Member Reviews

This is the story of Clementine who is a cat burglar charged with stealing a rare Van Gogh painting from the David family. The David Family live in a small town in Nebraska called Whichway and it is know for its Elvis Tribute Artist concert. Every year Jack David is in the show and this year Clementine has him marked so she can get close to the painting that hangs in the David's home. During the book we see how Clementine grapples with the life she's in and if she deserves anything more. Jack was a very compassionate person which was just what Clementine needed to realize there was more for her in life. I really enjoyed this one overall, I thought the plot and characters where really fun and well developed. One of my favorite things in the book is the name of the places in the town. You have the Who's It's Cafe, Wherever Park, Whenever is a bar and the the Whatnot Diner. I thought this just added a nice touch to the overall sense of the town. I will say this was a bit steamy at times so just know that going in. I would pick this one up if you are looking for a fun and charming read. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own. Thank you Netgalley and CD Books.

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It is hard to explain why I thought this book was only 'okay' for me. The book has aspects I normally like.

A heroine with a tragic childhood, stealing from the rich to help the poor. A hero who seems to have it all, but has family troubles and is trying to save the business. Clementine is on her way to Whichway to try and steal a painting from Jack's family. They have a meet cute where she somehow reveals her real name and they have an instant spark. But she has a plan to execute...

The writing is good, the story has original aspects. But somehow, I did not have that urge to pick up where I left off after putting my Kindle down for dinner and stuff. The story did not pull me in and kept me reading on. Maybe it is just me or the fact I have issues concentrating during Covid-19 lockdown... It was just not the funny romcom I expected.

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"She wants to steal his Van Gogh. He wants to steal her heart."

This was a good read about a woman on the run from a past and a man with a complicated life and an Elvis outfit!

I loved the funny place names and learning about bearded dragons.

Some very dramatic scenes towards the end.

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This book was adorable! It actually reminded me of a show that used to be on tv a few years back. I loved jack & clementines connection! I did feel like they caught feelings a little fast for my taste but I still enjoyed the story! It was fun and I think a lot of readers looking for something fluffy and fun would enjoy it!

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I absolutely loved this book. It reminded me of the Thomas Crown Affair in the form of a romantic comedy. Clementine is a con woman with a heart of gold who falls for her mark, Jack. Both characters were completely lovable and had great chemistry. Don’t Go Stealing My Heart was a fun light read and the perfect distraction from everything going on in the world right now. Be prepared to fall in love with Jack and Clementine. This was my first book by the author and I can’t wait to read more from Kelly Siskind.

Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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ARC provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
5/5 stars. I loved this book. It was seriously so freaking good. Clementine is a conwoman and Jack is her mark. They bond over their shared love of reptiles. Jack is an Elvis tribute artist. The elements that make up this story sound kind of ridiculous, but they work together so well to weave an awesome romance that touches on past traumas and how people cope with them. Clementine’s struggles with her past were so genuine and I could completely understand all of her fears. I think Kelly Siskind did an absolutely fantastic job of writing the characters and the story.
Warning: this book has discussions about suicide, mental and physical abuse, and child abuse.

Look out for my review on my Instagram page when it's posted.

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Unterhaltsamer und diebischer Roman

Was passiert, wenn sich eine Meisterdiebin in ihr neuestes Zielobjekt verliebt und auf einmal Zweifel bekommt? Das ist die Grundidee des Romans von Kelly Siskind. Der Grundton des Buches ist trotz ernsterer Passagen meist locker und unterhaltsam, dafür sorgen unter anderem auch die Teilnehmer eines Elvis-Contests. Das mag etwas abgefahren klingen und ist es auch. Da ich kein großer Fan von Elvis bin, hatte ich befürchtet, dass mich alles rund um das Festival langweilen würde, hat es aber nicht. Gerade dadurch kamen ein gewisser Witz und eine Leichtigkeit in die Geschichte, die ihr sehr gut getan haben.

Der Verlauf der Geschichte und vor allem das Ende halten einige Überraschungen bereit, dadurch war es bis zum Ende spannend. Die Liebesgeschichte hat mir gut gefallen und war für mich auch glaubwürdig. Die Charaktere gehören vielleicht nicht zu meinen Lieblingscharakteren aller Zeiten, aber ich habe doch gerne Zeit mit ihnen verbracht.

