Member Reviews

This was a disappointment for me :( I've read a few of Kelly's other books and always found them to be super enjoyable. This just didn't do it for me.

To start, the situation between the two romantic leads was so harsh! They weren't a pair that were at odds that were able to be overcome. She was trying to steal a priceless painting from a man who needed to money.

Or did he? I was a little confused about the financial situation.. At the beginning it seemed like Jack David was in dire straights. But as the story progressed, he gave Clementine expensive gifts, and it seemed like the financial situation evaporated. Maybe I missed something?

The Elvis impersonator thing was interesting, but I couldn't see Jack David as an Elvis impersonator. I don't know why but I never really believed it.

I did buy Clementine as a thief. I wasn't a fan of her name, especially when the "Oh my darlin, Clementine" line revealed itself. I felt like she was named that just for that joke, which fell flat for me. The other thing was her fake name and reason for being in town just kind of went away? No one questioned her or anything? Seemed strange.

I did like the relationship building between Clementine and Jack. I liked the lizards, and the day with Jack's sister who kinda just disappeared...along with Jack's parents.

So then it all goes down. I hate to say it but I saw the Lucien twist coming from the beginning. It felt like the only reason shes could be forgiven for stealing from Jack was if she was a mark herself.

Anyway, I'm sad. This wasn't for me, but I look forward to reading Kelly's next book and hopefully I will enjoy it as much as I did her others!

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When you gotta heist a man’s place that you have crush on him and turn yourself into prey when you’re hunter, how do you get yourself out of his dilemma?

This entertaining, sweet reading reminded me of Jennifer Cruise’s “Faking It” but at that one, entire heroine’s family were thieves and she met her hero at the closet during the heist when she was hiding from the house owners. But this story is about Clementine, a female Robin Hood not quite interested to wear tight pants steals from the rich to give to the poor. Actually she wants to help orphaned children. So she already melts our cruel hearts because she does wrong things to make things right! I know it doesn’t make so much sense but let’s give a try because writing is enjoyable and Clementine is likable character.

Now, she is about to get her most tricky, complex task because as soon as she meets charming Jack keeps his family business intact and taking care of his sick father, she knows that she’s in trouble because there is undeniable hot chemistry and witty banter around them growing on him. She is about to head over heels in love with him and thankfully her interest is not unrequited but what did she get herself into? She has a heist needs to conduct.

As her true identity reveals, the trust issues and relationship complications they need to deal put them into more intense, compelling situations. And a laugh out loud ending at annual Elvis contest in the town (I didn’t mention our charming, sweet, also Alpha hero-small spoiler: we had explicit hot sex scene proves his controlling manners- is also competing at this festival) gives you more than enough fun you expected.

Overall: It’s sweet, fun, action packed, feel good rom-com. There are still some holes about the progression and revelations but we got to be more generous grader when it comes to soft rom-coms and not to dig out for more logical explanations for everything.

3.5 stars rounded up to 4: this is another fast read and great feel-good choice for these depressing, lockout days. So give it a try to keep on smiling.

Special thanks to NetGalley and CD Books for sharing this entertaining ARC with me in exchange my honest review.

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“I received a free, advance copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my unbiased review”

After enjoying the previous book ‘New Orleans rush’ of this writer I was very looking forward to this story. Especially after reading the blurb, a woman who wants to steal a painting but instead falls for the owner of it?!? This had to be an entertaining story and I was right, it totally was! ‘Don’t go stealing my heart’ is a sweet, fun and light-hearted romance story. You get both POV’s in the story. The main characters Clementine and Jack were really wonderful! I loved them both.

Lately, I read a lot of books with alpha main man characters and although I love them, it was refreshing to read about a guy who wasn’t one. Jack was a shy, caring, dependable, lovable and kind guy. But that didn’t mean that he didn’t go after the woman that he wanted with everything that he had. He did it just in his own quirky, thoughtful, sensitive way. Jack may have grown up in wealth but he wasn’t spoilt. Having a stutter growing up made that he was more compassionate to others.

