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This was a great read, fascinating story and solid artwork. I'm extremely late to the Garth Ennis train but I plan on making ammends.

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By the look of the cover it seemed interesting,but I couldn't get to it. I don't have access anymore so I am sorry.

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I read the first part and then read this to finish it. The story is still all over the place and remained confusing as ever. Reading the complete series did not help.

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This graphic novel pretty good and the artwork was also fantastic. It was creepy and dark, definitely a horror thriller and not something I would recommend to younger readers. Sensitive topic of child abuse. Older teens, ya, adult.
I received this ARC in exchange for my honest opinion from NetGalley.

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I started this series in April, and I read about 80% of it before I got distracted by other things. I kept telling myself I would return to it, but ultimately, I never did. Maybe if it hadn't been archived, I would have finished it (as opposed to buying it and finishing it). Ultimately, I decided it wasn't worth buying for this review, and that really tells you all that you need to know.

I don't read a lot of comics, but I enjoyed this for the most part. It was dark, demonic, and fast paced. Although, I am not that interested in cop stories. I know that still sounds pretty good, but really, it was just fine. Sure, it had the makings of a great series, but it never really *popped* as a stand out. Meaning, its use of dark and demonic aspects isn't enough to make it all that compelling.

Normally, I would finish an ARC to review, but if it wasn't an ARC, I am fine DNFing a book after I'm 3/4ths through because I've likely gotten the gist of it. That's the case here. If it was memorable or exciting, I'd happily buy the collection and finish it, but it isn't. A very fine book that fails to make a big impression.

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Blown away by this GN, absolutely amazing from the outset. The art is really top of the tree and the plot is well thought out and a tale well told. Every page will have you wondering what's ahead and there is an off, creept feeling to the whole tale. The deeper you dig the creepier it gets too.

Favourite GN of 2020

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I really like Garth Ennis's work, so it was great to be able to read this series from start to finish. The artwork is done really well, and the story is dark and gritty and worms its way under your skin--perfect Ennis. While I don't believe this is the best work of his that I've read, it's certainly worth your time, and I would definitely recommend it.

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E' davvero una passeggiata all'inferno quella a cui invita Ennis, e chi lo conosce se lo può ben immaginare.
Splatter quanto ci si aspetta, violento, cupissimo: una chicca per gli amanti dell'autore.

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I really liked this graphic novel. It was trippy as hell. It got a little confusing going back and forth between when they were in the warehouse and things set in motion before but overall, a good read! Might have to buy this in hardcover for my graphic novel collection.

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This is a book that has a ton of disturbing images, writing, and story. There are themes of child abuse and mutilation. The story is still compelling and I wanted to finish the book, but afterwards I was hesitant to recommend it to any one, particularly a public library.

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Garth Ennis wrote such haunting words that came together into a storyline that I couldn’t stop thinking about for days after finishing.

Books are always an amazing way to get through tough times in life but this was definitely a favorite of mine. I couldn’t stop thinking about it when I wasn’t reading it and had to turn every page till the very end. I was beyond saddened that it was over but was so much better for the content.

Thank you to the publisher, author, and Netgalley for the gifted review copy. All opinions are my own.

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Well, yay me. I distinctly said when reviewing Book One of this story that it was hard to judge without having access to the whole thing at once. And that was true, partly because the two halves (I had said that not knowing it was just a year of monthlies, and a two-book thing) are so different. Part One concentrates on the warehouse from hell, or at least The Outer Limits of the Twilight Zone, as people have either had a tendency to come out quivering with abject horror, or not come out at all. The second book, which I hadn't seen before all this, is much more concerned with Issues, which had been clearly present in the first half but not as strong – partly as the way they were expressed were by far the least interesting bits.

Seeing the whole piece, I'm still not sure it's a huge success, but it still has the chance to grip. It is a difficult book to read, for the multiple switches of focus and narrative and time. I'm still not sure what the heck happens to some of the people, which is of course the point. But it's certainly brave, in sticking its neck out to convey man's humanity to man, not only with one eye on the 2016 US election, but with a dark look at paedophilic predation and a whole heap of other stuff. The creators more or less pull off more than they slip up with, so for me the whole thing is three and a half stars.

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Alright, so disclosure: I had read an ARC of part one of this way back in the day, and it left me incredibly confused. So I got this complete version from Netgalley also, to see if reading the whole thing would make it make sense. Nope. It did not.
This is still incredibly confusing and I STILL have no damn clue what was happening to anyone at any given time.

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It's a fantastic story I would gladly give 5 stars. If the final issue never happened, that is. So much great stuff, so much build-up, so many arcs, and we get a truly disappointing closure. A shame. Anyway, as a whole, A Walk Through Hell stands out in the modern comic landscape as a series that made bold choices and made them work. I dislike the grand finale, but I'm sure others will enjoy it.

Well worth a read.

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Thank you to the publisher for giving me a free copy of this comic in exchange for an honest review.

I really loved this! I think this story is so good!!! I definitely recommend it. The story develops nicely and doesn't drag. There are more than enough events in the story to keep you entertained and it doesn't get boring at all!
I was a bit hesitant on reading this because I usually don't read horror of some sort but I really enjoyed reading this and the story really grabbed me.

The Art style is pretty good. I had to get used to it for a little bit. But after I got used to it was very easy to go through and I really ended up enjoying it so much.

Definitely recommend this one :D

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Another weird horror book from Garth Ennis. It was a little hard to follow, and had to re-read some sections, but in the end, enjoyable.

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"A Walk Through Hell: The Complete Series" is an intense and deeply disturbing horror comic that will keep readers guessing the whole way though. The art is exceptional and very gory. The story is convoluted and confusing, but intriguing as well. Political and religious commentary are likely to offend many readers, but present some interesting concepts to consider. There are many jumps in time, mostly through flashbacks, which some readers may find confusing. By the end however, most if not all of the timeline will fall into place. The ending was not quite satisfying, but the book is still worth reading for anyone who loves horror and gore.

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(Review will also be posted to Amazon)

Garth Ennis is a writer I've been hot and cold on. I enjoyed Preacher and his take on the Punisher. I was cold on The Boys. I didn't really know what to expect out of this horror book, but it exceeded my expectations, especially given the middling reviews it received as it was released.

This complete edition is how it should be read. I could see how this would fail as monthly comics. Taken together it weaves a disturbing, unsatisfying tale. This isn't merely a story about a supernatural warehouse. This is a book about politics in the Trump years, the stress of law enforcement, morality and forgiveness.

It's also scary. Really scary.

But to be clear, this isn't a book for everyone. It is violent and disturbing. It is mercilessly anti-Trump (which for me is a big plus, but of course may turn off other readers). It is more introspective than the average Ennis book, much to it's credit. It won't work for everyone, but for me, it's one of the best I've read this year.

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This book was way to gory for me. So much so I had a hard time following the story. It was not for me.

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"Read a comic book before bed!" I said.
"It will be fun!" I said.
One should never read anything written by Garth Ennis before bed. Because... of reasons. After reading The Boys I should have known better.

A Walk Through Hell: The Complete Series is all kinds of weird, crazy, violent and bloody. I didn't fully understand the plotline but that's on me. I'll eventually re-read it because both the writing and the illustrations are great.

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