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This was cute.

It definitely had character careers that I hadn't read before (online dating profile ghostwriters!) which I enjoyed and I enjoyed the banter between Zoey and Miles and Mary (what a crazy yet fun character!)

Is it a little slow? Yes, but it's a slow burn romance between two people who have no idea they are actually romancing each other while they have this semi hate/petty competitiveness going on over a coffee shop table (and don't tell me that you don't know what table is the best in your coffee shop, cause I bet you do, lol!) Zoey came off a little reclusive and although we eventually find out what her story is, I felt like that part of her personality was drug out a little bit, but it worked! It helped paint Miles as this native New Yorker who could show her his passion and love for the city while making her comfortable. I personally would have liked the reasons behind her fears revealed a bit earlier though to make her more relate-able. Overall, I enjoyed it!

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Online dating has a new spin: someone else manages your profile and talks on your behalf. While this doesn't feel realistic, it does make for a cute story. Zoey and Miles find each other through some extraordinary circumstances. First as strangers then as online profile corresponders. It's a fun light hearted story taking you through their first few months and a look into their future to come. While there is always twists in the plot, in the end they find their way back.
I recommend this book to anyone looking for a light hearted modern day romance. Definitely an enemy to lovers type of storyline.

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Looking for a book to make you forget life and enjoy all the feelings of a new relationship? This book is for you! I am very stingy with my four- and five stars, but this book definitely earned four stars.

I love the ghostwriter job that the book describes (and think it’s such a great idea)! The author keeps you entertained throughout the book, and just when you think you know what’s going to happen, PLOT TWIST! I definitely laughed out loud and lost my breath a few times while reading this book. Definitely a summer must read!

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3 Stars
This had a terrific take on the type of idea of being a Cyrano de Bergerac for online daters.
The idea of Ghostwriting profiles, emails, etc to have another fall for you reflected that and was an interesting concept and way for both of them to exchange their ideas and finally meet.

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so I really enjoyed this one guys! I was looking for a fun rom com, light hearted read and this didn’t disappoint. It was entertaining and I loved the characters. I laughed out loud numerous times 😂 it offered a fresh and relatable take on modern dating and did a great job in turning a rivalry into a romance. Lovers of Christina Lauren should give this a try!.
Being published this week!! 5/26 so jump on it 🤗.

I received an ARC of this book from @Netgalley and the publisher: Kensington Books for an honest review 🤗 thank you!

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I really wanted to love this book - and I did enjoy parts of it, but here is what didn't work for me:

1. Zoey and Miles' bosses' emails felt like fillers and I didn't understand what their purpose was in the overall plot;
2. Do people really hire ghostwriters to communicate with potential dates and love interests? And then shadow their clients when on dates? I am totally PRO suspending belief when it comes to rom coms, but I found myself questioning the premise of the book constantly;
3. Zoey and Miles' POV didn't feel that different and distinctive and I would have like more personal growth and background;
4. Zoey and Miles didn't actually get to spend that much time together - I would have liked to see them interact more.

Tash Skilton's writing is very witty though and it had lots of funny moments, but I think this was just one of those books that wasn't for me - I am grateful to @netgalley and @kensingtonbooks provided me with a copy in exchange for a review.

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Stars 3.5

I loved reading this book. The plot was simple yet unique; it didn't exactly made me feel hooked but it is one of those books which one can read with a leisure mind with only a few expectations, in fact it is kind of a fairy tale and I think I am going to always associate the fairy godmother with Mary Clarkson.....she is truly a deviant, sneaky

I really liked how everything in it seemed as an outcome of other things. Miles is such a sweetheart, a next-door-kinda-guy who ACTUALLY likes watching romcoms *swoons* While majority of female population tend dream about an alpha-rude guy, Miles is totally opposite of that image, he is sweet, caring and did i say that he loves Romcoms? He is the guy that someone wants in their life.

Zoey on the other hand is a much complex character with problems arisen due to her negligent parents. It was a far-fetched idea for me about how uncaring they were towards their only child but still i understand that such people are actually there. What we learn from the brief description of Zoey's parents is how not to be one like them! Oh boy! they really did a number on her.

There was a lot of character development both with Zoey and Miles. So that's definitely a plus point! The only negatives I could find were that there were many references about people and events and acronyms that someone outside of States could not understand and I believe that many international readers would have struggled to find whatever it was that the character's were discussing. And this is the only reason that I just couldn't rate this book a 4 stars or else it definitely would have been one.