Clementine was also a very likable character. She may think that she’s better off alone but you could really feel her longing for love and friendship. I’m so happy that she found all that in the small town of ‘Whichway’. A small town that shared Jack’s love for Elvis Presley and his music and where some interesting and kind persons lived.

Clementine and Jack may come from different backgrounds but both also shared some things like their love for bearded dragons. Both also had been hurt in the past so both were careful with their heart but what I loved most about them was how they shared their hurt, painful past and feelings with each other.

‘Don’t go stealing my heart’ is an entertaining, light, sweet story that made me smile from the beginning until the end.

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Don’t Go Stealing My Heart is like watching a crime movie with the best romance intertwined.

I’m a big fan of heist movies, when I was a kid, I lived for the Oceans movies. As I got older the movies continued but I could never find a book I loved that had that fun heist feel to it. While this book has a heist in it I love how it takes a lot of twist and turns along the way. Clementine is a burglar with a heart of gold and a past as shady as her future. She’s a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from slimy rich people to give to an orphanage in India. It’s hard not to love Clementine, she’s very guarded and has a past that made my heart twist. Maxwell “Jack” David is not your average leading man in a romance novel, for a lot of reasons. One: he’s basically super awkward and sticks his foot in his mouth more times than not. Two: HE IS AN ELVIS TRIBUTE ARTIST. Three: He’s the perfect mix of soft and hard in all the best ways. He’s just trying to do right by everyone around him and feels like he’s constantly failing, he’s a real sweetheart in every sense of the word.

There is a lot to love about this book, the main characters are well written and easy to connect with. Neither one has the most relatable backstories but the author shares enough details about them that you feel connected to their stories. The romance is subtle and sweet until it takes a turn to the steamy then it DEFINITELY made me blush. I loved that there were so many things in this book that I had truly never read in any other book. The Elvis aspect of everything was odd but truly I loved it so much and it is such a different element to a book. There were many many more moments that had me on the edge of my seat and that is why I loved this book. The heist was incredibly and is what drew me into the book to begin with. As I said, Oceans Eleven was my obsession as a teenager/kid so reading a book in a genre I love (romance) with a small hint of that exciting addition of a heist made my heart happy. I’m going to stop going on and on about everything I loved about this book before I spoil something. So, if you are looking for a romance that’s not boring and has the same plot as all the others READ THIS!

*Thanks for my arc NetGalley!*

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This one was such a fun book!
I'm still smiling when thinking about this quirky and cute story. It was so addictive. I just sat and read it in one sitting and didn't even realize when I was done with it.

I loved the characters so much. Clementine was such a badass, she's been through some things but she's so tough and sarcastic. She made me cheer for her and laugh out loud. Jack was amazing too and I was so here for their chemistry.

The story was well developed and balanced so good. I enjoyed the humor and romance but I also appreciated the painful things the characters experienced.

I'm so glad I received this ARC because this book is a treasure. Am I going to read more of this author? Yes! I need more.

Thanks to publisher and Netgalley for the ARC.

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REVIEW | Don’t Go Stealing My Heart by Kelly Siskind

Clementine is the modern day Robin Hood- heister stealing from the rich to give back to the poor. But when her next task is to steal from her potential love interest, Jack, things get a little dicey. 😏

This book was very different from a lot of contemporaries I’ve read lately and in a refreshing way! Most are very rooted in mundane real life, whereas this one reminded me a bit of a heist, action movie.

The background and complexities of Clementine and Jack were well articulated. It made me understand and root for them both! I also love an awkward hero lol. Further, this one is super steamy 😍🔥

Last, I’m a fan of Kelly’s writing style! I have a tendency to prefer first person, but this third person narrative really worked for me.

Overall, this is an action packed, dramatic contemporary with some twis, set in a quirky town. I’d recommend if you’re looking for something a little different and exciting!

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I was so INCREDIBLY excited when I saw that I was sent a copy of this eARC as I had seen it floating around and it sounded right up my alley. Combine a heist with a great hero, strong heroine and a bit of witty banter? Perfect. And while I wouldn't say that Don't Go Stealing My Heart is one of my favourite novels, it certainly is worth a read.

