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The First to Lie

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Scientists at the giant, family-owned pharmaceutical company Vanderwald discover that Monifan, used to hasten healing after surgery, can also increase the chances of a successful pregnancy, fertility doctors start using it off label. The results are spectacular, and women desperate for a child flood the clinics prescribing it. What the doctors don’t mention to their patients is that there is a possibility the results may instead be devastating.
Three women converge on Boston to uncover the deeply buried and dangerous secrets behind the drug. A lawyer representing a firm that is also interested in Vanderwald convinces one of the women to join forces with him, but she doesn’t quite trust him. Each of the four is lying, but their intentions for doing so are unclear until deep into the story. The reasons for the interest in the company and the drug are different for each truth seeker. Some want to expose wrong-doing; others are seeking revenge for personal tragedies.
The First to Lie is another top-notch thriller from Ms. Ryan. The plot is complex, with plenty of twists and turns and surprises the reader will not see coming. Each character is fully fleshed out and unique. Their stories unfold in real time, revealing their backgrounds and motivations in ways that make perfect sense in the end. Highly recommended.

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I don’t even know how to begin this review..I’m still reeling from how amazingly creative this story was!

A powerful family who owns an extremely large drug company, what could go wrong? You set out to help people but instead, your company gives way to tragedy. The depth of how deep this novel went and the ingenuity of the lies is like a breath of fresh air! I have not seen a book dive so deeply into untruths and be able to keep them separate in a very long while!

This is my first book by Hank Phillippi Ryan and it won’t be my last, I’m hooked now and can’t wait to read more! A truly special thanks to the author and Forge books for my copy! These opinions are my own, this is perfect for a weekend read, you will not be able to put it down!

The best part is you don’t have to wait, you can order from your favorite bookseller today!! Get your snacks and drinks ready and just binge read!!


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I have to say I for one hate books that keep switching from one character to another in every chapter, (it just drives me nuts.) I honestly got about 5 chapters in and stopped not sure I wanted to keep reading it, but I decided to give it a second chance after all I love Hank Phillippi Ryan's books so I wanted to give it a fair chance, and I am so glad I did!

This book is written in more than just a one person perspective on a single subject about a drug that may or may not do what they claim, heartbreak, revenge and justice. You will be pulled in so many directions rooting for the people who only wanted one thing only to have their lives ripped apart, and looking for revenge for all the lies that would be uncovered along the way.

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If you could taker a pill that would solve your fertility issues, would you? Many women would say yes, but what they don’t know is that while it works for many, for some it could ruin their chances of ever having children. Ellie its determined to take down the pharmaceutical company that isn’t disclosing the full truth. Meanwhile, Nora is just trying to do her job as a sales rep. Or is she? Will Ellie be able to make the truth known?

Whew! This was one of those books where you have no idea who to trust. Everyone was someone else, everyone had something to hide, and everyone seemed to want the same thing, but maybe not? It had me wondering the entire time who was on what side and who was who and who you could trust. This one definitely messes with your head! That said, I really loved it! I am still trying to get my head around everything that happened and how it all turned out! I had to love the take down the Pharma giant angle too! When I was looking for jobs I had a lot of Pharma recruiters reach out, but I just couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t feel right trying to get doctors to give out my drugs over others, especially when you never truly know which ones work and for who. I just didn’t feel comfortable with that kind of sales. I need to sell a product I truly believe in, which luckily for me I am! Anyway that sidetracked!! I really enjoyed this book, I highly recommend grabbing it if you haven’t already!

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Thank you NetGalley for providing this book for my honest review. I love to read a good mystery and this book will keep you guessing. You have the characters laid out for you but everything you know about them keeps changing. This is a great read and very hard to put down. You will be hooked until the end.

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Wow! “The First To Lie” by Hank Phillippi Ryan just became one of my favourite books of 2020! As soon as I got this book I stopped whatever I was reading to start it!

What happens when an undercover reporter gets in too deep? And when a practiced liar has to face off with her own truth? And how does she choose her true reality? Who will be the first to lie?

I feel like I haven’t read a book like this ever! I truly didn’t know what was going on in the best kind of way! I don’t know who is who, who is lying and who I can trust! It is such a perfect book and I never wanted to put it down. It was so beautifully written and every chapter ended on some kind of cliffhanger so I always wanted to keep reading!

