Cover Image: Ghosted in L.A. Vol. 1

Ghosted in L.A. Vol. 1

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‘Ghosted in LA’ is about Daphne, who (despite the advice from her best friend) follows her boyfriend to college in LA only to be dumped. Having no one to talk to, Daphne tries and fails to befriend her unfriendly roommate. With no friends, an unfriendly roommate, and in a different city, Daphne then explores the city and stumbles across Rycroft Manor. Rycroft Manor is a beautiful mansion… the only downside to it is its residents, who just happen to be ghosts.

Firstly, I must note that the illustration is gorgeous and full of life and detail. The colours are vibrant and the panels were engaging. I really enjoyed the visual aspect of this graphic novel.

I liked the diversity here in terms of characters and of the ghosts. Discovering more about the ghosts and their pasts were interesting and fun.

The pacing felt a little inconsistent at times, with it feeling difficult to form an attachment to certain characters. In saying that, this is the first volume, so it leaves enough room for more development in future volumes.

Overall, ‘Ghosted in LA’ possesses an interesting premise decorated with beautiful illustrations. This is a light-hearted read and great for readers looking for a coming-of-age contemporary graphic novel that incorporates a positive LGBQTIA+ outlook with an edge of mystery.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this comic in exchange for an honest review.

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I keep bouncing between giving this 4 or 5 stars, so it’s definitely a 4.5 star read for me. The artwork is beautiful and I loved all the characters featured. It was especially enjoyable for me as a college student because I feel like it’s rare to find books about people in my age group — it’s either high schoolers or young adults post-college.

I’ve been looking for more contemporary graphic novels to dive into and this one hit the spot with the perfect blend of humor, drama, and supernatural elements. I’ll definitely be on the lookout for the next installment in the “Ghosted in LA” series!

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Huge thank you to Netgalley for providing an e-ARC of this graphic novel!

To be honest, I went into it because I wanted a quick read and also just read more graphic novels to expand my horizons, but I was immediately hooked into it and found that I wanted more of the story. Ghosted in LA follows Daphne, a who just moved to LA for college. Her move was done to follow in her boyfriend's footsteps, only to be dumped when she got to LA. Realising that she's all alone, she takes a walk around the city and stumbles upon this mansion, that just so happens to be inhabited by ghosts.

In general, I adore ghost stories that don't paint ghosts as the 'bad guys', and explore a deeper connection between human and ghost characters. This graphic novel delivered on that, with the ghosts being Daphne's solace, comfort and first friends in the lonely city of LA. From Daphne taking a swim while asking twenty questions to some of the ghosts, to offering to by one of them a vinyl record, her interactions with the ghosts are honestly iconic.

But what I loved most about this story are the ghosts themselves. The ghosts of the mansion range from Agi, the owner of the mansion, to Maurice who has a temper, to Ricky who just died five years ago and is a big fan of indie music. They all have personality, and each have a different relationship with Daphne, which I really enjoyed.

Not only that, but for a story about ghosts, Ghosted in LA does touch on very human aspects of living in LA, and I loved that about it.

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Absolutley LOVED the art style of this graphic novel. Vibrant and uniquely drawn, kept my attention and had me going back to admire each panel!

The story is super cute as well. I adored Daphne. I loved how we got back story on the ghost as well!! Can't wait for the next installment!

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Ghosted in LA is part coming of age slice of life and part ghost related mystery. Perfect for fans of Giant Days. The characters are intriguing and the story becomes increasingly more complex with each issue. It’s a light read perfect for escapism.

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Very cute art style, enjoyed the background stories for the ghosts. The LA setting was ideal for the cast of characters, who were all diverse and charming. Very enjoyable teen read.

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Even though it had a lot of potential, to me this story wasn't anything special really. The art style was okay, the characters weren't very well developed and I just feel like their relationships were a bit rushed. The main character and her (ex) boyfriend immediately accepted that ghosts actually existed like it was nothing, and that really took me out of the story. I don't know if I'll continue with the books.

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Ahhhhh! THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL WAS SO ADORABLE OMGGGGG! Okay, so I don’t normally read graphic novels. They just aren’t really my thing, I guess? But I am SO GLAD I ended up requesting this one from Netgalley. I loved it!

The story follows Daphne, who moved to LA with her boyfriend. Only to be dumped. She is wandering around LA one night, and comes across this beautiful house. The only downside is it is filled with ghosts. THey agree to let her live there, as long as she brings no other humans to the house. Of course, things go awry!

