Cover Image: A Happy Catastrophe

A Happy Catastrophe

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It’s been four years since we have seen Marnie and Patrick and their lives have never been better! Until a surprise lands on their doorstep, Patrick is offered a gallery show, and Marnie has realized how desperately she wants a baby of her own.

I absolutely loved Matchmakers For Beginners so I was so excited when I saw there was a second book coming out! We once again see the magic in Marnie, and a little bit of the depression in Patrick. I really wish Patrick would have gone to a therapist in this one…he seriously needs it! Either way though, this book brought some truly wonderful new characters into Marnie and Patricks lives (hello Fritzie, you lovable girl you!) and I was so here for it. There were a few little things that bothered me throughout the book, mostly Patrick related, but in the end I still really love this one and I think he was meant to annoy you a bit at times. If you loved Matchmakers For Beginners, be sure tp grab a copy of this one when it comes out May 26th!

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Thanks to NetGalley and Lake Union Publishing for providing an advanced copy! I found Matchmaking for Beginners as part of Kindle First Reads and devoured it on a flight. The sequel is just as fun to read! I usually am not a fan of “cutesy” books but I make an exception for Marnie and Patrick. Just like its predecessor, I finished this book feeling happy and optimistic. Definitely recommend for a fun quarantine read!

Review posted on GoodReads on April 14, 2020.

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I must start off this review by stating that I did not realize A Happy Catastrophe was a sequel to Matchmaking for Beginners. I have not read Matchmaking for Beginners, but I still enjoyed this read.

In A Happy Catastrophe, we follow whimsical Marnie and forlorn Patrick as they navigate their evolving relationship and the surprises (both good and bad) life throws at them. Throughout the novel, we see both Marnie and Patrick's point of view, which adds to the story. I was rooting for Marnie and Patrick to grow and develop. The writing fits the story beautifully! It was a deeper read than I initially anticipated, so I would suggest keeping a box of tissues close by. Overall, a good read especially for those who have read Matchmaking for Beginners.

Thank you to Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for this free ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to the author, Lake Union Publishing and NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I have not read "Matchmaking for Beginners", although it's on my wishlist, but was delighted to get the okay to read this book (first). To cut to the chase: I loved this book. It was whimsical and light-hearted on the surface - and then took a turn toward much deeper and darker issues, and came through them with what I felt was an honest account of the struggles that loss, grief, feeling unloved and abandoned, and heartache entail. Yes, the ending may have been a bit too pat, and glossed over the need for professional help with mental health issues, but I found the story, and the characters, immensely lovable.

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I absolutely loved Matchmaking for Beginners, so I was delighted to learn that a sequel was coming out. I was a little nervous about the possibilities of the story, seeing as there's only so much you can do in a follow-up with a couple that was established in a first book. But I totally didn't expect the way the growth between Marnie and Patrick was handled and how quickly I warmed up to the new characters. Dawson's writing is just as buttery and nourishing as before, and the book is truly difficult to put down. Perfect for when you need a lighthearted but fulfilling read!

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Thanks to netgalley and the publisher for an advanced reader copy of this book! It was so good to become reacquainted with Patrick and Marnie and see what magic and catastrophes would happen! I really enjoyed it!

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I loved Matchmaking for Beginners and was so excited read the sequel. I loved the whimsy of the first book and especially Marnie’s conversations with Blix. While this story revisited the characters I love (and some new ones who were a great additions to the brownstone and flower shop), this book took a much darker turn than the first.

Maddie Dawson’s characters feel real and messy, and this book took them on a journey that was full of hurtles and heartache. I loved the character growth and once I got into the story I didn’t want put it down. I only wished that Blix was still as much of an integral part of the story like she was in the first book. I missed her quirky character who even as a spirit was a big part of that book. She was still in a Happy Catastrophe to an extent but just not as much as I had hoped. While this wasn’t exactly what I expected I still enjoyed this book and I would like to continue reading about Marnie and Patrick’s story in the future.