There are so many twists and turns, it’s juicy and full of deception and lies! If you are a fan of psychological thrillers and mysteries you have to read this book ASAP!

I know I truly loved this book because whenever I read a book on my kindle that I love, I always have to buy I psychical copy as well! I have already ordered mine and it’s on the way!

Thank you so much Hank Phillippi Hank, NetGalley, and Forge Books for an advanced copy of this ARC. It did not disappoint!

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Never a spoiler in my reviews, here's what you need to know: This book is just plain unputdownable! I LOVED this book! Well written and amazing just don't do it justice. Ryan does an excellent job with a story about bringing down big Pharm, an investigative reporter, and women who just need to make their lives whole, completely developing characters that each come with their own demons. The story is told from several points of view which makes you wonder if there even is a good guy here! The character interactions are rich and realistic, cell phones and phone calls all seem to get in the way of interactions as they do in real life, which makes much of the story relatable; there is a mix of love to love and love to hate characters that are a must in any well-written mystery/intrigue story. Twists and turns will keep you flipping the pages way into the night because you just want to keep going in order to find out what could possibly happen next! A fast-paced thriller that is nothing less than gripping and satisfying...if you haven't read any other of this author's books, you are completely missing out! Start here then go back...Ms. Ryan is nothing less than brilliant. I received a complimentary copy of this book from Net Galley and all opinions are my own.

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The First to Lie by Hank Phillippi Ryan is a mystery rooted so deep that it takes to the very end to unwind all the strands, both for the reader and the participants. Ryan takes on big pharma in this newest tome, not only with corporate greed and conspiracy but with personal as well. It is an extremely complicated story of avarice at its worst and of ambition that got out of hand. In a carefully plotted mystery, Ryan took characters who were little more than children and allowed them to be manipulated until they were no longer themselves and rushed forward to try to control a world out of control. No one was who or what he or she seemed, some several times over. People died, both then and now, and the one doing the killing felt justified.

The hurt was bleeding out of The First to Lie. The hurt was caused by medication, by lies, and my control. Some people had it; others wanted it. It was fascinating to watch, and so very well done. Ryan has it down. The characters were complex, some of them having alter egos and disguises until the major players didn't recognize one another. Even the police helped in the deception until no one knew whom the other players were and what motivated them. It is a masterful telling of a very sad story. I recommend it.

I was invited to read a free ARC of The First Lie by Netgalley. All opinions and interpretations contained herein are solely my own. #netgalley #thefirstolie

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There is a lot of duplicity among the characters in this novel. The individual personalities are well established and it isn’t hard to keep them straight even though they move back and forth from “before” to present. There was one surprise at the end but other than that, it was fairly easy to see where it was going early on in the story.

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The question is not who will be The First to Lie. Rather, it is who is telling the truth in this twisty new thriller.

Ellie is a television reporter investigating big pharma, specifically Pharminex. Pharminex is marketing a new fertility drug. Is it effective? Is it safe?

Nora is a new salesperson for Pharminex. But who is she really? And what is her end goal?

Meg has used family connections to become Ellie’s assistant. She wants Ellie’s job. But is that her only objective?

The First to Lie is a fascinating nesting doll of a story. Just when you think you have it solved, bang! Another twist appears! It’s a captivating and engrossing mystery. 4 stars!

Thanks to Forge Books and NetGalley for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

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HOLY COW!!! This was a wild ride! Hank Phillipe Ryan knocks it out of the park with this one! Just when I thought I had the twists figured out, Ryan pulls another fast one on me! And they were all so fantastic! I absolutely loved this one! An easy 5 star read!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for an e-ARC copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Ohhhh, what to say about this one?! This had ups and downs and twists and turns, and I thought I had it figured out and then the next twist would come.

Riveting storytelling and plot twists galore, I recommend this one for sure!!

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This was okay for me. Elements of this book that were supposed to be shocking were sussed out early on my end. I read a lot in this genre though so I think most readers will still enjoy and be surprised by this twisty tale. I enjoyed the inclusion of Big Pharma as a plot element. That felt very original. Thank you to NetgGalley for this ARC.