Alles in allem hatte ich beim Lesen eine gute Zeit, wenn mich das Buch auch nicht umgehauen hat. Dafür gibt es vier Sterne.

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A very big thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for a chance to read and review this book early.

I love Kelly Siskind's books and this one was no different. The theme is pretty unique and I was swooning half of the time and laughing the other half. The characters were witty and funny specially the female protagonist. I loved Clementine and my heart went out to her after her story became clear. She is such a sweet, selfless girl who is involved with the wrong kind of people. Coming to Jack, where shall I start? Well he was charming from the very beginning and perfect for Clementine. He had my heart from the very first chapter and I am pretty sure readers are gonna love this southern gentleman. The story itself is pretty humourous and filled with laughter inducing scenes and dialogues. I highly recommend it if you are looking for a cute rom-com with an edge. Prepare yourself to fall in love with Jack and Clementine. Hope you all love it too.
Happy reading!!

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An average romance read can leave you happy for the love birds but not so happy for yourself because your expectations weren't ultimately met. I wanted a fun con-romance where there's this thrill of hiding identities or faking personalities...nah, this didn't give that. Though, I understand I shouldn't judge a book by what I think it should entail and instead take in the story. Anyway, I do appreciate the sweetness this one gave.

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I feel so saddened by the fact that I did not like this book as much as I was hoping to like. it This was one of my anticipated books of the year, but it just did not turn out to be what I was expecting to be like.
For me, the story kind of felt flat as in it just did not make much sense from get go though I loved the characters alone, but the plot was a messy for my liking even though it was a very different concept.
Hopefully, my future reads by Kelly Siskind will turn out to be different and much better.

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I absolutely love quirky, unique characters in my rom-coms. I was so captivated by this story and flew through it in a few hours. Clementine is a con-woman who was sent to a small town Elvis festival to get close to Maxwell David the Third because the ruthless businessman has a hidden Van Gogh. Clemintine has been struggling with her purpose in life when she sees a man on the side of the road with car trouble. Clemintine decides to help as she makes her first mistake-- She gives her real name.
I just loved Clemintine and Jack. This was unputdownable and for that reason alone is deserving of 5 stars. I love how the author wrote Clemintine. The tough-as-nails, damaged heroine who just needs to find someone she can trust. I loved the small town feel, with the fun quirky names and the obsession with the King. This was my first book by the author and I cannot wait to read more by Kelly Siskind. I cannot wait to pick up a finished copy for my shelves on April 22nd!

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ARC received from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Don’t Go Stealing My Heart is about Clementine, a modern day Robin Hood and Jack, the millionaire.

I really enjoyed this book for its unique plot and quirky characters. Clementine was easy to connect with and I eagerly followed each of her chapters. Jack was so adorable with his awkward and shy demeanour that turned into this aggressive take charge man once he was comfortable. The ending was great, as I didn’t not see the plot twist coming at all!

Also, the name of the town and the different establishments were so fun...I’d totally visit this town!

Overall, this book was a sweet, satisfying easy read and I recommend reading it.

Thanks for the opportunity to read your book.

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MY HEART! Kelly Siskind has done it again! Clementine and Josh have rocked my world and I absolutely loved their story. ‘New Orleans Rush’ was one of my favorite books that I read last year and I was so excited to find out Kelly was releasing another book! Her writing is such a joy to read. She writes wonderfully flawed characters who are totally unique, situations that you never would’ve imagined, and swoon-worthy love stories that I can’t get enough of.

‘Don’t Go Stealing My Heart’ has everything: bearded dragons, Elvis tribute artists, heists, robberies, betrayal, and forbidden love. If you’re wondering how all of those things can fit into a rom-com then you absolutely need to add this book to your TBR to find out!

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Clementine Abernathy is modern day Robin Hood. She steals from rich and run charities and orphanage from the heist money. Not exactly a noble work but she knows how it is to live without a family and money and this is the only way she can help.
Her recent mission is to steal a priceless Van Gogh from someone who is egotistical and a spoiled brat. But what will happen when Clementine will fall for her mark who is not at all as described by her boss. Turns out Jack David is kind, sensitive and with a sexy voice. But falling for her mark is the worst move when you are on a heist. Or is it not?


