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The Priest

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Sighhhhhhh this was perfect. I think I love pseudo-excommunicated Søren almost as much as I adore Søren in his Father Sterns getup.

This book is about a priest, duh, but no just a priest. Nora is called to assist in an investigation of a suicide that is suspected as foul play. Well, she isn’t particularly called to the case, but when the deceased’s last call was to Nora, she can’t not become involved. And then things get all sorts of fun.

We meet a few new characters, and they’re all delightful (to me, anyway).

I have little to say about how much I loved Nora or Søren because, let’s face it, they’re both are just as amazing as always, not to mention King and little Celeste (adorbz!!). But things progress so cleverly on all fronts of the plot, but if we’re talking about Cyrus, the detective working on the suicide case, he’s just lovely. Smart, and devoted and very tenacious. I love him.

This is a classic f@#k with your head type of novel, just like Tiffany Reisz likes, and it’s a page turner.

I absolutely loved it and hope like hell we get more Original Sinners stories.

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Color me intrigued. Just when I think things are quietly settling for everyone (namely Soren, Nora and Kingsley) and that it’s simply kinky leisure and galore from now on, of course there's a curveball. This storyline had a mystery to solve with a new character. I was definitely engaged in wanting to know the answers as much as Nora. Those revelations end up leading to some heavy introspection and discussion as a result. Most of that was at the end and likely the best part of the book because of how it pushed the characters past a certain point and how it impacted them moving forward. When I see where Nora started and how she is now, I realized just how much she has matured despite how youthful she can seem. The same goes for Soren and Kingsley. Their experiences, including loving others, has given them new perspectives on what they are willing to sacrifice. There are some great talking points that I think will come around again in future stories because there is no way that this series is over. In many ways, it feels like it is just beginning.

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The Priest is everything. Tiffany Reisz continues the Original Sinners series with one of her most heartwarming books yet. And yes I said heartwarming. And maybe it's because these characters have truly matured and they realize just what is most important to them. Or maybe it’s just that they finally see clearly what they need and perhaps all the internal warring within them has finally decided to cease a bit. All I know is that although Nora is still the enticing siren she has always been, I feel a peace within her as she puts on a new hat as amateur detective and not only helps crack a case of a newly deceased priest but gets back the man who will forever have her heart.

I think what I love most about Reisz is how she guides me effortlessly into her stories from the very first words. Not many can do that for me and it’s like wearing a well-worn sweater as her words envelop me and keep me challenged, much like she expects of her characters. Although Nora, King and Søren may have ‘mellowed’ a bit, finding their new stations in life certainly hasn’t extinguished both their bite and their heady desires. And that’s what keeps me coming back for more: Reisz doesn’t diminish these beloved characters, she simply allows them to make their mistakes but grow from them as well.

The addition of Cyrus Tremont as Nora’s partner in crime was truly a great one. His self-imposed celibacy with his doting fiancée is a wonderful juxtaposition to Nora’s trysts with Søren and the vibes she gives off as they explore mystical New Orleans in search of clues as to why Father Ike killed himself. The fact that she can give him a bit of advice as a challenge that only makes his world a bit better in the bedroom is a testament to the subtle power she will always have. And their sharp banter is so damn fun to experience.

For me, Nora’s wit and ‘tell it like it is’ attitude only makes me love her more. But it’s her heart, the one that has been battered more than she would like to admit, that makes her beyond irresistible. Whether it’s for Søren, Celeste, King, Juliette or even Gmork, this woman’s love makes her a goddess like no one else.

The excitement of having Søren finally back in her arms is the true highlight of this story. There are intense feelings bared from both of them with an uncertain future a little clearer now. Again, the way Reisz has allowed these characters to come to grips with their thoughts and fears shows just how far they have come. But keeping all the kink and the eroticism present at all times, whether it’s simply when Nora shows off her dungeon to Cyrus or when Søren is showing Nora that he truly does trust her completely, shows that Reisz is a master at keeping these books true to their original perspective.

The Priest can be read as a standalone with explanations thrown in here and there to bring any novice Reisz reader up to speed. I couldn’t have enjoyed myself more and loved getting to be with this outstanding cast of characters once again. I look forward to the next installment and happily give The Priest a huge 5+++ stars!

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You know what?

I *think* this might be the first Reisz book I've read wherein my face didn't leak. Took me 9 books but I finally got there!

*does victory lap*

First things first, The Priest really is more of a crime thriller/mystery than your traditional OS book. I thought I would find that disappointing but instead I found myself not only engrossed but committed to trying to figure out why Father Ike would've committed suicide. I did not foresee the reason and I loved that while also applauding Ms. Reisz for the twist. I'll say no more, but I was moved.