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Fully formatted review on Novellives.Com
Posted across all media platforms in my bio and Edelweiss 8/8
Thank you to Forge for an Arc in exchange for an honest review

The First To Lie By Hank Phillippi Ryan

You know how this goes, right? I give you a summary of a book, and that means one of two things. Either The First to Lie by Hank Phillippi Ryan will be dropped into the Great Salt Lakes, or I was complete trash for it but... spoilers. Despite how adept I've become at reviewing without spoiling, sometimes it is just impossible. Well, what if I said the reason I am giving you a summary of The First to Lie was, neither?

I am giving you the summary of The First to Lie because I am not sure that my review is going to give anyone who is not familiar with the summary, synopsis, or basic plot of Hank Phillippi Ryan's latest, a clue. I have good reason to feel that way, and I think you will understand why. Let me make something clear upfront. Am I'm dropping The First to Lie into the Great Salt Lake, or was I trash for it?

I was complete trash for it.

The First To Lie By Hank Phillippi Ryan Book Summary

We all have our reasons for being who we are—but what if being someone else could get you what you want?
After a devastating betrayal, a young woman sets off on an obsessive path to justice, no matter what dark family secrets are revealed. What she doesn't know—she isn't the only one plotting her revenge.
An affluent daughter of privilege. A glamorous manipulative wannabe. A determined reporter, in too deep. A grieving widow who must choose her new reality. Who will be the first to lie? And when the stakes are life and death, do a few lies matter?

I read that summary and wanted to read The First to Lie. Then, I read that summary after reading the book. Now, I realize the first person to lie was Hank Phillippi Ryan. Lies. So many lies. ALL THE LIES.

The First To Lie Book Themes
Actually, there are The First to Lie themes, and then there are overall themes. What does that mean? Simple. There is a theme that seems to be running through this Spring/Summer 2020 Fling, Adult Psychological Thrillers. Don't. Mess. With. Women's. Vaginas.

First: When You Have To Google "Hostile Vagina," There Is A There, There By Robyn Harding

Second: The Night Swim Tackles Rape, Classism And Reputations By Megan Goldin

And now, we have the Hank Phillippi Ryan's The First To Lie, which also begs the question, what happens when men start messing around in places they shouldn't be, with mal intent?

So, what is different? The how and the why. The First to Lie isn't about rape or a hostile vagina, with cascading consequences. The First to Lie is about a pharmaceutical company, an off-label fertility drug, the family that owns it, and devastating effects that push the wrong people too far. And more twisted, some of those people are in the very family that own said pharmaceutical company. The only people more dangerous than the strangers you screw over, are family members. Suppose you don't know that from your own experiences. Read Samantha Downing's He Started It.

One powerful family with unchecked power in the pharmaceutical industry takes medication and pushes an off-label use for infertility treatment. While it is a wonder drug for some women. For others, it is their worst nightmare. The nasty side effect is that either it works, or it ensures that you are never able to have a baby again. No second chances, opinions, reversals, do-overs, nothing. And no one is warning these women, including their own family. I'm just going to leave this here.

These desperate, frantic, often hopeless women who are coming to doctors that they think they can trust. Experts they believe are their only hope and that have their best interests at heart. Instead, they are dealing with liars and charlatans that push a drug without divulging all the risks they are taking. Sometimes because the doctors are lying, and sometimes because the pharmaceuticals reps are lying to the doctors, never telling them the full dangers of the drug.
And then there is the overall damage of pharmaceutical companies that prioritize profit margins over the risk to people. From opioids, going back to Thalidomide, these companies have shown time and time again how they are willing to put money over people.

"Pharminex had calculated the cost of a human life. Of the cost of a woman's ability to have children versus their desire to make a profit.
"...ask yourself, for instance, if three hundred people are helped, but one can never have children again, does that make it ok?" She shook her head. "How many successes make up for a disaster? Given those odds, what would you do?"
"I'd want to know," Meg said. "I'd want to choose."
... Ellie agreed with Meg for once. People should be given a choice.
I Became That Meme, AGAIN

How many times is this now? Three. Four. I think it is four. That would make it 4-0 in favor of the authors. However, this is the first time I've become THAT meme since S.J. Bolton's The Split.

I really need to stop convincing myself I'm going to win these games, let alone that I'm even playing the same game as the authors.

That should be the sign. I might as well just break out the whiteboard. But try as I might, I'm not going to win. Whatever game I'm playing. Be it poker, Connect Four, Risk? They will sink my Battleship, send me to jail in Monopoly, and then kick my ass at Life.
I would say this is a character-driven story except that these characters are playing at so many different angles, identities, and goals that it has to be plot-driven. Except it can't be plot-driven because the plot is driven by some twenty years of character, family, and drug development history.
And it isn't just connected. It is like that scene. You know, from The Good Place, where it is not a straight line connected.