I loved seeing all the backstories of the ghosts that live in the home. We only saw three in the first collection, but they were so interesting! It was a perfect mix of past and present.

The art in this book is amazing! I love the illustrations and coloring. It really brought the story to life. When I read graphic novels, I usually just focus on the words and skim over the pictures, but this one I found myself gazing at the art and how great it was! Plus, Daphne had THE BEST style. Like, I want her closet for myself. I was drooling over those outfits!

I would recommend Ghosted in LA to anyone who loves a fun contemporary. I would usually pass since it’s a graphic novel, but I am SO GLAD I didn’t! I can’t wait for Volume 2!

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Ghosted in L.A. has a really good premise, and for the most part, I enjoyed reading it. As I began the first chapter however, I quickly realized that it had an entirely different vibe than I was expecting. Instead of a cool, ghost loving, protagonist with a somewhat relaxed attitude, there was Daphne, who I never really grew to like all that much. I found her character to be a bit immature and annoying. The cast of ghosts though, were all rather enjoyable and added just the right amount of spooky to the story-line.

Initially what drew me to this book was the art style. The artists put such detail into each frame and character, which I really appreciated. The coloring and shading, especially in the first chapter, is really well done. The ghosts being varying shades of blue and green really gave them some dimension and visual personality. The use of color in the story, especially in the background, created a nice flow to the panels.

Overall I enjoyed Ghosted in L.A. and will look forward to more volumes in the future.

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Daphne follows her boyfriend to college, but things don't go quite according to plan and boom, she finds herself in a fancy ol' building full of ghosts. Fun times all around.

I'm always here for ghost stories, but in this they're essentially more side-characters than mains and yet they're the most interesting part of the story, which is a tad unfortunate. Daphne was a bit generic and boring, and the pacing was all over the place, but the ghosts were great and saved it, for the most part - I loved the little glimpses into their "former" lives. The illustrations made it easy to distinguish between the different timelines and who was alive and who wasn't, which was neat, but the lack of plot and purpose made it all a bit messy. Where's it going? What's the end-game?

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To begin with, that cover pulled me in. Sure, the description and title sound awesome but the cover is just gorgeous! It pulls me in because I want to know why the lead is the center of attention. Those ghosts are bugging her and I need to know why, and she doesn't seem to phased... just annoyed?

We meet Daphne and she's going off to university. Her roommate seems crazy and locks her out of her room and her boyfriend breaks up with her, because who doesn't love drama day one of being away from home? And then she runs into a pole and finds herself at a creepy mansion. Normal Tuesday for most people, right?

And then she sees GHOSTS. Because life can't get any more crazy. And boy, are they SASSY. But Daphne makes friends with these ghosts and it seems like a grande idea! To make it better, these ghosts have different abilities too.

Life gets complicated for Daphne, and her and the ghosts have to learn to deal with all of the drama that comes with being a new adult. Oh, and they're all very quirky too. Some like her, some don't. On top of that, we get to see some of their pasts to understand them and their ways (and deaths).

I LOVE THIS GRAPHIC NOVEL. Seriously, it just hits me in all the right places. I can relate to Daphne, I love the ghosts and their quirks and I think it's just super fun.

I did have a chuckle because there are stars **** for swears. It had me giggling a bit, but I totally filled the words in with my own choices. Why not? I'm an adult. It's fun.

I've gotta say, I really enjoyed this graphic novel! If more volumes come out, I really want to dig into them because this book is so delightful! It's the type of story I've been looking for for a while. Fantastical, new adult, amusing and dramatic all wrapped up in one. I would say it's the perfect mix for me as a reader.

Five out of five stars!

Other Notes: The variance covers in the copy I got were BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, I love them! I can totally see why this cover is the original, but the variants are also pretty to look at.
Other Notes 2: WHY WOULD IT LEAVE OFF LIKE THAT?! Ugh. Cliff hanger! I need Volume 2 ASAP!

Thank you to NetGalley and BOOM! Studios for sending me a copy of this book to review! It's much appreciated!

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This was fun! I´ve immediately fallen in love with it, it´s got my complete attention and I´ve read it in one sitting.

I loved all the characters with their diverse personalities and interests. I like the main character, Daphne. She is a great protagonist. She may seem too moody, but I did not mind that at all. She is just a teenage girl who argued with her best friend, moved to another city to go to university and also got dumped by her boyfriend. I understand that she doesn´t know what to feel or do. It´s understandable and it feels relatable.

I also liked the ghosts from the big old mansion. I want to know more about them… about their powers, because every one of them has a different one (leaving the mansion, possessing people, turning into a ghoul…), and backstories. I loved seeing the histories of some of the ghosts. I like that we got a glimpse of that.