Even though this is a new beginning for the Sinners all the major players are present and accounted for not to mention still kinky as ever. Though The Priest is not as erotic as other books in the series, it still has it's moments. I'm looking at you, blood play scene. But I have to be honest, I missed Søren and King being together. I feel like Søren can let his pain flag fly with King and I felt a little cheated by not getting that scene. Then again, I am extremely kinda biased in their favor.

Firmly ensconced in NOLA now which opens the door for new characters and Cyrus Tremont is one such character. He and Nora have symmetry that grows as the investigation evolves. More characters are introduced but NOLA truly is a main character in this book. I felt like I was there on Bourbon Street, sunning on Lake Pontchartrain or getting a drink to go while lazing the day away getting lost in the French Quarter. It felt like anything was possible with all the witchcraft/voodoo/general weirdness references all of which set a different tone, one I don't recall having experienced before in an OS book. I have to be honest, I'm looking forward to experiencing it again in book 10 and finding out what Søren decides.

I'm going to go with 4.5 stars and anyone who's interested in a absorbing mystery with a side of kink should take The Priest out for spin.

An ARC was provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a wonderful book for a new to me author. I found the character development to be exceptional. I always enjoy plot that ,moves along at a good pace keeping the story flowing. I would recommend to others.

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Guys, I've been sitting here for 10 minutes typing deleting typing deleting my review but ugh ever since I've gone on blogging hiatus my reviewing skills have gone to the toilet

so yea gonna talk in points:

[CW: sexual abuse, child grooming]

1) I have so many feels about this book--particularly about Nora and her new BFF, Cyrus. Here for more Nora & Cyrus adventures!

2) Soren flailing without structure (as much as Soren can flail, using that word very loosely) honestly gave me anxiety and chest pains-

3) I don't think we get much of Juliette and Kingsley in this book, only snippets here and there (I LOVE THEM SO MUCH) so yea probably gonna reread The King sometime soon

4) (redacted because spoilers)

5) The whole situation re: Soren, Nora, and Fionn? CHEST PAINS.

Overall, I love this a lot, obviously. Glad to revisit this world again. Not sure how to categorize this though as it's not technically romance, so I will leave this uncategorized for now.

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Written with incredible imagery and kink. Damn it’s good.
I’ve read a few of Tiffany’s books in the past but I don’t believe I’ve read any of the past series this is attached to but that is something that will be changed as soon as possible.

Holy smokes. This book is intense in many different ways. From the dark edges of New Orleans, dripping with heat both temperature wise and sensuality, The Priest pushes many boundaries.

It’s an investigation like no other where darkness permeates minds, people, and places, but yet Reisz makes sure to bring humor and lightness, love and pleasure in a delicate balance too.

This book was an amazing read and I cannot wait to dive into more with this new series and take a look back at the old. Many references to the rest of the series, but you can follow easily with this new story.

A must read for those who like to push boundaries of what is acceptable; including BDSM, erotica, and a passion unlike you’ve read before.

I simply loved the depth of this book and am now utterly addicted the the Priest. Bring me more!

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I like this series. This one you could probably read out of order since they recap some of the more important events from the past, but in order to really "get" it, you should probably start from book 1.

This one is a little different since it's got a mystery vibe to it. I like the P.I. character, Cyrus Tremont. A good portion of the story was about him and the investigation to find out if a priest found dead had committed suicide and if so, why? I liked the twisty story along with some of Nora's kink. I was really happy to see that Cyrus didn't want to get with Nora like every other male character in these books.

Nora, of course can do no wrong, and everyone loves her to the point of worship(except Cyrus in this case). That is a constant throughout the series that kind of bothers me.

I gave this 4 stars because Nora ended up making a decision that I didn't agree with. It might have ended up working out in the book, but in reality it would have been far worse for the others involved, probably to the point of ruining their lives indefinitely. She took the road of "Better to ask for forgiveness than ask for permission." For other readers it might not be a deal breaker.

Overall, a good addition to the Sinners series.

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"Eleanor, you really should know better by now." he said. "Never flirt with a sadist in a well-stocked dungeon."

I had to share that with you, it made me giggle. While this story has some of the things that I've come to expect and always enjoy, it surprised me as well. I'd classify this one as romantic suspense. I really enjoyed the mystery-solving side of the journey the author took me on. I also enjoyed meeting the new characters that were introduced in the telling of this tale.