This story revolves around Clementine, a woman who has been through and seen a lot in her lifetime. She is someone whom one may say is a bit of a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing paintings from rich people to support causes like orphanages in India. Her next target: Maxwell Jack David the Third. (and yes, I did have a bit of a giggle at his name and how each of his 3 names could be his first name :) ) She wants his Van Gogh, but as you might be able to guess - things get complicated.

Honestly - I've never really been one for melodrama and different dramatic occasions, but this book did have quite a few of them, from a few physical altercations to a villain to a slight (although kind of predictable) twist towards the end, this is not your typical, simple romance. At certain points, I did question whether all of the drama and traumatic childhood stories became a bit toooo fleshed out, however, I can see why they were set out as such. At the end of the day, this is a cute story about a small town love that's complicated by what's out of town. The characters were adorable together and there is enough time for the relationship to develop.

A great novel to curl up and read - perhaps best read in a fancy library with nice artworks and a cozy fire.

Note: I was very kindly given an ARC of this novel by the author and the publisher via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.

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I was so excited to see that I had been accepted for this book! It was light and playful. I loved the romance and the plot. This whole storyline was right up my alley! I simply loved Clementine and Jack from the moment he called her by her real name! Would highly recommend

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This book made me feel like I was reading a soap opera instead of watching it. It had a grate beginning and ending, but the stuff in-between could have been better. I liked Clementine but she seemed to have a lot of pity parties about her past and she lied a lot. I liked the way Clementine and Jack met. She didn’t realize that he was her mark when they first met because he acted and dressed different than what she expected from studying him. I loved the name of the town where Clementine drove to for her last heist, and it was funny how it got that name. I don’t know if there is a real town with this name, but if not, it seemed like the author had fun coming up with a name and story behind the name for the town. I did like Jack. He didn’t act like a stuck-up rich person. I think that the Elvis stuff was an interesting twist. I also felt like Jack had a lot of pity parties about his past. He did not lie as much as Clementine, but he did quite a lot of lying. There seemed to be a lot of humor and flirting throughout the book.

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This was a very cute, romcom with a little action punch included.

After a rough early childhood and a stint in the foster system, Clementine breaks free and joins a life of crime as a burglar looking for her next heist in order to help orphaned children. Clementine’s life hits a snag in the road when she starts catching feelings for her new mark. Jack is a smart and handsome business man who is currently doing everything he can to keep his family’s business from looming disaster while also taking care of his sick father and competing in his town’s annual Elvis festival.

Clementine never expected to be insanely attracted to the man she thought she would hate, and Jack can’t seem to forget the beautiful woman who has suddenly come into his life and the first woman he can see himself falling for.

But how can a relationship be possible with secret identities and big lies separating the two from a happy ever after?

I really enjoyed Clementine and Jack’s story. There was so much cute and hilarious banter between the two. The chemistry was off the charts. I loved how it wasn’t a slow burn for Clementine’s secret identity to be revealed which left the second half to dive into the couple’s relationships and pasts. The story was able to wrap up with a final action packed twist I didn’t see coming that included tons of Elvis impersonators.

I would definitely recommend for all my romantic comedy lovers out there. This was a gem.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this ARC

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I loved loved loved New Orleans Rush (released 2019) and was so excited when Kelly Siskind announced a new book. Clementine in Don’t Go Stealing My Heart completely stole my heart (cheesy I know; but, so true). Kelly’s characters are written with such fun and unique quirks I quickly fall in love with them.

Clementine’s childhood broke my heart and I loved watching her learn to trust Jack and others. And, while Jack’s past wasn’t nearly as heartbreaking, his junior and high school experiences are COMPLETELY relatable…especially if you were a bit of a nerd, dork, or misfit during your teen years.

I received an ARC from Netgalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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Original and entertaining.

Clementine is the female version of Robin Hood; she steals from the rich in order to help those most in need, such as a Deli orphanage she had visited. Jack is an Elvis fan, an Elvis tribute artist, in fact. She is planning to steal a Van Gogh from his house, but things get complicated when she meets him and starts to know him better. Now Clementine has to decide between those little children from the Deli's orphanage or the kind and sweet Jack.

