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The Lazy Genius Way

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I've been a fan of Kendra Adachi and her Lazy Genius Podcasts for well over a year now. Her advice on how to stock your pantry and how to create a system for laundry were legitimately life-changing for me. Not necessarily because I didn't know how to do either one, but because her words validated that doing things in a way that worked for me (and not necessarily how others thought I should) were OK. So naturally when I learned that Kendra would be writing a whole book of her Lazy Genius principles I could not wait to get my hands on it!

Anyone who has listened to her podcasts will immediately recognize many of the words written in this book. Some of the examples discussed come straight from podcast episodes, but now it's like having a physical manual of how to make your life easier right on your nightstand. But, it's also so much more than that. Kendra dives deep in these pages. She understands the struggles that women face every day... to do better, to be better, to provide more for whatever task they're undertaking. She's lived this and she's found a way to get past the noise. And now she's sharing that knowledge with all of us.

The thirteen principles she shares and expands in this book have legit, actionable suggestions for how we can begin to make our own lives easier today. Not tomorrow, not next week: TODAY. And in that process of making our lives easier, Kendra also gives us the permission to be kind to ourselves and THAT is the real undercurrent of this book. The Lazy Genius Way is not about making our homes and things and appearance better so that the outside world believes we have it all together. Instead it's about tweaking what we can so that we see what's truly important and accept ourselves exactly as we are right now.

I highlighted more passages in this book than I have since completing assigned reading for college courses. I truly believe that I will come back to these words over and over again as time passes. This quote from Kendra truly spoke to me, so that is where I will leave you now. "You're not something to be fixed and sculpted and assessed on a daily basis. You're a person of value as you are right now, and that person deserves your kindness because she is your friend."

*** I received an ARC from Net Galley in exchange for my honest review of this book. ***

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I was stopped in my tracks reading the end of Kendra Adachi’s THE LAZY GENIUS WAY: “Hear this now, friend. You are loved. You are seen. You are enough.”

What does this profound reassurance have to with the book’s focus on living a more fulfilled life? Because the author, a Christian, reminds us that God is in charge and we don’t have to be. Just figure out what matters most and do only that. No apologies!

Kendra offers 13 principles to get stuff done, including:

• Decide once
• Start small
• Find out what you value most
• Go in the right order
• Schedule rest

The title and her bracing ideas made me relax instantly. They reinforce what I’ve been doing the last 10 years. Life is rich and I feel free!

5 of 5 Stars

Pub Date 11 Aug 2020

Thanks to the author, WaterBrook & Multnomah, and NetGalley for the review copy. Opinions are mine.

#TheLazyGeniusWay #NetGalley

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Can you call a book "genius" if genius is in the title? How about "brilliant" then? It has taken me a long time to read that book, but that is only because there was SO much great and practical information. While I did read the book on NetGalley (thanks Waterbrook Press), this is a book that I will buy because I want to be able to write myself notes and go back to it again.

I am a creative person who often piles everywhere because I hate doing paperwork. Also I tend to be overwhelmed with too many things to do. Already this book has helped me to take small steps such as buying BOTH my shower and wedding present for our nephew at the same time rather than returning back to the store. Plus I realized that for a party that I am throwing by having half it homemade and half from the store, I will be much less stressed that day since the party is about my upcoming book, not what I am serving for snacks. Oh, sweet relief! And I am looking forward to getting past a few deadlines to be able to try more of her suggestions. This book is one that I will reread!

I think that it is why the book is brilliant. Kendra does not claim to present rocket scientist tips. She does not even claim that these ideas are original to her. But she does organize it in such a way that success IS possible. I think I understand more why I make certain choices. This book is not about one way of productivity. Instead the topics help you to rethink how you can make better decisions to simplify life. Because there is SO much good advice, the summaries at the end of the chapter help me to remember what I have learned. And I really liked the fact that there is chapter on rest - that is definitely needed for all of us to be able to accomplish our goals!

So who should read this book?
While the audience is primarily women, I think teens could learn from her thoughts as well as men who try to be productive.
Anyone who does not have it all together (that might be everyone)
Anyone who has tried it all and failed (everyone again?)
Anyone with a receptive heart toward experiencing more freedom.

One of her ending thoughts might be one of the most beautiful lines.