That being said, nothing compares to spending time with my favorite characters. Søren...sigh. He's dark and deep and delicious, right? And then there's Kingsley and Nora and their banter that never fails to entertain. The three of them have an unbreakable bond that somehow manages to get tested again and again. With so much pain in their past and a fragile future weighing on them with Søren's suspension, things are a little uncertain.

I got all caught up in being a virtual detective as different clues were discovered and secrets were uncovered. It was exciting to anticipate and try to figure things out along the way. I already had a girl-crush on Nora, she's so fearless and feisty, but she took it up another notch when she became a sleuth in stilettos. That poor PI had no clue what he was in for when he asked Nora to help with his investigation.

Do yourself a favor and grab a copy of this addictive, funny, sexy, sometimes sweet and sometimes sad, and surprisingly suspenseful story. I loved it and I'm excited to report that it didn't feel like the end so I have high hopes there will be more Original Sinners to come. The line forms here...

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[Thanks Netgalley for the ebook. This review is my honest opinion but just another opinion, you should read this book and judge it by yourself]
Thank you, Tiffany Reisz, for bringing my beloved Original Sinners back. I was in a dark mood (hateful covid-19!) and this reading was the healing I was needing.
I'm a great fan of this series so I was over the moon with this book. I'm not going to spoil anything, but let me tell you that it begins with a murder investigation and ends with our Sinners' world (and my heart) upside down.
It's funny, it's witty, it's fully Nora (and I love Nora ❤). It has great characters, a maybe too simple mistery (but a disturbing one) and Søren ❤, I don't need anything else. Great book, Tiffany Reisz, congratulations.
Now I need to know more!! What's going to happen in their future?!? I need another book!
(Note: this is supposed to be an stand alone, but I think you're not going to enjoy it that much if you aren't familiar with Nora's story, so I recommend you going back and reading the series in order -starting with The Siren!).

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This book is at the same time easy and difficult to review. If you are an Original Sinner devoted reader, because 'fan' is just too tame a word, then you don't need to read reviews to know you want to read this book. You already know you will love it and it will be written with the same high quality you have come to expect from Tiffany Reisz. If you are not an Original Sinner reader, you have no business reading this book. Go get The Siren and start the proper way. You.Are.Welcome!

I will not summarize or paraphrase this book any way. You don't need me to. I will say that this book saved me. I was in such a horrible book funk and could not concentrate on anything. No matter how hard I tried, reading was just not the escape I needed it to be. This book was exactly what I needed. Thank you for creating this amazing world I never want to leave. I'll never understand how an author could craft a story that left you both completely satisfied and begging for more at the same time.

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It doesn’t matter if I’m in the midst of another book, when Mistress Tiffany releases a new <B>Original Sinners </b>book, I’m on it! Any chance for more time with Soren, I’m down. I was pleasantly surprised how much Soren was in this book. Seems we haven’t seen as much of him lately. Catching up like old times!

This is a bit different speed for most other<B> Original Sinners </b>books. It’s a bit more of a suspense. Still with our cast of characters we’ve grown to love but the introduction of a couple newbies. Less so BDSM and more so ‘who done it.’

Regardless, she’s always a hit with me and as long as we continue to get to see our beloved cast of characters in these ensuing novels, I’ll always set my current read down for <B>Tiffany Reisz.</b>

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"She gave him her heart and he swallowed it whole."
Soren and Nora's relationship has been going through the wringer for over 20 years... their love for one another has been tested time in time again only to come out stronger and stronger. In "The Priest" Nora finds herself getting involved in a murder investigation of a local priest with her business card on his dead body... a mysterious, dark, twisted case is about to unfold and Nora just can't seem to keep herself out of trouble. After all, TROUBLE is her middle name! 5 Intensely Intriguing Stars for The Priest (The Original Sinners, #9)... where Tiffany Reisz's imagination takes you on yet another tantalizing journey with the kinkiest squad to walk the Earth!

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5* I loved The Priest! I loved all the characters, the location (NOLA!), it was a page turner! I really enjoyed the friendship that developed for Cyrus and Nora, they had this cool brother/sister vibe that was funny at times. I'm afraid to say I'm ashamed this is my first read in this series. However, now that I've read this, I will absolutely go back to the beginning and read them all
Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of The Priest in exchange for an honest review.

