Member Reviews

I love Kelly Siskind and read all of her books. Thank you to netgalley for this ARC! That being said, this one wasn’t my favorite of hers. It was still beautifully written and kept my attention, I just didn’t think it was her best.

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.~*5 STARS*~.

Ohhh Myyyy Gawdddddd. I am fan girling WAY to hard right now, because 'Don't go Stealing My Heart' has officially broken its own rule by stealing MINE.

At this rate I am going to have the TOUGHEST time voting for best Romance Book of 2020!

I'm having a hard time thinking straight, like DAMN. So sorry in advance if this review is biased, but on the other hand aren't most reviews biased? Never mind moving on to this masterpiece.

~~~~~~~Blurb in my Own Words~~~~~~~~~~~~

Clementine is an all time Con-woman. After growing up through the in's and out's of foster care and an unknown future; whether that future was what she would be when she grew up or when her next meal was. Until she finds her place in a nice mans care, fed every morning and every night. But not everything can be a walk tin the park. Her care giver Lucien is a selfless man as it seems who goes through with robbery's. The catch? The money goes to foster homes, and places that need the money. Clementine needing the shelter and care she always ached for agrees to be his "side kick".

Next Mission? Steal the priceless Van Gogh.

#1 Rule? Don't fall for your victim.

Looks like Clementine is cutting it close to being a rule breaker after being sent to this unknown town where the worlds hottest guy lives. Sparking up interest in a hot guy is not something that happens everyday so when you have the chance you take it. But when she realizes this hot, charming, funny man is the guy who is quote on quote ruthless and filthy rich is her mark, the choice is way harder then one would imagine.

Lucien is the one person who has made her feel safe and loved growing up, so letting him down isn't an option, but when a man rocks your world *and the stage ;) * it gets a lot more complicated then busting an alarm system and stealing jewelry.

Clementine now asks herself : How far are you willing to go to be loved?


This book is great for anyone who LOVES a beautiful romance, with real world problems, and dare I say Elvis Presley!

11/10 recommend! <3 xoxo <3

*Huge thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for giving me 'Don't Go Stealing My Heart' for free in exchange for an honest review*

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I was lucky enough to receive an ARC of Don’t Go Stealing My Heart in exchange for my honest review, but I would have hunted it down and read it anyways. I’ve been waiting for Siskind’s latest novel and am happy to say it lived up to my expectations. A female Robin-Hood and a heart of gold Elvis ‘tribute artist’ falling in love? I’m in.
Now, if you’re not a fan of painful backstories, childhood trauma then you might not enjoy that element of this story. I however like all my characters a little broken. There’s lots of comedic elements, suspense, and romantic tension without it getting too hokey. It checks my steamy box and my feel-good boxes, is a tad slow-paced in spots but quickly picks back up, and has a satisfying ending. This book makes for a respectable beach read that I’d totally reread.

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4.5 stars!

A very original and entertaining story that made me laugh, pulled on my hearstrings and kept me completely engrossed. Two very endearing main characters with difficult though very different pasts and complicated presents that had me deeply invested. A very peculiar town with a lot of lovable and quirky side characters and a very particular annual contest. This book has a little bit of everything and I absolutely adored it. I loved getting to know Jack and Clementine and where they came from, and enjoyed their interactions immensely. I can't wait to read more from this author!

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A con artist with a heart of gold and a very handsome/dreamy tribute artist! An annual Elvis Festival!! I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It is a feel good, emotional, sweet, funny and sexy story. A complete package to take my mind off the depressing conditions due to a vicious virus. Both the lead characters have a drive to help the needy in their own way. Clementine cons rich guys and steals from them to help the homeless and orphans. Jack David employs majority of his town in his company and rescues reptiles. He also donates to charities. I loved that he had an animal sanctuary in his house. Overall, I would defiantly recommend this book, the love story will put a smile on your face. I would love to see a movie made from this book; I can imagine an awesome soundtrack with some of the favorites by the King.
Thank you NetGalley and the publishers at CD books for an ARC, I appreciate the opportunity to read and give my honest review for this book.

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The plot of this was unique but thats about all I liked. Our female lead Clementine is planning to rob our male lead Jack. She steals from the rich to give to the poor. Their meet-cute happens before Clementine realises that Jack is her mark, they have an insta-love moment and she can't seem to back track those feelings.

Look this wasn't a bad book, but I just couldn't get into it. It was a combination of not liking the narration style, lack of interest in the actual relationship and where it was going, not finding the writing funny at all. Sadly, I had pure disconnectedness with the entire thing, And of course COVID-19 has made it impossible to finish a book I'm not into. I also felt I could imagine how it would go and I wasn't excited.

I picked this up because Jen DeLuca had said something nice about it, but this just wasn't what I hoped for. This was a DNF @ 30% for me.

(ARC kindly provided by Netgalley in exchange for an honest review).

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She wants to steal his Van Gogh. He wants to steal her heart.

Don't go breaking my heart
You take the weight off me
Oh, honey, when you knock on my door
Ooh, I gave you my key
-Elton John

Actually, he didn't give her a key, she let herself in.....