"Imagine this. We become a generation of women who are at peace with who we are, who encourage one another to move closer to our deepest identities and shed what's in the way. I'm all for that."

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I was so excited to get this egalley of The Lazy Genius Way! I have loved @thelazygenius podcast, so when I heard Kendra was writing a book, I knew I had to get my hands on it ASAP!

If you’re a fan of the podcast or blog, you need to read this book. If you’ve never heard of The Lazy Genius, you DEFINITELY need to read the book. I love the philosophies and tricks Kendra shares that are all about simplifying life and making more room for what’s important. As she says, be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don’t. Reading this book really gave me time to think and ponder on what matters to me and my family. This book is like a pep talk and instruction guide all in one. I absolutely loved it, and will definitely be recommending this book!

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Kendra wrote a beautiful book about how to reinvent your life so that you can "be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't." In a world where so many of us feel overwhelmed with daily life and the balancing act of managing work, home, relationships, health and more, this book helps readers have a life that is less encumbered by the day-t0-day drudgery that comes with being an adult and more focused on the things that matter. This book is mostly for women, especially mothers, but even as a twenty-something childless woman, the book still made me think about what I could do to focus more of my energy on the things that matter to me.

My only caveat is that I felt like the elephant in the room while reading this book was that it's the cultural and societal norm for women in heterosexual relationships (and especially in families with children) to take on too many of the household responsibilities and to feel like their mental load is exhausting; often, I think this is the case and that no amount of hacks can completely fix it. Instead, redistributing responsibilities might be a better solution. I know that this might have been too much for Kendra to get into but I think it's important to note.

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Goes through different "lazy genius principles" and a recap of the step. Different ideas for about a dozen topics/ideas. It is an okay book to look at.

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There are people for whom this book will resonate. While I am not one of them, I can see that it will have value for those who are struggling to be a successful working mother. I certainly struggle, and I don’t have everything figured out, but I have different problems and concerns than the ones presented in this book. As a librarian, I will happily recommend it to others.

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Thank you to @netgalley and Waterbrook Press for an Advanced Reader's Copy in exchange for an honest review.

I love long been a fan of Kendra Adachi, a.k.a. The Lazy Genius, and her podcast has been an incredible source of inspiration and idea implementation for me in nearly all areas of my life. Adachi is gifted with words, and The Lazy Genius Podcast is a fantastic listen.

The Lazy Genius Way is the perfect accompaniment to the podcast in that it presents the philosophy and steps for becoming a lazy genius in your own life, while showcasing typical scenarios we would most want to use the methodology (this ranges from cleaning the bathroom to making to dinner to friendships and beyond).

I highly recommend checking out this book, then heading over to your Podcast app to download any particular episodes that might be of use to you in your life RIGHT NOW. You won't be sorry.

It turns out I was a lazy genius in many ways before "meeting" Kendra; now, I just have more insight to making my life better and easier.

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Smart. Practical. Personal. This is so far from a book that tells you to do XYZ or leaves you with endless lists and a million ideas without solutions. Instead, Kendra offers you systems and shares stories, inviting you to implement *what works for you*.

I immediately saw several ways I could take the tools she offers and incorporate them into my life, while also making a list of friends to tell about The Lazy Genius Way (it's one that I'll gift and happily recommend).

What surprised me the most wasn't the practical content or helpful systems throughout... it was Kendra's heart in every chapter. You might think a book like this would feel a bit removed or robotic, somewhat like a textbook in the form of a nonfiction title, but Kendra's voice offers kindness, honesty, and the feeling of "she really does get it" in every chapter.

This book accomplishes exactly what it set out to do -- and more. It deserves 5 stars.

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60 // I’ve been a longtime fan of @thelazygenius podcast and have been eagerly awaiting her book, which releases later this summer! THE LAZY GENIUS WAY was everything I’d hoped it would be and more. if you’ve listened to her podcast, some of the themes and principles will be familiar, but this book is not just a regurgitation of her podcast library. the book breaks down the principles of how to be lazy about what doesn’t matter and how to be a genius about what does matter—to YOU. Kendra doesn’t lay out a list of things to do but offers a new way to see and guidelines for building a system so that we can focus on what matters to us and let the other stuff go. I thought all of the principles were really helpful and I’m pretty sure I highlighted something I learned or want to try or want to think through more in each chapter. in addition to all of the practical tips and helpful strategies, the book is filled with such truth and encouragement, and all of it is offered in love. highly recommend this book! 5/5⭐️—I loved it!
thank you to @netgalley for the early copy of this book! #thelazygeniusway #lazygenius #netgalley

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I'm a longtime listener of the Lazy Genius, and was worried that this book would just be a compilation of Adachi's advice. I'm pleased to say that it isn't, and I gained a lot from reading it. Her last chapter moved me to tears, and her voice speaks throughout.

