; it allows the reader to get to know the characters on a much deeper level. The twists and turns are plentiful, and the ending is both surprising and satisfying.

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What. The. Hell. Just. Happened. I did not see the absolute craziness of After All I’ve Done coming, and crazy it is but in a ‘I can’t take my eyes off this craziness’ kind of way. After All I’ve Done was one of those books that had me literally shaking my head in absolute wonder as revelations are slowly revealed in tantalizing little bites. This who-dun-it thriller is quite literally filled with unreliable narrators (my favorite!) and I didn’t know who to trust at any given time. There were times I’d swear one person was a lying scheming maniac only to change my mind in the next chapter and shift the scheming crown to another. As a huge fan of psychological thrillers, I like to see a plot that keeps me guessing and characters that can evoke a variety of emotions from me. The twists are most definitely twisty and the turns are hairpin. This is a thriller I would recommend to any fan of the genre.

A big thank you to Crooked Lane Books, Mina Hardy and NetGalley for providing me with a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Diana was in a life changing car accident that took her memory. But... it also took her husband and her best friend. She can't piece it together completely, but she knows something happened. Something she may have been apart of that caused her best friend to lure her husband away from their marriage. Now she's alone, with only her mother-in-law to help care for her post accident as she tries to put the pieces back together.

Then the dreams begin. Dreams of the accident... the night of the accident. Did she hit someone? Something? Is there something no one is telling her?

This book was compulsively readable. It got me out of a reading lull due to it's movement. However, the ending left much to be desired. It felt like the book wasn't leading us to that ending, but also, it wasn't intentionally not leading us either. It seemed the book itself did not know where it was going. I found the characters to be fairly unlikable. The relationship between Diana and her mother-in-law drove me to the brink due to it's instability and codependency.

I still think this book has a lot to offer in the domestic suspense category, but for those reasons it was not a five star read.

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This is a really good read!
Great character formations, a gripping storyline which was totally unpredictable right until the end.
I hope to read more from this author, and I definitely recommend it his book to all thriller and general fiction fans!

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A huge thank you to NetGalley and Crooked Lane Books for letting me review After All I’ve Done.


Diana has lost everything! Her husband, her best friend and her mind too. A car accident left her badly injured both physically and mentally. Despite struggling with her memory, she knows something is not quite right, there is more to the accident and the bad dreams she is having is leaving her with doubts about her life. Diana has no one she can confide in, everyone thinks she has lost her mind, her mother in law is controlling and her best friend is sleeping with her husband. Her only hope is herself to find out the true events and fill in the missing blanks, however she is not prepared for what she discovers.

Wow, wow, wow! What a read. I was eager to dive into this after seeing the positive reviews, the eye-catching cover and the intriguing synopsis that had me wanting answers before I had even turned to page one. I hope this wouldn’t be a thriller that would disappoint and it certainly wasn’t! This may be one of my favourite reads of the year so far.

From chapter one, I instantly felt sympathy for Diana and I was quick to cast my judgements on other characters, but I had a feel that these could be changed at any minute. I despised her best friend Val from the beginning but at times I could sympathise with the position she was put in. As for Diana’s husband- I could not trust him as far as I could throw him but at times, I felt sorry for his predicament. I loved how I was unable to trust any character; this made the book interesting and kept me on my toes. Even Diana was like a different character in the flash backs which made me doubt her at times. The introduction of Cole particularly caught my attention as I just could not work out if he was a good guy due to his weird and stalkerish behaviour. I also particularly liked the characters who were manipulative because it seriously had you questioning who was genuine!

The character jumps were easy to follow, as was the jump in times which made the book flow perfectly. From the first chapter there was clever twists and turns which resulted in the book hooking me in and it did not let me go until the very last page. There was plenty of action throughout which made the book hard to put down, and when I did put it down, I was eager to return. I lost track of time reading this fantastic thriller.

When reading After All I’ve done, I honestly felt a tenseness when reading some chapters. The constant twists and turns were very intense at times. I was on the edge of my seat towards the end because I was eager to find out the answers and when I got them, they definitely weren’t expected! Not only was the book tense, action packed and thrilling, it did a brilliant job at raising awareness of mental health issues and suicide.
I absolutely loved how the ending shocked me and literally made my stomach turn! I suspected which characters may be involved in the big twist but I was taken a back and stunned as to what the twist was! I was left in disbelief and I had no idea what to think when I had finished the book. Well done Mina Hardy, this is definitely a thriller that thrills!

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Oh man. After All I've Done is so many parts crazy and I was here for every single bit of it. This was such a twisty drama that just when I thought I knew what was happening, I was thrown through another loop. I love not being able to solve a book's mystery before it's revealed to us and while I had inklings about what was happening, I had absolutely no idea that we would end where we did.

As much as you can, go into this book blind. Yes, it's about a woman who got into a car accident and now has lost part of her memory. But in reality, it's about so much more than that. It's about love, loss, paranoia, psychosis, and a whole lot of "oh SHOOT, did that really just happen?!" There's a feeling of unease that I had throughout this whole book and I think that goes to Hardy's writing style - you know something is brewing, and you know it's big. But you really don't know what IT actually is.

Each character has a little (or a lot) bit of vileness to them and that the book even more fun to devour. Are they who they say they are? Who's lying? Who can be trusted? These are questions I asked myself until the last page.

Many thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of After All I've Done in exchange for an honest review.

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Yes! I did not guess this ending!! Super interesting story line, one that I haven't read before. Which is hard with the other 97 million who done it books out there. Short enough to finish in a couple of days, everything wrapped up with no loose ends. Also. Who knew amnesia from anesthesia was a thing??

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Holy... Wasn't sure I was even in a reading mood when I picked this up today and OMG Icouldn't put it down. Great..fantastic..wonderful thrill of a ride from beginning to end. More I want more!
Devoured this one in a few hours. Add this one to your 2020 reading list you won't be disappointed,

Thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for an early release of this book.

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After All I’ve Done is a great thriller with spunk! Definitely recommend this book coming out in October 2020!
Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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