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The Lazy Genius Way

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I’ve been a longtime fan of @thelazygenius podcast and was excited to read her book, which releases soon. If you’ve listened to her podcast, some of the phrases and themes will sound the same, but there is enough new content to make it different than the podcast. It was a good read to help your get stuff done, it isn't lists of things to do but more like questions to ask yourself to figure out what you really want.
thank you to @netgalley for the early copy of this book! #thelazygeniusway #lazygenius #netgalley

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Perfect for the non-self help reader. No lists and rules of hers to follow. She teaches you to think about what matters to you, the reader, and apply it to your life. Be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t. Learn to master your own life, not someone else’s. I absolutely loved this book!

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m not in a season where I am reading a lot of productivity, optimize your life kind of books. I mean, all they’d really do is make me feel bad about myself because of our current season of postpartum depression + 3 little kids + *waves vaguely at the world*. But friends, let me tell you, this book isn’t your typical productivity, optimize your life kind of book. Kendra holds your hand as you figure out what matters to you and what doesn’t. She’s my adulting doula. If you’ve been around my socials for any length of time, y’all know we’re going through a TOUGH time. This book didn’t make me feel bad about myself and lack of productivity and life optimization. No. This book is filled with grace and felt like a hug. It was like Jerry from “Cheer” giving me a mat talk

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If you love the podcast, The Lazy Genius, you’ll love this book! It’s filled with lots of great practical ideas to live your best life, accomplish your to-do list, and focus on what’s truly important to you. I just love Kendra’s warm and friendly style. Great book!

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(Thank you to NetGalley and Waterbrook Press for providing an ARC of this book.)

I really enjoyed reading this book. Kendra says in the very beginning of the book that sometimes we try too hard and sometimes we don't try at all. There can be something in the middle and it all starts with deciding what matters to me! That idea alone is resonating with me.

I loved the entire book. There are so many great chapters. One chapter that particularly stood out to me was the concept of Let People In. I liked Kendra's thoughts about letting people into our everyday lives. It's as easy as telling someone something small about your day or letting a friend pick something up from the store for you because she is already going to that store. I realized this is something I can work on improving in my life.

I'm planning to read it again and working through these principles in my life!

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The Lazy Genius Way is an absolutely fantastic book to read during the craziness that is 2020. Kendra Adachi nails it with her fun, often quirky, and lighthearted book. She uses examples from her own life and shares the critical secrets of how to Lazy Genius so many of the day to day things we all find stressful. Based on the central tenet of naming what matters, The Lazy Genius Way really is for everyone. I really did love this book and am looking forward to embracing life the Lazy Genius way!

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As a person who can be pretty lazy, but also likes things to be clean, organized, and not overwhelming this book was such a great read. Kendra Adachi goes through how to get the things you want done in your life without being overwhelmed with chapters that go through how to prioritize, how to time batch, and how to prepare for the things that will be harder later. So many of these tips are things that I find helpful in my life, but she was able to work it much better than I would be able to.

This is such a great book to get back on track when you feel like your life is spinning out of control that is easy to read and you will get a lot out of.

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In this debut book, Kendra Adachi offers practical tips to help us tackle life without running ourselves into the ground. Kendra's motto, "Be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't" is the book's framework and the first chapter breaks down what it means to be a lazy genius. The subsequent chapters are 13 lazy genius principles: Decide Once, Start Small, Ask the Magic Question, Live in the Season , Build the Right Routines, Set House Rules, Put Everything in its Place, Let People In, Batch It, Essentialize, Go in the Right Order, Schedule Rest, and Be Kind to Yourself. Each chapter follows a similar flow beginning with a definition and/or real life story about each principle and is followed by steps to apply the principle to your own life. There is also a really helpful recap and a small starting step at the end of each chapter.

My Thoughts

Y'all. Kendra (aka The Lazy Genius) gets my brain. This book was such a breath of fresh air. It's not merely a book of practical principles, but it's also a book about discovering what matters to you and how to tackle those important-to-you tasks. The chapter about seasons made me cry (in a good way) and the chapter about scheduling rest is one of the most helpful things I've EVER READ about self-care. Whether you are a natural when it comes to organization and life-hacks or you need a little extra help, Kendra offers the perfect balance for us all.

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This book was amazing! It was laid out in a way that made sense and really helped me to think about the systems of how I am doing life and what really matters, what needs to change to fit what matters and HOW to make that happen.

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This is the self-help book for people who like instructions. Actionable instructions. *raises hand*

I understand that sometimes the appropriate inspiration is “see your goal, reach your goal, be your goal.” Those books and speeches can be very useful. But….
Sometimes you just need someone to say: “You want to change your life? Do this real thing, then this physical thing, then achieve this effect.” YES! That’s what you get in The Lazy Genius Way – real actionable steps to make changes in your life. I highly recommend this book.

Favorite Lines:
- You have permission to let go, wonder, and go slow or to desire, hustle, and power through.

- We don’t give enough credit to all that goes before, but that’s precisely why small steps matter: they’re doing invisible work, and we can trust that process.