AND! I am Chidi at the end of this clip. Because it isn't just the timeline of the plot, nor is it only the characters, and their identities moving in this Jeremy Bearimy fashion. Oh, no. It is the intersection of the plot, the characters, and all the different identities throughout events, plot, etc... that interweaves throughout The First to Lie. BUT here is the vital part about everything I just said.
I'm sure that sounds like a complete clusterfuck, right. It's ok. Go ahead and say it. It seems like there is no way that isn't a total clusterfuck. The thing is? IT IS NOT A COMPLETE CLUSTERFUCK.

Well, I mean not in a bad way. Make no mistake Hank Phillippi Ryan's The First to Lie is a train wreck, and every character is a class-A debacle. But I mean that in the most complimentary of ways. Ryan has written explosive entertainment that will keep your draw dragging on the ground until the last punctuation drops.

You will start like a newbie watching hockey, just trying to keep up with the speed of the game, wondering where the fuck the puck went, and then feverishly attempting to beat Ryan to the punch.

Finally, you just sit there gaping at whatever the cinnamon toast crunch is happening because you will break.

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WOW! What a powerful story! Lots of family secrets and revenge. A controversial subject of pharmaceutical companies underhanded business, handled with finesse! The author keeps you turning the pages and guessing to the very last page! Loved this book and I love this author! A Must Read!

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This was my first book by this author and it definitely won’t be my last! This was a super twisty, cat and mouse thriller, that kept me on my toes the entire time. The short chapters made it easy to say “just one more” and keep flipping those pages. I sped through the last 200 pages today, needing to know what was going to happen! I really enjoyed the writing style of this one. Intricate but not confusing. Everything comes together at the end and I had so many “lightbulb” moments drawing back on little things that happened earlier in the book that I dismissed. Every word is meant to be there and is a clue.

The story centers around an investigative journalist Ellie who is trying to take down the big pharma company, Pharminex, that caters to women and infertility issues. We also follow characters from the Vanderwald family who own Pharminex. As the story comes together, you learn everyone’s true motives and how easy it is to tell a lie.

I highly recommend this one if you’re into medical thrillers, since this centers around the pharmacy company and it’s illegal activity. Or if you’re just looking for a thriller with a more unique storyline. I’ve never read anything like one before and I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it! I’ll definitely be checking out more of @hankpryan ‘s books in the near future!

4 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Omg, this book is so unbelievably good that I could not put it down until I was finished. Ms. Ryan has superb writing skills that are clearly showcased in this twisty constant ever changing by the page master piece of story telling. Just when I thought I was clear on the facts she trips you up all over again and I absolutely loved it! This a definite must buy!

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Started reading "First to Lie," when the lights went out from the high winds!! Once started you can't put this novel down. The twist and turns are fantastic. An awesome thriller. Using my Kindle, I was able to read deep into the night. Had to finally succumb to sleep, but finished as soon as I awoke the next morning. Well worth the loss of sleep and the shock to your nervous system. Excellent thriller, not to be missed.

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Hank Phillippi Ryan is a go-to author for me when I want a good thriller. The First to Lie did not disappoint! I was captivated from the beginning and stayed up way too late to finish this one. If you are looking for a page-turner, look no further!

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4.5 Stars

This is a look into the world of drug manufacturing. We learn in this book how a persons life is valued or devalued in this case. Everything is based on money and sales. This story tells how money is seen as more important than a persons life in big business, such a sad book as this seems like true to life. The writing and the dialogue were clear and sounded realistic. The ethical dilemmas of all parties were presented fairly--part of what made me think as a reader. Sometimes everything in a thriller is painted so obviously right or wrong that you lose sight of the fact that the law is meant to protect everyone.

What I most liked about this book is that it was written by a woman and the main characters are strong women. Usually books like this are about men and written by men. Not that there is anything wrong with that, but this was a nice change. I love investigative, legal dramas and this book is excellent in that department. It started a bit slow for me, but it got really interesting as I read further. I have read other reviews where the reader has said that the different names and timelines caused them to be confused, I didn't have that problem and enjoyed this read immensely.

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