The artwork is very colorful, super cute and gorgeous.

I liked the art style and the concept is pretty interesting.
I am going to continue reading this comic series. This story has great potential and I wanna know what will happen with it.

Thank you to Netgalley for providing me an advanced reader copy in exchange for my honest review.

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Interesting read, but I can't say I was too captivated. The art style was beautiful, though. The colors were used in such a wonderful way and they actually help the story move along. The were too many chat clouds in some pages, in my opinion. The characters were arguably the strongest part of the story.

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Thanks to NetGalley and to BOOM! Studios for sending me an e-galley of this comic collection in exchange for an honest review!

Ghosted in L.A. follows Daphne as she's following her high school sweetheart out to California after high school. First she's faced with the cliche rude roommate who is too cool to make small talk like a normal person, then her boyfriend breaks up with her and leaves her running down the L.A. streets crying until she comes across Rycroft Manner. At first glance she realizes it's abandoned and walks around then suddenly realizes she's not alone, Rycroft is filled with ghosts. This Volume includes issues 1-4.

I really liked the art style. I noticed it kind of shifts from the first few pages into something different and almost takes on a manga-esque quality at times. I'm sure that's intentional and serves some purpose in the story that might make more sense in the later volumes. Maybe it's just progression.

It's a pretty interesting concept and after the cliffhanger that it left off on I'm curious to see what happens.

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This was a really fun, really fast read. I loved the art and the overall story, but I found Daphne, the protagonist, rather generic. It's also a shame that there were only 4 issues collected here, making it feel like it was over just as it was getting started. Looking forward to future volumes though.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy!

I really wanted to love this, the art is so precious and I adored the idea! Unfortunately, the characters fell flat and the story didn’t catch me like I’d hoped. It felt rushed even for a first volume. However, I still want to continue in the story in the future, but I wasn’t blown out of the water with this one.

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ARC provided by Boom BOX via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Ghosted in LA, VOL.1 is the fascinating first taste of a story of personal growth and ghosts that makes me ghoulishly hungry for more.

What captured my attention first were the incredible, wonderful, superb, glorious, and all the other synonyms for brilliant, illustrations by Siobhan Keenan and the as enchanting work of colorist Cathy Le. Sina Grace’s inventive creation will be perfectly complemented by their united art.

Daphne, the main character, is not always the best of protagonists, sometimes immature, selfish and petulant. By the end of the first volume, though, she somewhat grew on me. The most interesting part of this story is however the ghosts and their pasts and their unique powers.

I’ll fervently wait for the future of this work.

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One of my first real ventures into graphic novels and it didn't entirely disappoint. The artwork was stunning. I really appreciate what the visual clues can tell me about the characters. I really enjoyed the background/flashbacks we got of some of the ghosts and I'm interested in the ones that no doubt come in the future. I also appreciate the representation. It's a lot of surface level mentions so far but it doesn't pull focus from the story, it just enhances the characters into fully realized beings.

I also enjoyed the reading experience. It was vibrant, visually stimulating, and easy to follow. I overall liked the characters and what I've gotten from the plot so far; there's definitely strong character moments which holds my attention. However, an adjustment I need to make to fully enjoy the novel is to not have a complete story. It's a fairly short volume so there's a lot of surface level material and the story ends on a cliffhanger. It's just the first part of the story and I cannot hold that against the story even though it was a less favorite aspect. I'm interested in continuing the story but I almost feel like I need to wait to have the entire story to fully immerse and enjoy myself.

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3.5 out of 5 stars.

I really enjoyed the idea behind the story, but unfortunately I found the main character hard to root for and the least interesting out of all the available characters. I may, however, continue with this series as I find the lives and depths of the other characters intriguing.

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This had an interesting premise and the illustration style was gorgeous, very playful and fun.

Daphne follows her boyfriend to L.A. for college. She's excited to start a new chapter in her life. But her roommate hates her and her boyfriend dumps her. Now she's stuck in a strange city without a friend. While exploring the city, she comes across a Rycroft Manor, a beautiful house that just so happens to be haunted by actual ghosts. They take her in, leaving Daphne to wonder if maybe the undead are her best chance of having a family in L.A.

I liked the story and that ending makes me want Volume 2 now so I can see where the author takes this story. The main character is a bit stereotypically "I'm special" at times, but she felt very real. The ghosts have very diverse backstories and abilities, which gives the characters some more depth. There's also religious and sexual diversity in this, which I liked.

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