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My favorite book I’ve read this year! Kendra seems to appeal to me the way no author/podcaster ever has. She so effortlessly combines the utterly mundane with the altogether sacred parts of life and even the way she writes reminds me that things matter. The little things, the big things, the things no one cares about. Another thing I love about this book is Kendra’s truly authentic voice. Having listened to her podcast for sometime I was pleasantly surprised that her writing sounded EXACTLY like Kendra. The whole time I’m was able to literally hear her and nothing felt artificial or contrived. This book truly felt like therapy. The excess of books on highly practical or highly intellectual topics meets a perfect marriage in Kendra’s book. I left it both thinking and taking action and naming what mattered. I saw it described as the “Marie Kondo for your mind” and while it didn’t feel so systematic the results feel similar. Mentally I feel the freedom to care about what matters to me and my mental load feels so much lighter. Already can’t wait to read it again!

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The book provides 13 principles to help you to get a grip on your to do list and get the perspective back in your life.

It was an easy read and the amount of times I felt like Kendra Adachi had lived my life, or was having the same day as me was very comforting and relatable. Her emphasis on using the principles as and when needed and in a way that suits you further enhances the message that we are all different and all fighting our own battles that we should concentrate on doing what is right for us rather than comparing to everyone else. </p>

The easy style of writing means that it doesn't come across as another book telling you what to do and how to do it in order to get the desired effect. It is very much, take what you need and leave what you don't. I think a lot of self help books put themselves forward as having the answer to the problem if you follow the prescribed steps.

This book made me feel like I have the answers and the capability to make the changes, if I just go easy on myself and take it one step at a time and her writing really gave me a sense of her being a cheerleader for the reader.

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Is life-changing too dramatic of a description? Kendra Adachi, known online as The Lazy Genius, exceeds any expectations in her book, The Lazy Genius Way. It is poignant, powerful, and purpose-fueleled. You will want a printed copy of TLGW for a dog rated manual in your home, another copy to gift to a friend, and an ebook copy to refer back to on the go. By far, my favorite book of 2020.

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Thank you to @netgalley and @waterbrookmultnomah for the digital ARC to review. I loved this book! I feel like I have already talked about @thelazygenius a million times to friends and family and on my social media accounts, but Kendra is what I affectionately call my "OG Life Coach." She has helped me design systems for my life and work that make sense and most importantly, honor what matters to me. This book is a long-form how-to guide version of her podcast, with ample stories and examples throughout. Where the podcast episodes detail specific ways to be a Lazy Genius, the book details how to apply The Lazy Genius Way to your life as a whole. It will teach you how to "be a genius about the things that matter and lazy about the things that don't" by first naming what matters to you and then giving you practical hands-on tips to make your life run that much more smoothly. Approachable and practical, this book is perfect for anyone struggling to balance it all, whether that be school and friends or work and family. 1,000% a PICK, please go pre-order this now. It's out August 11.

Please see social media links to reviews on Goodreads and Instagram below. Thank you!

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This book is wonderful. It's an easy read and is packed with practical tips for making life more fuller and easier. Adachi encourages the reader to let go of things she can't control and focus on what truly matters: faith, family, and friends.

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A nice collection of practical tips to simplify the routines of everyday life.
Focuses mainly on the practicalities for a household, those with families will appreciate this most.

I received an advanced reader copy via NetGalley.

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This book is a great reminder to not feel pressured to reach any other ideal than to be fully you. It’s a quick read.

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This book came at the perfect time in my life. Currently at home and off work until the stay at home order is lifted. I'm applying these tips to my life now and I feel like things will improve when I'm back at work.

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i really enjoyed reading this one. it was full of new ways to do stuff but still be lazy about it. but make it look like you aren't lazy. it's hard to expalin. just read the boko.

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