Member Reviews

All this quarantine and self-isolation because of Coronavirus has finally started messing with me. I found it very hard to concentrate on reading. So, I needed something light, fun, and addictive to pull me in. This book was EXACTLY what I was looking for. It was fun to read and I was addicted to the story from the very first page. Relationship between Clementine and Jack was my favorite part - all that back and forth banter, the jokes, and even the scavenger hunt games that Jack creates - I loved it all. And yes, this book has issues. There are plot holes the size of a Mack truck (or Elvis Cadillac - see what i did there?) Back stories of both characters weren't very original. But I don't care. In the end, the book gave me exactly what I wanted - a fun escape.

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Thanks to NetGalley and CD Books for the copy to review. This is such a quirky cute romcom, and it left me giggling. It didn't take itself too seriously but still managed to be a sweet love story.

Picture this: a book with such absurdities as a small town named Whichway, a couple that bonds over their love of reptiles, and an army of Elvi (plural for Elvis, who knew?).

This book packs in a meet cute where the woman stops to help the man with his broken down car on the side of the road, a conflict borne out of the woman's job as a burglar, and emotional closeness that comes from sharing painful truths. All in all, it was a delightful read.

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Thank you Netgalley for an ARC of Don’t Going Stealing My Heart.

Don’t Go Stealing My Heart is a modern day Robin Hood Mets Elvis Presley. If your a fan of Elvis and even I Love Lucy references you’ll love this book.

Kelly Siskind did a wonderful job when writing a book about your modern day Robin Hood stealing from the rich and “giving” to the poor. A sexy, witty, and emotional read. A story about trying to let go of your past and expect the future to better yourself.

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This e-book was granted by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

"She wants to steal his Van Gogh. He wants to steal her heart.."

Clementine Abernathy's next task is to find Elvis Presley. And to steal his unsigned Van Gogh.

Wait, let's make some things clear first: stealing from the rich and giving to the poor makes Clementine the new generation Robin Hood. With the help of Lucien, who she loves like a father, she takes part in a lot of the heists in the high society and uses the money to help orphanages and foster children like Clementine one day was.

But when she's sent to a little town called Whichway to steal from a impersonator — no, tribute artist — of Elvis Presley, Clementine will start second-guessing herself and wondering if she should really be proud of the way she's trying to change the world.

Meeting Jack — who she still didn't know that was her mark — in the middle of the road needing help and feeling such a strong and instant connection to the point of making the mistake of giving her real name, was definitely not in Clementine's plans.

The closer she gets to Jack, the more she starts thinking of how would feel to have a real life, a real job, real friends. To turn her back on her dark past and try to start a new life. However, that would mean sharing the truth. Sharing the truth could end with her behind bars. And orange was never really her color.

"To her, those nothings felt like a whole lot of somethings."

Maxwell Jack David the Third is lying to the whole town. Everyone thinks his father is out of town, when the truth is he's dying of cancer. No one knows that there has been a traitor among the workers of the David Industries, and that the company is days from falling apart if Jack doesn't come up with something new.

He's also been ashamed of his past. He was shy, used to stutter, a little geek and did a stupid thing in order to fit in. But nothing is compared to Clementine. The woman who turned his heart upside-down in one handshake. The mysterious and secretive girl who is making him crazy.

"The reinvention of Clementine Abernathy, hopefully non-incarcerated criminal, could begin."

Between a festival packed with Elvi and shared love for reptiles, an autographed golden record and an unsigned Van Gogh, Jack and Clementine will find in each other a feeling bigger than any other issue in their past or their present.

I have no words good enough to describe how much I LOVED this book! The writing, the setting, the background… everything fitted so well that I started enjoying this book from the first word!

"Love was everything you needed and nothing you didn't."

Don't Go Stealing My Heart is going to be out on April 22nd and a standalone novel telling the story of Annie Ward — the foster girl Clementine lost touch with — will be released next September and I honestly can't wait to read it!

Rating: 4.75/5

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I wasn't expecting much from this book, but ended up loving it! The book flowed so well that I instantly was drawn in to the characters. It was written in such a way that I had a hard time putting it down. It's an easy, fun read that you will definitely enjoy!

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Clementine Abernathy is a con-woman who steals from the rich and donates it to charity. Jack is a rich guy so naturally he's Clementine's new target but he turns out to be actually good. What would happen when Clementine actually falls for him?
It was a sweet and funny book.

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A good romance that made me smile and root for the characters.
I liked the lovely setting, the plot that flows and the characters (the chemistry between the MCs is great).
I look forward to reading other books by this author.
Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this ARC, all opinions are mine.

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This book definitely stole my heart!

Don't Go Stealing My Heart is about a Robin Hood cat burglar who has started questioning her job, which has led to a rather hollow existence. She justifies her actions by convincing herself that she's stealing from no-good rich snobs and giving back to society.

So, what happens when she meets a no-good rich snob, who is actually very good, and isn't really a snob? How will she justify her actions when the person she is stealing from is just as worthy as the causes she supports? That forms the crux of the story.