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I loved this follow up. The characters are lovely people that I’d love to have in my life. I’m sad to be done with the story. Maybe Marnie and Patrick will show up again?

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I feel in love with these characters right from the beginning!! A beautifully written story filled with wonderful people!! love love love it! Highly highly recommend

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I was really glad to see that there was a second part of Marnie and Patrick's story. We left them at a happy point in their life in Matchmaking for Beginners. The story started off from that point and in the first part of the book I really enjoyed reading about this quirky couple. However, I was not really enthusiastic about Patrick's sudden turn. It was not what I had expected. From that point on I found the story too dark and painful. Also, there were so many subplots that I sometimes felt a little overwhelmed. I was glad to see a happy ending though.
It is still and interesting story and think it might be different for someone who hasn't read the first part, but for me it was not quite what I had hoped for.

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Thank you Netgalley and Lake Union Publishing for the advanced copy of this book to read and review!
Full disclosure, I actually haven't read Matchmaking for Beginners, but I thought this was a super cute novel. I definitely think you can read it without reading it's predecessor and works as a stand alone too. Marnie and Patrick have been together a while and Marnie is ready to take their relationship to the next level, but Patrick is still working through some things from his past. Unbeknownst to him, Patrick has a child and she shows up on his doorstep when he is not quite ready to step into the father role. Marnie and Patrick have to work through this precious gift from differing perspectives, while also working on their relationship. I enjoyed this quirky, sweet story!

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Thanks to Netgalley and Lake Union for this advance copy in exchange for an honest review.

This book is out May 26 2020.

When I saw that there was going to be a second part to Matchmaking for Beginners I was ecstatic. I am not sure what made me love that book but I did.

A Happy Catastrophe has the same feel but it gets a lot darker. When it's Patrick's POV it is like a literal dark cloud came over me. It was so dark and full of so much hurt, it made me hurt also. His story is so sad and my goodness how I wish I could see those paintings!!!

It still has a bit of the light feel because of the magic aspects I assume. But this book deals with a lot of brokenness. Which, is part of it's appeal. All of the characters are flawed and a bit broken. Which, makes them relatable.

There is a lot going on in this book and it is really interesting. My only problems with it was that it moved kind of slow for me. And then it seems like the ending was rushed. But I'd still recommend it. It a good story.

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<i> "Whatever happens, love that."</i> In the midst of the coronavirus, the heart of this book rings true. It was easy to gobble down in nearly one sitting, but was not as light-hearted as I had hoped and expected when I started it. Most of it was actually quite heavy and emotional, but so is life, and I appreciated this author adding that depth to her characters and story here. Parts were heart-warming, comforting, and showed the best characteristics of humanity. I was expecting a Hallmark movie type plot with a little magic mixed in, like the first book, but actually found a more developed story with characters I both loved and hated at various points. Ultimately, the story is happy, but that was expected from the title.

Thank you NetGalley & Lake Union for a copy of this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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A massive thanks to NetGalley for this free ARC (publication date: May 26, 2020) of this beautiful book!

This honest book review is my own. 

OH MY HEART. I loved, loved, LOVED this book! Which simply makes my heart soar as I adored the prequel to this story - Matchmaking for Beginners.

I don't want to give anything away (especially if you haven't read the first book) so I will just say this is the ultimate love story. It's about unconditional love, it's about finding light in the darkness, and it's about making your own soul families. 

This book is simply all the feels; all the sparkles. What a gift it is to read more of this story - and I send a huge thank you to Maddie Dawson for making my heart so full right now! And, hands down, one of my favorites of 2020 - a year that needs a little extra light and love! 

[5 out of 5 stars!] 

#AHappyCatastrophe #NetGalley

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This book was so cute. I really enjoyed Dawson’s other book about Marnie and Patrick. This book did not disappoint.