Thanks to CD Books and NetGalley for providing me with a digital ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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I'd give this quirky romcom 3 stars.

Clementine is a modern day Robin Hood - stealing to help the poor. She's sent to the middle of nowhere for her next heist. The town and it's characters might likely be found in a Dr. Seuss book. Enter Jack, not at all who Clementine imagined her next mark would be. Not so typical but typical romcom story plays out.

The story is charming and cute but veered into way too cheesy for me. I liked some of the elements but to me, I couldn't take any of the serious plot points seriously due to all the goofy plot lines. Too much going on for more than 3 stars.

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3.5 stars! I was super intrigued when I read the plot - an Ocean’s Eight type of heist minus the other 7 women.

Clementine is a cat burglar who goes after big money, high value steals. Her latest Mark is a wealthy gazillionaire who lives in the middle of nowhere Nebraska and moonlights as an Elvis tribute artist. A wrench is thrown into Clementine’s plan to steal the heist when she falls for her mark and has to choose between following through with the heist or losing him all together.

I was thrown off by all of the oddities placed in the story but understood it all when it tied back at the end. I almost put this down about 30% in but I felt more invested than not and I was interested to see how Jack and Clementine worked through the challenges. It seemed like the kitchen sink full of twists was thrown at this when they didn’t necessarily need to be (in my opinion).

Thank you to Netgalley and the Xpresso Book Tours for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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absolutely enjoyed this book. Not at all what I had expected however it was a wonderful read and I suggest this to all!!!

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Thank you netgalley for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
This novel started out intriguing. Clementine is a burglar intend on stealing a painting in order to save an orphanage but things get complicated when she falls in love with the target. I admired Clementine spunk and drive to accomplish her mission. I just couldn't get into their love story. It read too much like a teenage soap opera with her confessing intimate details of her troubled past with Jack who has his own traumatic childhood. And the intensely erotic sex scene at the end that doesn't quite seem to fit this mostly clean novel. Just not what I was expecting.

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****Don’t Go Stealing My Heart is a good read. Clementine, who steals from the rich to give to the poor is on a quest for a valuable painting in a small town preparing to host an Elvis impersonator contest. It turns out her target will be in the contest, and since her cover is that she is to be a judge makes them having a relationship highly suspect. Jack, the target, is trying save the family firm which is the largest employer in town. He has secrets...she has secrets... and they have an attraction to each other that shouldn’t be pursued. This new to me author has given her characters interesting back stories and created a story that has humor, heat, pathos, danger, and sneakiness all portrayed in a way that keeps the reader engaged till the end. I voluntarily reviewed an advance copy of this book from NetGalley.

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There is a.lot going on in this book, Robin Hood heroine trying to.pull off a Van Gogh heist, a rich businessman who also does Elvis impersonations and a setting in the middle of nowhere with a quirky name. So, it's a convoluted premise, but everything else works in this book. It's charming, and engaging, with good dialogues and very likable characters.

I received a n ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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If anyone knows me at all, then you know how much I LOVED New Orleans Rush when I read it in 2019. So needless to say, I was beyond excited for Don’t Go Stealing My Heart.

I read the synopsis and I knew it sounded exactly like the type of story I would devour. And devour it I did!

One of the things I loved most about New Orleans Rush is that Siskind added a bit of intrigue. She did the same thing in Don’t Go Stealing My Heart.

It’s what makes Siskind’s books stand out. She doesn’t write “just a romance”. It’s so much more than that. She writes a STORY. You get all of the swoony and adorable content you’d expect from a romance. But you also get emotional depth, stress induced heart palpitations, and some wicked twists.

The sparks between Clementine and Jack left me not wanting to put this book down. They have banter that’s equal parts delicious and sincere.

I loved everything about the town of Whichway. From the names of everything within, to every single one of its residents. It’s somewhere I wouldn’t mind moving to.

If you haven’t read Siskind yet, you need to. Her books are wonderful. New Orleans Rush is marvellous. Don’t Go Stealing My Heart is sensational.

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