Moreover as a side note I would really want to read Charles story if the author ever likes to write one in the same setting!

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Unfortunately this just wasn’t a good fit for me. The writing style just didn’t work for me. I didn’t find enough differentiation between online and real life. Also I didn’t find enough difference between the narrators voices. Finally it was just long and slow. Sorry, but not for me.

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I enjoyed this! My star rating is probably more like 3.5. I really liked the realistic dialogue and the honest communication between Miles and Zoey. I didn’t love the slow burn romance. Waiting until the last 20% of the book for Miles and Zoey to get together was annoying, although I did love the scenes when they finally do get together. Ultimately I think this is a great millennial rom com with good pop culture references and characters you care about.

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I loved Fame Adjacent by Sarah Skilton last year and she teamed up with Sarvenaz Tash for this book. The premise is that the love interests work as ghostwriters for competing dating agencies. It was a super cute premise and the execution was decent.

My biggest gripe off the bat is that both characters felt much younger than they were described. Both were late 20’s early 30s but they just seemed younger to me.

There is great banter between them as they go from enemies, to enemies who unknowingly fall in love, to friends who realize they are in love. Zoey is new to NYC. Miles has lived her forever. He is recovering from a bad breakup and she is trying to find her place in the city. She has some anxiety issues about travelling in the city. They meet when they are both trying to get free food at a cafe.

The story is told in alternating POV which was great to be in both of their heads. Almost every chapter started with an “email” from their respective bosses that was kind of cute but also taking them out would have made the story shorter. It lagged in a few spots.

Even though I had some issues with their perceived age and it being a little too wordy at times, I was overall very invested in this book and their relationship. I also had some formatting issues with the book that I hope were corrected by publication, specifically in how some of the text exchanges were just mashed in with the regular text and it made it hard to parse out if it was a text exchange or dialogue.

If you like books that deal with online dating, I think you will enjoy this one.

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This book had a unique synopsis and I was really excited to get into it. Unfortunately it just moved a little too slow for me and I wanted a bit more action. I did love both the characters though and was rooting for their happy ending!

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I wanted to love this one so much. I really really did. It just fell way short for me. While I liked Miles a lot, he couldn’t make up for my lack of feeling anything for Zoey. I wish she’d had a little more something for me to connect to but she fell flat to me. I got bored way too early on and it set the bar for the rest of the book for me to feel like something was missing and wishing I was more entertained.

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

4.5 stars
I discovered this book on netgalley, i had never heard of it before and i'm so glad i requested it and got approved. The synopsis was really interesting and i must say it really delivered a great romance. Ghosting is about two ghostwriters who help people with online dating by writing in their place and they fall in love with each other via their texting. For the majority of this book the two main characters don't know who the other one is and it adds to their chemistry because in real life they have this kind of animosity between them but they also flirt a lot via thair job as ghostwriters. I think this book is a must for everyone who reads romance, the couple is so endearing, there is a lot of humour but also some interesting discussions on serious topics, very light on the smut but the one scene we have is very good and their chemistry throughout the book is amazing.

tags: diversity rep, poc main character with muslim and jew heritage, adorable male love interest who loves romance, quirky female but in a good way she's so adorable, mental health rep, puns for days
content warning: cheating, complicated relationship with parents, recollection of a traumatic experience involving being stuck underground, claustrophobia, medicinal use of marijuana

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[Thanks Netgalley for the ebook. This review is my honest opinion but just another opinion, you should read this book and judge it by yourself]
This is something like a modern Cyrano of Bergerac but with two Cyranos that fall in love with each other. The premise is fantastic but the rest of the story is very weak. There's some tension because they start to feel atracted to each other thinking they are other people but it isn't well developed, it's resolved very quickly and poorly, there was a lot there to explode and it felt like a missing opportunity.
I like Miles, he seems a great guy, but I couldn't connect with the heroine (oh, my, I've forgotten her name!). I didn't like the begginings of the chapters, they were very distracting (and not in a good way) and didn't add anything to the love story.
Some parts are funny and I think the whole story is romantic movie stuff but I couldn't enjoy it.
Pues otro de esos libros que tienen buena pinta y que, al final, mñe.
La premisa es interesante, dos personas que se dedican a hacer de una especie de Cyranos con gente que está apuntada a sitios tipo Tinder. Tú te haces tu perfil en un sitio de esos y esa persona te gestiona los matchs e incluso chatea con el que elijas para ver si es o no para ti. Pero, a pesar de las buenas intenciones, el libro es muy flojo. La gracia del libro y el equívoco (por llamarlo de algún modo) es lo que sostiene todo y se resuelve fatal, sin tensión de ninguna clase. Miles me ha gustado más que ella, a la que me ha costado cogerle el truco. Hay demasiado lío en algunas cosas relacionadas con sus situaciones profesionales y los emails de los inicios de los capítulos no aportan nada.
Tiene algunos puntos graciosos y la historia es digna de una comedia romántica, pero hay que darle muchas vueltas para que sea efectiva, al menos para mí.