The book started out a bit slow. It took some time to establish Clementine's backstory. I generally lose patience with slow starters, so it's a testament to Siskind's writing that I kept reading.

It also took some time to establish the dynamic between Clementine and Jack, but I really liked that. I was afraid the instant connection would result in something shallow and rushed. That wasn't the case. Despite the initial meeting, these two took their time. I enjoyed the slow build up.

One of my favourite parts of this book was falling in love with the fictional town of Whichway (yes, that's the name) and its people! I'm used to reading stories set in big cities. Small towns generally come with annoying cliches...but this one was loveable in every whichway (tehe).

I loved how Jack eventually got through to Clementine just by being himself. He is such an amazing character, and the more you learn about him, his past and his current ambitions, the more you fall in love with him. I guess in a way we are all Clementine!

It's so rare to find a male protagonist who is strong and assertive, dorky and goofy, has a fair share of insecurities and flaws, but is also kind and gentle. Jack is absolutely precious! He reminded me of another Siskind hero I adored - Hux Marlow! Just like Hux, Jack is going down as one of my faves.

Maybe, he was too forgiving. Maybe he trusted far too easily. Maybe it was he was a tad unrealistic. But I didn't care about all of that because we absolutely need more people like Jack in this world. I wish more people believed in what Jack stood for.

Clementine was a bit more complex. She had a lot of issues, and they kept stacking up. My heart really went out for her as she revealed pieces of her past. Despite this though, she remained positive and showed a determination to be better. She was a kind soul, just lost. She needed an anchor, and she found it ironically in Whichway, a town that people mostly just passed through.

I loved reading the progression of the story going from a con to something more. Clementine and Jack are very similar people who are different because of their experiences. Watching them come together to bring out the best in each other was a treat. I'm not a herp, but I loved their bonding over Lucy and Ricky.

The backdrop of a heist woven into an Elvis festival was absolutely the cherry on top. The actual plot of stealing the Vang Gogh was executed with detail. Every small thing that occurs throughout the story comes together at the end. I loved seeing the pieces fall together!

Siskind really builds up the pace of the story towards the end. I won't spoil it...but she found such a clever way to include the Elvis aspect in the key plot points. I was internally cheering so hard...and maybe a little externally!

It almost felt like I was watching a film unfold. I flew threw the last 100 or so pages in 20 minutes tops.

My only issue with this book, was the slightly abrupt ending. We got an epilogue which really helped and pacified me to an extent. I really wish there was more of a bridge between the last chapter and that epilogue, though.

Overall, this was such a fun, upbeat read. I laughed and cried with the characters, and cheered on Elvis tribute artists and cat burglars.

What. A. Ride!

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Sweet romantic story, with lots of Elvis, flirting and healing.
I was so excited for this book, I loved the idea (I'm a fan of heist stories, I am a fan of romance) but in the end, it just didn't quite take off as I had hoped. It did have a nice twist at the end, which kept going even after I thought I'd figured the whole thing out, so that was really good!

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Unfortunately I have to only say the same thing that I have been telling for the past New Adult genre. It is simply not doing it for me. But in the sake of this one I will admit it did have few sweet moments that really got me smiling. It was a romantic story but nothing to change my opinion on the romantic genre I have these days.

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"Don't Go Stealing My Heart", by Kelly Siskind, is a steamy romance novel! This book is just perfect if you, like me, just want to lose yourself in an adorable romance. Clementine, a burglar, is tasked with stealing some expensive art from Jack. But what happens when she falls in love with her "mark"? If you enjoy humor, sizzling chemistry, and romance, you will love this book! I would have given it 5 stars, but I felt like Jack was too good to be true and his quick forgiveness wasn't quite realistic. Overall, I loved this book!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC! All opinions are my own.

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On paper, the premise seemed like a slam dunk for me. An art thief who falls for her latest mark, finding a kindhearted man instead of a corrupt trust-fund brat? Yes, please.

The love interest is sweet, the sensual aspects are convincing, and the writing is pretty solid. I was especially impressed how the story never lingered too long on stereotypical narratives. It would dip its toes into overused plot points, but then veer away before the pages could actually start dripping with clichés.

In the end, though, I just don't think I'm the target audience. Even though the story didn't rely too heavily on clichés, it still dealt in them, and sadly, they were the kind I don't enjoy. I was never into the whole "savvy main character escapes unhappy past in Small Town Quirky Utopia in the middle of Nowhere, USA via resident love interest" type of story. Which is unfortunately what this book turned out to be.

Other clichés present in this book include: insta-love vibes, minor Not Like Other Girls vibes, inexplicably handsome guy's softness is the result of being inexplicably nerdy in high school, sexual acts as a means of "proving" one's devotion. None of it is played heavily enough to turn me off of the book, but it definitely didn't help turn me onto the book.

And while I commend the writing - I have most definitely read plenty of books of more disappointing quality - it isn't by any means perfect either. The wit and humor sometimes didn't hit as strongly as it wanted to, and I couldn't always connect with the characters' emotions. I appreciated the fact that the author actually described the going-ons of the characters' work rather than gloss over that aspect of their lives, as is common in rom-coms. However, the actual details were vague, so that it didn't come across to me that any intensive research had been done into either of the characters' chosen careers. Perhaps it's just a pet peeve of mine, since I'm a sucker for specificity.