Stars: 5
Would I Recommend? Yes

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I adore Kendra Adachi and her practical advice on how to “Lazy Genius” pretty much any situation. I loved this book because it shares principles that can apply to so many parts of life, not just little tips or hacks She is funny and warm and feels like a friend. Kendra is also a stellar writer and I hope this is just the first of many books to come from her.

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I love Kendra Adachi aka @thelazygenius on Instagram. Her instastories are so practical and funny without ever making you feel less than. There are a lot of time saving type books out there but a lot of them are by men or just facts with not a lot of heart.

I’m not a Lean In woman and I’m not a Proverbs 31 woman. I’m just a person trying to keep my work, house, kids, and life reasonably operational. We’re all coming up on a school year that is to put it mildly, a trash fire. Kendra’s warm advice is incredibly timely to this season and I think you’ll enjoy it.

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I loved The Lazy Genius Way! Adachi helped me view things through a better lens for the season of life I’m in. She helps you decide what matters, and work from there- be a genius about the things that matter to you, and be smart but lazy about the things that don’t. She uses examples of everything from the mundane (laundry and meal planning) to the sacred (making new friends, connecting with your kids and spouse). It’s full of good advice, given in a warm, friendly way- like a conversation with a good friend.

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If you're a suburban, middle-class, Christian, stay-at-home mom of three from the USA, this is probably the book for you. Since I fit very few of these categories, I struggled with resonating with the messages and stories as much I would have hoped to.

The author offers 13 principles for living a more fulfilled life, in what she calls the "Lazy Genius Way". These principles are all illustrated through real-life situations she has gone through. Although I found some of the principles to be useful and resonated with several passages, I just couldn't connect to it as a whole. I don't think this is a bad book, I just don't think it's a book for me.

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Kendra Adachi has written a book that has changed my life forever. The first chapter left me feeling like I had just left an in-depth counseling session. Her principals for living a Lazy Genius life are simple to understand and implement. She speaks in a way that makes the reader feel that they can ACTUALLY make changes in their life, without completely turning their life upside down. Her honest, heartfelt stories were wonderfully told. This is not a step-by-step self-help book. Rather, Kendra has written a book of principles to guide you. Because each of us have different priorities and challenges to overcome, we each will take different paths to change. I loved everything about this book, and I will be sharing it with all of my friends and family.

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I have been a listener of The Lazy Genius podcast for several years. The book absolutely compliments the podcasts, but doesn’t replace them. A reader will not feel lost if they’ve never heard of this author’s work before picking up this book, and they will not feel like the book is redundant if they have been following Kendra’s work for years.
Powerful, practical, potentially life changing and attainable. This book is a must-read.

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In "The Lazy Genius Way", Kendra Adachi offers many helpful tips for helping your life and household run more smoothly. I appreciated her practical advice and the encouragement that you can just make one small change, rather than overhauling everything at once. I believe that many readers (women especially) will benefit from reading this book!

Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. All opinions are my own.

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I LOVE Kendra Adachi's Lazy Genius philosophy, and I loved this book! It's a great overview of her approach to life and gives you plenty of ideas for how you can tweak this mindset to be helpful to your life. Kendra's writing style is funny, relatable, and left me feeling like she was my big sister who gave great advice. I highly recommend you read this book and also check out the Change Your Life Chicken recipe on her Lazy Genius Collective blog. Thanks Kendra!

Thank you to NetGalley & the publisher for an ARC of this book. This is my personal review in exchange for this ARC.

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I've been a big fan of Kendra's work for several years. so I knew right away I would want to read her first book. What I didn't expect was how deeply moving this book was for a so-called self help book. Rather than prescribing specific hacks to perfect your life, Kendra teaches her readers how to name what matters TO YOU, so you can relax into YOUR best life -- not hers or anyone else's. "Little did I know you can be just as exhausted from not trying as you can from trying too hard," she says. Kendra's compassionate, understanding, soothing tone simultaneously encourages us to be mindful around creating systems that work for us, while also giving us permission to ignore what isn't helpful. I thought I knew how to be a Lazy Genius before, but now I feel fully equipped to approach any situation that comes my way using Kendra's practical principles. I can't recommend this book highly enough, no matter your age or stage of life. This book is for everyone!

Thank you to NetGalley and WaterBrook for the ARC.

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The Lazy Genius Way is like Kendra Adachi's greatest hits album in book form! I truly enjoyed all the steps and tips to becoming a Lazy Genius about what matters to you. As a long time listener of The Lazy Genius Podcast, I was so happy to have the chance to read this wonderful book. I often find myself quoting her ideas and suggestions to my husband, friends, family, and basically anyone who will listen! This book is filled with humor and grace about making everyday life more simple and thoughtful. I am so grateful to have stumbled upon Kendra's writing years ago when I was searching for a Gilmore Girl's binge guide. As always, she weaves pop culture, everyday life, dreams, hopes, jokes, and totally genius tips into concise and entertaining life hacks. I feel this book and the suggested methods to being a Lazy Genius will be applicable to anyone who wants to stress less, be more present, and in touch with what truly matters to them.
(Thanks to the author, WaterBrook & Multnomah, and NetGalley for the advance ebook copy I received as part of The Lazy Genius Way launch team. These thoughts are all my own. )

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