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The First to Lie

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This book strutted out a bit slow for my liking, but picked up quickly. I am not normally someone who likes different POV, but it works well in this book. The ending came out of nowhere for me and I enjoyed the twists and turns!

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Look, the first half was good but the other half just didn’t keep me interested. I struggled to get through this book.

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Hank Phillippi Ryan has delivered another top-notch thriller that will keep you guessing right 'til the end.

The central character in "The First to Lie" is Ellie Berenson, the new investigative reporter for the newest TV station in Boston. She's hot on the trail of a big story - one that could be ripped from the real headlines. A drug company is selling a medication that some doctors prescribe off-label as a fertility aid. When it works, great. When it doesn't, the results can be far more devastating than one failed pregnancy.

Ellie has a helper, another new-hire at Channel 11. Gung-ho producer Meg is all too eager to help bring down Pharminex. As Ellie begins to worry that Meg is taking things too far, she finds another comrade; Gabe tells her he's an attorney building his own case against the drug company.

Ellie can't investigate Pharminex without digging into the lives of the owners, the uber-wealthy Vanderwald clan. The family has its own very public tragedy, along with plenty of other skeletons in its walk-in closet.

Then there's Nora Quinn, the newest sales rep for Pharminex. She was the perfect student in the training course and recites all the right lines to the doctors she visits each day. She's also breaking some of the rules for a hidden agenda only she knows.

I always try to guess ahead and solve the mystery before the characters do. In this case, I was on the track parallel to the right track. There are so many twists and turns that I sort of saw coming, but not in the way I expected. I kept finding myself saying, "Wow, I didn't see that coming!" I really don't want to give it away, so I'll just say, "The First to Lie" is a corkscrew of a thriller that will keep you riveted to the last page.

I received an advance reader copy of this book in exchange for writing an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan-Tor Forge for this DRC.
The First to Lie involves news reporters, big pharma, fertility, creepy neighbors, and never knowing who is telling the truth. Another HPR great read.
#TheFirsttoLie #NetGalley

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I've tried to read this book a few times and it doesn't seem to stick with me. I definitely believe this is a case of the reader and not the book.

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Too slow for me. I wanted something like this to be more quick paced. I am a big HPR fan and can't wait to read more of her work!!

*Thank you @forgebooks for the #gifted copy in exchange for an honest review. Review not posted to Amazon/Goodreads because rating 4 stars or less.*

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3.5 stars. This definitely could have been a bit shorter, but overall I enjoyed it! A slow burn, investigative drama feels like the best way to describe it. There are some suspenseful moments and definitely plenty of twists, but I wouldn’t categorize it as a thriller. Definitely recommend if you’re looking for a twisty drama with multiple POVs, dual timelines, old money family drama, secrets, and unreliable narrators and characters.

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The First to Lie is a wild ride for sure. I thought I had some things figured out, kept reading and found I was only partially right and had not even remotely guessed the really large twist at the end. It did get a little confusing in the beginning of who was doing what, but I soon got the hang of the characters. While all of the characters were unlikeable to me, I really did enjoy listening to this story on audio as Hank really can write in depth characters with twisted plot lines. While this was not my favorite Hank book, I was entertained and will always pick up whatever she writes.
Thank you to Netgalley and Forge Books for the opportunity to read this in exchange for my honest opinion.

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This book hooked me right off the bat. It was definitely a page turner! I liked the characters, but they did feel a little one dimensional. I'm very character driven with my books and they have to have many layers.

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I quite enjoyed this but it was a bit of a slow burn at the start and I started to lose interest a bit. Once the suspense started to build up I felt a bit more engaged with it but expected a little bit more

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5 of 5 Stars! Hank always writes stories that have you on the edge of your seat until the very end. I was so thrilled waiting for the end if this. I never see it coming

Pub Date Aug. 4, 2020

Thanks to the Hank Phillippi Ryan, the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC; all opinions are mine.

#TheFirstToLie #HankPhillipeRyan #NetGalley #AnniesFavorites

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I enjoyed "The Murder List' by this same author, so I figured I would enjoy "The First to Lie." I do feel that the book is more of a thrilling drama and then a physogical thriller that I am used to. This book is a slow burn and for me did start off a little too slow to the point was I debating on not reading it. It did all wrap together at the end and was quite enjoyable.

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I devoured this book. The suspense + Big-Pharma-takedown-plan were my fav parts - some of the characters' actions (changing appearances to not be recognised? Not helping) + some unnecessary twists were not. Still, I'm definitely going to be reading more by this author!

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This book took me awhile to get into, however because this is one of my favorite authors, I had to finish it. I was just not into the characters or the far fetched plot. It was a decent read, but definitely not one of my favorites by this author. I will be reading more by her, though!

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This book was a bit confusing at first. You follow 4 girls, another past to present story line. Ellie & Nora (present) Lacey & Brook (past). Each chapter is by each girls perspective. Follow me so far?

I'm only going to talk about one character in this review….Ellie! She gets a job at a news channel (Channel 11) which hasn't aired yet. She starts to gather information on a company called PX, they have a product to help with fertility issues. What the company doesn't tell their patients is the negative side effect, which would do the exact opposite of what the drug is supposed to do, which is make the woman completely infertile. She begins to investigate and starts reaching out to women who have been taking this drug. Meanwhile, Ellie is set up in this nice apartment by the news channel, and she meets her neighbor Meg. She comes off very strange by asking more questions than necessary when meeting someone new. Meg also works at the news channel, and she tries to talk her way into working the story with Ellie. While she's apprehensive, she starts to work on the story with her.

This whole book, you're trying to piece together the connections and how these girls from the past play into the present. There were sooooo many surprises at the end! I will say I did have my suspicions halfway through the book of one!

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My pet peeve with recent thriller fiction is too many narrators at once and this was a classic case of that. Loved the concept but it was muddeld

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It did Starr off a little slow but it definitely picked up. I did not see that ending coming. It a book that definitely makes you think. I would give it 4.5 stars

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Hank Phillippi Ryan delivers another twisty, thrilling cat and mouse novel of suspense that will have you guessing, and second-guessing, and then gasping with surprise.

The First to Lie is chock-full of twists, and it’s best to go in completely blind when reading this story of revenge and justice.

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YES! YES! YES!!!! 4.5 Stars WORTHY!!
Hank does it like no one else!! Gosh I'm a huge fan. I may be bias - but too bad - I will rave about all Hank P Ryan's books because they are simply phenomenally written!
This was an EPIC story that left you saying WTF time and again... the mindf#*k is REAL!
Pick this one up and enjoy. You're welcome ;)

A huge thank you to NetGalley, Hank Phillippi Ryan and Forge Books for providing me with a copy of this publication, which allows me to provide you with an unbiased review.

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I almost think I need to read this book again, because there were so many duplicitous people I am still a little confused.

It was entertaining, and kept me on my toes!

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review

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