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I really wanted to love it, for real, but I got so bored. I didn't DNF by miracle! Miles is the only character I actually liked. I didn't feel anything for Zoey, like at all. I couldn't feel related to any character. The chapters has emails in the beginning and I started jumping it, it was so unnecessary. The love story is extremely slow and I was really really bored. I can't find many good things about the story to be honest. I feel so sorry, I finished the book, I tried to be concerned about the "twists" but nope, there's not even good twists. I'm glad many other people liked it, just wasn't a good one for me

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This started off really cute, but I just couldn't get into it. I always give a book until page 100, but I couldn't connect with any of the characters. I would still recommend others try it.

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I think that what I liked most of the book is what most reviewers didn't like at all: the sloooow burn romance. As Zoey says (to her client, Bree), "it'll be so much hotter and more satisfying after all that waiting and waiting, all that buildup rocketing through your bodies, it'll be like... [she] make[s] an "explotion" noise, complete with hand movements."

The story is quite original, it has the key ingredients of rom-com, witty dialogues, and (from my very personal point of view) likeable characters. I really like Zoey. She's funny, smart, but insecure (due to understandable reasons). On the other hand, Miles seems very self-confident and also sharp-witted.

Zoey and Miles relationship reminded me of Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks in You've Got Mail (one of my favourite movies), and there are a couple of (literal) references to the movie as well. You can see what I mean when they meet at the café.

In summary, quite enjoyable, hard to put down, witty dialogues, and a slow burn romance.

Thanks to Kensington Books and NetGalley for providing me with an e-arc in exchange for my honest review.

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Zoey and Miles are ghostwriters for rival companies that specialize in helping clients navigate the world of online dating. They also fight over the same table in a cafe every day, and don’t know the other’s identity or that they are rivals. Suddenly worlds collide when their clients are matched - will they figure out who is behind the other profile and realize that maybe they DON’T hate each other?

This was a cute and light read! It did take a bit longer than normal for me to feel invested in the story (but honestly, that could be Animal Crossing’s fault). I also didn’t feel like one of the plot lines mattered all that much to the story (the rivalry between the companies). But all in all once I was invested, I really liked the characters and was totally rooting for the HEA. Definitely pick this one up - especially if you love rom coms!

Thank you to the publisher for the advance copy! All opinions are my own!

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This was the perfect blend of an enemies-to-lovers and mistaken identity trope. It was a fun rom-com type novel that could totally be made into a movie. I thought the writing was a good mix of e-mails conversations/ online chats. The mix made it realistic, especially given the MC's jobs as online ghostwriters for dating sites.

Zoey sounds delightful. I love her connection with Mary as kind of a surrogate mother/daughter relationship. And her back story was different from any I've read before in a romance novel, so two thumbs up there.

Miles was great. I loved his relationship with his parents and his cousin. I adored how sure he was of himself and what he wanted in the future. It was a nice change that he was more of a hopeless romantic than Zoey.

Overall, this was a really fun read. I loved the setting, the characters, and of course, the grand gesture. I would definitely recommend to a friend and can't wait to read more by the author.

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Zoey has just moved from LA to New York & can’t even convince herself to branch out beyond her block. Miles was just dumped by his fiancé, living on his best friends couch. Both of them work crafting words for dating sites, hoping to help them find true love- even if they aren’t looking for love themselves.

They run into each other at a coffee shop, fighting for the one good table in the local coffee shop with WIFI – Unbeknownst to each other their clients are speaking to each other, through them. Will it be a perfect match?

The premise of the two competitive ghost writing companies with the newly divorced CEOs was different and added something special to the story for me.

The two POVs and the setup of the staff emails between really made for an enjoyable read. I can count on one hand how many rom coms I’ve read written from a man’s point of view that I really liked, and this one of Miles’ was fantastic!

This was a perfectly wonderful romance novel that kept me smiling, I would give it 4.5 stars!

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