Clementine Abernathy is a modern-day Robin Hood. She Robs from the rich to give to the unfortunate/children in orphanages. But she fell for her mark, and her mark fell for her. Jack David met Clementine when he was having car trouble and she helped him out. Ever since they each can't stop thinking of the other. When they meet again, she realizes he is the man she is met to con, when he sees her, he knows she is the one for him. To make things even more tricky for her, Clementine learns they have something in common and then there is that attraction she feels for him....

Like a breath of fresh air, this book came along right after a slew of some unforgettable books. This book is light and fun and isn't trying to be anything it is not. This is a rewarding fast read that is fun, light, sweet and sexy. The characters are likable, each have interesting back stories, and each brings a little baggage to the table.

So happy, I picked this one up when I did. In stressful times, we all need a little feel good reading in our lives.

Thank you to CD Books and NetGalley who provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All the thoughts and opinions are my own.

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I liked the beginning and ending of the book. The story was a bit lost for me in the middle. The plot is predictable and fun. I love the theme of Elvis and Oceans 11. And the names of establishments made me smile. Clementine and Jack were a cute couple. You can’t help rooting for them.

I received a free Arc through Netgalley. Thank you for my copy!!

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A con artist and a tribute artist meet in a bar, and what do we get? A touching, beautiful love story. Don't Go Stealing My Heart is way more than what I expected. The synopsis undersells how great this book really is.

We meet Clementine Abernathy, a modern-day female Robin Hood, or so she thinks. As a professional con-woman, the proceeds of her stolen items are being shipped off to various causes, feeding homeless children in India, helping children in the foster care system, and so on. Unattached, no family or friend, she is content with her life in New York with her pet dragon, Lucy. Another assignment calls for her to steal an unsigned Van Gogh from an affluent family in a small town.

Enter Jack, also known as Maxwell David the Third, a shy, awkward and cute Elvis tribute artist. Also the heir to the David Industries. Jack is unapologetic with how his family made their money, his great grandfather worked hard to give a better life for his family. But after learning his father's health state, and the toil in the family business, he really has no business in falling in love for the mysterious new girl in town.

Kelly Siskind's writing is very humorous, fun, and lighthearted, even if the themes of her story were a little heavy. Her characters are really lovable and three dimensional. Clementine is very guarded because of her life experiences, being a child who grew up in the system and experienced a difficult life, then getting groomed by her handler now to be a con artist. Jack isn't the typical rich boy, he was bullied as a child, has to fight for his rights and his family's happiness. He is successful when it comes to business but is a helpless romantic. And he is also an Elvis tribute artist.

I just felt like this book was very in between, it wasn't a full on romcom, but it also wasn't the emotional romance kind. Which kind of downplayed a lot of things. Also, it felt as if there were many instances where each of the protagonists were throwing out too many pity parties for themselves to feel empathy. Could have been better executed.

Nevertheless, Don't Go Stealing My Heart is a sexy romance novel that will get you crying and smiling at the same time. Perfect read for a Friday night with a sangria on hand.

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This book took me longer than I would have thought to get through and I’m honestly not sure why I couldn’t connect with it. On the surface, this To Catch A Thief story should be right up my alley, but while I wanted to finish the book quickly, so I could move on to another one, it was a bit of a chore for me to get back to this.

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I liked this book but not as much as I thought at the beginning. It's very, "To Catch a Thief" but I just couldn't connect with the story as much as I thought or expected.

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A real modern day Robin Hood, Clementine Abernathy steals from the rich and gives to orphanages. Who knew a burglar could be quite the philanthropist?

This was a sweet and easy read. I enjoyed the unique plot and the main characters. I could definitely feel the romantic tension between Clementine and Jack.

I wish there was a bit more depth to the story. But If you’re looking for a mindless RomCom that has a little Elvis love in it this is your book.

Thanks Netgalley for a chance to read this book as an ARC!

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DNF at 25%

This is a great book for the right reader, but it isn't for me. I didn't respond to any of the humor AT ALL. I liked the meet-cute by the broken-down car and then it started going downhill at the Elvis festival. YMMV, so please read an excerpt and other reviews.

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Clementine Abernathy is a thief, but a thief with a heart and a painful past. Maxwell "Jack" David is an Elvis tribute artist that comes from a wealthy family, but he has a lot on his plate. Sparks ignite when these two meet and the fire burns bright as their paths continue to cross. Will they be able to overcome the obstacles standing in the way of happiness and a life together??

I really enjoyed the story in this book. The unique twist of Clementine being the "bad girl" and Jack being the "good guy" made for some interesting moments when vulnerabilities took over and nerves set in. I liked both of the characters and enjoyed their chemistry together. The pace of the novel was believable and entertaining. I'm looking forward to reading more from this author!

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Prepare yourself to have your heart stolen by this entertaining and original story !
I loved New Orleans Rush so much and wanted to read more from Kelly Siskind ; and let me tell you i am not disappointed !
Don't Go Stealing My Heart is what i expected and more.