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New city and new chapters of life are bringing something seems everybody is changed, more mature but there are some things inside of all of them, they can't run away from.
Søren was suspended from the Jesuits and he is dealing with it in his own way. Kingsley is expecting his third child and is nervous and panicked as hell. Nora is almost as usual self - getting involved in things that mean trouble. The priest committed suicide, but how is he connected to Nora? She needs to know!
When I first heard the title of this book, I thought it will be about Søren and his life after Jesuits, but nooo, this one is about some other priest. There are many correlations through the story, that you can connect to their life, if you know their past and I found that very intriguing. I loved every minute of it, and that the story is placed in New Orleans, with magic and voodoo and witches still my heart, it is perfect. An average reader might read it as classic mystery, but if you read closely their conversation and all, it is much deeper and almost heart breaking on moments.
All in all, it is about solving the WHY, but the revelation will be more than she can chew, which says much, as she is Nora, and is not shocked easily. Some hard questions are brought up, and I admired her courage go against the corruption in Church, despite her love.
My heart was ripped, chewed and stomped on, then put back together. I always feel too much with these characters. A little romantic in me still hopes they will finally decide to live their own »normal« life and have some peace and just be happy. Their love is so great it is almost painful. Despite all their years together, there is still thing we discover anew with them, and I am grateful for that. They touched some elementary yet painful memories. Oh, and let's not forget THE MOMENT when Søren decided to give her power. That was unexpected but I was glad, it showed his love for her.
The master. The monster. The beautiful sadist. That was the secret she never told anyone, not even herself, that she loved him more for his cruelties than his mercies. (Ch. 27, The Priest)
I had so much fun with the Detective and his cluelessness about kink, Nora is a great teacher and she enjoyed shocking him. Their conversation was fun, and they worked good together.
Ms. Tiffany’s books always leave me with so much emotions, I need a few days to process them. I laugh, I gasp, I cry and get hot 😊 So I would recommend this book to well everybody. It is well written with good plot, great characters and dialogues, mystery, love, kink and even a bit of magic.

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I agree with everyone who loves Søren. He's a great novel character, both romantic and sadistic. And even though I'm certainly not the most BDSM reader of Ms. Reisz, I love the way she tells her twisted stories. And I admit that I resent Nora every time she looks back at her past and blames Søren for it. Let her act like an adult, take responsibility of her own life once and for all and stop being mean to him.

I'd like to see Søren hold Fionn in his arms. There are so many possibilities with this part of his life. I don't want to see Søren die, but I'd like to see him risk his life for his son. And he would if his child's life was in danger!

Come on, Ms. Reisz, write us many more novels with Søren as the main character or one of the two protagonists, and I'll continue to enjoy your books.

Thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for my copy of this beautiful novel.

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II loved it! I still love Soren. He's so touching with his love for Fionn and his tattoo on his wrist where his pulse is. He's my favorite character of the Tiffany Reisz series. And as long as he lives and we can read about him, I'll keep reading Ms. Reisz's novels. If she kills him or if he disappears from her novels, I will disappear from her readership; it's as simple as that. She could even write a novel to tell us what Soren did while he was travelling alone. No need to tell much more about his unhappy childhood, no need to recount us his long time adventure with Nora in reverse, from his point of view. Just a Kerouac "On the Road" story would be great. Not even necessary to show him fucking in his SM way with boy or girl "on the road". I love so much Soren that I'd be happy even without that ;)

It's not the best book of the Original Sinners series, but it's not far. I recommend it!

I would have given 4½ stars, but half stars aren't possible here. Since I'm in a kind mood, I'll give it five stars.

Many thanks to the author, the publisher and Netgalley for an ecopy of this excellent book.

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THE PRIEST is the ninth book in the Original Sinners series. I devoured books 1-5 and haven't read 6,7, or 8. It touts itself as the perfect jumping on point for new readers. Many of the characters are making new starts, but I certainly felt that my familiarity with the core group increased my enjoyment. I will be genuinely curious to see how new readers feel.

This book is not easy. It is not a romp. In the last third of the book, Nora (dominatrix/erotic romance author) makes some hard choices and it feels like those choices will form a mission statement for any upcoming books. New friendships are formed and old bonds are broken.

This book will come with a lot of content warnings for readers. Concerned readers should seek those out.

I think this is a good book. I think it IS a turning point in the series, and it's doing the hard work it needs to in order to establish a new, or at least revised, direction. But it's a heavy lift.

I received an ARC from the publisher via NetGalley for review.

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I’ve missed these guys so much. I know we get Sinners Christmas presents and sometimes Halloween presents, but to get another entire book was priceless. All the Christmas, Easter and Eid gifts in one.

In crazy, crazy times I read this book. The fact that it took me longer than usual to read it is nothing to do with the book not being gripping, it’s because watching the news became a must.

Nora becomes Scooby Doo solving the mystery of the death of father Ike Murrow. The whole who/what/why with Cyrus Tremont, a man who deserves a medal because he might be the only guy ever in the history of the Sinners that Nora hasn’t wanted to fuck.