Marnie and Patrick are fated to be together, according to Blix. Now, Marnie wants a baby and Patrick wants peace. New characters are added to the mix: Fritzie, the Amazings, Millie, Janelle, Tessa. Old hurts and memories are dredged up.

There is laughter. There are fights. There is despair and depression. This book covers everything and gives you hope in love.

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I should preface this review by saying that I did not read "Matchmaking for Beginners" and had I, I probably would have enjoyed this book more. I really had a hard time connecting with the relationship between Marnie and Patrick as it seemed very illogical. While it had its cute moments and the character of Fritzie made me smile almost constantly, I just really had a hard time connecting with the story. I found the character development of Patrick very frustrating and almost "rushed". I wish I had read "Matchmaking" before this and possibly I would have enjoyed it more.

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In a world full of chaos... we all need some magic ✨⁣

💫 Maddie Dawson’s sequel to Matchmaking for Beginners - A happy catastrophe provides just that #MondayMagic ✨⁣

☀️ We are back with Marnie, Patrick and of course fury friend Bedford, for the next chapter in their adventure!⁣

🔎 Fast forward several years from when we were last with the gang, and although all the characters have grown, not a lot has changed and we are able to dive right back in where we left off - perfection! 🙃⁣

🔮 So much happens in this book, I am not going to spoil any of the plot but it was a charming, captivating and just so heart warming read! 😍⁣

✨ Maddie’s writing is just as magical as the story and I love how Blix’s sparkle is hidden within the pages, within all of their lives ... “𝙬𝙝𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙨, 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩” 🖤⁣

💫 I totally lost myself in this book, it was just what I needed... it was full to the brim of love and magic ... I’ve never loved characters so much. I am praying there will be another instalment 🙏🏻🙏🏻⁣

📚 In the mean time, I’ve ordered ALL Maddie Dawson’s previous books in the hope to find just a glimmer of the same magic from Marnie’s story 🤣 Thank you @maddiedaws for my advanced signed copy - you made me feel SO special 🥰⁣

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DNF at 20% and skipped to ending.

I really tried to like this one, especially after LOVING Matchmaking for Beginners and looking forward to picking up where Marnie & Patrick left off. I felt it didn't have the same ease and flow as the first book and I just couldn't get into it.

I am grateful for the opportunity to read an advanced copy and wish the book much success.

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There’s a lot to like about this book, and in fact for the first three quarters or so, it was more of a four-star read for me. The characters are really well-developed and complex and messy and real, and the relationships are very carefully and meaningfully developed and fleshed out, with the exception of Tessa (more on that in a moment). As a result, it all felt very relatable. The book was heavier than I was expecting, but not in a bad way - it tackled people’s problems and inner demons in a real way.

The final quarter of the book was what knocked it down to three stars for me. It was just too convenient and out of whack with how deeply built the characters are. I saw the outcome of the Janelle plot line coming from a mile away, for one thing. For another, I was very frustrated at how the major trauma/PTSD was treated toward the end. There wasn’t even a therapist involved. And I just could not understand Tessa. It never made sense to me now she could just have a total about-face about her own child and then basically never look back. It just didn’t fit, and I found myself getting annoyed and frustrated with how nearly everything tied up at the end. It felt incongruous with the depth and messy complexity of the characters and relationships to that point, and reduced my enjoyment of the book.

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I was a big fan of Matchmaking for Beginners and was really excited to receive this ARC. A Happy Catastrophe allows readers to see what happens “after they get together.” Patrick and Marnie were really relatable and fun characters to read about. While there was less magic in this story than MfB, there was still a touch added to remind you to believe. This book had so many laugh out loud funny moments and also moments where I had to grab my tissue box. Fritzie was hilarious and lovable. I absolutely loved her relationship with Marnie. Patrick is struggling with very real mental health issues that I thought were depicted very honestly. Everything in this book felt thoroughly real. Marnie and Fritzie were both such a light for Patrick with unwavering optimism. I was so happy Patrick and Marnie were able to work through their issues and I absolutely loved the ending. Now we just need another installment!

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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