The author surprises us in so many aspects.
Some examples:
_Clementine, the heroine is a modern Robin Hood, she steals to help people who have nothing, like her when she was younger.
_Maxwell Jack, the hero, is a tribute artist (first time in my life i read something like that).
_If you love reptiles you're gonna be happy !
_A town and shops with quirky names.
_An impersonator contest.
_Heist, thieves, suspense, surprising twists...
This story is funny and steamy and deeply emotional (but not too teary), your heart will be full and you will end this book with a big smile !
I love Elvis'music so i love Kelly Siskind's choice and she succeeds to make me understand those men and women who impersonate celebrities. I thought that was a lack of personnality and a bit sad but finally i totally understood our hero and i rooted for him.
I love Jack's family, yes they are rich but with them you can forget all your prejudices.
Jack is so different from the kind of heroes we are used too. He's sensitive, hot, sweet and a bit weird but in an adorable way.
Clementine is just amazing, a real badass. She's a survivor and a fighter.
Their banter and their chemistry is off the chart.
The last twist of the story is worthy of a funny and suspenseful movie.
---> a TBR

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“She yanked her hand back, ignoring the sharp pang at the loss of contact. “Good luck in your meeting.” “Can I have your number?” “I’m just traveling through.” “We could swap Twitter or Instagram handles? Or that snapping thing. Snap that Chat? I don’t do social media, but I could make an exception for the woman who rescued me.” “I’d rather not.”

Clementine considers herself a modern day Robin Hood, stealing from the rich and giving to the poor. Her latest heist has her in small town Nebraska trying to steal a priceless Van Gogh from a stuck up trust-fund brat. Except it turns out that the trust-fund brat isn’t all the bratty. In fact he’s quite sexy and kind-hearted and Clementine is in deep trouble.

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This is a fun story. I laughed out loud a few times while reading. I love the idea of a female Robin Hood/con artist. The heroine is great and the hero is amazing too. Definitely unique and quirky characters. I love their bantering and chemistry. The ending was a bit rushed but otherwise I enjoyed it thoroughly.

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**Review will be posted on my blog, Instagram and Goodreads April 17th. I will update my links at that time!**


I didn’t know that I would love an Elvis, tribute artist, as much as I did. But Jack swooned me away with those hips and voice [which unfortunately had to be totally in my head] BUT STILL. Ultra-swoonworthy Not-Maxwell Jack is a lovely romantic interest.

Clementine was a solid heroine. I thought the way she approached her past was heart-breaking, but what she thought was best (at the time). I loved seeing her learn to accept love and trust in her life. It was a long time coming for Clementine to get a break for once. The way she gave up what she was doing, knowing it was wrong, was the kind of changes I love seeing. Especially the fact that she communicated with Jack.

Now, the communication was great for 95% of it. Then, the critical moment when she honestly should have just said something to Jack, she decided it was best to go in the complete opposite direction? WHY. Clementine spent the entire time learning to open up, and when the test came, she failed. And it bothered me. I thought it at least worked out better than I’ve seen in familiar moments in other books. It let to a bigger reveal that I hadn’t quite realized was happening.

I thought the story was cute and playful. The idea of Clementine being a Robin Hood-type criminal was different than my usual romances. Add in the fact that Jack loves dressing up as Elvis and I have definitely never read a book like this! I love its uniqueness factor. Kept me interested and flipping pages. The small town vibes and sub-plots were great. There was a good amount of steam and innuendo throughout. You can feel the slow burn between them (even as the time is short), for a more insta-love, it was written so well I hardly noticed. I was cheering on Clementine and Jack.

The ending was a bit abrupt. After the big ending, it skipped to a year-later epilogue. While that kind of jarred me, I did love the epilogue. It was perfectly cute and the best happily ever after. I can’t wait to read her next story!

Overall audience notes:

Contemporary romance
Language: some
Romance: kisses/make-outs, innuendo, a few very detailed love scenes
Violence: guns, physical, knives
Trigger warnings: mentions of Clementine’s parents suicides (at different times, methods mentioned); abusive foster family situations

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I wasn’t really a fan of this one. I think there were too many twists and turns that the story got a bit overwrought. I was hoping for more lead up to a quirky romance and it kind of happened all at once and then was put in the back burner.

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#DontGoStealingMyHeart #NetGalley


I received an ARC for my honest opinion. This book I about con woman Clementine trying to steal an unknown treasure from a rich jerk Maxwell. Turns out Maxwell is not a jerk and Clementine has a quarter life crisis, realizing she wants a real life.

I liked the development of their relationship.. they seems to get to know each other before getting together. I also liked the character development. The author took some time to explain the MCs personality and backstory.

This book was as much a romance as a coming of age. Clementine does not just give up her life for a man, but realizes what she wants and begins to persue it, without Maxwell.

There is some cute banter and some funny setups.. an entire Elvis tribute festival is running in the background of the entire novel. At first I thought it was a little corny or a running gag, but the author talks about it with such sincerity I couldn't help but like it.

The only thing I didn't really like was the resolution to Clementine's past. No spoilers, but it was not for me. The book ends quite abruptly following this resolution, so thank goodnessfor the epilogue! It was much more in line with this sweet, light-hearted read.

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