The Priest has some spooky shit going on. Vampires, witches, warlocks, What’s Up Doc jokes and even more scary is Søren. Always. Always scary but this one had me panting for him. Pass me the smelling salts I feel a bit peculiar.

I would have loved more King but I had lots of him in The Chateau and I shouldn’t be so greedy.

Tonight I’m going to bead my tree.

At a time when our world is threatened by a virus that’s killing so many there is always a book to escape into and I’m so thankful for Mistress Little One.

“If enough people all over the world were singing the same song at the same time, the whole world could hear it.”

“They all needed that time. They were like injured animals, isolating themselves from the pack to lick their wounds and privately heal.”

“So easy to choose between good and evil. So hard to choose between good and good. Hardest of all to choose between what you want to do and what you want to do and what you ought to go.”

It’s almost like TR knew the apocalypse was coming. Stay safe Søren, Nora and King.

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Three steps forward, two steps back.

The Priest was on its way to be my favorite of Tiffany Reisz’s The Original Sinners series. The characters are starting anew in New Orleans after leaving New York City. The story opens with Soren gone, this is not unexpected to the regular reader, new readers might be puzzled. Nora has gained a dog and the pair seem to be thriving together, no small feat for a woman who never even wanted the responsibility of a plant. Kingsley and Juliette are close to the birth of child number two.

And then the Priest is found dead. And then Nora is pulled into the mystery. Like I said, the Priest was on its way. I liked the new character of Cyrus, a local private detective, and I thought the mystery of what happened to Father Ike somewhat thin but still interesting. Eleanor is thirty-eight in this installment and is at her most likable. She seems to be past trying to seduce every guy who sparks her interest and she and Kingsley are supportive friends. She is helping paint the coming baby’s nursery, you’re welcome Juliette, and appears to be a doting aunt to little Celeste. As the setting is New Orleans, the reader also gets a bit of the quirky flavor of the city via the architecture and food.

Having fun? Yes, we are. Then ‘it’ happens. Sometimes in a book I come to a passage that makes me want to write an extra paragraph in the book myself. This time it is a brutally painful misery stick scene between Eleanor and Soren. I know, I know, consenting adults. Still, years ago, in the book The Saint, Soren says, he can “still enjoy himself without torturing” Eleanor. He also says, “I would never do anything to you that you did not want to do.” For her part, a young Eleanor merely assures Soren she “can take it.” Ah, youth. But clearly Eleanor is being tortured here. Clearly this is something she doesn’t want. She describes it as hurting worse than being sliced open by a knife that had been sitting in a red-hot fire. She feels she may pass out. She verbalizes that she hates these acts when they are done.

So, it’s “two steps back” in my opinion and a major disruption for readers of the series. In the past we learn that Soren can be himself with Eleanor. Why? Because he trusts Eleanor to keep them from going too far. She would never die for him. But here, in this scene, they both die in a way. Soren takes it too far and Eleanor lets him. Why? Because his cruelty is saved for those he loves; a strange paradox that continually echoes around in their relationship. And it’s like an accident that you can’t look away from. It leaves one wondering, why so viscous? Punishment or plot element? True physical punishment of Eleanor would need to be a step beyond, as she likes pain, mostly, except this. Whether a plot element, meant to show Soren’s state of mind while being separated from the Jesuits or punishment, or because the author merely wants to one-up her readers, many of whom have probably experienced some impact play with a riding crop, only the author knows.

As Eleanor limps around on sore feet the next day in the book, I would have liked to have a magic pen and the ability to insert a comment or two from Soren or Eleanor. Either one of them could have simply, quietly, compassionately told the other that the misery stick was now a hard limit. They had tried it and would not try it again. Neither would give, both would still win, but not with that instrument. True growth, it is hardest in life and fiction. True, Eleanor and Soren finally examine their relationship and the rules they flouted, Eleanor has a massive change of heart at the end of the novel, and Soren strives to get to know Nora in a way he never has before. I think perhaps the author got too engrossed in these last elements, although they are big, so I can hardly blame her.

I imagine many of the reviews of the Priest will start with “I love…. The best… Read it in one day…” Reisz is a fantastic author with a devoted fan base. She has a talent for dialogue that is second to none. The world she has created with Soren and Eleanor and Kingsley is intricate and complex and like real people her characters are both good and bad. For this reader though, at this moment, I find myself so disappointed in the characters of Soren and Eleanor. I want to be moved by the other true pinnacles of shock and surprise in the book. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe not. And the wait for my favorite continues.

Thanks for the ARC Netgalley and author Tiffany Reisz

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