First of all if you don't know who Elvis Presley is I would suggest you to search him first because this book has a strong connection to him.

I love the chemistry between Clementine and Jack. You can feel the sexual attraction and the love between them. Though I didn't find it hilariously funny but it has its moments. Especially the ending is a riot.

The plot sounds predictable but the overall story is really very good and it kept me totally hooked from the start. The best part about the book is the setup. The town, the quirky characters and the Elvis Presley festival is all amazing and so fun.

The characters has layers and OH MY GOD!!! I was totally not expecting this. The characters are vulnerable, traumatic, lonely but they fight their demons and now they are brave, strong, kind and witty. I became a fan of Clementine and Jack.

This is definitely not your usual cliche romantic comedy but it is so much more. You get a nosy town, two imperfect and broken individual, one criminal, one Elvis Presley festival, some really cool reptiles and one hilarious ending. I think I am sold!

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I loved this book! I don’t usually read more suspenseful romance books, but I definitely loved that about this. I read the entire book in a day. I didn’t want to put it down! There were some weird aspects to this book like Elvis impersonators and bearded dragons, but it somehow all worked together in its own adorable way.

I also appreciated how authentically the characters’ emotions were handled along with affects of trauma, etcetera. I thought that was written well, while still keeping the book fairly light. That being said, what we learned at the end shocked me! I didn’t see that coming! All in all, I really loved this book and would definitely recommend it!

5 stars
I received this book for free in return for an honest review.

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Loved the plot of this story, very Catwoman meets a strong female Robin Hood. The layers of the characters was gut wrenching and well told. I also enjoy the Elvis theme through out that helped bring Clementine and Jack together and why Elvis was important to them.

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This is not your standard romantic comedy story. This nifty romance story is part heist, part romance, and part "Blue Suede Shoes" with the occasional reptile in there for good measure. It's also exactly the kind of story I've needed during this pandemic isolation.

Professional thief with a kind heart Clementine is on her way to steal a Van Gough from a wealthy family when her car breaks down. The man who helps her turns out to be her mark but she will soon find out that there is more to this man is more that meets the eye. Elvis festivals and tribute performances, tons of reptiles and murderous criminals pepper this fun story.

I thought the book was well paced and for a quick rom-com story it had a good amount of character development. If this was a movie I would totally see it in theaters. The action scenes were very fun and high energy.

When it comes to whether you will like this book all I can say is that if the concept of an art stealing rom-com with a lot of Elvis sounds good to you I think you should give it a shot. I know I really liked it because it was so different and wonderfully refreshing. If you need a distraction from the world right now, and I certainly did, I think this is a great story to read.

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Call the police, Kelly Siskind has stolen my heart with this incredible story!

There’s not much I can say without fear of getting spoilery because I just want to shout my love for this book from the roof tops! I’m at a loss for words to accurately express my love for these characters and this story. All I can say is that if you enjoy your romance with an extra large dose of raw emotion and added suspense, then you should definitely add this one to your tbr! As much as I love a good, fluffy rom com, I love all the extra depth, and Kelly does an amazing job with it!

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firstly would just like to say thank you to net galley and the publishers for approving of my request for this book !!!

TW for family member with terminal illness
I really enjoyed this book it was fun, full of life and had two awesome main characters (which is always a plus) this was a really cute book but with the cuteness this also dealt with very heavy and serious topics which going into I didnt expect.

clementine our female protagonist is a modern day Robin Hood who takes missions to steal rare and valuable artefacts so when she gets sent on a new mission to go a steal the van Gogh she doesn't expect to fall for the male protagonist who is the owner of this said artefact!!! from this we see these two characters who are both going through tough times and shying away from speaking out to someone, start to confide into each other and unravel the truths of each others lives.

we have a variety of moments in this book that I just loved some being the bond with jacks sister, bearded dragons ( you'll know why when you read it haha) and also an Elvis festival held every year in town.

this was a great Read which also had a twist that I didnt really expect to happen too
would definitely recommend for people to read!!!

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This was a really cute story. I wasn't sure what to expect, but Clementine & Jack had normal issues. I thought the "cat burglar" story might be over the top, but I enjoyed it. Down to earth. Cute, but also deep at times. Enjoyed this!

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