All in all, it isn't a bad book - I did find it an enjoyable enough read, after all. In fact, I'm sure that there's probably a strong audience for this book out there, people who love - or at least don't mind - all of the things that fell short for me. It just wasn't written for me. That doesn't mean I'd be opposed to checking out more from the author in the future though.

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🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 5 stars.

“screwing up happens, that we all make bad choices to please others or fit in. What defines us is rising above and forgiving ourselves. Forgiving others.”

Clementine Abernathy is a con-woman. She works with her handler, Lucien, who she saw as a father figure since she was a teen. She stole the goods, Lucien sells it to get the money so they could provide enough for themselves but mostly to donate them to orphanages and schools who need it the most.

Jack David comes from a rich family. His dad built a business that invents technologies and they provide it to their investors. His grand-dad started a tradition in Whichway about Elvis and he’s been a tribute artist ever since it helped him with his confidence and stutter.

They met each other on a highway when Clementine had to go to her next heist, which was in Whichway, and her next target was Jack’s family’s Van Gogh painting... until she fell for him, and he fell for her. Things got so complicated that she quit being a thief to start a new life with him.

To be honest, I love this story not (only) because of the romantic side, but because it had so many lessons for anyone to take note of. Although Clementine was doing it wrong and illegally, i still admire the goodness in her heart. Even though she’s a thief, she still did not let it cloud her good personality and she didn’t become the greedy person that most people become when they get so much.. As for Jack, i don’t think i’d ever met anyone or read about a character AS GOOD AS HIM. He has the purest and most genuine heart i’d ever know, fictional or real life. I wish i had someone like him in my life.

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I devoured this novel in just a few hours! I immediately fell for Clementine and Jack, I loved their chemistry and their way of interacting. I currently am looking up small towns to move to. 100% recommend this to everyone!

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Arc provided by the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.
This book was so amazing! I love adult romance and this one did not disappoint! I was instantly captivated by the synopsis and the story made me fall in love with it! The premise was so interesting – a gender-bent Robin Hood stealing from a shy Elvis tribute artist – I mean, what’s not to love. The characters were so lovable and adorable. Both of their backstories and family dynamics were interesting to read about, and I love that they were such a big part of the story. I love that they bonded over bearded dragons and helping those in need. I loved the quirkiness o the town and its occupants; they were fun to get to know and see how the MCs interacted with them. The romance was hot and was welcome after having been reading so much fantasy. The twist at the end was a welcome surprise. I’m a sucker for damsel-in-distress stories. I liked that Clementine’s character was strong and independent, while Jack’s character was shy and family-oriented, and it is nice to see this difference compared to other romances. The entirety of the story was simple and easy to read which Is good when it comes to romances. This book has humour as well as trauma and heartbreak. This book was so well written, and I look forward to reading other books by this author. I give this book a 5/5 star rating!

Feel free to check out my post on Instagram at

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The ultimate feel good, laugh-out-loud totally gripping book. I absolutely loved it. Clementine was a wonderful, feisty, tough as nails and yet utterly vulnerable who makes it despite the pain of a terrible childhood. Jack was just utterly adorable and oh so sexy. I honestly felt regret when I got to the end of this book and felt oh so slightly bereft that it was over. You''ll love this but try not to read it all in one go or you'll regret it.

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This book was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. Elvis tribute festival combined with a priceless Van Gogh painting and a criminal with a heart of gold; throw it all together and you get this amazing novel. The chemistry between the two main characters is off the charts, combined with a very original plot. Loved every minute of this book.

I was given an advanced copy from Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.

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This book totally had me at Van Gogh, con woman/burglar, and sizzling romance. What a perfect combination. That's enough to make you want to read it right? Good! Because you should. I absolutely loved the characters in this one. Jack and Clementine are couple goals. I think they had just the right amount of back story, development, humor, and sassiness! I loved getting to know them and watching the sizzling heat rise...and boy did it ever! This ones got some steam.

I did find myself questioning a couple of the early scenarios specifically, with the villain of the book, but the story wrapped up strongly and made the scenarios make more sense once the final story arc emerged.

Don't Go Stealing my Heart easily stole mine and made me want more. Also, now I want to get a bearded dragon and name it Elvis.

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I liked the premise of this story but wavered throughout on whether I actually liked it. There seemed to be too many elements at play that it couldn't decide if it wanted to be a caper or a romantic suspense. I did enjoy the chemistry and banter between the two leads. The ending had a switch I didn't see coming. I wish there had been another chapter because the epilogue seemed to skip ahead a lot and wrapped up several issues with no explanation. The refreshing honesty of the heroine was a nice change of pace because it didn't drag the misunderstanding out across the whole book.

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Thank you for the opportunity to review this novel.

I was excited to read this but at 20% I put it down. It's not a witty rom-com that's fun, instead it's a novel with characters that try to hard to be interesting. Neither of them were well drawn and it felt like the story were way out there.

I'm sorry this didn't work out.

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